View Full Version : First Deer (Youth/Bow)

09-10-2014, 03:19 PM
Got my first ever buck the day after opening on youth, got lazy on posting the pictures and everything though, so now I'm doing it a week late.

Was really unlucky towards the start of the trip, seeing one buck over a day and a half, with it only being a spike as well. The last night came quick and we turned a corner at 7:30 nearing last light, and there was a buck silhouette up on a ridge. With his dad looking through the binos to confirm it as a buck, my buddy Ayden hopped out of the car and took a shot at him, but it didn't go down. He told him to load another, but Ayden said he'd shot his - Ayden had shot a buck with "crazy antlers" to the left of the 2 point.

We all hiked up the hill to take a look at Ayden's buck, and for Julian and myself to go after the second. I told him to go left with the rifle and I'd go right since I wouldn't get a chance in an open field with my bow, and would rather be in the trees. I stalked up on the buck till I hit 70 yards and watched the 2 point start to walk towards me. I was surprised when I heard Julian took a shot - he missed and the buck stood still for a second. continuing to walk straight towards me. The buck hit 30, I drew behind the tree and stepped out. I put him down with one arrow, following with a second to put him out. A herd of 5 does ran by me seconds after the first arrow, with Julian walking up to me to see me shoot my second. He figured I was shooting my second arrow in frustration at the ground, thinking that I missed. I pointed to the deer on the ground when he got a bit closer, and he was amazed to see a second deer down.

We ran back to Ayden and his dad. Only words I got was "There's no way you did it with a bow!".

Crazy night for all of us youth hunters out there. Two bucks down within 5 minutes, a first big game animal for myself, and an experience for us all.

Not sure if he's on HBC, but I want to send a big thanks to another hunter named Chad, who stayed up to help me skin my first deer until 2 in the morning, couldn't have done it without him.

http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag474/jasonheine/IMG_2205_zps51cf355f.jpg (http://s1375.photobucket.com/user/jasonheine/media/IMG_2205_zps51cf355f.jpg.html)

http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag474/jasonheine/IMG_2201_zps33ecfd70.jpg (http://s1375.photobucket.com/user/jasonheine/media/IMG_2201_zps33ecfd70.jpg.html)

Mikey Rafiki
09-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Awesome success story!

I bet nobody will forget that hunt any time soon.

Grumpa Joe
09-10-2014, 03:28 PM
First buck and with a bow to boot? Great job.

09-10-2014, 03:30 PM
Gotta love the doubles!

09-10-2014, 03:34 PM
Congrats on a job well done!

09-10-2014, 03:48 PM
Very nice deer buddy! Congrats and good for you for showing the patience to hunt with a bow at a young age!

09-10-2014, 03:49 PM
good buck. congrats with the bow

09-10-2014, 03:58 PM
Congrats on a very nice first deer, and with a bow as well!

09-10-2014, 04:06 PM
Congrats. There is nothing like a 'close' encounter.

09-10-2014, 04:47 PM
Wow, that's a beauty of a first deer (and with a bow?!)!! Great job man that's sweet

09-10-2014, 05:57 PM
Awesome job guys!!

09-10-2014, 06:19 PM
Wow, nice!

09-10-2014, 07:05 PM
Awesome, and with a bow! I always find an animal tastes better when shot with a bow. Enjoy, you deserve it.

09-10-2014, 07:21 PM
Awesome great job

09-10-2014, 08:01 PM
Hey awesome! A good story well told! Some good youth contributions this fall for sure.

09-10-2014, 08:44 PM
Way to go with a bow!

09-11-2014, 11:41 AM
Awesome! Congrats on a great first buck with the bow