View Full Version : need ID of this person

09-08-2014, 08:02 PM
Picture removed
located around FSJ, identity needed. Moose shot illegally and left to rot, not saying it was this guy, but he was in the area at the time is all.

09-08-2014, 08:15 PM
Hope you passed info/photo to local CO.

09-08-2014, 08:31 PM
Hope you passed info/photo to local CO.

Yep. Let the CO's deal with it.

VDD Group Canada

Sofa King
09-08-2014, 08:34 PM
ticket that guy for no helmet.
and, he can afford a nice quad but not a scabbard or gun rack?

09-08-2014, 09:01 PM
Is it legal to publicly post pictures of people without their consent?

09-08-2014, 09:07 PM
Is it legal to publicly post pictures of people without their consent?

Possibly not but I do know I'd be pissed if someone posted a pic of me somewhere in accusatory manner, or actually just at all on the internet when they had no idea who I was or why I was there.

09-08-2014, 09:13 PM
Possibly not but I do know I'd be pissed if someone posted a pic of me somewhere in accusatory manner, or actually just at all on the internet when they had no idea who I was or why I was there.

I say tough shit... He wasn't accused as mentioned. No foul no harm. Just lookin for a guy who might know something or have seen something... He might be someones buddy that could help out. Its a legit idea. Take it with a grain of salt... ;)

09-08-2014, 09:14 PM
No it is not illegal to take a pic and use it as you see fit if the image was captured in a public place or in view of the general public.

09-08-2014, 09:27 PM
I say tough shit... He wasn't accused as mentioned. No foul no harm. Just lookin for a guy who might know something or have seen something... He might be someones buddy that could help out. Its a legit idea. Take it with a grain of salt... ;)
I'd be pissed if somebody posted a pic of me on the www with no clue why I was there. There's a good reason why we pay for Cops and CO's!!! K

09-08-2014, 09:31 PM
JMO but ... I think this thread is offside

Sofa King
09-08-2014, 09:32 PM
it's not like he's even recognizable in the pic.

Sofa King
09-08-2014, 09:35 PM
guys, he may have seen someone in there who might be responsible for the dead moose.
finding him could lead to finding those responsible.
the op never said he did it, don't put words into his mouth.

09-08-2014, 09:40 PM
I'd be pissed if somebody posted a pic of me on the www with no clue why I was there. There's a good reason why we pay for Cops and CO's!!! K

Ok fair enough. Yes you do have the right to be upset. But if its not illegal, (as mentioned - I don't know for certain) then what can you do other than just be pissed off? I guess a guy could feel his privacy or some kind of right was intruded upon - I get it. So someone posts a pic of a guy in an area that might know something about and event that happened there (that happens on the news every night). As stated no accusation was made - just trying to scare up some additional info that may help out. I think its ok.

09-08-2014, 09:44 PM
X1000 don't we have enough fcukin big brother in the city? Now we can't even be in the bush without worrying about someone putting our pic on the net asking thousands of ppl for our identity. This is not cool let the co's do the investigating

09-08-2014, 10:11 PM
Cause we all know the CO's have so much time and resources. If you want a bit more background, this guy is allegedly trespassing in this picture. Completely legal to take a picture of anyone on public land, completely legal to take a picture of someone on your property. I don't expect anyone to post this persons identity publicly, but why wouldn't we the hunting community want to help the CO's?

No accusations have been made, nor will they be made here by myself that is for sure, but if we can give the CO's a name why wouldn't we?

09-08-2014, 10:11 PM
I saw this on Facebook. From what I read, the guy was trespassing on private property when this pic was taken by the landowner's camera.

That right there makes him fair game to a public mugshot, IMO.

The moose was shot and left at the same time he was trespassing. Kinda looks bad when a known lawbreaker is right there when an illegal kill is made, and then left to rot.

09-08-2014, 10:13 PM
Seen this on Facebook too. Story there is, this fella on the atv is trespassing actually! Moosin

09-08-2014, 10:19 PM
I wasn't gonna get that deep into it as I thought it was a pretty big Shyte storm on FB, and wanted to keep it more civil than that, but also wanted to attempt to tap into a more respectful crowd.

09-08-2014, 10:26 PM
So tell the full story then or expect reactions

09-08-2014, 10:31 PM
I don't believe everything I read on Facebook......

Also "Allegedly" trespassing.....

I guess the Gestapo mindset strong here, not the first time I've seen it.

Tattle away without facts or proof, this is Canada. Guilty, until paying huge amounts of $ for a conditional discharge and your name smeared in shit regardless.

09-08-2014, 10:32 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10250338_10204394182830726_8113221206555486759_n.j pg?oh=567086e026695b4c0cb77fd70497c765&oe=549C0A0C&__gda__=1420229209_a24ad751fd228cf4bddd883b238127f 6
located around FSJ, identity needed. Moose shot illegally and left to rot, not saying it was this guy, but he was in the area at the time is all.

so who do you think you are posting pics of random people in an area where something may or may not of occurred are?

Sofa King
09-08-2014, 10:33 PM
can anyone actually recognize any features from that pic that could prove his identity?
all I could say for certain is that he has grey hair and is Caucasian.
hardly a portrait shot like some are acting like.
all it is is a pic of a guy riding a quad.
even if I knew that guy, that pic doesn't identify him.
relax people.

09-08-2014, 10:43 PM
I (may or may not) know that guy. I (may or may not have) cut his racks flat for him.

No way he'd illegally shoot a moose and then leave it to rot.

BS seeing his picture on here. Send it to the CO's, they don't have anything else to do.

09-08-2014, 10:51 PM
OK, so if the CO's posted the picture on here, would you give them his name then? Im not saying he did anything, and I don't believe everything I read on facebook either, but that being said any stand up guy wouldn't have an issue talking to the CO's...don't send me his name, but maybe pass along the message that maybe he needs to make a call. The world isn't that big, and its better to get ahead of this than have some idiot figure it out and go to his house...

Obviously the strategy of posting his picture worked in the fact that someone does know who he is...anyone can make a mistake, panic and then make a second mistake, stand up guys aren't immune to this, but he could have just as easily simply been driving down a road, seen the moose go down and gone to investigate, which would explain everything quite easily. If thats the case though, maybe he saw something else...did he report it is a question you could ask him since you know him

A lot of people have jumped to the conclusion that I am smearing someone...quite the contrary, just looking for an ID not making any accusations what so ever...I don't understand all the hostility

Papa Sasquatch
09-08-2014, 10:59 PM
If I would have seen this dude shoot the rotting moose I would not hesitate to post his picture all over but this is a past down modified story that is growing wings ...
this dude could be white, Hispanic, FN, Indonesian ... who cares it all means nothing more then gossip.

itsy bitsy xj
09-08-2014, 11:50 PM
i don't believe everything i read on facebook......

Also "allegedly" trespassing.....

I guess the gestapo mindset strong here, not the first time i've seen it.

Tattle away without facts or proof, this is canada. Guilty, until paying huge amounts of $ for a conditional discharge and your name smeared in shit regardless.

totally agree with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-08-2014, 11:53 PM
OK, so if the CO's posted the picture on here, would you give them his name then? Im not saying he did anything, and I don't believe everything I read on facebook either, but that being said any stand up guy wouldn't have an issue talking to the CO's...don't send me his name, but maybe pass along the message that maybe he needs to make a call. The world isn't that big, and its better to get ahead of this than have some idiot figure it out and go to his house...

Obviously the strategy of posting his picture worked in the fact that someone does know who he is...anyone can make a mistake, panic and then make a second mistake, stand up guys aren't immune to this, but he could have just as easily simply been driving down a road, seen the moose go down and gone to investigate, which would explain everything quite easily. If thats the case though, maybe he saw something else...did he report it is a question you could ask him since you know him

A lot of people have jumped to the conclusion that I am smearing someone...quite the contrary, just looking for an ID not making any accusations what so ever...I don't understand all the hostility

the hostility is you took a pic of some guy riding a quad and then related it to a an illegal moose kill...so you could have done that to any of us on this site who would have been cruising by...so please keep your sexual fantasies of guys riding quads to yourself

09-08-2014, 11:57 PM
OK, so if the CO's posted the picture on here, would you give them his name then?

Nope. I don't care if Shania Twain posted a picture of someone I know, no Gestapo(Tattle/Rat) here.

Besides, why would I, there's no evidence that he's done anything illegal?

If I was at the scene at the time something happened and was able to see firsthand evidence, then I would be happy to help CO's.

Looking at online pictures and speculations, not so much.

There should be, and probably is, a law against posting peoples picture online without their permission.

09-09-2014, 02:36 AM
Innocent till proven guilty!!

09-09-2014, 05:35 AM
Actually there is nothing illegal about posting photos of someone, especially if that person was photographed in public. Few exceptions with minors and porn.

09-09-2014, 05:45 AM
Actually there is nothing illegal about posting photos of someone, especially if that person was photographed in public. Few exceptions with minors and porn.

Perhaps, however there are laws against slander and defamation of character both of which this thread may have violated. The post in my view says this guy is guilty and the words used to describe him are slanderous and the op is skating on the thin edge legally and morally. Poor taste in any case.

09-09-2014, 05:46 AM
Is it Jelvis?

09-09-2014, 07:17 AM
Maybe he saw something, maybe he didn't. Heck maybe he saw some scary looking poachers who would recognize him and seek revenge if he reports them. Maybe he did report it. Maybe he called sick for work on the day of the time stamp told the wife he had work to do... really just needed get and cruise around on the ATV to relax a little and now he could get fired or have a pissed off wife.

I think it's fine to post pics/video of someone caught red handed--like the Langley thief breaking into two vehicles at different houses on the same night--but I would draw the line there. OP's heart is in the right place for sure... just maybe didn't consider ATV-guys feelings or all the potential variables surrounding privacy. There's no identifying features, but friends, family, colleagues, hunters etc would probably recognize him.

I hope I never fail the pre-squat trailcam check. Anyone know this guy? He is illegally dumping toxic waste and committing an act of indecent exposure... no animals have come around since!! Omg that's caddisguy!!

digger dogger
09-09-2014, 07:27 AM
Oh gawd what a bunch of b_____es. Let the land owner and co's figure this out. If my pic was posted and I had a perfectly good reason for being there. And my name was pasted all over hbc as a criminal. Ya i'd sue the op.
Yup, yup, yup.

digger dogger
09-09-2014, 07:28 AM
Well said Bridger

09-09-2014, 08:31 AM
I didn't say he did anything wrong...you guys can read between the lines all you like, thats to your discretion. The only people that will recognize that guy from that pic are people that already know him, and Im sure if they cared, they'd hear the story over a beer one day about how he came up onto a dead moose. There is no defamation of character here, and if you wanted to sue you would be wasting a bunch of cash on a lawyer for nothing.

Papa Sasquatch
09-09-2014, 08:34 AM
Maybe its a Yeti

09-09-2014, 08:49 AM
not trying to poke holes in your story but how do you know the moose was shot illegally? was it out of season? also is there a chance someone shot it and it got away on them and they couldnt find it. If i come across a kill in the field i would just leave it thinking the hunter is somewhere around looking for it and thats what maybe our friend with poor back posture was doing.

09-09-2014, 08:55 AM
LOL Oh the drama that is the HBC soap opera !! What started out as a simple thread has turned into another "how the stomach turns " soap .
Not complaining though ... I get my daily laughs at some of the "theories and facts " .
There are a lot of serious hunting related posts that I do enjoy and learn from as well , to be clear .

09-09-2014, 08:57 AM
not trying to poke holes in your story but how do you know the moose was shot illegally? was it out of season? also is there a chance someone shot it and it got away on them and they couldnt find it. If i come across a kill in the field i would just leave it thinking the hunter is somewhere around looking for it and thats what maybe our friend with poor back posture was doing.

yes out of season. All this guy needs to do is call the CO, tell him what he saw. Maybe he saw a truck drive past him on a road, maybe he didn't see squat, but at least if he talks to someone the CO's can stop looking for him and focus on other leads/tips/cases. Not once have I even eluded that he was the person who shot the moose...you guys sure jumped on that notion though.

09-09-2014, 09:02 AM
What is known is that the guy was trespassing on private property contrary to the Trespass Act, and contrary to the Wildlife Act was hunting on private property.

The gut-shot, illegal moose that was illegally shot on private property and illegally left to rot just happens to have died at the same time as the guy was illegally trespassing and illegally hunting on private property.

As for stand up guys...well, we had a few on here telling us that Abe Dougan is a stand up guy too, even though he has just been convicted of a string of poaching incidents as long as your arm.

09-09-2014, 09:14 AM
Is it Jelvis?im dying to know what Jelly belly looks like because of the style of his posts. I wonder what he is like in real time conversation, i wonder if he talks in code. Im assuming he is native, im picturing a native dude wearing camo pants, red plaid shirt a browning symbol tattooed on his forearm holding a silver coffee mug. he does seem to know alot about hunting and different areas so he must be older, drives a chevy covered in dust with "wash me" written on the tailgate.

09-09-2014, 09:16 AM
OMG, I think I will go and drink a six pack of Drano. Thanks for the laughs.

09-09-2014, 09:19 AM
What is known is that the guy was trespassing on private property contrary to the Trespass Act, and contrary to the Wildlife Act was hunting on private property.

The gut-shot, illegal moose that was illegally shot on private property and illegally left to rot just happens to have died at the same time as the guy was illegally trespassing and illegally hunting on private property.

As for stand up guys...well, we had a few on here telling us that Abe Dougan is a stand up guy too, even though he has just been convicted of a string of poaching incidents as long as your arm.
So let me get this straight, you know for a fact that he was trespassing because you read it on Facebook? Wow, good job detective, here's exactly the reason you let the authorities deal with it!! K

09-09-2014, 09:27 AM
Picture removed
located around FSJ, identity needed. Moose shot illegally and left to rot, not saying it was this guy, but he was in the area at the time is all.

I don't see any where in this post that even remotely implies the guy pictured was a poacher. Darksith was simply hoping to find someone who knew the guy on a quad in the hopes he( guy on quad )might be able to help find a poacher. If the guy on the quad was on private property then posting his pic could lead to him being prosecuted.

Thanks darksith for standing up and trying to protect what ALL of us hunter/conservation minded people enjoy doing.

09-09-2014, 09:28 AM
Landowners post pictures of people every day that aren't trespassing, and say this person is trespassing, just because they want something to do. And they even sign their names to the posts while doing so. You know, just for fun and to cause problems for the non-trespassers.

Yep, every day. Good grief. :-?

09-09-2014, 09:32 AM
im dying to know what Jelly belly looks like because of the style of his posts. I wonder what he is like in real time conversation, i wonder if he talks in code. Im assuming he is native, im picturing a native dude wearing camo pants, red plaid shirt a browning symbol tattooed on his forearm holding a silver coffee mug. he does seem to know alot about hunting and different areas so he must be older, drives a chevy covered in dust with "wash me" written on the tailgate.
I think that is a waste of your life if that is what you're dying for.

Sofa King
09-09-2014, 10:02 AM
I remember not too long ago, someone on here posted some vid from their carport of a guy walking up and going in to their car at night.
nobody seemed to have any problems with that.
and that vid clearly id'd the guy.
pretty sure the poster didn't have his permission to post the vid.
yet everyone was on board the rippin' the punk to shreds.
innocent until proven guilty.
now, some of those same people are up in arms over a pic of an undistinguishable grey-hair riding a quad?
and typical, many read into what is said, somehow what they read in their mind is not what is wrote in the post.

take away any info associated with this picture.
nothing is known about who he is, where he is, or what he is doing.
what is wrong with posting that pic?
it's just a random pic of a guy riding a quad.
I can id the quad a million times more than I could ever id that guy.
even if it were illegal to post a pic of a person without their permission, that would not hold up in this case, as the individual isn't identifiable.

Papa Sasquatch
09-09-2014, 10:15 AM
As the dry summer tumbleweeds, propelled by a mild southern wind, rolling across the field. The whisper of the air interacting with fields would carry aromas along with its mystical sense of natural expression. It was a nice day to be there, away from the day to day mundane life. Possibly just over the hill, a gun shot was heard and then again, the nearly silent plain would return to its nearly perfectly silent ways. Then, other then black birds flying above as if remaining disturbed by recent blast, nothing particularly interesting was happening. Moments turned into minutes accumulating into time passed into history until far away a growing noisy disturbance was heading this way. A lone rider on an ATV following a path that he might have crossed many times before. A firearm could be seen hanging off his back but on this day drama would come into his life from events out of his control that he was possibly oblivious to. No tattoos of gangster association could be seen but for the sake of of a good story they just had to be there.

Foxton Gundogs
09-09-2014, 10:22 AM
Any picture taken in public and non commercially is legal to post

09-09-2014, 10:28 AM
If the crime was more serious, like murder, and the guy on the quad was a 'person of interest' i don't think anybody would be fussed about the photo making the rounds.

The Boston bombers photos were circulated (let's assume that was without permission) well before they were charged.

If it was me on that quad I'd be calling the CO to discuss the situation and help if I could. An innocent man has nothing to fear. They would have to go a lot farther than proving I was in the area to hang a charge of poaching on me.

09-09-2014, 10:29 AM
I remember not too long ago, someone on here posted some vid from their carport of a guy walking up and going in to their car at night.
nobody seemed to have any problems with that.
and that vid clearly id'd the guy.
pretty sure the poster didn't have his permission to post the vid.
yet everyone was on board the rippin' the punk to shreds.
innocent until proven guilty.

I don't think you can compare the two. There are multiple videos of the Langley thief breaking into different cars in different car ports on the same night.

In one case, you have video footage--which is proof itself--of someone comitting a criminal act. In another case, you have a picture of a guy on an ATV which does not reveal a criminal act.

I would not expect Langley thief to be sentenced without due process. I also would not expect that you would question whether or not he was guilty if it was your car.

09-09-2014, 10:40 AM
Good thing the guy in the picture wasn't carrying a six shooter on his hip or Darksith would want him crucified :lol:

09-09-2014, 11:17 AM
Most of you are simply bored and are looking to stir an empty pot...

09-09-2014, 11:32 AM
Most of you are simply bored and are looking to stir an empty pot...

Pretty much. There's still 18 hours until legal light on rifle season opening day for most of BC and I finished most of my packing last night... running around the forum kicking each other in the junk will keep us pumped! :D

09-09-2014, 11:37 AM
If you like talking to a lawyer, keep posting pics of people! :-P

09-09-2014, 11:45 AM
Pretty much. There's still 18 hours until legal light on rifle season opening day for most of BC and I finished most of my packing last night... running around the forum kicking each other in the junk will keep us pumped! :D

It's a guy thing...

09-09-2014, 11:48 AM
An innocent man has nothing to fear.

Such a slippery slope!

09-09-2014, 11:48 AM
If you like talking to a lawyer, keep posting pics of people! :-P
thanks...send one my way...I will just laugh and laugh, so will he when you call him...its almost as funny as most of the responses on this thread

09-09-2014, 11:57 AM
What I might have done if I found a dead moose that was shot and left, then seen someone on a quad riding around, would be not to take the guys picture, but maybe yell at him to see if he knows anything about it? Maybe he found it before you, took your pic, plate number, and phoned the CO's on you??? That way I'd know if he stopped to talk, he didn't do it, if he run's, or try's to shoot me, I'd bet he's the one who shot the moose!

09-09-2014, 12:01 PM
What I might have done if I found a dead moose that was shot and left, then seen someone on a quad riding around, would be not to take the guys picture, but maybe yell at him to see if he knows anything about it? Maybe he found it before you, took your pic, plate number, and phoned the CO's on you??? That way I'd know if he stopped to talk, he didn't do it, if he run's, or try's to shoot me, I'd bet he's the one who shot the moose!

pic was taken by a trail cam

09-09-2014, 12:01 PM
Reminds me of this...



In all seriousness though, crimes of this nature should definitely be pursued by the RCMP and CO actively. Nobody was caught in the act, so what else can be done to determine who the guilty party actually is?

09-09-2014, 12:06 PM
anyone remember the thread years ago about the kid in his dads orange jet boat.. he was shooting up a river???? from Prince George or somewhere like that
that was a classic "Id this guy" thread

09-09-2014, 12:17 PM
Reminds me of this...



In all seriousness though, crimes of this nature should definitely be pursued by the RCMP and CO actively. Nobody was caught in the act, so what else can be done to determine who the guilty party actually is?

recovery of the bullet if possible could lead to solving the crime. If not bullet probably be pretty tough, thats why anyone with any info even if they don't realize they have info is valuable, and thats why this guy talking to the CO could help. It sucks, for sure...all I was doing was trying to help the cause of catching poachers, not calling anyone out, just looking to help the CO gather info.

09-09-2014, 12:51 PM
What I find strange is that while there is heated discussion on this thread about posting unauthorized pictures of an unknown subject, over on another thread there are pictures of peoples' children with their kills; minors who are too young to give consent to having their pictures spread all over the internet, and yet a lot of us, myself included, would never post our own pictures on here.

09-09-2014, 01:25 PM
Those pictures are posted by their proud dads,, not by some random guy trying to find out the identity of a guy on a quad.... bit different dont you think?
do you have a facebook account? millions of people on facebook.. pictures all day......

09-09-2014, 02:01 PM
Those pictures are posted by their proud dads,, not by some random guy trying to find out the identity of a guy on a quad.... bit different dont you think?
do you have a facebook account? millions of people on facebook.. pictures all day......
You missed my point...I don't believe it is a good idea to post someone's picture on the internet without their authority, due to the fact that it can NEVER be erased. That's it, the genie is out of the bottle. And a minor should not be victimized by their own parents in this way. They are too young to understand this and make an informed decision.

09-09-2014, 02:08 PM
so for the person who knows this guy on the quad, not denying he was tresspassing on private property? lots of drama but entirely missing the point

OP had good intentions, trying to help track down contact info for the CO's...cheers to you for caring

09-09-2014, 02:37 PM
OP had good intentions, trying to help track down contact info for the CO's...cheers to you for caring

x2 on that one.

09-09-2014, 03:01 PM
. And a minor should not be victimized by their own parents in this way. They are too young to understand this and make an informed decision.

this is your opinion.......... Victimized by their parents? are you saying that i am victemizing my daughter for posting pics of her and my wife for the same on Face book...lol That is Re Tarded

Mikey Rafiki
09-09-2014, 03:35 PM

09-09-2014, 04:06 PM
If it was me in my pic, id post hey thats me, and i was in the area, whos the co so I can call and help. The guys that burnt down that pitt meadows cabin were busted from a trail cam , and they turned themselves in once it hit facebook, not because they are great guys, because someone said help me identify these rats.

If you own the pic, i say post em if you own em. Nothing to fear if innocent

09-09-2014, 04:34 PM
Ok this thread was a good idea! It has a real purpose and had good intent - to help what we all feel is important to us - the protection of the critters we hunt. Now it has turned into a debate on our "privicies " by a pile of armchair keyboard lawyers and whiners! (much like many of the HBC threads... sad really) and as usual most of these responses are garbage. Good on you Darksith for attempting to help out and potentially gather some helpful information! Good for those of you who see the merrit of this thread! For the rest of you... (_*_)

09-09-2014, 07:22 PM
^^^Ya, it really sucks that people have differing opinions eh? I'll say it again but little slower for you, l e t - t h e -
l a w - d o - w h a t - t h e y - a r e - h i r e d - t o - d o ! K

09-09-2014, 08:07 PM
I guess "the law" should then disband any and all connection with the Crimestoppers program that catches thieves, murderers, and rapists. Why ask for the public's help when that's what the law is hired to do?

Hmm, care to think about that one, Kelly? Can you rationalize it for us?

09-09-2014, 08:26 PM
I wonder why sometimes when a crime is committed, like say when a child goes missing, or when maybe a child abduction is attempted and failed...Police sometimes issue a nationwide campaign asking for the public's help in locating a suspicious vehicle? They issue photos, description, a drawing, all kinds of stuff. No proof, just wanting to speak to the person driving the vehicle that day, in the area. Maybe it was a blue dirty van with "Free Ice Cream" written in the dirt on the side. Nobody said the guy driving was guilty, they just want to talk to him. The authorities do it all the time. So a guy on here tries to help and he's crucified by his fellow hunters. Hard crowd to please around here it seems. Good job sith. If I knew him I'd call a CO. Thanks for sharing.

09-09-2014, 08:55 PM
I like Turtles!

09-09-2014, 09:00 PM
Great intentions from the OP and a bunch of you are looking for any obscure angle to sling shit???

Don't we ALL want to stop illegal poaching. He might have done nothing but really since we ALL want to catch poachers wouldn't be prudent to ask anyone close to the moose if they saw anything. Really not as much of a stretch is it?

09-09-2014, 09:15 PM
If the person who took the pictures posted them here and stood behind the story I'd be all over trying to help. But instead we don't even know who TF took them other than its some guy on face book. And yet another HBC Keystone cops episode of catch the bad guy with information that someone read about that someone heard about and these here pictures what he took. Laughable.

09-09-2014, 09:20 PM
I guess "the law" should then disband any and all connection with the Crimestoppers program that catches thieves, murderers, and rapists. Why ask for the public's help when that's what the law is hired to do?

Hmm, care to think about that one, Kelly? Can you rationalize it for us?
Very simple Facebook, the law has done their due diligence and has a dam good idea that they have the correct perp before they go public! I can't believe an armchair detective of your pedigree doesn't know that shit! K

09-09-2014, 09:25 PM
Very simple Facebook, the law has done their due diligence and has a dam good idea that they have the correct perp before they go public! I can't believe an armchair detective of your pedigree doesn't know that shit! K

Crimestoppers posts a pic of a guy looting a store. The landowner posts a pic of a trespasser. Both of the perps are breaking the law. There's no difference.

Maybe trespassers stick up for each other, I dunno. Me, I don't like thieves who steal the rights of property owners.

09-09-2014, 09:28 PM
I like Turtles!

Do you like them well done, medium, or medium rare?

09-09-2014, 09:35 PM
Crimestoppers posts a pic of a guy looting a store. The landowner posts a pic of a trespasser. Both of the perps are breaking the law. There's no difference.


Come on FD you're smarter than that man there's a huge difference. The RCMP have vetted a photo and to the best of their knowledge there's grounds to believe that the photo is of a possible offender. On the other hand here we have a photo vetted by some guy on face book. We don't know if he's a logical person and telling the truth, or is trying to set someone up who he's got a grudge with, or delusional or what. Again, take the ****ing photo to the police if they think it adds up then they can post it on crimestoppers or at least endorse the situation or whatever. We got nothing here SFA

09-09-2014, 09:35 PM
Crimestoppers posts a pic of a guy looting a store. The landowner posts a pic of a trespasser. Both of the perps are breaking the law. There's no difference.

Maybe trespassers stick up for each other, I dunno. Me, I don't like thieves who steal the rights of property owners.
For me it's very simple, Crimestoppers is an organization that has to answer to somebody if they screw up, Mr. Landowner can come on here and accuse somebody and possibly destroy his reputation and answer to no one, get it Columbo? I know deep down you really wanted to be a cop but ya aren't so it's time to let the real LEO's do their thing! K

09-09-2014, 09:42 PM
When did you get a Honda Foreman? :D

09-09-2014, 09:51 PM
When did you get a Honda Foreman? :D
That's the best you could come up with eh, you're losing your touch! Good night Columbo, maybe tomorrow you can solve some big ass case and really make it big! Good luck!! :) K

09-09-2014, 09:58 PM
LMAO - :-D better then the Hockey fights ! :wink: RJ

09-09-2014, 10:14 PM
LMAO - :-D better then the Hockey fights ! :wink: RJ
Hahahaha.......this is just the prelims, I know FD will come out swinging at puck drop! I just hope he hasn't lost his touch, I've seen that happen as a guy ages! :) K

itsy bitsy xj
09-09-2014, 10:16 PM
Innocent till proven guilty!!

not in this country!

09-09-2014, 10:49 PM
** Plays Rocky Theme

09-09-2014, 11:27 PM
If the person who took the pictures posted them here and stood behind the story I'd be all over trying to help. But instead we don't even know who TF took them other than its some guy on face book. And yet another HBC Keystone cops episode of catch the bad guy with information that someone read about that someone heard about and these here pictures what he took. Laughable.

I agree.

Not my business.

Sofa King
09-09-2014, 11:34 PM
^^^Ya, it really sucks that people have differing opinions eh? I'll say it again but little slower for you, l e t - t h e -
l a w - d o - w h a t - t h e y - a r e - h i r e d - t o - d o ! K

do you really have faith in the police?
majority of the time they are asking for the public's help anyway.

Sofa King
09-09-2014, 11:46 PM
Great intentions from the OP and a bunch of you are looking for any obscure angle to sling shit???

Don't we ALL want to stop illegal poaching. He might have done nothing but really since we ALL want to catch poachers wouldn't be prudent to ask anyone close to the moose if they saw anything. Really not as much of a stretch is it?

that's exactly what this has become.
they are even "making up" that the guy in the pic has been accused of something.
they are the ones actually making that up.
nobody said HE killed the moose.
and why would someone lie about him trespassing?
someone on here actually says they know him.
so why not have him clear this all up?
if he never saw any poachers and wasn't trespassing, then what's the big deal?

as far as letting "the law" deal with it.
doesn't someone on here have a horse problem right now that "the law" doesn't want to deal with?
didn't someone on here the other year, in Vernon I think it was, have someone coming right in to their yard and stealing shit from in their yard, and "the law" told them that the guy actually wasn't trespassing?

"the law" isn't going to do shit with this situation.
a moose was illegally killed, end of story.
the cops don't give two shits about that.
and what really are the CO's going to do?
they have a dead moose, there's nobody around, it's just another shitty situation that will happen way too many times this season yet again.

09-10-2014, 08:41 AM
If one looks back, those who are defending poachers are likely the same ones who call down the COs for doing their jobs. Draw your own conclusions.

09-10-2014, 09:44 AM
a poached moose is everybody's business....so is tresspassing, it eventually reduces land access opportunity when propery owners have had enough of the BS

hope somebody pays the consequence for the poached moose

09-10-2014, 10:19 AM
a poached moose is everybody's business....so is tresspassing, it eventually reduces land access opportunity when propery owners have had enough of the BS

hope somebody pays the consequence for the poached moose
I totally agree with you, what bothers me is how this was presented! There's been a lot of good peoples reputation ruined by somebody thinking they were doing the right thing. We've got a ton of halo wearing HBC saints on here that call the CO's for anything and everything yet when I suggest to let the LEO's take care of it they come back with "they don't do anything anyways". Make up your mind!! K

Rob Chipman
09-10-2014, 10:55 AM

"what bothers me is how this was presented!"

I was thinking the same thing. The internet is a powerful force for good (and porn surfing) but written communication has limitations (no body language, facial expressions or tone). If someone throws in "ID needed" and the word "illegal" they're probably going to rub about half the population the wrong way.

Maybe if the post simply read "Something happened and we're looking for witnesses. This fellow was captured on a trail cam so we know he was in the area and are hoping he may have seen something. If you know him or are him please give us a shout" might be a better way to do it.

09-10-2014, 11:22 AM
Quote: Maybe if the post simply read "Something happened and we're looking for witnesses. This fellow was captured on a trail cam so we know he was in the area and are hoping he may have seen something. If you know him or are him please give us a shout" might be a better way to do it.

BINGO!!!!! Thanks for that! K

09-10-2014, 12:31 PM
Quote: Maybe if the post simply read "Something happened and we're looking for witnesses. This fellow was captured on a trail cam so we know he was in the area and are hoping he may have seen something. If you know him or are him please give us a shout" might be a better way to do it.

BINGO!!!!! Thanks for that! K

Amen to that brother

09-10-2014, 01:20 PM
Come on FD you're smarter than that man there's a huge difference. The RCMP have vetted a photo and to the best of their knowledge there's grounds to believe that the photo is of a possible offender. On the other hand here we have a photo vetted by some guy on face book. We don't know if he's a logical person and telling the truth, or is trying to set someone up who he's got a grudge with, or delusional or what. Again, take the ****ing photo to the police if they think it adds up then they can post it on crimestoppers or at least endorse the situation or whatever. We got nothing here SFA

All these "Vetted photos" come from the general population or property owners somewhere, this isn't the society from the novel "1984" yet, we don't have government monitored and operated cameras spying into every house, business, and alley way. I'd bet 99% of all crimes are reported by civilians, I doubt that the cops catch even 1% of any actual crimes red handed as they are being committed, unless you want to count something like speeding or drinking and driving... So unless cops are psychic and just magically appear whenever a crime has been committed, majority of all crimes are initially discovered and reported by people outside of law enforcement like your every day civilian, property/business owners, etc...

09-10-2014, 01:20 PM

"what bothers me is how this was presented!"

I was thinking the same thing. The internet is a powerful force for good (and porn surfing) but written communication has limitations (no body language, facial expressions or tone). If someone throws in "ID needed" and the word "illegal" they're probably going to rub about half the population the wrong way.

Maybe if the post simply read "Something happened and we're looking for witnesses. This fellow was captured on a trail cam so we know he was in the area and are hoping he may have seen something. If you know him or are him please give us a shout" might be a better way to do it.

The OP did have the right intention, but yes, this likely is a better way to have written it up.

09-10-2014, 01:26 PM
I totally agree with you, what bothers me is how this was presented! There's been a lot of good peoples reputation ruined by somebody thinking they were doing the right thing. We've got a ton of halo wearing HBC saints on here that call the CO's for anything and everything yet when I suggest to let the LEO's take care of it they come back with "they don't do anything anyways". Make up your mind!! K

I love how it takes 100 posts to come up with this...and you know what...its a fair point. I got no problems with constructive criticism, but the flaming didn't need to happen now did it? Someone could of said "hey, I got a better way to word this" and I would of changed it in a heartbeat. My intent wasn't to trash anyone, or their rep...but I also don't claim to be Mr English grammar major, or Mr Warm and fuzzy with my words, but I do try. As this thread proves, it takes some finagling to get to "The right way" to express ourselves on the net, so next time maybe a little calmness is warranted before people decide to go scream bloody murder in the next thread! Also lets be honest...that pic doesn't let anyone other than someone who knows the guy already ID him, so most of the negative reactions were a stretch and over the top, and if you already know him, you already have an opinion of him, this thread isn't gonna change that opinion one way or the other.

Drama queen central on HBC...gotta love it.

09-10-2014, 02:04 PM
Sorry if you feel that what I said was "flaming" you, as that was not my intention! As always there's two sides to every story, we'll have to wait and see how this unfolds, if it was this guy then I hope he get's what's coming to him. K

09-10-2014, 09:18 PM
Sorry if you feel that what I said was "flaming" you, as that was not my intention! As always there's two sides to every story, we'll have to wait and see how this unfolds, if it was this guy then I hope he get's what's coming to him. K
definitely not singling you out exclusively with my words, but the community in general. My original post could have been better, I can admit that now, but didn't realize it at the time. That being said though, so could 90% of the posts in this thread. I think everyone needs to remember where we are (interweb land), how difficult it can be to type out ones exact feelings, and that the most important thing is the general or big picture anyone is trying to get across. Either way I hope this thread can be put to rest...its intentions were good, the vehicle could of been better.

09-10-2014, 09:59 PM
You did the right thing with your original post Darksith. Nothing to apologize for. Good intentions and an important situation that affects all hunters. A moose was shoot and left to waste at a time when moose and hunting opportunities are declining. With all the angst and anger that gets generated by one Indian shooting some deer, you'd think this would get some support.

Apparently someone that has posted on this thread knows the man in question and is trying to protect him, while at the same time claiming "Quad Guy" is above suspicion and reproach. If that is the case then I'm sure "Quad Guy" would be happy and willing to aid in anyway he can to bring about justice.

Is it a fact that Quad Guy is on private property, without permission and quite obviously hunting??

09-11-2014, 12:42 AM
Let's hear some Facts.

Who is the landowner that claims the man in the photo was trespassing?

Who's trail-cam took the picture?

Or... is the guy with the trail-cam, that is not the landowner, the guy making the trespassing claims?

Rob Chipman
09-11-2014, 10:05 AM

Communication on the interweb goes both ways. You could have worded it better, yes, but the people hearing it also need to cut some slack before freaking out. Your original post ain't the end of the world, and we'll all do better next time. Go try to shoot something, and if you're successful post a pic. Everybody'll love you then.

I will say I've seen at least 3 - 4 moose shot and left to rot in very retrievable situations, so the problem you're trying to address isn't completely rare. I'm sure we've all seen it and would like to see less of it.

09-11-2014, 10:51 AM
I noticed no one is bashing white guys...imagine if quad guy was dark skinned

09-11-2014, 10:53 AM

09-11-2014, 11:20 AM
I knew a "Whitie" lol that would shoot and say he thought it was an immy, id like to crack him with the butt end of my rifle. In fact i knew he did it twice with moose and once with a bear. I dont ever talk to this guy and he may even read this which i dont give a rats ass. But whatever color you are, if you leave it to rot, you should get an oldskool lesson taught out behind the barn

09-11-2014, 09:01 PM
FWIW, I got into a spat with some guy over me posting links to making your own binary exploding targets. He called me an "EFFIN IDIOT" for posting the links. My thing was the info is there if anyone wants to search. It's like booze or smokes to an adult. They are there if you want just search it. I politely (please and thanks) asked him to remove that comment. I then saw where he again posted saying I am still an effing indiot and the post stays. I then looked into his online identity. Not gonna say how I did it but I posted his two middle names and date of birth asking, should I post a copy of your firearms license next. He deleted all posts "AGAINST HIS WILL" Want proof..... http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/forum/showthread.php/1107105-So-I-had-a-visit-from-my-local-LEO-yesterday