View Full Version : Hunting update

09-07-2014, 12:43 PM
I've been pretty busy and haven't had a lot of time or internet access, but a quick update --after my spring bear was spending time in the West Kootenays with my boys, then when GOS any bull opened in 7b went out hunting with BRValley and his buddy from LML. BRValley was able to put his buddy on this nice bull.

You'll notice that his antlers are damaged...the day before a young gal (12?) had taken a couple of shots at him with her .243 and dinged him in the antler and in the jaw. Poor guy! Unbeknownst to us a young grizzly was stalking the injured moose.

BRValley spotted the bull in some short brush, just the flash of a large palm, and started saying "BULL!! BULL!!! Holy shit!!! NICE bull!!! Mid 40's at least!!!! Load the gun!! Rob load the gun!!"

Rob loaded up and started crouch walking closer to the bull as we watched, the bull could hear him and was looking in his direction. I was freaking out that Rob wasn't taking a bead on the bull, sure he was going to bolt. I kept whispering under my breath "SHOOT NOW!" Over and over. But the bull stood still. We understood why later. Poor guy was between a rock and a hard place.

When all my fingernails and nerves were gone, Rob finally took a bead on the bull at 75 yds. "BOOM!!!" .300WSM barked once. The bull went down. BRValley and I ran up to Rob, who was doing the Tiger Woods fist pump and jumping around. The bull was bleeding out on the ground in the short brush so we waited a couple of minutes before venturing closer. We admired the moose, Rob gave him his respects and "last meal", we took a few pictures and noted the damaged antler.

It it was warm out and so we wanted to get the moose cooled ASAP, so I started skinning and gutting. The boys were checking out the blood trail when I heard a commotion and saw the boys running towards me wide eyed. "BEAR!!! BEAR!!! GRAB THE GUNS!!!" I just had my Havalon Piranta knife and was not gonna fight the bear over the moose with that, so I ran to the truck and my gun. The grizzly had popped out of the bush a scant 15 yds ahead of them on the blood trail. He stood his ground huffing and stomping his feet. He contined to hang around about 100 yards away, so we dragged the moose up to the road where we had a clear line of sight so the boys could stand guard while I finished the moose.

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09-07-2014, 12:49 PM
No images came up. And Ellen, I missed you.

09-07-2014, 01:00 PM
I can't put the pics up right now --internet acting up

09-07-2014, 01:02 PM
Thats okay. Nice to have you back.

rides bike to work
09-07-2014, 01:19 PM
Wow sounds like quite an adventure.keep it real.

09-07-2014, 02:57 PM
Cant wait to see these pics!

09-07-2014, 04:19 PM
Good story with that one. Cant wait for the pics..and welcome back.

09-07-2014, 05:27 PM
wow! Some excitment there.

09-07-2014, 06:15 PM
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09-07-2014, 06:49 PM
Good job Ellen. MMM looks tasty.

09-07-2014, 06:51 PM
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09-07-2014, 07:05 PM
Yeah the little girl and her dad came upon us later that evening, on their quad. They had been searching for the wounded bull, all day... we had just spotted the quad ahead of us and were looking for a place to turn around when we spotted him, the dad and daughter had not seen him and were long gone down the road...I wonder if she was trying for a head shot??

09-07-2014, 07:10 PM
Next is my sheep hunt with AA...whee!

09-07-2014, 07:44 PM
I like your choice if brew! Nice moose, well done.

09-07-2014, 07:48 PM
Yeah the little girl and her dad came upon us later that evening, on their quad. They had been searching for the wounded bull, all day... we had just spotted the quad ahead of us and were looking for a place to turn around when we spotted him, the dad and daughter had not seen him and were long gone down the road...I wonder if she was trying for a head shot??
I was wondering if it was an attempted head shot as well especially if the antler was damaged from a shot as well.
Good luck on your sheep hunt.