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View Full Version : One expensive bluey

09-14-2014, 01:19 AM
So to start the first Saturday of hunting off right I'm rolling onto the coq at 530 in the morning by first light I'm at Britton creek. Roll the fsr to tulameen see nothing and I mean nothing (well a couple of other trucks doing the same as the gf and I rolling around looking). Head from tulameen to Princeton then run 5A and couple of back routes back to Merritt. See one Black bear walking down the middle of 5A.Then head out to my usual "get some grouse and make the pups happy" area. Roll around for 3 hours get one good sized Bluey, but notice truck sounds deeper and has weird clang sound.
Apparently at some point hooked my exhaust pipe tore it clean off muffler and punched muffler along way.....makes for an expensive grouse.

Just means I'm running out more this fall for recoup so to speak for my freezer. Hopefully some freezer filler decides to come out and play a little more when I'm around.

how did everyone else make out?

09-16-2014, 01:18 PM
Ouch! We were in the same area, but more north of Brookmere Rd. Managed three Spruce and a nice sized Ruffed.

09-16-2014, 01:49 PM
I got none. 5 guys combed an area that always holds grouse before I came and they picked it clean off.

09-17-2014, 02:12 AM
Ya hopefully this weekend goes better. My usual area has been picked over pretty well too usually u head up an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset would get 4-5 in a 45 min period..... Oh well expand the search found some little tucked away lakes with ducks enjoying themselves ...... Might be needing to bring some of them home too

09-17-2014, 06:59 AM
Ouch, that is expensive. Hope you get your freezer filler to make up for it.


Iron Glove
09-17-2014, 12:09 PM
Son lives in Princeton said he's seen lots N.W. of there.
A week ago we "scouted" from Coalmont to Jacobbson Lake and back to Tulameen. Lots of Grouse around Vuich Falls.
During the "scouting trip" managed to tear a sidewall on one tire ( Tulameen River Road rocks are sharp ), looking at $400.

09-17-2014, 12:43 PM
Hey Iron Glove maybe its a stupid question but I meant to ask you if tulameen has a gas station?

Iron Glove
09-17-2014, 11:17 PM
Hey Iron Glove maybe its a stupid question but I meant to ask you if tulameen has a gas station?

Yup. gas station, grocery store, liquor store, restaurant, Post Office all in one.
We call it "The Mall". :-D

09-18-2014, 12:56 PM
Yup. gas station, grocery store, liquor store, restaurant, Post Office all in one.
We call it "The Mall". :-D

They don't have diesel do they??

09-18-2014, 01:42 PM
Wow, I thought getting skunked last weekend was bad.... Feeling pretty good for this coming one.. (Knock on wood)

Iron Glove
09-18-2014, 01:42 PM
They don't have diesel do they??

Never really looked but I don't think so, you have to steal it from someone else. :mrgreen:
I'll have to take a look this weekend on my next trip up.