View Full Version : Bear - Passed opportunity

09-12-2014, 02:53 PM
So I was out with my Daughter , (15) and we were looking for deer, I also have a bear tag just in case. We were trying to get her first deer during youth season. We were top of the Coq. I have a 30-06 with 165 gr she was carrying a 243.

Came across a mid size bear, alone he was eating berries from an bush. Small hard purple berries. Does anyone know what these are ? The shrubs were in really thick groups anywhere from 10 x 10 feet to large 20' sections. The distance between the shrubs varied from 5-6 feet to 12-15 feet. There were about a dozen groups of shrubs in the section.

Figure the bear would be around 5 1/2 to a little under 6' his ears appeared mid size, not large, but not small either. He was reaching up to berries that later I estimated to be 7-8' and pulling them down. After watching for a spell I could see that he was alone... so a shooter.

We were walking along a road, the bear was about 100 yards uphill about a 15 degree upslope. There was a stand of birch between us and some sparse bushes as well. There was no way to get closer undetected.

I could make that shot to its vitals 10 out of 10 times in this scenario, but I don't think a head shot would be successful more than 50% of the time.

When I considered that I had my inexperienced daughter with me with her little 243 and that the bear had a huge array of hiding spots to run into, I passed on taking the shot. Even sending her back to the truck did not seem like a solution as what if the worst happened and I somehow got injured?

I wanted to ask if you would have done the same or did I foolishly pass on an opportunity I should have taken. At the same distance in the middle of a cutblock where I could see where it ran I would have taken the shot.


Sofa King
09-12-2014, 02:54 PM
you did the right thing.
never take a shot that you aren't comfortable with.

09-12-2014, 02:59 PM
You did the right things, debated the shot, the possible outcomes, etc. and decided it wasn't worth it. Well done!! Opportunity missed ... sure, but if your worst concerns came true after taking the shot ... you would be wishing you didn't take it. Your ethics are something that your daughter can be proud of and hopefully she will emulate.

Sofa King
09-12-2014, 03:09 PM
I've passed on pulling the trigger on more than one dandy buck.
and always because I just didn't like the shot.
sure I could have hit it, and surely got him, with possibly a follow-up shot later.
or, the first may have hit good.
but I have a knack for not squeezing if I can't know I have that clean shot.

09-12-2014, 03:44 PM
Lots more bears
Only 1 kid.

09-12-2014, 04:07 PM
There will be plenty more opportunities in the future. I agree that you made the right choice based on your comfort level. We passed on a small black bear this spring, cause I wasn't comfortable on the size and whether it was a shooter

09-12-2014, 04:18 PM
You dun good! Your daughter can take away a valuable lesson on ethics from your experience.

Rob Chipman
09-12-2014, 04:18 PM
I agree with the rest of these guys. As soon as you ask the question you know the answer - you weren't comfortable with the shot for a variety of reasons, not least of which was your daughter. Good call.

09-12-2014, 04:51 PM
10 thumbs up there for sure.A fine example of good sportsmanship-well worth passing on to your young hunter:everything about it. the details of thoughts which passed through your mind as things unfolded on the hunt.If you have not yet ,I encourage you to share those inner thoughts and "feelings" which gave you the decision to "pass" the oppertunity with your youth that they may learn the very hard to learn lesson of how "passing" oppertunities works for the better some times and offten is the right thing to do as a skilled hunter.Again- Good job! Good Huntin BULLNUTTS

09-12-2014, 08:35 PM
Good job teachin your kid ethics..Do you have a pic of the berry bush?

09-12-2014, 08:51 PM
Pass me that shot. Make it vodka please.

09-12-2014, 08:58 PM
Lots more bears
Only 1 kid.

You can make more kids. You ever make a bear?

If anyone has no sense of humour, then don't laugh. :mrgreen:

You did what you thought was best under the circumstances, so it was the right decision. Don't make regrets by second guessing, there will be other chances.

09-12-2014, 09:47 PM
Good call man!

09-12-2014, 09:57 PM
Thanks lads, I know it was the right call but it kinda rides on a fella when there is no meat in the freezer.

Sticking by your ethics is kinda like taking a crap, no real choice... glad you did it, but still kinda shitty :-D

I did not get a pic of the bush, but I have seen these berries in bear scat often, goes right through them. I will certainly take a careful look every time I see cover like that again.

Appreciate the support, going out again in a few hours, same run.


.30-06 camsavbc
09-12-2014, 10:12 PM
These are the posts that I call my son in to read as they are valuable examples of ethical hunting that I would like to pass on to my kids. Good job, kids first.

09-12-2014, 10:13 PM
you made a decision that worked for you...doesn't matter what anyone else says, you made the right call for you at the time. No regrets, why would you have any?

09-13-2014, 01:46 AM
i'd rather regret the shot i didn't take, than the shot i did

09-13-2014, 09:20 AM
The berry bushes will most likely be saskatoons.

09-13-2014, 09:33 AM
The berry bushes will most likely be saskatoons.

Agreed. Mmm, Bear roast and saskatoon pie, man, you missed out. :wink: :lol:

Of course, don't eat those berries on an assumption either.

09-15-2014, 09:03 AM
Right choice.

Plug - more hunters need to take black bears when they can as they are kicking the snot out of moose in various areas. They go after the calves. Do our part!

09-15-2014, 11:44 AM
Never ever pull the trigger unless you're positive that first shot will be the only one needed. Shit happens, so stack the deck in your favor by never taking a shot you're not totally happy with. Your quarry deserves that level of respect anyways. You taught your kid a great lesson.

09-15-2014, 12:28 PM
i'd rather regret the shot i didn't take, than the shot i did

That is well said.

I'd Rather Be Hunting
09-15-2014, 02:16 PM
You would have been fine taking the shot (given the info you provided), but, like everyone else here, I agree you did the right thing. Your decision defines you as a hunter and not as a killer. There is a difference, and it is ALWAYS better to not take a shot if you have any reservations whatsoever. And now he's there for next time.