View Full Version : Trophy Blacktail Hunting 2014

11-12-2014, 03:02 PM
:-D Ok , I think I can wrangle some time for this !!!! GIDE UP !

Here's 'new' news on the topic at hand !

It has taken me around 4 years to finally nail down 'where' some of my BIG bucks have been growing their goods...or at least passing through en route to their summer pastures.
I set cams WAY up in a new location back in early June. Took one week and had a BIG boy ( in snow) hitting my salt.
I retrieved 5 cams after I came home from northern guide season to see a couple new B&C bucks with finished antlers , impressive boys ! There was also a MASSIVE old '3 up top' with basically baseball bat bases and 'pipe' going all way up to tips.

Anyway..... went to another place about 4 miles away where I 'thought' they may be traveling....and..BINGO !!! I found 'the' trail !!! A trail I have obsessed about finding for some time.
One of the BIG bucks from summer came right down this trail a week ago along with 11 other bucks !( 4 miles away and zero snow to push them)

SO.... new knowledge this year is this - if you are waiting for snow to hunt - YOU are loosing !!!!! We have zero snow. I placed cams in a low elevation spot Oct 21 where ' I believed' deer migrated from heavy snow . Oct 25 I went for a check.... there was only about 10 deer that went through , half bucks and one was around 120" 5X !!!
So... I RACED to get over 20 cams out over an area that stretches 30 miles end to end.... THEN went for a cam drop/hunt in a place I typically wait until mid Nov to hunt and dropped a 147" buck...Nov 2 and very low !!! ( compared to where we would 'think' they are with no snow)

So there ya go boys....... my big computer is in the shop so pics might be a bit !!

ITS ON !!! :twisted:

11-12-2014, 03:15 PM
Jipeeee best thread ever :-) thanks for taking the time, looking forward to it.

11-12-2014, 03:19 PM
Bucky #1 https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1969147_10152378370665880_3304532217290698360_n.jp g?oh=54178d181b6b0d41d0e6d2f507e5e920&oe=54E97658&__gda__=1424935015_885ff6d70f192396d4e236a37ab486b c

videoing 'buck sighting #1 ' for this season

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10676309_10152376735260880_8435713890827909305_n.j pg?oh=4e4f7b91ed63e9737d5cfc1453e8be71&oe=54D3C1DE&__gda__=1423273867_d9e15fbe4ca69bce596bd4ad6a54c28 4

summer time fatty in the alpine

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10629742_10152357886115880_5003006109951041499_n.j pg?oh=cd010f8a07502e6c33fe5ec44dd1b22a&oe=54E24439&__gda__=1423016495_68ca3b56ec311d2d39cb6707d1da289 d

Not sure what to name 'him' ? lol

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10614162_10152349749955880_3352477857898441023_n.j pg?oh=4f62ed61f2a7f0ace0e70794f9b0bbce&oe=551FC4C6

11-12-2014, 03:21 PM

I have been waiting for this thread.

Heading out tomorrow AM for as many nights as I can handle in the cold... or Sunday... whichever comes sooner.

11-12-2014, 03:22 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10670127_10152349672300880_4788496494175566610_n.j pg?oh=b26296cd627fb7e70033d63e40183dd3&oe=5517747C&__gda__=1423251753_5f351cbd31f3490cd49802d70fc7da1 c

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1927922_10152349672550880_8822331723687161863_n.jp g?oh=1a85a3e06bd6efc0f543f966e7f29c68&oe=54E37203&__gda__=1428041020_976bcc1369a46192365bd48f812d343 7

11-12-2014, 03:25 PM
what a beauty...nice work

11-12-2014, 04:06 PM
Here we go again! i love the read PG66.... one day i might "Represent" on this thread.
you know that if you google search Blacktail hunting you will find hits to your threads all over.. lol

11-12-2014, 04:14 PM
Nice pictures of blacktail beauties.

11-12-2014, 04:20 PM
Beautiful buck! Can't wait to see more!! :twisted:

11-12-2014, 05:16 PM
Well done, beauty buck!!

11-12-2014, 05:22 PM
You put your time in and now get your rewards, impressive conviction.

11-12-2014, 05:35 PM
Heh Big Thanks for starting the 2014 TBT thread on this site Proguide Not all of us our on that facebook crap so its nice to see your thinkin of us over here patiently waitn for your stories, tips, pics, etc...
As usual you have every BT hunter in BC waitn with eager anticipation...

11-12-2014, 07:30 PM
Excellent, thanks PG66 for getting a 2014 thread going.
Nobody does it better!

11-12-2014, 07:32 PM
glad to here you harvested a beaut early PG,and at lower elevation to boot..ha..been up my local mnt twice the last week and hiked from sea-level up to 400 metre mark{gpsed} before we seen fresh sign and smelt a very rutty buck,but no siteing.last trip in we saw BT doe"s around the 200 metre mark.Will be heading in again fri morning ,Weve shot them @ this level when we either get snow lower down or freezeing temps ,hopeing to get lucky soon!

11-12-2014, 08:59 PM
Great to see ya posting gain PG ........ been waiting for this. Congrats on what you deserve, I' don't know of ANY one so determined and committed then your self for BIG B T's

Way to go !


11-12-2014, 09:46 PM
The dedication, knowledge, effort is truly impressive...success usually comes with hard work..these bt are hard work.
Thank you for the added effort to take us with you on this quest...great photos and success.

11-12-2014, 10:42 PM
Great thread and greater buck! well done! looking forward to hearing more of the stories to come.

11-12-2014, 11:01 PM
Awesome, many have been waiting for this thread. I can't wait to see your next monster BT.

11-12-2014, 11:57 PM
Encouraging words do wonders for anyone who receives them !!!!

I hope everyone else posts cool stuff on this thread !!

Here is THE BEST EVER points to be made about harvesting BIG blacktails more often than not -

1. establish there has been or is ( even if it got shot or hit by a car) a BIG - I mean HUGE - buck either living there ( on a mtn , in a slash , whatever) or shot there.... doesn't matter when , or how long ago.

2. learn EVERY single trail , bedding spot , every shelf , every rock , EVERYTHING about that spot.( deer sightings optional)

3. DO NOT shoot small bucks , OR 'big' young bucks ..........just do not do it - EVER.

2 points for tonight

1. You CAN NOT erase blacktail deer genes from any given area...it is impossible. ABSOLUTE GENOCIDE is the only way you rub out genetics. MORE hunting pressure = more education which has been proven to be passed down through generations in game animals.
Years ago , " back in the old days when they shot huge bucks all over" was when the hunting pressure wasn't even a fraction of what it is now...which in turn meant neither was the 'teaching' of the game at hand. The game has become smarter....easily proven , and has learned how to avoid us easier.
Once I convinced myself of this ( with the help of an old biologist ) , my game changed. I started hunting for THE absolute monster ( which I had never seen) and never quit.... then it eventually started to happen , and still happens now. ( guess it wasn't 'just' back in the 'old days' was it !! ??) and it keeps happening in the same places.

Here's one more small point ( not much importance but it drives me nuts enough to type about it )

When guys say " now the does are getting bred by all the small bucks " with a 'complaining tone' , I do an instant palm to face!!! WHY?? AGE DOESNT CHANGE GENES - got it ????? its IMPOSSIBLE......... so quit saying it!!!! lmao

Big deer , old deer, young deer.... WHO CARES WHO IS BREEDING???? AGE DOESNT MATTER !!!!!!! if the genes are in the blood , the correct doe combo'd up with the 'spike or 5X or fork carrying great genes is still going to make some insane specimens....... IF YOU LET THEM GROW to their potential before killing them.

' Get the meat deer outta the way' doesn't fly with me, sorry. 'IF' you want meat , learn how to hunt deer who have LOTS of meat on them. Shooting small deer who haven't grown to their potential isn't 'meat hunting' . Shooting young deer makes sense if you haven't acquired the skills or confidence YET which will help you harvest LARGER game. It would at least make sense 'if' people said' THAT' instead of claiming "meat deer" !!

I'm here to help , not stir shit or insult......you want to learn how to bring home deer with more meat on them OR even more antler combo'd up with that meat , I'll teach ya !!!

I have to work tomarrow......yack...... g night all and good luck to who gets to go play tomorrow !!!

The Hermit
11-13-2014, 12:13 AM
Hey PG what do you think about this old boy? My biggest and oldest to date... taken with bow at 30 yards from treestand in the rural/urban boundary North Saanich last week of Aug...


11-13-2014, 12:17 AM
I think that's crazy cool !!! You should get that big old fart aged !!!! Would live to heAr how old he made it ! I'm guessing 12 plus !!

Bighorn hunter
11-13-2014, 07:30 AM
So glad you are taking the time to share your knowledge again this year. Looking forward to another epic season!


11-13-2014, 08:31 AM
Right on PG thanks for remembering the little people on HBC now that you're a FB star :mrgreen: Just hackin ya buddy I know you're a busy man. I can relate my November to remember has turned in to, well, being busy at work :( But we will overcome! Somehow. ..

11-13-2014, 09:54 AM
So I guess I should drop a story on this years buck as stories are cool !!! :)

Due to being away for a few months I was real antsi about getting cams out to start collecting content for knowledge as well our new web site which is being built.

After a quick check a week earlier on one of my easiest cams to get to , I realised 'it was on' NOW ! ( bucks moving ) .
I eventually made it to a great spot one drizly am after the usual mega hike in the dark to ensure being there for something 'special' if it was 'my time'.

I was dropping cams along the entire route at various places I knew BIG bucks could walk and noticed a bit more 'sign' than I 'thought' should be present this early in Nov.

I shifted right down into ultra low gear and started 'still hunting'. Now to do this properly , you really have to focus as it isn't an easy task ! ( we have been videoing it all on actual hunts to teach) .

Up , up , up , not much on one end of the mtn. I slowly side hilled shelf to shelf , still not much sign. I was encroaching on an area of the mtn where IF there is a deer to be seen , THIS section would produce a sighting or at least some fresh sign !

Right on 'Q' , theres a nice fork about 150 from me staring me down. 'First buck' for Nov 2014 sighted !! I kept my body language as neutral as possible and never locked a stare on him or stiffened my pose. This kept him there long enough to dig out my tripod and big cam and I video taped him a bit.
I even caught 'The Look' he gave down hill and to his left which blatantly told me " go over there , there is a deer down there". Thanks forky , note taken.

I packed up my gear and went EXTRA slow , making a subtle doe bleat every 5 or so minutes. Due to chronic rain the past week , the moss was like green mud on rocks. I slipped time and time again... It was around 230 and after a 5 am start I was loosing patience and getting tired so still hunt 'skills' were leaving rapidly.
I was on a trail which I KNOW is a favoured BIG buck haunt and dropping steadily down hill shelf to shelf in BIG fir timber. I slipped AGAIN and had a minor 'melt down' and decided to 'quit' and just go home as 'everything' within 100 yrds must have ran by now from my slipping noises.
I 'gave up' . I blew my #1 rule. Not 50 yrds further down , trudging along like a hiker in a park , two deer exploded off an open moss covered knob. At VERY FIRST GLANCE ( usually a 1/4 second) I instantly knew " safety off, SHOOT THIS DEER".

They both dove over the rock , gun up waiting for them to re appear in about 2 jumps....doe left - open , bound , bound , bound.... gun behind her...waiting.... no buck. He went to the right and never re appeared....S%&* !!!!

I was sickened. I had a cam on my rifle. I wasn't sickened about not getting him as much as I was sickened about 'giving up'. From the past , I KNEW this knob was a favored bed for 2 does... I KNEW IT !!!!! Had I NOT QUIT , I would have EASILY seen them first , and video taped LIVE IN B.C. big timber a mid 140" rutted up blacktail buck laying on a bright green moss knob with a doe in huge timber.... I would have video taped him from 60 yrds !!!! not a gopro , a real video cam with HD and zoom !!! I woulda had that beast filing the screen , breathing , looking unreal for all to see !!!!!
Now I don't know about anyone else but , I have never seen a true B&C class blacktail video taped live in a jungle with no bait , no back yard fence and not from a tree on public land - EVER !! ( still pissed at that ) .

So.... there I sit in his bed. His stink was like a cloud around me , smelled like he was next to me. I had one cam left and decided I better leave it on that knob . I would surely get live video of him later and more than likely drop him within a couple weeks.
Then , dilemma...... no SD card in the trail cam... but I had one on the rifle cam. I sat for over 20 min trying to decide what was best to do , all the while fighting the urge to chase the deer and hoping they never saw me and would calm down.

I took the SD card off the rifle...instantly had a thought " oh no , now you are going to get him en route down".... I shook my head as we all know THAT doesn't happen with monster bucks in the same day - EVER- so I placed the card in cam , cam on tree.

Down I went.... I went straight to where the big boy lept off the rock to confirm by his tracks he indeed left the country into the thick crap off to the right. Sure enough , 150 yrds later , his tracks slowed and he went left - UH OH !!!! he's going back to his doe , he obviously never saw me.

I slowed right down and let out three doe bleats.... I crept to the edge of the next shelf , peeked over.... sure enough , there he is . Facing me at around 65 yrds is a rutted up , 250lb 21.5" wide , heavy , prime 5X5 , 147" grossing Columbian Blacktail buck who comes from the rare ' genetically supreme ones' . A blood line I have been aware of for maybe 7 or 8 years and have persued relentlessly each fall.

I instantly looked at the cam with no SD card , almost threw up on my scope.... flicked safety off , free handed a .243 round into his neck , just under the white patch.... down he went instantly , never twitched.

HOWEVER !! I DID have a big quality Canon cam in my pack !!! I grabbed it and video documented every single flavour of the moment I could as well caping , butchering and packing !!!

So , there's story #1 for 2014 !!!

I am going to hunt ' almost' every day this fall and video as many monster bucks as possible...even if I tag out , I'm still going hard till Dec 10 !!

Too little time , too much fun !!!!

This was an hr before I got him

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/v/t1.0-9/10369985_10152377411765880_4597824369591201024_n.j pg?oh=fe8cf17b2cb81871a580986cba2ad278&oe=54D8BA00

Where he stood looking at me

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10394473_10152377414125880_8491642100397304122_n.j pg?oh=5988a9145ba8575b897c928872ef5801&oe=54EA1F8B

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1891126_10152377262980880_2606030670410598146_n.jp g?oh=69e267884ed2488af8d15a3b3a0358ba&oe=54E2F0FE&__gda__=1423332681_c87fc5476508d04fdea49af66c17143 7

11-13-2014, 09:57 AM
HOPING I get real lucky and stick an arrow in my 'big guy' . He has around 20 plus inches of antler on this buck !! and he is alive and well...... and I'm ready for him !!! :)

11-13-2014, 10:41 AM
Great story Steve, I'm already looking forward to reading #2.

11-13-2014, 10:42 AM
Wow PG66 thanks for the story, sure does get my blood flowing! and the pictures to boot!

Where can i find all this video footage! It sounds intense, and I cannot wait to dig into all the info on your new site when its up!
Again a beauty buck, and i cant wait to see the footage of you sticking an arrow in the "big guy"!!

11-13-2014, 10:44 AM
i wait eagerly each year for your thread to get up and running. riddle me this batman, with a week of cold clear weather upon us and the timber frozen and crunchy. is there much point in trying to timber hunt during this weather or will i do more damage to the population in my area, than if i wait for more favourable conditions. thanks again for the insight.
gorilla boy

11-13-2014, 10:44 AM
Hmmm great read, exciting stuff..great information based on first hand experiences..congrads again om the wonderful buck...and for sharing.

11-13-2014, 12:51 PM
Great thread again. Looking forward to the future pics. Good luck.

11-13-2014, 01:43 PM
Great story! Great buck! Looking forward to the rest of the season.
Good luck out there Steve.

11-13-2014, 04:32 PM
Right on, keep it coming, great read and sweet buck! Good luck on the big guy!

11-13-2014, 07:41 PM
Was the big guy making lots of rubs

11-13-2014, 07:59 PM
i wait eagerly each year for your thread to get up and running. riddle me this batman, with a week of cold clear weather upon us and the timber frozen and crunchy. is there much point in trying to timber hunt during this weather or will i do more damage to the population in my area, than if i wait for more favourable conditions. thanks again for the insight.
gorilla boy
You HAVE TO go when its crunchy ! you HAVE to go when its raining, you HAVE to go when its snowing, you HAVE TO go after a clear full moon night !!
Deer dont 'stop' ! THEY are crunching !! they are as well moving, standing , walking , ect...non stop !!
Everytime YOU go into your spot , YOU learn and the deer teach you what to/not to do !
I have never looked at some kind of 'game calender' in my life , neevr looked at the barometer , never stayed at home EVER because of 'anything' !
I go hunting when I can , end of story ! I go , I learn , I persist in the persuit . 'If' its crunchy , I KNOW the deer are crunching to. SO , I 'try' and crunch like a deer as I still hunt along. 'Crunching' is an expected sound for deer to hear on 'crunching' days .

SO... nope , its never a waste of time ! get out there !!!

Tonight is not favorable weather for hunting tomarrow.... but I'm goin anyway !!!! :)

11-13-2014, 08:06 PM
Here's a BIG 3 with brows I got a pic of in Sept. He passed through one of my cams a week ago 4 miles away.

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1609725_10152395628880880_1208736255872828010_n.jp g?oh=ee02a38f6e70b97255bc412b78511d33&oe=5519D0F6

Here's a BIG old boy I got video of early this year....... I'll show you 'what' he is in a bit if I kill him !!! :)
https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10532942_10152395629975880_7986494140555223237_n.j pg?oh=de4291a9fda4c3f228fdb9bf8be08c53&oe=54D322FA

11-13-2014, 08:07 PM
Ya know most stories and theories ya hear about are all about nailing this condition or that moon or just perfectly pre or whatever rut. I like the way you think PG just get frickin out there and make the best of it. A lesson I'm going to spend more time thinking about thanks

11-13-2014, 08:14 PM
You HAVE TO go when its crunchy ! you HAVE to go when its raining, you HAVE to go when its snowing, you HAVE TO go after a clear full moon night !!
Deer dont 'stop' ! THEY are crunching !! they are as well moving, standing , walking , ect...non stop !!
Everytime YOU go into your spot , YOU learn and the deer teach you what to/not to do !
I have never looked at some kind of 'game calender' in my life , neevr looked at the barometer , never stayed at home EVER because of 'anything' !
I go hunting when I can , end of story ! I go , I learn , I persist in the persuit . 'If' its crunchy , I KNOW the deer are crunching to. SO , I 'try' and crunch like a deer as I still hunt along. 'Crunching' is an expected sound for deer to hear on 'crunching' days .

SO... nope , its never a waste of time ! get out there !!!

Tonight is not favorable weather for hunting tomarrow.... but I'm goin anyway !!!! :)

persistence pays off!! I hunt a lot and things just happen. one of the deer I managed to get with my bow it was noisy, windy and just unfavorable conditions. I had just rattled and started working my way up the ridge. wouldn't you know it that one deer thought I was one of the fighting bucks and beat the hell out of a tree and charged me. this year was hard hunting, very hard conditions. the quality of bucks wasn't around but I put my time in. mabey next year will be the year. there are days that might be better off spent at home because of fog, noise, crunchy snow. but theres always a chance in the bush, where there is no chance at home. I've spooked more deer in unfavorable conditions than I would like, but I am learning.

11-13-2014, 08:18 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1395914_10152395641680880_7304380980208640947_n.jp g?oh=3c389591d76fee90d6fc14517e7fbd82&oe=54D769B6&__gda__=1424232668_300e1f5ca792bd6427aaf5cb76615fd 5look at the brow POINTS on this guy !!! DOH !!

11-13-2014, 08:28 PM
What kind of doe bleat are you using ?

11-13-2014, 08:49 PM
What kind of doe bleat are you using ?

It rally doesn't matter what you use with blacktails , it is only a curiosity thing with them. As long as it 'kinda' sounds like a deer , they are more than likely going to stand and wait for you to appear. Use a mouth call , a can call , whatever....it will do the same thing !! just learn how and when to make the call ' accordingly' as you go !

11-13-2014, 08:54 PM
Hmmm this is a prime example of how good this site can be...learning the advanced university course on bt from one of the finest..thanks Steve..amazing information thank you for sharing.

rides bike to work
11-13-2014, 10:46 PM
I've had my cams fairly low and got lots of does and a couple spike bucks so last month I moved them up quite a bit higher its steep country but some good benches with game trails everywhere
just checked my cam at last light tonight after work and got thi guy I will be after him the rest of the season.

Have you found buck behavior changes after the rut and when does the rut end?

11-14-2014, 07:57 AM
Incredible thread, I'm so glad it is up and running for 2014! What cameras are you using if you don't mind my asking? Not the trail cams, just the ones you take your pictures and videos with. I'm looking for something to record my hunts with when I go solo.

11-14-2014, 09:47 AM
ok, YOU hike through super thick crap for about 1000ft of vert then come into an old growth area. You find a few game trails then stumble across these within 100 yrds of each other.

What would be YOUR game plan????



11-14-2014, 10:15 AM
ok, YOU hike through super thick crap for about 1000ft of vert then come into an old growth area. You find a few game trails then stumble across these within 100 yrds of each other.

What would be YOUR game plan????



skip to 4:00 on this video and it should answer your questions !!


ps , if that top shed isn't an Alberta whitetail , I'd prob run screaming out of the woods in terror !! .......lolol

11-14-2014, 12:04 PM
skip to 4:00 on this video and it should answer your questions !!


ps , if that top shed isn't an Alberta whitetail , I'd prob run screaming out of the woods in terror !! .......lolol

Thanks, I'll check it out.

And the top one was definitely a region 2 BT shed... a TRUE monster.

11-14-2014, 05:54 PM
Few cam sets and views

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10511485_10152397110780880_8634339608094481930_o.j pg

CRAZY big buck creek crossing

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10477469_10152397111515880_476204435053981753_o.jp g

Creek crossing cam
https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/10624091_10152397111670880_2166374121473225526_o.j pg

Scent gland experiment

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10712377_10152397112005880_298234715835001600_o.jp g

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10688008_10152397114650880_1942447944183629346_o.j pg

11-14-2014, 05:57 PM
https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/10700128_10152397130550880_7376206276401109573_o.j pg

11-14-2014, 06:18 PM
Awesome story! You are the Tony Robbins of BT hunting, I got skunked at my spot, keep up the good work!

Stone Sheep Steve
11-14-2014, 06:42 PM
I love the scent gland experiment. A few years ago I got the fresh tarsals off a decent four pt Muley. Was sneaki g along in extremely crunchy conditions and had an encounter with a very wide Muley. Did not know what to do with the fresh gland(helped another hunter load his buck) so I threw the gland down the trail and very slowly hunted my way towards it. Picked it up and froze as I heard something coming towards me from straight downwind. It was a doe with a buck hot on her heals. Her nose was going crazy and she came to within a few yards of me. Too ad it was just a deuce behind her. My scent was overwhelmed by the tarsal glands in my hands.


11-14-2014, 07:30 PM
I seriously never ha time to make another piece with clips for this yet...coming soon !!! Getting my gear ready for tomarrow am !!


11-14-2014, 07:43 PM
Thanks Steve...awesome contribution..thank you Sir for an education.

11-15-2014, 12:14 AM
Looks like both the fresh tarsel and the texting cam is working !!! Big revert 3 . Have video of him about 4 miles away.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10478162_10152397452635880_8179679762071982468_n.j pg?oh=06d99fe4eae4738461bc21940c44c6fd&oe=5515060E&__gda__=1424113777_c6ab02122332591d50acd233fa9cd3f 7

11-15-2014, 01:16 AM
Always appreciate the effort you put into sharing Steve. I had to leave the Facebook Blacktail group as it turned into incessant bitching when it got over run with our southern neighbors. That's the price of success I suppose. I'm interested in your tarsal experiment, as our group punched a few tags in the chilcotin in late october, and I've salted and frozen the tarsals. I throw them in my cargo pockets when i go out. I haven't had any bucks run me over from down wind, but i have bumped into a few deer at close range since i've done it. I don't know what salting might do to the scent, but it seems to me that almost anything is better than human stink.

11-15-2014, 07:24 PM
You forgot a good picture of your deer! I got this picture in a text a few days ago, only to sign on here and find out who the lucky hunter was. Very nice buck, I have a hunch we will bump into each other one day out there.

11-15-2014, 09:48 PM

Quick question. When you are walking along through the timber (not on a stalk), do you:

A - use a slow stealthy footfall, rolling your foot forwards from the heel trying to not pop any twigs or leaves underfoot,


B - a quick downward step, effectively punching your foot down the last inch on all debris underfoot at once.

I prefer B myself, as deer don't have long feet and a long sounding footfall would seem to sound more like a bear or human. But that's just my opinion.

Also What cadence do you walk? 3 steps and pause, multiples of 3's, anything else?

11-16-2014, 10:40 AM

Quick question. When you are walking along through the timber (not on a stalk), do you:

A - use a slow stealthy footfall, rolling your foot forwards from the heel trying to not pop any twigs or leaves underfoot,


B - a quick downward step, effectively punching your foot down the last inch on all debris underfoot at once.

I prefer B myself, as deer don't have long feet and a long sounding footfall would seem to sound more like a bear or human. But that's just my opinion.

Also What cadence do you walk? 3 steps and pause, multiples of 3's, anything else?

I look more than I walk. I have attempted to crunch like a deer when its frozen and frosty from freezing and clear. I do whatever it takes to be quite. I look at every step I place when I need to... most times I am on moss so it isn't an issue. Movement is key..... the more you move ' everything' in your site moves as well ( to our eyes) You will be hardpressed to spot an ear flicker or leg step from a deer through a small hole in bush while you are moving. I move just a couple steps until my field of view changes , then stand for a bit and look. Whoever gets caught moving first looses in the timber !

11-16-2014, 10:42 AM
You forgot a good picture of your deer! I got this picture in a text a few days ago, only to sign on here and find out who the lucky hunter was. Very nice buck, I have a hunch we will bump into each other one day out there.

Thanks !!! we would probably have to bump into each other at the gas station maybe as I have honestly never even seen a boot print in 8 years where I hunt. lol

11-16-2014, 10:51 AM
I've had my cams fairly low and got lots of does and a couple spike bucks so last month I moved them up quite a bit higher its steep country but some good benches with game trails everywhere
just checked my cam at last light tonight after work and got thi guy I will be after him the rest of the season.

Have you found buck behavior changes after the rut and when does the rut end?
They rut solid until the end of Dec , they may even act kooky in Jan. The only behavior changes is they start moving a lot less to ( I'm guessing) conserve what they have left for the winter.

11-16-2014, 11:31 AM
I'm stayin home to get caught up on stuff.... not hearing any gunshots from Mackenzie Basin , whats up Pemberton hunters ????

11-16-2014, 01:33 PM
Here's pics taken off my rifle cam... easy to see how much better than a gopro he results are. He's actually drooling !!!! lol

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1526721_10152399123785880_4485845054890678324_n.jp g?oh=4c91beba890d46dcd9bff548c657ff32&oe=54DAF245
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10439379_10152399124000880_1967608614674114815_n.j pg?oh=522cfb65bbe289574540e561679a42e0&oe=54D36184&__gda__=1423467922_ba45466b2c2d4ffdd58b8a3ac242155 2
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10513313_10152399124075880_3842378779403848605_n.j pg?oh=32810a95911f8d195a40669a3569cb62&oe=54D73C4C&__gda__=1427945050_7728e49ceba66000cd5e8a142610763 8

11-16-2014, 01:36 PM
This is 'Brutus' . Brutus hit a cam 2000 ft higher and 4 miles away in the smaller pic. I know where Brutus is RIGHT NOW and I'm trying NOT to go stick him with my last tag....... and it isn't easy !! Not sure the cam pics get it across but Brutus is VERY BIG in every way.... his body features are ridiculous huge in every way !! and he isn't getting any larger !!!

Would be SOO cool to 'live weigh' a buck like this !

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10006312_10152398639970880_5110128319170352409_n.j pg?oh=05c42998366b6d7a213a8847159fd048&oe=54E99D85&__gda__=1427454160_91a6e3ffb49030cf165103c04f84e0b 0

11-16-2014, 09:00 PM
I look more than I walk. I have attempted to crunch like a deer when its frozen and frosty from freezing and clear. I do whatever it takes to be quite. I look at every step I place when I need to... most times I am on moss so it isn't an issue. Movement is key..... the more you move ' everything' in your site moves as well ( to our eyes) You will be hardpressed to spot an ear flicker or leg step from a deer through a small hole in bush while you are moving. I move just a couple steps until my field of view changes , then stand for a bit and look. Whoever gets caught moving first looses in the timber !

I just realized that I still struggle with this. My November mountain is mostly moss, but last visit was very frosted and frozen. My foot steps seemed really loud and I kept breaking a lot of brittle cold branches. I find myself always wanting to keep moving. I stop to look and listen at each vantage point for a few minutes and then head to the next vantage point rubber necking--pretty impossible to see anything subtle doing this like you mentioned--along the way.

I think your advice about taking a few steps to change the field of view is great. Every few steps is like a different area, even if it's still the same area. I should spend more time at each vantage point doing this and stop worrying about what's on top of the hill or on the other side of the hill. It's strange because I have hunted thicker timber the way you mentioned... every few steps, or even stepping up on a log changes everything. I never really thought about it. It seemed to come naturally, but it's obviously not internalized, as I didn't realize my mistakes this weekend until I read your post. Maybe it is because this is one of my "less thick" areas that it gave me the false illusion that scurrying and rubbernecking between vantage points was acceptable.

I wonder what I might have walked by... or what might have been watching me from the ridges while I was on the move. Whoever moves first in the timber loses. Put that way I won't forget. Seems like fine tuning but it's more than that. I look forward to the next tidbit of advise that will make the lightbulb go on.

11-16-2014, 09:20 PM
Wow, I cannot even describe the amount of information I'm soaking in from these posts, already excited toget back out!!

11-16-2014, 09:24 PM
Sure are some big blacktails in Pemberton Valley.Only got one beauty up North Creek 18 years ago and a few smaller bucks.

11-16-2014, 09:49 PM
Sure are some big blacktails in Pemberton Valley.Only got one beauty up North Creek 18 years ago and a few smaller bucks.

The Pemberton Valley actually has lots of muley blood. There are no pure blacktails here , this is why there is a lots of 'hammer' style bucks shot up the valley. The does carry more visible signs of muley blood than the bucks. IF you see the blatant muley signs by eye here its almost 95% on the does with a lots of white on their hams around the tails. You have to go to the ocean side of the range to lessen the chance of muley blood. Pemberton is solid mule deer cross the whole valley.

11-16-2014, 09:55 PM
I just realized that I still struggle with this. My November mountain is mostly moss, but last visit was very frosted and frozen. My foot steps seemed really loud and I kept breaking a lot of brittle cold branches. I find myself always wanting to keep moving. I stop to look and listen at each vantage point for a few minutes and then head to the next vantage point rubber necking--pretty impossible to see anything subtle doing this like you mentioned--along the way.

I think your advice about taking a few steps to change the field of view is great. Every few steps is like a different area, even if it's still the same area. I should spend more time at each vantage point doing this and stop worrying about what's on top of the hill or on the other side of the hill. It's strange because I have hunted thicker timber the way you mentioned... every few steps, or even stepping up on a log changes everything. I never really thought about it. It seemed to come naturally, but it's obviously not internalized, as I didn't realize my mistakes this weekend until I read your post. Maybe it is because this is one of my "less thick" areas that it gave me the false illusion that scurrying and rubbernecking between vantage points was acceptable.

I wonder what I might have walked by... or what might have been watching me from the ridges while I was on the move. Whoever moves first in the timber loses. Put that way I won't forget. Seems like fine tuning but it's more than that. I look forward to the next tidbit of advise that will make the lightbulb go on.

Still hunting 'properly' is physically and mentally draining. Your body is %100 not relaxed , you have to concentrate on your own movements non stop , look where each foot is about to go EVERY step and as well look far and near at EVERY single 'hole' through the bush... and its an endless task with no breaks. I can do it maybe 3 days tops in a row , then I just cant get out of bed ( like today) and need a 'recoupe' !! We are videoing 'how to' still hunt right down to very fine ' actual time' footage right now... its pretty cool , going to help many people. We have found that bringing people along on real hunts AND explaining every move is VERY different than merely 'entertainment' . Its been a challenge , but we are nailing down how to teach and get it across easy on video ! " who ever moves first " is solid !!! I was noting this year while remembering back and realise no matter how slow and thorough I went , %95 of my kills were looking at me first !!

11-17-2014, 08:07 AM
For grunts, ester-doe bleep and rattling, I was wondering if the way I use these helps or hurts me.

On some trips I try using them once in a while, not to call them in from a distance but as a last resort if I think I might be missing something... hoping that a deer might bust itself turning it's head or ears. I've experimented with this around Region 3 mule does and spikes that are in the open close by. Usually they will be curious and react but never bolt. Sometimes they come a few steps closer but that's about it.

So when I grunt and to try to get a deer to move, am I messing up by putting the potential buck over the next hill on alert?

I've seen hundreds of deer and I have only heard two vocalize. One was a whitetail doe that stomped, snorted and ran. The other was a deep grunt above me this on Friday. I can't help but think I'm over-doing it and should just wait to spot them naturally... even 3 grunts in an area in one day seems a little un-natural.

11-17-2014, 10:54 AM
Weird how Mon mornings create a major craving to go do 'this' ..... why we don't get to experience 'this' once a week isn't fair.... lol

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/1913427_10152401593180880_5043384894272344207_o.jp g

11-17-2014, 11:10 AM
First of all I have been really enjoying PG66's Blacktail threads as I used to put in 15-20 days per season hunting these elusive little buggers and another 15-20 scouting and picking up sheds in February and March. Unfortunately, increased responsibilities and a crumbling carcass have dramatically reduced my days afield. Now I am mostly living vicariously through PG66:smile:

I agree 100% with the advice on still-hunting: two or three quiet steps then look through the new corridors through the trees created by your new angle. Listening is almost as important as looking and you can't hear as well when you're moving.

I would add one thing that I believe PG66 would acknowledge after reading about his efforts to get into his favorite spots. I used to hike as much as three or four thousand feet up from my starting point to get to the areas I felt held the big bucks and there is no way to still hunt your way there and back in one day. You have to really learn the area so you know when to hike and when to hunt. I have spooked deer on my way in and probably many I didn't know about but I had to make a decision and believe in my destination. I would go as quietly as possible of course and keep my eyes and ears open but I had to cover some serious ground so I had to keep moving. I would hike a ridge several hundred meters to a kilometer or more from my 'spot' starting in the dark sometimes and dressed light for the exertion. Once I reached my targeted elevation I would stop, dry off and put on layers from my pack to start the slow stalk into the area. This strategy was aided by the thermals coming down at me while I hiked up and I wouldn't start down through my area until they switched around and started coming up. I could usually rely on these thermals turning between 10 and 11 am. I would still hunt all the way down knowing I had to be below certain markers by a certain time if I was to take an animal and still get out by dark. My path would look like a big inverted 'U' if it were drawn on a map. In my experience many big bucks will hang out up high during the day and come down at dusk to spend the night with the does only to start heading back up again at daylight. My route was designed to avoid pushing these bucks up ahead of me.

11-17-2014, 04:37 PM
You have to really learn the area so you know when to hike and when to hunt. I have spooked deer on my way in and probably many I didn't know about but I had to make a decision and believe in my destination

Golden. Seems like common sense too but it's tempting to get distracted trying to do everything at once. Doing multiple things at once often means doing a substandard job at each.

Keep it coming guys. Turn caddisguy into the ultimate predator.

Squire how often to you glass with binoculars while in the timber?

I stopped. The only time I glass is when I think I might see part of an animal at a distance and need a closer look.

I have only "fair" hearing at best, but my vision is excellent. I feel like scanning everything with binocular just decreases me field of view and ability to detect something moving.

Do you use grunts/rattles/etc? If so under what situation?

Anything else you have internalized and might take for granted... that might not be common sense to everyone? Or perhaps is common sense, but is still a common mistake we make without realizing it?

11-17-2014, 06:30 PM
Golden. Seems like common sense too but it's tempting to get distracted trying to do everything at once. Doing multiple things at once often means doing a substandard job at each.

Keep it coming guys. Turn caddisguy into the ultimate predator.

Squire how often to you glass with binoculars while in the timber?

I stopped. The only time I glass is when I think I might see part of an animal at a distance and need a closer look.

I have only "fair" hearing at best, but my vision is excellent. I feel like scanning everything with binocular just decreases me field of view and ability to detect something moving.

Do you use grunts/rattles/etc? If so under what situation?

Anything else you have internalized and might take for granted... that might not be common sense to everyone? Or perhaps is common sense, but is still a common mistake we make without realizing it?

I don't want to hijack PG66's thread but from what he's posted I believe we share a lot of insights. I haven't shot a pure BT as big as his but I have taken quite a few mature bucks and have seen even more by employing a lot of the same tactics. He does add another degree of difficulty by attempting to photograph and video his hunts though.

I had better than 20/20 vision in my youth but that all started going south somewhere around my 44th birthday. I seldom used binoculars in the timber but I didn't use my rifle scope on anything I hadn't already identified as a deer either. Now at 51 I use binoculars more in the timber but mostly when sitting. I find that things happen fast with Blacktails in the thick stuff and fumbling between binoculars, antlers, calls and my rifle while still hunting takes more co-ordination than I possess.

I like to alternate between sitting and still hunting and I use one of those super light-weight kneeling pads for gardening so I can sit anywhere without getting cold or uncomfortable. I carry a set of antlers but seldom rattle with them. Mostly I will just rake a bush a bit that I am sitting beside and call sparingly. I believe in the least noise the better whether I think I sound like a deer or not. If the snow is too frozen to stalk quietly I will carry an antler in one hand to rake bushes and rub saplings intermittently so I might at least sound like a deer approaching. Stay disciplined with the two to three steps at most before stopping and looking around and you'd be surprised at how effective this tactic is.

Like PG66 I try to find where a mature buck winters and this is where I'll find him or one like him in November. Find rubs, beds and bone in a relatively small area and you have found a honey hole. Blacktails may be difficult to 'pattern' on a daily basis but find an area with these three elements present and they'll return year after year. I found the sheds for three consecutive years from the same mature buck, all within a one hundred yard radius.

11-18-2014, 08:52 AM
Heres a short video I did of using a fawn call to bring in a doe i spotted. Works great for bringing the does in close, quite often bucks will follow in like this little guy did.
This doe tried circling around to get down wind and adventually got my scent after about 5 minutes of coming within 5 yards from me while i was laying down.

bushpig slayer
11-18-2014, 09:11 AM
i have a question i know pg is very good at what he does and puts tons of time in.i have always wondered if the huge bucks you hunt have minimal hunting pressure and are not so ready to bolt from what i have read many are shot at close range,i know from experience on the rock you may see a buck like that in your life but if you dont get a shot you will never get a shot again.so basically are you so far from everyone this helps in your quest to shoot hogs,if you can expand on this would be great,and congrats on another well deserved blacktail hog.thanks for your time.

11-18-2014, 09:46 AM
I'm sure PG doesn't mind the side in chatter in between updates on these threads. These always turn out to be 20+ pages of good blacktail info mixed with his updates. Who knows, it might even help with his teaching and howtohunt stuff. Teaching can be hard when things are so internalized that it is unconscious. The stages of learning taking driving as an example go like....

Unconscious incompetence - Can't drive... no idea how or what it involves
Conscious incompetence - You know how so you're ready to start driving, but because of lack of practice/experience you're pretty lousy
Conscious competence - Now you're getting good, but you have to constantly think about everything your doing
Unconscious competence - It is mostly internalized and comes naturally. You don't think about it... it just happens. You can probably do it in your sleep.

Once you hit that unconcious level, teaching gets tricky. I've found that with teaching flyfishing there were a lot of things I could not explain. I even realized tying knots or flies that I couldn't even list the steps. It was muscle memory. The only way to teach was to take the person and show them and explain as I went along. I didn't remember how otherwise. I think PG mentioned he's taking people out for the videos, so that will help a lot.

Some insulation to sit on is great. I have one of those foam pads that strap around the waist but I tend to leave it in the car. After all the squatting and crouching--which cuts some circulation numbs the toes fast--I often regret leaving it. Better boots will help too and are on the list... as well as a frame pack for next season.

When your choosing or sitting at a vantage point, are you interested covering 360 degrees or just what you can see without turning around? For some reason I only set up for a 360 view if I'm with another person... otherwise I keep my back to something so I don't wonder what I'm missing.

Last time out I found what looks like an abandoned den that is a dug out crevice looking down into the perfect intersection of trails. If there's no critters using it, I'm thinking of making use of it. It's high up and looks out at everything I want to see... way better than any tree stand. Just a dark crevice on the hill...no chance of being seen. All the times I've been there, I never even noticed it. Id it doesn't smell like poop, it's going to be perfect.

11-18-2014, 09:52 AM
i have a question i know pg is very good at what he does and puts tons of time in.i have always wondered if the huge bucks you hunt have minimal hunting pressure and are not so ready to bolt from what i have read many are shot at close range,i know from experience on the rock you may see a buck like that in your life but if you dont get a shot you will never get a shot again.so basically are you so far from everyone this helps in your quest to shoot hogs,if you can expand on this would be great,and congrats on another well deserved blacktail hog.thanks for your time.
I am enjoying Squires posts !!! It's like he he speaking from my back note s !!!!

I can tell you that a couple of SUPER spots I have as well have many guys hunting above , beside and across the valley from it .
I have shot LOTS of monster bucks in there and sometimes I feel I ' need' the pressure to make my spot 'good' .
That particular spot I will very rarely go into because I don't want to drive a BIG buck away . But in spring for a few days , summer for a few and early fall I will go in there and rampage it looking for sheds , trails and if I am lucky , a pile of rubs in a condensed area and take in as much knowledge as I can . THEN formulate my 'hunt plan ' and go in there during 'prime time ' and more than likely score .
I have noticed the last couple mild weather seasons , various BIG bucks I am vary aware of have changed up where they winter . This has made me WORK to find them again - which I have , but what a grunt that was !!
Anyway . Getting to remote places can be good , but more importantly learning your spot ( words I repeat non stop ) is KEY . HUGE , genetically superior animals of each species have the wariness to elude us no matter a heavily hunted spot or seldom hunted . If you observed a heavily hunted place , observed the people hunting it , you would find the people are fairly predictable at 'when and where ' they hunt a place ( I have done this more than a few times over the years ) .
Watch them , then figure out where / when YOU would go yo avoid them .... Then go in there and wack a BIG buck !!

11-18-2014, 10:16 AM
Thanks proguide for this inspiring thread.
Please hurry up with the website! !!!!!!!

11-18-2014, 12:07 PM
This may have been covered already but I'm curious about walking on game trails. If I've seen does on specific trails in the past and start hiking the trails will my scent deter them from using that trail again the same or next day?

11-18-2014, 12:31 PM
This may have been covered already but I'm curious about walking on game trails. If I've seen does on specific trails in the past and start hiking the trails will my scent deter them from using that trail again the same or next day?

I have wondered the same thing. Common sense would dictate it is best to avoid walking on them. I have a spot where there's really only one way up and one way down without serious climbing gear and can't easily avoid it in a couple of places. It's an advantage bus disadvantage.

I've noticed that other predators and coyotes don't walk directly on the trails but often follow them, zig zagging across them. I wondered if that was to check for fresh scent will minimizing the amount of scent left behind or just to cover more area.

Guessing there's all kinds of variables involved, like if you're more likely to spook deer by leaving scent on the trail versus making noise off the trail. Seems to be though that scent last longer than sound and is probably more out of place and troubling to deer.

I don't think BT's use trails half the time. When I spot them they appear to be "off roading" than not

Hopefully one of the experts can weigh in. PG66 just posted a video on Facebook showing a deers reaction to coming across his scent.

11-18-2014, 12:44 PM
This may have been covered already but I'm curious about walking on game trails. If I've seen does on specific trails in the past and start hiking the trails will my scent deter them from using that trail again the same or next day?

I have wondered the same thing. Common sense would dictate it is best to avoid walking on them. I have a spot where there's really only one way up and one way down without serious climbing gear and can't easily avoid it in a couple of places. It's an advantage but disadvantage.

I've noticed that other predators and coyotes don't walk directly on the trails but often follow them, zig zagging across them. I wondered if that was to check for fresh scent will minimizing the amount of scent left behind or just to cover more area.

Guessing there's all kinds of variables involved, like if you're more likely to spook deer by leaving scent on the trail versus making noise off the trail. Seems to be though that scent last longer than sound and is probably more out of place and troubling to deer.

I think that often BT's don't stick to their trails. When I spot them they appear to be "off roading" more times than not

Hopefully one of the experts can weigh in. PG66 just posted a video on Facebook showing a deers reaction to coming across his scent.

11-18-2014, 01:39 PM
That's a nice buck. I just joined hunting BC and will try to figure out how to post a picture of my 9-7 mulies I shot in Eastern Alberta a couple of weeks ago.

11-18-2014, 04:13 PM
Its NEVER 'too' thick !!!
Few buckys that got filmed and lived after !!.... ( few of em 'got it' at a later date )

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/10623952_10152402485550880_5924989265970450443_o.j pg

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11-18-2014, 04:14 PM
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11-18-2014, 04:26 PM
Steve you have found Valhalla..
Timber is a thing of the past here, well for a day hunt anyway.

11-18-2014, 05:41 PM
I am enjoying Squires posts !!! It's like he he speaking from my back note s !!!!

When you started posting about BT hunting a couple of years ago you rekindled a prior obsession of mine. I cut my teeth deer hunting around Powell River where consistently filling tags takes some dedication. I then had the privilege of living and hunting in Pemberton and surrounding areas when the deer numbers were exceptional during the '80s and '90's; right up until two harsh winters in '96 and '98 pegged them way back. I mostly hunted the hybrids you refer to from the East side of the Lillooet River drainage but many of the behaviors and therefore strategies are the same.

I was a logger in those early days which gave me lots of time off to hunt and scout and kept me in phenomenal physical shape. I can still get out and about but its not the same; that's why I really appreciate what you're doing out there.

You've taken the passion several levels higher than I ever did but I can still identify with a lot of common observations and techniques. Thanks for sharing.

11-18-2014, 06:11 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRz7tsi1cec&feature=player_embedded some fun !

11-19-2014, 05:44 AM
Must have been tough to let that guy walk. As far as I'm concerned....He has it all! Big, mature, and massive. And throw in the fact he was well within bow range just adds to it. Good self control man. You must have a real good one on the hit list.

11-19-2014, 09:31 AM
Theres a good chance I'm going to rattle this buck up this week. Funny thing is , my rattle antlers for this season are in the pic on his head from last year ! I don't want to shoot him , but would be pretty cool to rattle him up with his own gear on video !!! lol

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10409016_10152403722320880_6865813594486937732_n.j pg?oh=2fe0abf085a88b52bc51fb5b62d1f35d&oe=54E1EAE2

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11-19-2014, 10:06 AM
Stick em with an Arrow, Steve, then post his shed's beside the Still Attached Antlers ! That would be kinda cool.Great Posts ! Wish I were in your shoe'sCT

11-20-2014, 06:30 PM
Stick em with an Arrow, Steve, then post his shed's beside the Still Attached Antlers ! That would be kinda cool.Great Posts ! Wish I were in your shoe'sCT
We all have feet Howard !!! its just where we all choose to place em !!! :)

Here's what a B&C class 3 point blacktail looks like ! This is the 'infamous Brutus' . He keeps showing up at every place I show up... now he's slipping up and showing during shooting hrs....... kinda hope and don't hope we meet up...I'm sure its coming .

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10425091_10152406711540880_1058832059813694664_n.j pg?oh=c4861d9312c33bdbd7c8d3ae8187b65a&oe=54E36B30

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10361258_10152406711930880_3102216512922736519_n.j pg?oh=f1dada5d2342419900f00d685034f9a0&oe=54D20FD4https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1512279_10152406712750880_4010380726270044358_n.jp g?oh=ced3fc76dd95fe2313c2ede824a748d2&oe=5513FB5Chttps://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10363320_10152406713150880_8863722629050144208_n.j pg?oh=401860d3b3ddf398fb867f5e6ee036af&oe=54DA008A&__gda__=1423811551_c449c446577d53252ad2a8f2a330475 1

11-20-2014, 07:56 PM
Man that buck is thick! Crazy how long he is too. He'd make for a brutal hike out if you get him. Ha ha. Pretty good problem to have....too much deer on your back.

11-20-2014, 07:58 PM

He comes by his nickname honestly.."infamous" indeed

11-20-2014, 10:13 PM
Here , you can watch him moving !! lol


11-21-2014, 05:49 AM
If you get close enough to arrow that guy and pass on him, I'd think you were nuts. lol He's part horse! I can only imagine the high you feel right now man. That many good bucks plus a couple monsters in your spot and you having the ability to get right in their kitchen.

Wood butcher
11-21-2014, 07:46 AM
Wow, that deer could halt progress on Mr. 140 pretty quick, especially if the lighting conditions for filming were good.

11-21-2014, 08:45 AM
Let the wind out of this guy on Tuesday, I was pretty happy to say the least. Thanks PG66 for all the tips, sure is nice when you put them into practice and it pays off.


Nice chocolate antlers


Filled up the front of the quad pretty good for a island blacktail


11-21-2014, 08:52 AM
nice buck, love those big two points.

11-22-2014, 02:20 PM
That's a great mature buck Remmy !!!

Here's a tidbit for anyhone who hunts similar to my style with blacktails.
I have some video of a few bucks from last summer. They moved off about 4 miles once their racks were stripped of velvet.
From the 2nd cam location ( we will call 'point A' ) , 2 of the bucks up and went for a 'tour' overnight last week wich 'straight shot' was 3 miles to the next cams , across a river and 3 BIG creeks and a large valley . One of them did this in 1 hr 45 min. ........then he went right back to 'point A' 2 days later - %100 in the dark.
SO... 'if' you have a smokin great spot but just arent connecting.... 'he' may be a lot farther away than you expected !!! But he will be back.

11-22-2014, 02:51 PM
Good point PG. Your use of trailcam technology confirms how far a buck will wander in the rut either cruising for or following does. I have witnessed bucks travelling up and down in elevation some three to four thousand feet in consecutive days. When I was in great shape I would sometimes try to 'dog' a big buck by tracking him up the hill if conditions were quiet enough, hoping he would run into a doe (or die of curiosity) and he often kept going right up into belly deep snow. I might get a fleeting glimpse or two only to do the same all over again a couple of days later. I did connect on a fat 3x4 I dogged right up into the alpine and nailed him crossing a meadow to the next timbered ridge.

With all your other equipment do you use a GPS at all? Over the years I have transitioned from gut and memory, to an altimeter, to a GPS to aid my navigation in the timber. I find it helpful for just finding the right seam through the bluffs or staying above or below a big scree slope that might be on my approach to my targeted area. I find it to be useful for avoiding dicey areas during my egress as well.

11-22-2014, 08:19 PM
Good point PG. Your use of trailcam technology confirms how far a buck will wander in the rut either cruising for or following does. I have witnessed bucks travelling up and down in elevation some three to four thousand feet in consecutive days. When I was in great shape I would sometimes try to 'dog' a big buck by tracking him up the hill if conditions were quiet enough, hoping he would run into a doe (or die of curiosity) and he often kept going right up into belly deep snow. I might get a fleeting glimpse or two only to do the same all over again a couple of days later. I did connect on a fat 3x4 I dogged right up into the alpine and nailed him crossing a meadow to the next timbered ridge.

With all your other equipment do you use a GPS at all? Over the years I have transitioned from gut and memory, to an altimeter, to a GPS to aid my navigation in the timber. I find it helpful for just finding the right seam through the bluffs or staying above or below a big scree slope that might be on my approach to my targeted area. I find it to be useful for avoiding dicey areas during my egress as well.

Ive never used one ever except on my boats. Even on those they came with the boats and I'm never too sure wtf I'm doing with them half the time. , lol... funny , years ago I used to only use land marks and my depth sounder to get on hali spots , never missed them !
Its pretty tough to miss where you want to be while mtn hunting.

11-22-2014, 09:17 PM
Here's a few pics from this year. I tied some scent glands to branches this year , showed some interest !

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1505065_10152410285405880_2032162359089851848_n.jp g?oh=22e137295a109c4b93487bb5d3577e0c&oe=55154426&__gda__=1427396753_a192e32bbcf7ed3c3dc6da6b3c185da 9https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10388062_10152410285860880_5208572385536311272_n.j pg?oh=203d8d34479cd6d4debb62f668f37b91&oe=54D4FED8
https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10170955_10152410286955880_2546662874940506091_n.j pg?oh=00754a2a36f8a59e8c554a748d2fdd6c&oe=5518F70Dhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/9764_10152410288690880_4804668688588970362_n.jpg?o h=397f99b5fca647b486bece3efe1abfe0&oe=54E21E0C&__gda__=1423102705_011098dca7ecbfdbf334302b0972725 2https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10408100_10152410291330880_7631288063019508652_n.j pg?oh=f3f67e40a71521435b32a500793f6db3&oe=550CA8EA

11-22-2014, 09:18 PM
https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1452544_10152410291595880_6390939985327408333_n.jp g?oh=6d3c5bed66b3c2cf12f17f2243d50bac&oe=54D3B965https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10734126_10152410292150880_670877319462425369_n.jp g?oh=89015993d876609e54879f3e97cb676e&oe=551B0B15https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1424403_10152410292490880_8164567196744202835_n.jp g?oh=a4f14a3897f5662f7183f48e5bad33f8&oe=5511F575&__gda__=1427458890_c10408b29627996c8625f24755ac20a 7

11-22-2014, 10:03 PM
Ive never used one ever except on my boats. Even on those they came with the boats and I'm never too sure wtf I'm doing with them half the time. , lol... funny , years ago I used to only use land marks and my depth sounder to get on hali spots , never missed them !
Its pretty tough to miss where you want to be while mtn hunting.

I never thought I would go 'high-tech' until I discovered using a GPS combined with Google Earth for zeroing in on new areas in the last several years. I learned how to use it through work and it was a natural to apply it to hunting. I can mark features and elevations in my handheld from in front of my computer and picture exactly where I am in relation to those markers while in the woods. Marking the end of a spur you want to hit on the way out of a new area can save a lot of boot leather and just provides an invaluable peace of mind that comes from knowing exactly where you are even in unfamiliar country.

11-23-2014, 07:09 PM
I just got home from a couple of nights looking for my guy. I even had snow to help this time but still no dice. I think at most that I interfere with his naps. He double backs and follows me while smoking cigars. I think I need PG to teach me how to hunt my spot.

12-02-2014, 07:24 PM
Any updates on the remainder of the season pg?

12-03-2014, 10:20 AM
... He double backs and follows me while smoking cigars...

LOL! Just can't seem to get that vision out of my head...https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8353/8329310181_bb61db1f1a_z.jpg

Maybe try baiting him in with some Fine Cubans?? :wink:


bushpig slayer
12-05-2014, 09:01 AM
what happened to the final part of the story pg i'm on the edge of my seat waiting for a glorious ending.best of luck to ya!

12-07-2014, 10:21 PM
I haven't had time for 'anything' for a couple weeks !! Up and out the door at ridiculous times of the am non stop... I'll update soon , prob have lots to post , just not sure where I left off yet...lol Just in from a muley hunt ( needed an easy hunt for a mix up lol ) .

12-08-2014, 08:24 AM
So ol Brutus went by one of my cell cams and texted me around midnight a week and half ago. I couldn't go after him due to work . For a 'first' ever ( on my cams ) he went by the cam in the same direction the very next night almost to the hr !! This time ' it was on' !!! I decided I was going to track Brutus down to the last step.
First light found me on his trail which turned out to be most likely the largest b tail print I have ever seen. I was ready to go , ff I went at a fast pace as he had a 7 hr lead on me. I could only hope he held up with a hot doe. It was slushy , raining and noisy as hell with dripping and wind. I should probably be able to jog right up to him in the timber.
What does he do ? wraps a big horseshoe way around where we BOTH know there is does and starts to take me on a straight line to hell....he never waivered , changed direction once. He went across a valley up a cut and kept going - on and on and on. 4 hrs into it we never cut an other deer track - not one !!! he never paused , never ate , nothing - just kept going.
Another hr into it he crossed a flooding river which I couldn't... and he hasn't been back since !!!!

Here is what he texted me in the night,
https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10001275_10152417244235880_4436526781912082937_n.j pg?oh=f8e896f1dda1cb5cbf426ea78ddd0a8e&oe=5508C22Fhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10411837_10152417244225880_5242158222213276741_n.j pg?oh=7a68b2fb595157efe8508c213405e922&oe=54FF08B5&__gda__=1430689793_ec6be990f7aa12f8cc0751c81dea5f0 5

I thought at first the cam sent me the same pic two nights in a row !!

I then did a 2 mile loop around the mtn to see if I possibly could cut him off 'if' he was going to end up at the usual trail with does again. I checked cams and this guy was on video standing in front of a cam shaking like a wet dog !! I have a feeling this old boy has kicked Brutus's ass !! I have this guy on video in velvet 4 miles away and much higher in the summer !! He is a big old dog !!!

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10801928_10152418660775880_547930751607062822_n.jp g?oh=82fe3a46245f9f5675dea41df003aa60&oe=5515DBDAhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10690082_10152418661585880_1544303240142460682_n.j pg?oh=f83e04ef5e299feb5d8454ba22161ff1&oe=550E2D29&__gda__=1425968764_886ac4d6e4db403e3923149d62fb9cf e

I pulled %90 of my cams now and as well 'cheated' and went on an easy hunt for a few days ( muleys).

I'll post up some more stuff soon !!

Dutch Ppoacher
12-14-2014, 09:58 AM
Need updates!

Sleep Robber
12-14-2014, 10:13 AM
^^ He's probably too busy hunting, my guess is nothing new til after the 15th.......unless of course something gets dropped before then.:wink:

Sleep Robber
12-16-2014, 10:55 AM
So.....is Brutus dead ???

12-16-2014, 09:23 PM
Brutus isn't dead from me !!! hope he's alive , but sadly I think there is a lots of wolves and cats preying on the big bucks in my area. LOTS of big bucks I have had tabs on a few years just aren't coming back. I pulled a cam today and it was loaded with 2 to 3 yr old bucks.
I heard of rumor of a big 4 point blacky cat kill and think I can find it...I'll go have a look see and video it !

I snuck away and killed a muley... too easy...lol

Very busy as usual. We are making a cool blacktail video, should be done in a few days !

12-17-2014, 10:02 AM
Looking forward to the video. With deer season being over, vids help fill the void.

All I want for Christmas is howtohunt to launch. No pressure though ;-P

Thanks again for the the 2014 BT thread, especially the post about deer movements and "pockets" ... sadly I think it was lost in the upgrade shuffle, but not before I extracted a lot of golden nuggets from it.

12-17-2014, 11:12 AM
You didn't get Brutus...what a let down. All this build up for nothing.

12-17-2014, 08:20 PM
I know BCLogger , it sucks... especially when he wasn't even my 'target buck'. Maybe you could drop a post for us on how well you did with your 'time' not wasted?

meanwhile , our video production seems to be getting better each week... still haven't mastered loading up videos to youtube and maintaining the quality of the file it loads from , frustrating.
This is the starter of the season blacktail wrap up video .


12-17-2014, 08:37 PM
I sure hope you have plans to put a book out there for us to read also...be a good seller !

12-17-2014, 08:56 PM
I dig your production skills...kinda seems like mainstream hunting shows are behind the curve, or maybe that is what the mainstream market in america wants but it seems to me the "amateurs" are putting out better quality hunting footage these days.

12-17-2014, 09:00 PM
You didn't get Brutus...what a let down. All this build up for nothing.

a let down but surely far from "for nothing". I enjoy seeing the journey no matter the outcome. my seasons seem to be going the same way the last couple years. lots of time spent looking not much killing. but the journey is what its all about. kudos to proguide for putting in the time. now lets see a pic of your muley!! not sure I agree that mullies are so much easier to kill a booner!! your making me want to tackle the blacktail game just to see just how difficult they really are!!

12-17-2014, 09:30 PM
great work PG, really enjoy the videos

12-18-2014, 07:12 AM
a let down but surely far from "for nothing". I enjoy seeing the journey no matter the outcome. my seasons seem to be going the same way the last couple years. lots of time spent looking not much killing. but the journey is what its all about. kudos to proguide for putting in the time. now lets see a pic of your muley!! not sure I agree that mullies are so much easier to kill a booner!! your making me want to tackle the blacktail game just to see just how difficult they really are!!

One thing I noticed about muleys (spikes and does anyway) is that I often see the same deer in the same places at the same time, day after day. Older bucks seem more elusive, but I suspect one is more likely to be able to pattern a mule deer in general. It doesn't help that they like wide open areas. With BT's I feel like I'm hunting a cougar without dogs. That said, I do so plenty of BT down pics around cutblock treelines, especially from Vancouver Island so who knows.

12-18-2014, 07:34 AM
You didn't get Brutus...what a let down. All this build up for nothing.

Dude you just don't get it ^.

PG66 thanks for all your time and very well put together log of the 2014 adventures and the great photos and vids. Weird year for BT out here too but what doesn't make us go insane makes us stronger all good :) Looking forward to what if anything you find on the predator front sounds like they've smacked that area all right hopefully one or two of those studs side stepped the issue and a bunch of their girlfriends too. Any news on this blacktail video you're working on? enquiring minds....

12-18-2014, 08:49 AM
Dude you just don't get it ^.

PG66 thanks for all your time and very well put together log of the 2014 adventures and the great photos and vids. Weird year for BT out here too but what doesn't make us go insane makes us stronger all good :) Looking forward to what if anything you find on the predator front sounds like they've smacked that area all right hopefully one or two of those studs side stepped the issue and a bunch of their girlfriends too. Any news on this blacktail video you're working on? enquiring minds....

Don't worry bout the BClogger dude , hes had some kind of boner for me since his very first epic post ever. Maybe one day he'll get the nuts to PM me and get it all off his chest :roll:

Anyway , the original motive for these b tail threads was and is to encourage people , share the knowledge and 'try' to get people to do the same. Blacktail deer are the most frustrating and elusive beings of the west coast and most likely in north america as a game animal. Unless you feed them , raise them on private hunt able property or shoot them in the high beams , they are basically nearly impossible to 'master' ( a mature XXL genetically superior one ).
I can go up north for a couple months guideing and KNOW I am going to find a great mature example of each species sought even before I get there...and I mean EVERYTHING !!! But do I 'KNOW' I am going to see just 1 XL blacktail once hitting it hard at home for the same amount of time? And the same amount of time on ONE species??? NOOOPE !! lol enough to drive a half crazy person nuts !!! But I think I'm getting better and know I have helped others get better for sure ! So its a win win doing threads like this !

I as well started a FB page ' Blacktail Deer Hunting' and it went to over 10,000 people in a short time without even 'trying' to attract people...then some douche who probably got skidded undermined it and FB took it off. But we are back with over 3000 blacktail enthusiasts and its growing daily once again.

SO... its season end time and I have taken all the 2014 pics from the page and combo'd up with cool stuff I video taped all fall an annual ' season wrap up' video of everyones success is getting made !!

After that , its full speed on the main web site which hosts 'how to' with numerous N American outdoor hunting and related activites , all to HELP and ENCOURAGE ! Its free to see , just have to sign up...and its a cool one !!! The amount of work is insane , but we aint quittin !!!!

Anyway , I'll have the wrap up video up shortly !!! :mrgreen:

12-18-2014, 09:18 AM
Don't worry bout the BClogger dude , hes had some kind of boner for me since his very first epic post ever. Maybe one day he'll get the nuts to PM me and get it all off his chest :roll:

Anyway , the original motive for these b tail threads was and is to encourage people , share the knowledge and 'try' to get people to do the same. Blacktail deer are the most frustrating and elusive beings of the west coast and most likely in north america as a game animal. Unless you feed them , raise them on private hunt able property or shoot them in the high beams , they are basically nearly impossible to 'master' ( a mature XXL genetically superior one ).
I can go up north for a couple months guideing and KNOW I am going to find a great mature example of each species sought even before I get there...and I mean EVERYTHING !!! But do I 'KNOW' I am going to see just 1 XL blacktail once hitting it hard at home for the same amount of time? And the same amount of time on ONE species??? NOOOPE !! lol enough to drive a half crazy person nuts !!! But I think I'm getting better and know I have helped others get better for sure ! So its a win win doing threads like this !

I as well started a FB page ' Blacktail Deer Hunting' and it went to over 10,000 people in a short time without even 'trying' to attract people...then some douche who probably got skidded undermined it and FB took it off. But we are back with over 3000 blacktail enthusiasts and its growing daily once again.

SO... its season end time and I have taken all the 2014 pics from the page and combo'd up with cool stuff I video taped all fall an annual ' season wrap up' video of everyones success is getting made !!

After that , its full speed on the main web site which hosts 'how to' with numerous N American outdoor hunting and related activites , all to HELP and ENCOURAGE ! Its free to see , just have to sign up...and its a cool one !!! The amount of work is insane , but we aint quittin !!!!

Anyway , I'll have the wrap up video up shortly !!! :mrgreen:

PG, not only do I enjoy your posts, pics and vids but I recognize the giant leap between doing this for your own enjoyment and sharing it all with others and you deserve recognition for that. Creating your thread is the natural evolutionary step from sitting around a fire talking about deer hunting which prior to the information age was the best way to gain knowledge from other experienced hunters. I especially enjoyed your 2014 thread as I tore up my left shoulder in a fall while fighting fire in July and was unable to hunt this year (I'm definitely getting too old for that $hit). I just had the surgery on Dec 4th and plan to be out chasing these critters again in 2015; I should be healed in time for some shed hunting to get the ball rolling.

Thanks again PG for keeping the fire burning during a very frustrating year for me.

12-18-2014, 10:18 AM
Hey proguide66...seems like a pretty hostile comment to make, but it doesn't bother me as I understand that you must be struggling with some other issues to make a statement like that. Anyways, PM sent to "get it all off my chest." :mrgreen:

12-18-2014, 10:43 AM
Hey proguide66...seems like a pretty hostile comment to make, but it doesn't bother me as I understand that you must be struggling with some other issues to make a statement like that. Anyways, PM sent to "get it all off my chest." :mrgreen:
' hostile' ??? you think I am 'hostile ' you may want to change your panties as my words are about as 'hostile' as a nuns. Like I said in my PM to you , the challenge is there.... we'll see what you do with it.. Nipping at my heals like an annoying neighbors lap dog the odd post doesn't do you any good or paint yourself in any kind of positive way. I'm not one to carry on and pretend it isn't happening..... YOU came to the thread , YOU drop your pissy posts......YOU get the results.

12-18-2014, 11:00 AM
After that , its full speed on the main web site which hosts 'how to' with numerous N American outdoor hunting and related activites , all to HELP and ENCOURAGE ! Its free to see , just have to sign up...and its a cool one !!! The amount of work is insane , but we aint quittin !!!!

Remind me of your web site's name again PG I had it but forgot. sorry man don't do FB so..

12-18-2014, 11:01 AM
Thanks again Steve for this TERRIFIC Blacktail thread.Have enjoyed them ALL. I wouldn't want to be a up and Growing BT in your neck of the woods. Great Work and looking forward to the Videos !CT

12-18-2014, 12:35 PM
Remind me of your web site's name again PG I had it but forgot. sorry man don't do FB so..

FB is what the individual makes it. I don't use it for personal shit , but it IS a direct link to the planet ! The web site is ' Howtohunt.com' , only the temporary site is up and the 'monster site' is now built but loading it is a huge task. It isn't an 'every day' site with a front page and a few pages inside...it is HUGE. I mean sections and sections and sections....each with pages and pages ..on and on. It is being done 'right' the first time so patience on our part is a must although I get emails from around the planet asking " WHEN" ???
To date there is literally thousands of people from around the world who have signed up and shown interest , its pretty cool. As well there is contributors popping up from one end of the planet to the other !!
'Celebrities' of any flavour are not welcome as nore anyone 'looking' for that kind of status. I have turned away more than a few of em wanting 'in' to represent a topic or section..but they are only looking to have people wear 'their name' on a hat or t shirt... so they don't fit in . We aren't into 'entertaining' but are only sharing THE TRUTH from 'REAL' experts - period !! and ZERO misleading to sell 'BS' products.
I bought and own 79 domain names all starting with 'howtohunt___ . and ending with .com so its basically impossible to do a knock off or even a quality 'copy' . ( that was kinda a big lottery ticket win in itself ).

Anyway , the FB blacktail page is called ' Blacktail deer hunting ( the original one , a HowtoHunt.com chapter )' if curios ! There is literally thousands of like minded blacktail hunters from Alaska to California on there posting up insanely cool blacktail stuff daily , and there is some major 'killers' on there !!! just the trail cam shots people post up make you shake your head !!! This one guy from Alaska has loads of cams out and posts some way cool pics of Sitka bucks and wolves in real cool rainforest style back drops , real cool to see !!! The there's the ever soo genetically twisted Oregon b tails which are ridiculous to say the least !!! Of course ' hybrid' comments come up the odd time from frustrated or jealous types , but we don't really care... its all cool !! hybrids or not , we have everyone sharing and encourage many more to do so !!

12-18-2014, 07:48 PM
I've signed up for your site already and am really looking forward to it!!

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
12-19-2014, 01:01 AM
There's some true beauty BlackTail present right here in this thread!

Excellent, I very much appreciate your efforts.

I'd just like to share an idea I have, that I use, whilst still Hunting. If I move, I focus 100% on that movement (careful movement and being like an ungulate while I conduct that movement). Then I just relax and be still, focusing entirely on enjoying every aspect of my environs. I do not find this takes all that much effort, because I do the one thing at a time - Move or Hunt. I do not move while Still Hunting, nor do I Hunt while I move. I do the one or the other, hopefully some can pick up on what I'm saying here. These skills are extremely important to me due to my love of Shotguns and/or Slug. It is imperative to me to get as close as I can, regardless of Equipment.

Anyhow, I'm just trying to perhaps give something to a thread I've taken so much from.

Thank you all!

12-30-2014, 12:07 PM
Merry Christmas , Happy New year and best of hunting 2015 to all !!


Sleep Robber
12-30-2014, 12:59 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too Steve, and thanks for everything.

I'm looking forward to the 2015 BT hunting season and seeing your new website fully up and running, wishing you good luck in the up and coming season pard.

Now go get some of them wolves out there !!!

Blacktail 270
12-30-2014, 03:01 PM
Thanks Steve, for all the videos, encouraging tips, and all the knowledge. Sept 01 is just around the corner.

12-30-2014, 03:21 PM
Great Job again Steve ...... cant wait for next season .....

Good luck with the vid's


12-30-2014, 08:14 PM
Merry Christmas and a happy new year Steve. Thanks for sharing your season.

12-30-2014, 08:32 PM
Thanks, livin a dream Steve. You do great work.