View Full Version : Out on opening day for Grouse

08-22-2014, 06:04 PM
So I spent the day in the mountains hunting for Grouse this Wednesday (opening day for bow). Was a fantastic day to be out. Great weather. Unfortunately after working the area for most of the day, I didn't come across a single bird. Still, got to try out my new bow mount on the motorcycle and scout a couple deer and bear spots for later in the season :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10563005_299778233535651_3536280532490833517_n.jpg ?oh=6aaa70b0cd442947067b42cbb5dc34e3&oe=54803283&__gda__=1416981258_73271027631a40d9bd5880418e740b1 e

Anybody else have any luck? I'm having trouble determining where to focus my efforts. Not looking for spots. I've got several. Just wondering how and when you work an area? Do you find morning or evening better? Do you glass clear cuts that run old growth? Bushwhack the cliff sides? Drive all day until you spot something in the ditch? I tried all of the above. Would love to hear some tips on those who have been successful.

Greatly looking forward to putting some bush chickens in the slow cooker this year!

08-22-2014, 07:09 PM
I rarely target grouse specifically, though when I have, Ive been successful. I hunt them the same way I hunt bear, driving. Morning and evening seem best on gravel roads. Keep at it, I saw a small covey just a few days ago out on my bike


08-22-2014, 10:49 PM
Thanks Murder, maybe I'll try and cover some more ground next time.