View Full Version : Ravens and mule deer hunting

09-01-2014, 10:19 PM
I usually hunt around the Merritt area and I know that Ravens are always flying overhead when I'm hunting. I've never been able to figure out how they play into Mule deer hunting. I know they're waiting for the gut piles. When I see them I usually just freeze so that they don't give my location away. Can someone with more experience than me give me any clues as to how to use Ravens to my advantage? I feel like I'm missing out on something but I can't put my finger on it.


09-01-2014, 10:44 PM
They're buzzards/scavengers, eagles too.

You can bet if there are a few of them, there is a body there somewhere.

Dunno about using them for Mulie hunting, but they sure come in handy predator hunting.

They'll still see you if you "freeze", and they'll come back later to see if you dropped anything.
They are very curious, and if they see something that might score them some food, they'll go out of their way to check it out.

My favourite springtime hobby, during calving season, is Raven hunting. It's a devious game and very rewarding.

09-01-2014, 11:09 PM
Ravens are turning over cow pies up where I was last week.
So they could lead you to a bunch of cow dung too

09-01-2014, 11:14 PM
For predator hunting, can be useful. Because they follow the predators around to scavenge, but now sure how plays into deer huntiing

Sofa King
09-01-2014, 11:15 PM
do you have any indian in you?
that's probably the only way to get brother bird to help you get a mule deer.
stop counting on ravens and put more effort in yourself.
the mulies are probably laughing as they tip-toe away into the trees after spotting you stumbling around staring at the ravens in the sky.

09-02-2014, 06:37 AM

Aha! That's why I don't get many deer. I just thought that Mulies being as smart as they are, are also looking at the Ravens and maybe pinpointing your location. I know there has to be some sort of connection. I'm just not sure what it is.

do you have any indian in you?
that's probably the only way to get brother bird to help you get a mule deer.
stop counting on ravens and put more effort in yourself.
the mulies are probably laughing as they tip-toe away into the trees after spotting you stumbling around staring at the ravens in the sky.

Mikey Rafiki
09-02-2014, 07:27 AM

Aha! That's why I don't get many deer. I just thought that Mulies being as smart as they are, are also looking at the Ravens and maybe pinpointing your location. I know there has to be some sort of connection. I'm just not sure what it is.

Not sure what you're getting at, mulies are quite dumb.

09-02-2014, 07:48 AM
Not sure about ravens, but I've been outed by squirrels while watching deer. The deer go into a higher alert and usually figure out where I am and stare in my direction. Note that you can't win a staring fight with a deer, I've had this go on for over an hour. At this point they deer still has no idea who/what you are. You can still get closer if you move slowly and quietly. It's when you get winded, make obvious noise or silouette and they might give you the slip.

Works both ways though. Squirrels will out deer and bears for you. If the alarm goes off and you didn't do it, either something is lurking or the squirrel is having a bad day with other squirrels or birds.

09-02-2014, 10:02 AM
Scientific researchers report that crows and ravens have an IQ that equals primates.
I know from experience that they have excellent eyesight, they can differentiate between humans and have a very good memory.
Their downfall is an easy food source. They just cannot resist easy picken's.
They will taunt you if you have pissed them off.
There is no sense in freezing when out hunting. That is not normal practice and they will go into high alert and most likely start croaking and cawing raising the alarm. Better to carry on in a nonchalant manner.

09-02-2014, 12:36 PM
Thanks Jagermeister, I think that's good advice. I know they are very intelligent and I know they see me when I'm walking and see the deer at the same time. I just thought it would be to their benefit to somehow "lead you to the deer" so that they'd have a gut pile. Just wondering......

Scientific researchers report that crows and ravens have an IQ that equals primates.
I know from experience that they have excellent eyesight, they can differentiate between humans and have a very good memory.
Their downfall is an easy food source. They just cannot resist easy picken's.
They will taunt you if you have pissed them off.
There is no sense in freezing when out hunting. That is not normal practice and they will go into high alert and most likely start croaking and cawing raising the alarm. Better to carry on in a nonchalant manner.