View Full Version : To shoot or not to shoot 6 point bull

09-15-2014, 09:36 PM
Went for a walk up the mountain behind the house last night just to get out. Well get up to the top and sit down to start glassing and I spot the big grizzly we call tank eating huckleberries. so after watching him tear into the berries for a few minutes I hear a faint bugle in the slides below. so after 10 minutes of glassing I spot the bull a monster 6 point. so I start calculating how long it would take me to climb down to get a shot and how long to get the bull gutted and off the mountain. Well 2 years ago tank took over my uncle's bull when it dropped so he knows what a rifle shot means. Also to top this off as I am debating the ethics of shooting this bull with Tank so close by another 6x5 shows up and is heading towards me on a well used trail. This bull is closer and will be only 200 yds away in a couple of minutes. Well long and short I let both bulls walk and just got to enjoy the bugles and watching Tank. If these are the only 6 point bulls I get close to this year I will be second guessing all winter long with no meat in the freezer. I usually get one or two chances on 6 points every year so I hope I get a second one this year. If anyone ever draws a tag for Grizzly here (4-22) I volunteer to take them out and help them get Tank.

Sofa King
09-15-2014, 09:39 PM
I would have done the same.
killing either elk would surely have just ended up being a waste and unnecessarily putting your own life in danger.
good on ya for thinking it through and doing what you did.

09-15-2014, 09:44 PM
Sounds like a good night out for sure!!!

Tough choices but sounds like the right one, and sounds like a good way to spend an evening regardless.

The Hermit
09-15-2014, 09:46 PM
Someone local should volunteer to come elk hunting with you to stand guard while you field dress and quarter, and haul the provisions to your freezer...

rides bike to work
09-15-2014, 09:55 PM
How far away was tank and was it open between you and him for good visibility where you alone?

I might have shot then made a ton of noise to scare of tank. If the truck could get close I'd crank the tunes start the chainsaw.

Need more details on the exact scenario.

I think this could be a good thread.

09-15-2014, 10:13 PM
Wow! Good call! Way to think it thru! Not so sure I would have had that forethought?? I prolly would have done one of the elk and prepared for the possibility of a Tank encounter. Doesn't sound too smart huh? Good for you! As said sounds like a great day in the bush regardless!!

09-15-2014, 10:39 PM
Hmmm good call Owen...how are your other hunting plans going?

Bugle M In
09-16-2014, 12:32 AM
You made the right call!
Unless you are with several othesr to help than maybe, but alone, not good.
I believe you when you say Tank hear a dinner bell when a shot is heard.
Sounds like Tank has got it made!!

09-16-2014, 04:45 AM
You made the right call , because it fits for you , and you will get another chance.
but if everyone quit shooting game because there was a chance of a griz encounter , there would be lots more empty freezers. Bear encounters are just one of the facts of life while out in the bush , everyone has to judge the situation.

09-16-2014, 05:53 AM
Tank was about 5-600 yards away from where I could of shot the small 6x5 up hill and in the open. I was by myself and it would of been a minimum of 4 trips from the elk to the side x side, wasn't thinking no pack with me. If I had not spotted the bear first I would of definitely shot one of the bulls. Just I knew he was there and we have already lost a bull to him and he is a very aggressive bear, so it was an almost guaranteed close encounter of the bear kind. I had to shot a charging Grizzly when I was younger and they get real big when they are full out charging. But all in all it was a great night. going to be heading up there tonight to see if I can get lucky. This time brining my Brother and two packs and a bigger boom stick (340 wby vs my 6.5x55). Hopefully I can post some Elk porn.

09-16-2014, 05:53 AM
Your freezer, your call...

T'were it me, I'd be glad to know where the bear was, instead of thinking I had the place to myself. Good luck on the rest of your season.

09-16-2014, 05:56 AM
Hmmm good call Owen...how are your other hunting plans going?
Going good should be heading to the wet coast in a couple of weeks, then looking for a tank and ignoring any wayward elk...lol

09-16-2014, 06:01 AM
Way to go on calculated thinkin there dude..too bad you didn't have a LEH for him..

09-16-2014, 06:13 AM
If anyone ever gets drawn for spring Grizz in 4-22 Bull river they have a free cabin to stay in and a unpaid guide for a monster big old Grizz.

09-16-2014, 06:47 AM
Good call..Tuff one..but a good one

Wild one
09-16-2014, 08:30 AM
Made the same call but on a bull moose 3 years ago. Not fighting a grizz for meat in the dark :mrgreen:

09-16-2014, 08:31 AM
Good call. Eastkoot and I bailed on a 6 point one day when we walked into a grizz while stalking the elk. Better safe than sorry around those buggers.

09-16-2014, 09:45 AM
You made the right choice. Now get back in there with some extra firepower by your side and dump that big one!!

09-16-2014, 11:34 AM
If you're on your own, you made the right choice. With others, and as mentioned above, make noise, be 'big' in the bush, it might be doable. But you're in the hotseat so you need to make the call and it was the right one.

09-16-2014, 02:34 PM
Going good should be heading to the wet coast in a couple of weeks, then looking for a tank and ignoring any wayward elk...lol

Call me prior to my heading to Alberta..

itsy bitsy xj
09-16-2014, 02:50 PM
I think you made the right call

09-16-2014, 02:59 PM
Yeah, if you'd shot the elk you'd have the grizzly on you whilst you butchered it...and no one standing ready with a .375 to protect you while you were doing so...