View Full Version : Brains?

Black Bird
10-05-2014, 04:15 PM
Hi folks,

A bit of an odd request here, but if anyone is willing to save the head of one of their deer this year, I would take it off your hands. I am a school teacher and have been doing a project with my students over the last couple of years where we take the hide of a deer all the way from being deerskin to buckskin. I have used egg yolks and soap for the dressing part of the process, but I have yet to try brains. I will go out hunting this year, but due to "life" I won't be out much (maybe one or two trips this year). I have friends who hunt as well, and I wish them all the success in the world, but you never know. So, if there is anyone who is willing to part with a head that they have taken home, I will take if off your hands. I will get the brains out myself (not totally sure how I am going to do that, yet - but I am creative and don't have a queazy bone in my body! :-D). I live in East Vancouver.

A word of warning that is probably well known to you all, but the head goes off very quickly. One year, I kept the head of a buck for an artist friend of mine. He didn't get to me for a couple of days and that head was well on its way by the time I gave it to him. So, I guess this will only work if someone has got one recently or for whatever reason has room in a freezer for a head until I get there. If not, no worries. This year I have an antlerless mule deer tag for region 3 (Nov. - fingers crossed!) and my friends are usually pretty good for a deer or two a year. But, if someone has just got back from a trip, doesn't live too far away, and is willing to give up the head for me to open up, I would appreciate it. Just drop me a PM.


10-05-2014, 04:27 PM
Word of warning: Don't use your wife's blender to mix the brains. Especially bear brains. Speaking from experience, she will probably be a little put off. On the bright side though, she will probably buy a new blender so you can keep the old one in the shop......Good luck with the project. Don't forget to stretch the hide!!!

10-05-2014, 06:36 PM
Speaking of brains. Did I read somewhere that if you sever a deer spinal column or touch brains with a knife, you should thoroughly clean the knife? Or get a new clean knife? Some kinda poison in those areas? I am not sure. Anyone confirm? Thx.

10-05-2014, 06:46 PM

Not a problem in BC.....yet, more of a prairie issue as the populations are much higher. To bring meat into BC now, it has to be deboned.


10-05-2014, 07:04 PM
If all else fails there are some butcher shops or meat departments that carry brains in amongst the tripe, liver, kidneys, etc.
Might be worth spending a few bucks to avoid the headache. However learning to do it yourself is valuable too.
Good luck!

10-05-2014, 08:57 PM
PM sent...