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View Full Version : And so it comes to an end....

Ian F.
03-11-2007, 07:57 PM
What started in early september has run it's course, March 10th is the last day of waterfowling and my birthday and this year I spent it on the bay with a good friend hoping the brant would find their inner Kamakazi!

The funny thing about where I chase brant is that it starts very relaxed, quited different then most waterfowling misadventures where the rush to beat first light is always hanging over me. The reason it is different with brant is more simple then you would think, the boat launch doesn't open till 7am, and well there is no way around that.

So with lots of coffee, some egg McMuffins kindly covered by Dave we rigged out. This spot reminded me in a bizarre way of one of my old eider spots where you didn't know the conditions till you where right there on top of them. Here, it's the drive out the river, and round the spit until "you know" what's what...

Well today was a "good'un"! I think dave termed it best in calling it "lumpy". The wind was one way, the waves another and the tidea another again. We knew noah's rains where coming at lunch so eye's where on the sky and we headed to a little safer spot just in case. Hunt with me and you'll see some extrodinary lengths taken to get our quarry, but you will also see even greater measures taken to get that fresh coffee at first chance on the way home.

Bump and set was the order the day and we found brant right where my GPS said the should be, funny how that works some time?

It was daves first try for brant, and his first expereince with long lines and open water gunning, and he passed with flying colours! The rig went out much easier with help, and having rollers that should have pushed us, not doing so becuase the tide was fighting them was just freaky, scary and cool!

With everything out, blind set we where ready! Hopes where high as a pair buzzed us putting thing out..

Dave followed suit and offered the Max4 version of a marsh grass lump on a big green rock, and I did the same in shadowgrass.


We could see 300 of more brant a few hundred meters away and they where pulling birds here and there. It was time, it was time to reveal to dave the most secret of secret weapons I have in open water gunning. The eider call! before showing dave, he was double sworn to secrecy and all the possibliities of it's use covered. It's cross species effectiveness has not been studied, but I figured 50:50 on brant, it runs about 70% on eiders.

Out came the call and the brant responded like no tomorrow! Problem was, they choose the wrong 50 and left the bay en masse. But that's how it goes, cause when it's the top 50 it doesn't get any better!

The day progressed and little was flying, only a few bluebills buzzed the rig and with the storm coming it seemed that the tide was draining really fast. We hit 4 feet left and figured although I had 1/2 hr or so before I had to pull the pin, we both figured coffee now was better then coffee in 7 hours.

So that was it, the 4th hunt on the last day of the 2007 brant season and the score is a sweep, brant 4, Ian 0.

September will come soon enough, and since watefowling is a lifestyle for me, not a hobby, sport or pastime the end is always mourned, but it is only the end of part of the game.


I am either blessed or cursed to have an office (arrow) that can see the brant grounds in the distance, so when the papers and calls pile too high I can stand up and look to where I want to be.

Very best,


03-12-2007, 09:52 AM
Hey Ian

It was a great way to finish off the season. I got to hunt a new bird and learned a lot of new things. I'm still trying to figure out why the lines don't get tangled. I'll be working on my Zen like rock imitation for next season.

03-13-2007, 06:55 AM
Sounds like you had a great season, hope to share some time in the blind with you next year. Although I'm not so sure how my duck boat will handle in those conditions :lol:

03-14-2007, 05:49 PM
Ian, Enjoyed the Brant hunting pictures and posts. I've only hunted out towards Boundry Bay 2 or 3 times and that was over 25 years ago, there were a lot of birds there then and it appears not much has changed.
How would you compare your waterfowl season compared to hunting out east? I know it's warmer and longer but are we as spoiled as I think we are?
Probably see you in a few weeks when we do some work in the marsh,

03-15-2007, 10:10 AM
Your lack of Brant success might be due to your camo?????? The guy I hunt with on the coast wears a pair of yellow rain pants over his waders!I've hunted out of low profile layout boats and out of 15' unpainted boats with red sides and had the same amount of shooting from both. You might try drink'n more coffee and take'n the oh so fun rocky piss out the side of the boat, that will bring a flock of brant in everytime. Or your just look'n the wrong way????? I don't know how it happens but when you turn and look at you decoys it amazing theirs 5 extra in the pocket and their make'n noise!

03-15-2007, 01:52 PM
Ianwas thaqt you hunting out by Danny Sherril?The fellow we saw out there had his decoys in one string,in a "C" shape.If that was you drop me a PM!Cheers,Gunner.

Ian F.
03-16-2007, 09:51 AM

No comparison, more birds, more oppertunities, much more relaxed hunting in general. Out east, you have 3 or 4 chances usually early, and if you don't cash in on those, that's all she wrote!

Also, I would say the folks on this site are a great bunch, friendly and helpful. Most places if someone says go west, you go east. Here, they say go to the big pine, you'll see a cedar stump, put your decoys out to the left and shoot only greenheads!


That's hunting! Not being able to hunt the tide is the big factor.

Gunner I'll drop you a line..


03-16-2007, 01:15 PM
Official number for the ten days for all hunters is 197. This was one of the better years for us but the total number isn't far off the yearly average.This number is from CWS. K