View Full Version : Crossbow/compound recommendations

08-29-2014, 11:58 PM
Hello, I'm new to hunting and am looking to take up the bow as well as the rifle. Can anyone recommend a good starter compound and crossbow? I live in Victoria and most if not all of my hunting will be on the island for deer. I do like the idea of a blackie though. Oooh maybe an elk too.

Seriously though, any recommendations are helpful, thank.


08-30-2014, 07:45 AM
You can buy an entry level PSE for a little over $300 new which would be a good start for your first year or two. Most brands have a bow in this price range, Hoyt also has one that is nice, the Ignite I think it is called. I don't personally like crossbows so I can't comment on them.

08-30-2014, 07:45 AM
I think the Hermit sells a decent crossbow for a good price. Try PMing him

08-30-2014, 08:10 AM
Compound bow over crossbow, quicker to load and easier to move through the bush. Lots of good entry level compound bows, and it really does not take very long to shoot well with proper instruction.