View Full Version : Back after a 8yr hiatus Region 3/8

10-18-2014, 06:39 PM
Well i left home when i turned 19 and got a job on the rigs. Got sick of workin my life away and decided to go pick up my guns and gear from my grandmothers house. Decided id take a month off and go hit the bush and check out my old stomping grounds.

spent most of my youth along whiteman main, southfork, douglas lake, monte creek area and to my disgust not only has the entire place been clear cut, ive never seen so many road hunters. Today as i sat on the edge of a block with my bin's out carefully glassing. I heard approx 36 gunshots between 6:45 and 9am followed by an entire circus of trucks and quads.

my old home which used to be full of game holds nothing but rabbits and grouse.

im not askin for your gps coordiTes to a honey hole. But i got 2 weeks left and im outtta terrain ideas.

Anybody got some suggestions? Turns out growing up SUCKED worse then i ever imagined

Sofa King
10-18-2014, 07:16 PM
I feel your pain.
I know those areas well.
whiteman was a fantastic area, loved it up there.
same with beak.
used to enjoy it so much, had the game patterned so well, then the next year, boom, everywhere that I used to track deer was now a martian landscape.

10-18-2014, 07:40 PM
36 gunshots sounds like somebody was shooting something, hunting is a sport of change and we must all learn how to change our strategies over the years to be succesfull. In eight years I am sure a lot has changed but if I were you and you knew the area, then take what you know and adapt. I don't know your area but I am sure there are still animals there by the sounds of things, just figure out where they have been pushed to and figure out a new gameplan...

Sofa King
10-18-2014, 07:49 PM
36 gunshots sounds like somebody was shooting something, hunting is a sport of change and we must all learn how to change our strategies over the years to be succesfull. In eight years I am sure a lot has changed but if I were you and you knew the area, then take what you know and adapt. I don't know your area but I am sure there are still animals there by the sounds of things, just figure out where they have been pushed to and figure out a new gameplan...

but with that much traffic and blasting going on, I'd vacate and find somewhere new myself.

Sofa King
10-18-2014, 07:50 PM
I don't hear anywhere near 36 shots in a whole season.
he heard that in just a couple hours one single morning.
run, run fast and don't look back.
leave the area to the trigger-happy.

Sofa King
10-18-2014, 07:55 PM
this is why I am constantly venturing into new areas, trying to find potential gems where nobody else is.
I made two trips into an area I haven't been in many years.
lots of new cuts, actually old ones now, but new to me.
and lots of traffic too, although almost none when I've been in there.
but I scoured the area and found a spot where for some reason everyone had kinda avoided.
after a walk and a scout, I found what will maybe be a new honey-hole.
I'm always looking for that next spot for after the current ones become overtaken with traffic, as always seems to happen.

10-18-2014, 07:56 PM
King eddy/ aberdean over to philpott is worse....

10-18-2014, 07:58 PM
Im not afraid to walk, just kinda caught me by suprise seeing 3 whole valleys completely up-ended

10-18-2014, 08:09 PM
It's any buck right now, ain't that hard to bag a dert. Put in some more time at your old spots. Those places aren't void of game (can't speak for whiteman), just get off the road more; glassing is cool but if they ain't out in the open walk in the stands. Still hunting is a very productive way to hunt mulies. I also hate going back into my proven areas each fall and finding that it is now a log off but can't do too much about it.

10-18-2014, 08:19 PM
Those areas such as Whiteman, Douglas Lk., Monte Lk. and Southfork still hold lots of game and even more prime habitat than 8 yrs. ago. Unfortunately they also have more road hunters than 8 yrs. ago. If you were successful back when, then you should still be successful now however your tactics may need to evolve. If you heard 36 shots somebody got something unless you were near someone target shooting. I used to work for DLR and still hunt the fringes of their property with success every year. You probably heard this before, but that's why they call it "hunting" and not just "shooting and killing".

10-18-2014, 09:15 PM
That whole valley on both sides of beak and white man are very clear cut.I still mange to get something every year in there . Just have to pound it hard, lots of road hunters.Was my favorite for spike fork hunting till they killed that this year.I got a 2 point in 3-12 10 days ago, he turned into 72lbs of pepperoni.

10-18-2014, 09:44 PM
trust me... iam NOT afraid to walk...

its not like it used to be correct... the cuts i used to walk thru are 5ft taller and the areas i often pondered... are now clearly exposed

and no it wasnt target shooting. this was over the span of 5 hrs between the motorcade.

im not askin for a handout... just trying to get back into the swing of things

10-18-2014, 10:52 PM
trust me... iam NOT afraid to walk...

its not like it used to be correct... the cuts i used to walk thru are 5ft taller and the areas i often pondered... are now clearly exposed

im not askin for a handout... just trying to get back into the swing of things

Rad, you are right buttttt that's how things go. The planted foot high trees grow up and while that is happening the older harvestable trees are being cut, just how the cycle goes. Have you ever been up Lisa main? When the far end of it was startin to regrow there were lots of deer, and big ones too being taken. Nowadays that area is so thick you will be hard pressed to see them; but they are there. Like I said before, go back to your previous areas mentioned but search different gulleys, ridges, hills, etc look for similar habitat to which you hunted in before you left the OK.
Good luck.