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View Full Version : Tahltan block moose hunters

08-20-2014, 12:26 PM
And it begins

08-20-2014, 12:32 PM
I knew that was coming :-?. This shit Never ends. Funny, my nephew has a grizz draw there.I wonder how that will go?.

Bear Brawler
08-20-2014, 12:32 PM
I'm so amazed this is actually happening, I don't know how to express myself without sounding like a racist ahole so I will just stop typing now.

08-20-2014, 12:35 PM
So they're going to block a provincial hwy to protect "their moose" That's rich, if they want to control hunting, maybe they should tidy their own house first?

Stone Sheep Steve
08-20-2014, 12:36 PM
Surprised it took them this long.


08-20-2014, 12:39 PM
Domestic terrorists

08-20-2014, 12:59 PM
So they're going to block a provincial hwy to protect "their moose" That's rich, if they want to control hunting, maybe they should tidy their own house first?

And quit burning the house siding for winter wood. :wink:

Vladimir Poutine
08-20-2014, 01:08 PM
I particularly laughed at the comment "hunters can come in here and shoot as many moose as they want." What a pile of shit.

08-20-2014, 01:41 PM
I particularly laughed at the comment "hunters can come in here and shoot as many moose as they want." What a pile of shit.

Thought the same... Sounds like he's describing their own hunting methods rather than that of others who have to follow provincial laws and regulations...

Ride Red
08-20-2014, 02:10 PM
Run the *uckers over !!!

08-20-2014, 02:12 PM
funny how their idea of managing wildlife is to cut off the guys who help support conservation and wildlife. just a selfish stance, to keep whitey out. if the animals can "sustain" pit lamping, no bag limit, either sex harvest, and no closed season I'm sure the few moose the resident hunters take out wont collapse the populations.

08-20-2014, 02:17 PM
"Tahltan" or is it "Taliban".....the lines are getting foggy

08-20-2014, 02:25 PM
what a surpize, hope there done with there crap by the time I get there

08-20-2014, 02:30 PM
Are they not interfering with a lawful hunt??? Is this not illegal???

08-20-2014, 02:35 PM
Are they not interfering with a lawful hunt??? Is this not illegal???

Yep, so is a lot of other things they do, but they get away with it because of a combination of the government not having the balls to stand up to them as well as playing the whole racism card... No one dares charge, prosecute, or convict them in most cases...

08-20-2014, 02:36 PM

Never mind i'am on the way

08-20-2014, 02:37 PM
Are they not interfering with a lawful hunt??? Is this not illegal???

Yep, so is a lot of other things they do, but they get away with it because of a combination of the government not having the balls to stand up to them as well as playing the whole racism card... No one dares charge, prosecute, or convict them in most cases...

Don't believe me... Go blockade the reserve from entry onto the highway, see how long that lasts before your hauled away in a police cruiser....

Sofa King
08-20-2014, 02:38 PM
the gov can end this shit in a milli-second if they wanted to.
block the roads, no chequey-chequey.

08-20-2014, 02:38 PM
Not sure why that showed up twice after I edited...

08-20-2014, 02:39 PM
the gov can end this shit in a milli-second if they wanted to.
block the roads, no chequey-chequey.

With how ridiculous this is all getting these days, I'm sorry to say I kinda prefer Trappers solution better... Though yours is good too...

Sofa King
08-20-2014, 02:40 PM
Yep, so is a lot of other things they do, but they get away with it because of a combination of the government not having the balls to stand up to them as well as playing the whole racism card... No one dares charge, prosecute, or convict them in most cases...

Don't believe me... Go blockade the reserve from entry onto the highway, see how long that lasts before your hauled away in a police cruiser....

this summer they threw pallets into a Vancouver intersection and congregated in protest of whatever.
nothing was done.
any whitey tries that, cuffs and a cruiser for him.

Sofa King
08-20-2014, 02:41 PM
actually, he'd never make it into the cruiser.
they'd open fire on him for fear of their own lives.

Whonnock Boy
08-20-2014, 02:52 PM
Are they not interfering with a lawful hunt??? Is this not illegal???

I wonder....... They charged the aboriginal that stopped me from hunting a particular road. It was ok'd by the prosecutor on the basis of public safety. Someone maybe just has to make a complaint. Video and pictures of the protesters would be helpful. Someone please try!!!!!

08-20-2014, 02:59 PM
I just reread the article, seems to me that they are mainly referring to neighboring bands from the description of the hunting practices. They never mention anything about non FN's, just hunters not from their band, kinda sounds like a border dispute between bands, more than anything.

08-20-2014, 03:04 PM
Highway 51 is considered a provincial highway but the Tahltan are saying it is a private road and not within the authority of the province.

one of my favorite lines. I wonder who pays for and maintains this private road during winter and summer?

Stone Sheep Steve
08-20-2014, 03:09 PM
Help them out and pull all the bridges.

08-20-2014, 03:18 PM
How many of us are going to roll over and let them take over the province?this is the bigger problem.

Rob Chipman
08-20-2014, 03:21 PM
I find it interesting that a newspaper will publish that kind of writing. I understand the need for objectivity, and I understand that the Terrace Standard has to be sensitive to local issues, but...

"Tahltan band chief councillor Terri Brown says [it] amounts to unregulated hunting on Tahltan traditional territory"...followed by "At the moment, there are only two provincial conservation officers for the area.".

Fair enough. How big is the area? Is 2 officers for that amount of territory and hunters/hunting out of line with the rest of the province? If so then perhaps Terri Brown's comment is reasonable. If not, then perhaps all hunting in BC is unregulated, and we were simply not aware of this, if we're defining "regulated" as "having a specific number of COs".

Of course, if we define "regulated" as "subject to laws and requiring education and permits" then hunting there is clearly regulated, and the Terrace Standard should really say so.

Unless there is evidence of unregulated hunting (as in hunting done by hunters other than those educated and licensed by the government and regulated by municipal, provincial and federal laws). I'm not sure who might fall into that category other than poachers, and, perhaps, FNs in some situations. (I'm open to education on that score).

"Highway 51 is considered a provincial highway but the Tahltan are saying it is a private road and not within the authority of the province."

I think that "considered" is an interesting choice of words, as is "private". Who pays for that road? Does it run through recognized reserve lands? Who owns a provincial highway on reserve lands?

"Earlier this month, the Tahltan Band announced it was banning heavy vehicles from using Hwy51 without first getting permission from the band."

It made the announcement, but inquiring minds want to know: have they successfully banned heavy vehicles or were they just blowing smoke?

Maybe the guy writing the story is over worked and underpaid, but that sort of reporting is piss poor and does not serve the public well at all. The guy could answer the obvious questions without picking any sides.

Why do I care? Recently the Georgia Straight published an article stating that hunter numbers were half what they were a decade ago, and that nobody eats black bear meat as it is virtually inedible. Guys on the forum recognized uniformed urban opinion that wasn't about to change, but its also just bad behaviour on the part of the press. This is the same thing: unbalanced, lazy reporting.

And it can't be dismissed as the work of a latte sipping metro-sexual vegan. This is a writer from Terrace. Some of us trust the press to report things objectively, truthfully and professionally (I'm not in that group, but some of the readers of this forum probably are). This article is a hint that there's more of a problem than just the blockades. If the media screws up on one story can you trust their reports on another?

08-20-2014, 03:30 PM
It's coming. Just a matter of time now.


08-20-2014, 03:33 PM
I'm just going to throw in my 2 cents for what it's worth.

When will we ( non First Nation ) stop putting up with this type of action ?

Yes they (Indians) do have rights on their reserve but IMO they are now infringing on our (non Indians) rights.
A provincial HWY is for all to use even if you do not pay taxes.
But when it is "blockaded" even if only for "information or education" purposes, the offending party must be removed and charged.
When will that ever be done ? I think a "snowball" has a better chance in Hell than the blockade ever being taken down.
Perhaps the police/politicians are scared of this becoming another OKA !

Just my final thought...what if a group of "white" people "blockaded" a HWY...how fast would that blockade be removed ?

Personally, I would rather see all roads out of this bands reserve be "blockaded".

08-20-2014, 03:38 PM
It's coming. Just a matter of time now.


Are you implying we should go "back" and finish the job ?
At least make it fair and give back their bows.

https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4042/4387523896_19881bb9e7.jpg (https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=jxb4jLG6F9HQ8M&tbnid=Uer1PBJLOYmOFM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fuicdig ital%2F4387523896%2F&ei=-CL1U8zEGcmQyASE7oFY&bvm=bv.73231344,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNEBonOE4StApr3AeYT9R9eKws251A&ust=1408660503047918)

They used to be a proud people.

08-20-2014, 03:39 PM
Now after re re reading the article, they make mention of a hunting "season", so yes, that means non F/N hunters. By the looks of that blockade, I bet most would just roll down the window , give them the international symbol for mutual love and respect while putting it to the floor.

Had a similar situation in Penticton about 20 years ago and that's exactly what we did, I'm not proud of it but I,m not ashamed of it either.

08-20-2014, 03:42 PM
Funny how Jelvis hasn't chimed in?. Must be on an oxygen tank. :shock:

08-20-2014, 03:45 PM
I just reread the article, seems to me that they are mainly referring to neighboring bands from the description of the hunting practices. They never mention anything about non FN's, just hunters not from their band, kinda sounds like a border dispute between bands, more than anything.

Not sure I agree with your take.

The chief says that too many people come into their territory without proper understanding. Neighboring bands would understand it. Also neighboring bands don't have to abide by hunting seasons so the blockade at this time would be directed to hunters hunting within the legal seasons....namely non natives. Also the request for permission to traverse the area is directed to "the public". I doubt they refer to neighboring bands as "the public".

08-20-2014, 03:45 PM
I'm just going to throw in my 2 cents for what it's worth.

When will we ( non First Nation ) stop putting up with this type of action ?

Yes they (Indians) do have rights on their reserve but IMO they are now infringing on our (non Indians) rights.
A provincial HWY is for all to use even if you do not pay taxes.
But when it is "blockaded" even if only for "information or education" purposes, the offending party must be removed and charged.
When will that ever be done ? I think a "snowball" has a better chance in Hell than the blockade ever being taken down.
Perhaps the police/politicians are scared of this becoming another OKA !

Just my final thought...what if a group of "white" people "blockaded" a HWY...how fast would that blockade be removed ?

Personally, I would rather see all roads out of this bands reserve be "blockaded".

Maybe an organized group of people should try it? Might want lawyers lined up and informed ahead of time but... If I had the spare change kicking around to pay the lawyer fees etc I'd consider volunteering myself... The only other hesitation would be that you/I actually get convicted, for those of us not on welfare or government funding that may mean losing your job, as I know with mine I need security clearances and criminal record cheques... A criminal record may also cut into some of our hobbies like hunting and shooting when you can no longer possess a PAL and firearms....

08-20-2014, 03:49 PM
Now after re re reading the article, they make mention of a hunting "season", so yes, that means non F/N hunters. By the looks of that blockade, I bet most would just roll down the window , give them the international symbol for mutual love and respect while putting it to the floor.

Had a similar situation in Penticton about 20 years ago and that's exactly what we did, I'm not proud of it but I,m not ashamed of it either.

I remember that. The Penticton Bands blockaded Green Mtn Rd and no one who was working at the ski hill could get thru.
The news crew even showed a Indian hitting the truck hood of a guy who was stopped. That guy was pissed.

Big Lew
08-20-2014, 03:49 PM
My Great Grandfather homesteaded on Rolley Lake (hence the name) so maybe I should put up a blockade and forbid anyone from accessing the lake and demand the gov't remove the current campsite, just saying....

08-20-2014, 03:49 PM
What is BCWF stance on this sort of thing? And do they or will they take any actual actions? If so when?

08-20-2014, 03:51 PM
Maybe an organized group of people should try it? Might want lawyers lined up and informed ahead of time but... If I had the spare change kicking around to pay the lawyer fees etc I'd consider volunteering myself... The only other hesitation would be that you/I actually get convicted, for those of us not on welfare or government funding that may mean losing your job, as I know with mine I need security clearances and criminal record cheques... A criminal record may also cut into some of our hobbies like hunting and shooting when you can no longer possess a PAL and firearms....

All true. We have to play by the rules...they don't. It's not fair.

08-20-2014, 03:52 PM
[QUOTE=300H&H;1529609] Just my final thought...what if a group of "white" people "blockaded" a HWY...how fast would that blockade be removed.

We did that back in around 74 when the Indians blocked the road at Pavillian for about a month. A group blocked the bridge into Lillooet to Indians until the police arrested one individual participant. Then a group of local citizens, told the local detachment to get the blockade down or we would do it ourselves and if we had to do it then we no longer needed their services. Two days later a squad of mounties confronted the blockade and got it remove.

If you get enough local citizens political active it can be accomplish.

08-20-2014, 03:59 PM
[QUOTE=300H&H;1529609] Just my final thought...what if a group of "white" people "blockaded" a HWY...how fast would that blockade be removed.

We did that back in around 74 when the Indians blocked the road at Pavillian for about a month. A group blocked the bridge into Lillooet to Indians until the police arrested one individual participant. Then a group of local citizens, told the local detachment to get the blockade down or we would do it ourselves and if we had to do it then we no longer needed their services. Two days later a squad of mounties confronted the blockade and got it remove.

If you get enough local citizens political active it can be accomplish.

Two thumbs up tomcat.

08-20-2014, 04:02 PM
Delete... i have nothing positive or constructive to add to this discussion

08-20-2014, 04:32 PM
If they were to set up a roadblock in the lower mainland they'd be trying to sell you sockeye as they're turning you around.

What happens if someone decides to just go around them? I hope they don't think they can chase people down and stop them, things could get realllly ugly if that starts happening.

08-20-2014, 04:38 PM
Delete... i have nothing positive or constructive to add to this discussion

Im with John!

Gonna sit back and enjoy a cold Canadian.

08-20-2014, 04:38 PM
I'm so amazed this is actually happening, I don't know how to express myself without sounding like a racist ahole so I will just stop typing now.
Why should you not express your thoughts? The indians have no problem expressing theirs and they are not called racist. In fact I can not think of a more vocal group of people than the indians. That's the problem with Canadians we're too afraid of sounding "racist" because we don't agree with what someone else says of does. Most people wouldn't say shit if their mouth was full of it. I can rant and rave here because i'm sick and tired of their shit and you can call me a racist if you want but I don't care. What would happen if some folks set up road blocks on the roads leading in and out of the rez? This BS sickens me as it does a whole lot of others. When is this government going to stand up to these assholes and treat them the same way they would treat anyone else who pulled this crap?

08-20-2014, 04:42 PM
Yep, so is a lot of other things they do, but they get away with it because of a combination of the government not having the balls to stand up to them as well as playing the whole racism card... No one dares charge, prosecute, or convict them in most cases...

Don't believe me... Go blockade the reserve from entry onto the highway, see how long that lasts before your hauled away in a police cruiser....

We tried that back during the OKA summer when all the Hazelton natives got restless and blocked all the roads.130 logging trucks,300 people.Cops shut us down in 3 hours.Theirs stayed up for 3 more weeks.And,my f`ing God,you should have seen the filthy mess the "Stewards of the Land" left behind.Truckloads of crap all over the area.
Old guys roadblock looks pretty flimsy,if he was blocking me I`d drive right through it.
Nobody stops me from the legal pursuit of my happiness.Actually,those dickheads kinda add to it.

08-20-2014, 04:51 PM
"Tahltan" or is it "Taliban".....the lines are getting foggy

Hey if it was the Taliban you might be able to negotiate but being its the " TAHLTAN TRIBE " it only going to be one sided ! There Side ONLY ! :( Phucking BULLSHIT ! :cry: JMO RJ

08-20-2014, 04:52 PM
The weather will change in a few weeks, and the barricade and plywood sign will be used for a traditional campfire to stay warm. Once that's gone, my bet is they will go home for the last Wednesday of the month traditional feast.

Bear Brawler
08-20-2014, 05:00 PM
I'd drive over the shit in the road in a heart beat, as soon as anyone even tries to stop or catch me, it's video on, and defend myself to the fullest.

08-20-2014, 05:23 PM
And it begins

There are ways to deal with things like that! Canadian are really a soft people. Go try to block road in Iraq and see want happens!

08-20-2014, 05:46 PM
It may be time for a convoy. All the hunters going in that direction need to go at the same time.
Say, how do you block a plane? Wave your tribal flag in the middle of the runway?

08-20-2014, 06:13 PM
Sick and tired of this bs. Call me a racist fine. Run over the pricks sign and if they get in the way, their fault.

08-20-2014, 07:27 PM
I wonder if they let the fuel truck through to keep the diesel gen station running for lights, tv, internet, etc on??? Does the once or twice weekly freight/grocery truck need permission? Or are the band councilors "living off the land" now??? Perhaps this stuff would slow down if taxes stopped funding reserve life?

Whonnock Boy
08-20-2014, 07:39 PM
Sometimes men bend with the breeze, sometimes men break. She's really starting to blow now boys.....

08-20-2014, 08:25 PM
Float plane men.

Johnny G1
08-20-2014, 09:09 PM
Maybe somebody needs to drop a couple boxes of powder off at a certain hillside above the reserve, or take the bridge out below the hill????

.330 Dakota
08-20-2014, 09:26 PM

never mind i'am on the way

all jokes aside this needs to happen, enough of their crap

08-20-2014, 09:41 PM
Would it help to contact a bunch of these Tahltan morons and tell them why what they are doing is wrong, flood them with phone calls and emails explaining to them how we the resident white hunters put money and resources into wildlife, and penalizing us and getting on our bad side in the long run will back-fire on them?? If any of you think so, here is their info:

Tahltan Central Council, Box 69 , Tatl'ah (Dease Lake), British Columbia V0C 1L0, Phone: 250-771-3274, 1-855-TAHLTAN, Fax: 250-771-3020, info@tahltan.org ( info@tahltan.org) - See more at: http://www.tahltan.org/administration/administration#sthash.q8bJ3S7L.dpuf

Otherwise what would be the next step do we just have to go to Steve Thomson our Minister of FLNR Operations and tell them that enough is enough and the government has to drop the balls here??

08-20-2014, 09:51 PM
I find it puzzling when I go up there to hunt grizz in the spring and they are hunting Moose... Are they really that concerned about the population?

08-20-2014, 10:07 PM
Selfish greed folks !

08-20-2014, 10:14 PM
HMM I PERSONALY phoned premirr Clark...today...her secretary wouldnt take my concerns regarding these exact problems..not regarding natives...hmmmm pretty much sums up the future...

08-20-2014, 10:46 PM
She would if they were blocking hiway 1 into vancover !

08-20-2014, 11:11 PM
Amazing....... That in our society things like this exist!! Makes me angry/sad&MOST importantly worried for my future rights and hunting/outdoors opportunities!! The government needs to step it up and enforce our "laws"

08-20-2014, 11:18 PM
We tried that back during the OKA summer when all the Hazelton natives got restless and blocked all the roads.130 logging trucks,300 people.Cops shut us down in 3 hours.Theirs stayed up for 3 more weeks.And,my f`ing God,you should have seen the filthy mess the "Stewards of the Land" left behind.Truckloads of crap all over the area.
Old guys roadblock looks pretty flimsy,if he was blocking me I`d drive right through it.
Nobody stops me from the legal pursuit of my happiness.Actually,those dickheads kinda add to it.

That makes me sick to read this...as sad as it sounds, whites are now a minority and the politicians don't piss off the majority.

Vladimir Poutine
08-21-2014, 07:34 AM
She would if they were blocking hiway 1 into vancover !

Or the route to the Bollywood Award Show.

08-21-2014, 08:26 AM
I find it puzzling when I go up there to hunt grizz in the spring and they are hunting Moose... Are they really that concerned about the population?

I lived in Hazelton one summer, and chatted with a native guy. I asked what he did for a living, and he said "hunting moose". I asked how many he shot and he said about 30-40/year. I was stunned. I was also stunned that he seemed unable to figure out why the moose hunting was not as good as it used to be.

08-21-2014, 08:53 AM
I lived in Hazelton one summer, and chatted with a native guy. I asked what he did for a living, and he said "hunting moose". I asked how many he shot and he said about 30-40/year. I was stunned. I was also stunned that he seemed unable to figure out why the moose hunting was not as good as it used to be.
seems about right. and this will be the same guy on the road block saying we kill all their moose...
and they wonder why we don't trust their managing ideas, instead of the bios that do it now.

08-21-2014, 10:46 AM
seems about right. and this will be the same guy on the road block saying we kill all their moose...
and they wonder why we don't trust their managing ideas, instead of the bios that do it now.

The COs should challenge them. Make the natives have to follow all provincial hunting regulations for 5 to 10 yrs to see if the government system is working or not before they can say anything about the system not working. That should shut them up quick once the populations start to rebound and the only difference made is the natives stopped poaching year round.

08-21-2014, 10:57 AM
Good on them for sticking up for what they feel needs to be done and getting away with it.

I guess its too bad for me that if I did what I thought needed to be done I'd get thrown in jail for a long time.

What a screwed up Country we live in.

08-21-2014, 11:54 AM
One of the commentators Jim Pavich looks like the former member Canuckshooter.:mrgreen:

Tis indeed Canuckshooter.

08-21-2014, 12:27 PM
hmmmmm that map does not appear to have anywhere for the 2.5 million plus ..97% that are not Indians..whens the bus ride to Alberta??



08-21-2014, 07:18 PM
I am surprised this thread has not been LOCKED by now.

We are all passionate about hunting and the outdoors so I guess the "mods' are letting us vent for now.

08-21-2014, 07:38 PM
For conversation's sake let's ask ourselves what might happen if someone drove around the blockade and kept going. You get chased down? So you keep going. You get to your hunting spot and get into a heated shouting match when the local natives pull up. Best be with a group of hunting buddies. You are not on reservation land. By law you have a right to be there, hunting. Maybe after lots of heated arguing said natives leave and promise to be back. Do you and your buddies move to another area immediately? If you stay would you risk coming back from a morning hunt to 4 slashed tires and a tore up camp? Maybe set up some trial cams to record all the action and press charges? Maybe you and your buddies wear head mount go-pros during any confrontation to record everything. I am sure this situation would not end well. Armed hunters with tempers flaring? A recipe for trouble. Someone may fire a round. Say a hunter caught a person slashing their tires upon returning to camp. Could be big trouble. A hunter may need a really good lawyer and financial support from other hunters to fight a court case.

Is it worth it? Is this what we have to do to get this sh*t storm addressed? I am not sure. Do we need to lobby the local and provincial Govt's to force them to deal with this mess? Deep down I don't think anybody wants to be the guy in court because he did something in the heat of battle.

08-21-2014, 08:10 PM
For conversation's sake let's ask ourselves what might happen if someone drove around the blockade and kept going. You get chased down? So you keep going. You get to your hunting spot and get into a heated shouting match when the local natives pull up. Best be with a group of hunting buddies. You are not on reservation land. By law you have a right to be there, hunting. Maybe after lots of heated arguing said natives leave and promise to be back. Do you and your buddies move to another area immediately? If you stay would you risk coming back from a morning hunt to 4 slashed tires and a tore up camp? Maybe set up some trial cams to record all the action and press charges? Maybe you and your buddies wear head mount go-pros during any confrontation to record everything. I am sure this situation would not end well. Armed hunters with tempers flaring? A recipe for trouble. Someone may fire a round. Say a hunter caught a person slashing their tires upon returning to camp. Could be big trouble. A hunter may need a really good lawyer and financial support from other hunters to fight a court case.

Is it worth it? Is this what we have to do to get this sh*t storm addressed? I am not sure. Do we need to lobby the local and provincial Govt's to force them to deal with this mess? Deep down I don't think anybody wants to be the guy in court because he did something in the heat of battle.

When i was little we went up to dease lake my dad wanted to try a new area. We got chased outta their within an hour by the local native band. Packed up went to our usual spot at the parking area for the jade mine road. Dad decide we should go fishing at the pond in the first 1 km of the road. Bagged a moose 10 minutes in. Went home the next day. Thanks local band!

08-21-2014, 08:22 PM
All I have to say, is we live In a province run by spineless beaurcrats. They are the problem. If they had some balls, there would be non of this B.S! I'm glad I went through that town as long as I have. I would be tempted to run them all over!

08-21-2014, 08:25 PM
this shit is going to go south quick, ive been involved and watching this shit for many years,THE NON FN LEGAL HUNTER LOOKING TO FEED HIS FAMILY books his moose hunting trip 11 months in advance because of WORK and then hits a fn blockade on his way to his moose hunting area??i aint leaving with out some repurcussions

08-21-2014, 08:38 PM
McPhee, Annita. President, Tahltan Central Council (http://www.huntingbc.ca/uploads/1/3/5/2/13524076/annita_mcphee_tahltan_partnerships_in_energy.pdf)
Annita McPhee, Coscuya, has dedicated most of her life to creating a prosperous future for the Tahltan Nation through balancing opportunities and benefits in Tahltan Territory and protecting sacred spaces. Ms. McPhee has taken cutting edge approaches to aboriginal engagement and the resource sector and broken down barriers of communication.

Currently in her third term as the President of the Tahltan Central Council (TCC), Ms. McPhee has led the Tahltan Nation through some of the most challenging events in the nation’s history. Under her leadership, the Tahltan Nation has secured over $2 billion in agreements for the Northwest Transmission Line and AltaGas. Shell Oil’s has also relinquished its tenures in the Klappan.

Both the Tahltan Nation and Ms. McPhee have been recognized for their work, including a 2013 Tides Canada award for work on the agreement with Shell Oil, and a Premier’s Award with the Province of BC for the Tahltan Social Cultural Working Group’s innovative approach. Ms. McPhee has also received the Women of the North Leadership and Business Conference’s Aboriginal Woman of Distinction award. In 2012, she became the first Aboriginal woman to join the board of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada and is currently a director of the Legal Services Society and a member of the Vancouver Board of Trade’s Aboriginal Affairs Committee.

Wow, 2 Billion!!!!!



08-21-2014, 08:45 PM
wow 2 billion? should be enough to pay the blockaders fore a little while

08-21-2014, 08:51 PM
McPhee, now there's a good old FN name! :) K

08-21-2014, 10:09 PM
I think I have this figured out.
Chief Terri Brown has failed to file the Tahltan disclosures in accordance with the with the FNFTA. Since the 120 day limit has lapsed, their funding will be cut. To make up for short falls, they will try to holdup the BC Public at large as they use public thoroughfares in north-western BC.
Shame on you Chief Terri Brown.

08-22-2014, 05:49 AM
I had a native ask me why white man build such a big fire and sit way back, when native build small fire and sit close, I told him that native too fu-------- lazy to cut enough fire wood to have big fire.
I wonder if we are going to plough their roads in the winter.

08-22-2014, 07:24 AM
Read the article and thought the same thing, come winter they will want us to plow their road and pay for it and then grade it smooth next spring so they can put road blocks up again. What a pile of crap!!!!

08-22-2014, 11:43 AM
Read the article and thought the same thing, come winter they will want us to plow their road and pay for it and then grade it smooth next spring so they can put road blocks up again. What a pile of crap!!!!

I think piling a 20 foot high snowbank right in front of the blockade would be a reasonable use of taxpayers' money.

08-22-2014, 11:59 AM
Just a thought, maybe the Non-natives that the Tahltan are targeting should formally inform all of the businesses and corporations that support or have agreements with the Tahltan, that this blockade mentality won't be tolerated and from this point forward will not see one cent of our hard earned after tax income. Two can play this game.


08-22-2014, 12:18 PM
If they were to set up a roadblock in the lower mainland they'd be trying to sell you sockeye as they're turning you around.

What happens if someone decides to just go around them? I hope they don't think they can chase people down and stop them, things could get realllly ugly if that starts happening.

This is exactly what will start happening and people are going to get hurt over this. Maybe then the government will grow a pair to stand up to them. Equality is a line in the sand as far as the government is concerned.

08-22-2014, 12:59 PM
It has been repeatedly ruled that blockades are illegal. It has also been proven that the RCMP fails to enforce these laws, look at the Gtisxan blockade of Elmer Derrick's (a Gitsxan Chief) office. The RCMP were ordered by a BC Supreme Court Judge to remove the blockade but refused to do so. When the Government and the Police force is afraid, you must confront them with something that scares them more, the pocket book.

In May, 2013, in the case of Behn v Moulton Contracting Ltd the SCC ruled that blockades are illegal when other legal methods to address a grievance are available. The Tahltan has lots of legal resources available, including attempting to change the season etc. Also resulting from this case was a large financial penalty to the province because when they sold the logging licenses to Moulton there was a implied understanding that they issues surrounding the ability to perform harvesting, including first nation concerns, addressed. When I bought my Hunting license in the Spring I entered a contract with the government paying them to be able to pursue game anywhere in the province a season was available, with a implied, and legally recognized, understanding that no one can legally interfere with my pursuit. If every single hunter sued the province for damages, they will be forced to listen!

Granted, this is an exaggeration, but what other options do we have when the Police refuse to enforce the law and court orders or elected representatives refuse to listen to any grievance about the issue (unless you are on the other side)?

The Hermit
08-22-2014, 01:12 PM
It has been repeatedly ruled that blockades are illegal. It has also been proven that the RCMP fails to enforce these laws, look at the Gtisxan blockade of Elmer Derrick's (a Gitsxan Chief) office. The RCMP were ordered by a BC Supreme Court Judge to remove the blockade but refused to do so. When the Government and the Police force is afraid, you must confront them with something that scares them more, the pocket book.

In May, 2013, in the case of Behn v Moulton Contracting Ltd the SCC ruled that blockades are illegal when other legal methods to address a grievance are available. The Tahltan has lots of legal resources available, including attempting to change the season etc. Also resulting from this case was a large financial penalty to the province because when they sold the logging licenses to Moulton there was a implied understanding that they issues surrounding the ability to perform harvesting, including first nation concerns, addressed. When I bought my Hunting license in the Spring I entered a contract with the government paying them to be able to pursue game anywhere in the province a season was available, with a implied, and legally recognized, understanding that no one can legally interfere with my pursuit. If every single hunter sued the province for damages, they will be forced to listen!

Granted, this is an exaggeration, but what other options do we have when the Police refuse to enforce the law and court orders or elected representatives refuse to listen to any grievance about the issue (unless you are on the other side)?

Wondering if there is an HBC member that is a lawyer willing to take on a class action suit representing all BC Hunters, and companies that are affected by these illegal blockades? I think naming the BC Government, all FN that block hunting, and the RCMP for not dismantling the blockades. If nothing else a suit would certainly bring much needed attention. Lets not forget that the Williams decision only referred to ONE FN band and its language put clear limits on their rights as title holders.

08-22-2014, 02:09 PM
100,000 registered hunters in BC. If we can get 1/2 to donate $20 to hire a lawyer and get sh1t happening. I'm in! Anyone else like the idea? Can we somehow get organized?

The Dawg
08-22-2014, 02:21 PM

The latest.

08-22-2014, 02:45 PM
Wondering if there is an HBC member that is a lawyer willing to take on a class action suit representing all BC Hunters, and companies that are affected by these illegal blockades? I think naming the BC Government, all FN that block hunting, and the RCMP for not dismantling the blockades. If nothing else a suit would certainly bring much needed attention. Lets not forget that the Williams decision only referred to ONE FN band and its language put clear limits on their rights as title holders.

The problem with your idea launching a class action suit against BC government is launching a law suit against all of us. They will use our money in the process.
Launching a lawsuit against FNs is also at our expense. Same with the RCMP.

The only thing that can affect this is physical presence imo.

08-22-2014, 03:58 PM

The latest.

An information blockade!? What BS, this really ticks me off.

08-22-2014, 04:05 PM
Perhaps our government could use the model that the UN and governments use to deal with other nations which are "not playing nicely" and institute conomic sanctions against First Nations responsible for illegal blockades.
everyone has a right to protest but a blockade is not a protest.

just a thought

08-22-2014, 04:06 PM
Need spell check... economic sanctions

08-22-2014, 04:38 PM
THE MOOSE population in the Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek area isn't in danger, says the provincial government following an information blockade set up Aug. 20 by the Tahltan Band.


“This annual harvest rate is well below the 6 per cent that the ministry sets as a conservative sustainable annual harvest rate for bull moose ….,” said the ministry of the number of bull moose shot.

“This is a vast area that is largely pristine and with poor access. This combination results in moose populations that are healthy and stable. The area is not part of the recently observed moose declines through central B.C.”

So there, Councilor Brown. GFY.

08-22-2014, 04:46 PM
so there, councilor brown. Gfy.

Exactly!. There blowing smoke and know one's buying it.

08-22-2014, 04:50 PM
funny how their idea of managing wildlife is to cut off the guys who help support conservation and wildlife. just a selfish stance, to keep whitey out. if the animals can "sustain" pit lamping, no bag limit, either sex harvest, and no closed season I'm sure the few moose the resident hunters take out wont collapse the populations.

100,000 registered hunters in BC. If we can get 1/2 to donate $20 to hire a lawyer and get sh1t happening. I'm in! Anyone else like the idea? Can we somehow get organized?

Im in where do I send my $20 ?

08-22-2014, 05:05 PM
100,000 registered hunters in BC. If we can get 1/2 to donate $20 to hire a lawyer and get sh1t happening. I'm in! Anyone else like the idea? Can we somehow get organized?
I like this and if there is a fund or somewhere to financially support meaningful action for our cause particular to these issues namely to force RCMP to act on these illegal blockades and protect our lawful pursuits then I am in,but what i am worried about is the fund would not be used for these particular issues

08-22-2014, 05:24 PM
The only thing that can affect this is physical presence imo.
I totally agree!

08-22-2014, 06:43 PM
Looks you guys this is pretty simple stuff.

Write your MLA a letter - tell them:

1) As my elected representative I expect you to ensure my access to wildlife, a public resource. This is an ongoing issue the government has failed to resolve and it has effected my rights to access crown land and public resources in British Columbia.

2) The province has chronically under-funded wildlife management for better than 20 years. I expect you to increase moose populations by increasing investment in habitat enhancement and ungulate enhancement. As a conservationist I would like to see more moose across the province, the same as First Nations.

3) I will vote on the two issues above. Please provide a response and tell me what you are going to do to represent me.

Send it to your MLA and to your newspaper.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2014, 06:48 PM
No beer googles there GG. Clear and focused.....as usual


08-22-2014, 06:51 PM
Feel free to fill it in with your own personal experiences. Court is a big black hole.

Your elected MLAs and MPs write the laws and ensure enforcement of them in this country. They aren't representing you, because you aren't putting pressure on them. First Nations, anti-hunters and raincoast are.

Hunters silence is what's killing them.

08-22-2014, 08:34 PM
Don't get too excited. This comes and will go. However take it serious and:

Make sure we have enough moose up there. Yes do the inventories every five to seven years. Provide a summary of compulsory inspection since it was put in four years ago. Post population summaries from credible biologists.

If Tahltan block roads, someone has to try to go through. Take pictures, complain and press for charges. BCWF needs a legal fund.

Keep talking to Tahltan via local BCWF reps and ministry staff. Show them we actually have a system in place that protects the wildlife. Clearly the comments show some lack of real understanding what is going on

Part of this whole thing is that Rick Maclean lost the last election in telegraph in July. He was an outfitter and had a very reasonable understanding of wildlife management. I think Terri Brown is less informed.

08-22-2014, 08:34 PM
Looks you guys this is pretty simple stuff.

Write your MLA a letter - tell them:

1) As my elected representative I expect you to ensure my access to wildlife, a public resource. This is an ongoing issue the government has failed to resolve and it has effected my rights to access crown land and public resources in British Columbia.

2) The province has chronically under-funded wildlife management for better than 20 years. I expect you to increase moose populations by increasing investment in habitat enhancement and ungulate enhancement. As a conservationist I would like to see more moose across the province, the same as First Nations.

3) I will vote on the two issues above. Please provide a response and tell me what you are going to do to represent me.

Send it to your MLA and to your newspaper.

Stupid questions here, but here in the Okanagan our MLA would be Christy Clark right? If we then sent it to the news paper, do you really have high expectations of them actually publishing it?

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2014, 08:48 PM
Don't get too excited. This comes and will go. However take it serious and:

Make sure we have enough moose up there. Yes do the inventories every five to seven years. Provide a summary of compulsory inspection since it was put in four years ago. Post population summaries from credible biologists.

If Tahltan block roads, someone has to try to go through. Take pictures, complain and press for charges. BCWF needs a legal fund.

Keep talking to Tahltan via local BCWF reps and ministry staff. Show them we actually have a system in place that protects the wildlife. Clearly the comments show some lack of real understanding what is going on

Part of this whole thing is that Rick Maclean lost the last election in telegraph in July. He was an outfitter and had a very reasonable understanding of wildlife management. I think Terri Brown is less informed.

Rick maclean has stated that every one who hunts in tahltan territory should be tahltan or guided by one. Understanding of wildlife issues? Or a g/o to the bone?

08-23-2014, 07:02 AM
BCWF Special Update - Blockade in Northern B.C. by Members of the Tahltan Nation

Members of the Tahltan Nation in northwest B.C. recently set up a blockade on Highway 51 between Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek in order to limit moose hunting by resident hunters in their territory.
Tahltan Chief Terri Brown explained the move to the media earlier this week: "Hunters come into our territory and just kill as many moose as they want," said Brown. "It’s not OK. We have been concerned that too many people come here to hunt moose without a proper understanding of our territory. It’s a big issue for us because we have one of the longest hunting seasons in the province."
The B.C. Wildlife Federation believes that the moose population in the area is adequate to support both the traditional uses of First Nations and an open season for resident hunters. We do not believe there are any issues with overharvest of moose in the area, as resident moose hunters are already regulated through licencing. limited hunting seasons, bull-only restrictions, and other regulations.
Given the current harvest numbers, which are assessed through hunter surveys conducted by the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, we do not agree with the recommendation that there is a need to move to a limited entry hunting system. Limited entry hunting would unduly restrict resident access to the area, which is at the center of a number of commercial guiding operations that are not targeted by this action.
BCWF agrees with the Tahltan that our province does not have an adequate number of Conservation Officers to properly manage and protect B.C.’s fish, wildlife, and habitat – an ongoing issue that our organization has been bringing up in our meetings with government for quite some time. BCWF officials hope to set up a meeting with Chief Terri Brown and the Tahltan Nation in the near future to discuss this situation so that we can come together to look for solutions so that resident hunters can continue to access the area.
The BCWF is asking government to explain why they have allowed public roads to be blockaded, and seek remedies from the province to prevent blockades from occurring again in the future.
In the meantime, the BCWF requests that its members conduct themselves in a peaceful manner when confronted by blockades in this area or any others.
(http://bcwf.thankyou4caring.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.tahltan.ca%2fro adblock-seeks-limit-moose-hunting%2f&srcid=8693&srctid=1&erid=1468901&trid=0bb8c818-bc93-4936-90bb-52519ce5e405)
Click here to read the press release issued by the Tahltan Nation regarding the blockade (http://bcwf.thankyou4caring.org/page.redir?target=http%3a%2f%2fwww.tahltan.ca%2fro adblock-seeks-limit-moose-hunting%2f&srcid=8693&srctid=1&erid=1468901&trid=0bb8c818-bc93-4936-90bb-52519ce5e405)

08-23-2014, 09:30 AM
Thanks bcwf. Future member coming from this guy really soon

08-23-2014, 09:32 AM

The latest.

It seems like they used the word BULL mouse a lot

08-23-2014, 09:42 AM
If anyone is planning on hunting up there, you are more than welcome to borrow my Anti-Blockade truck.

08-23-2014, 09:59 AM

A couple of these strategically placed perhaps.

08-23-2014, 07:45 PM
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posted Aug 23, 2014 at 1:00 PM

Dear Sir:
As a resident hunter, a conservationist and a local resident of Dease Lake I wanted to gain a better understanding to the Tahltan First Nation's concerns and reasoning behind the blockade on Hwy 51, Telegraph Creek Road. (http://www.terracestandard.com/news/272032371.html)
To my greatest disappointment I was met with hostility and complete disregard for what I had come to discuss.
I merely wanted to inquire into who was being restricted, why and what the Tahltan Nation wished to have result from the blockade. Are we not technically on the same page? Looking after our wildlife for our future generations and passing on traditions?
Apparently I was greatly mistaken and as Terri Brown the current Tahltan Band chief would state, it's “you people” that are causing the moose population to decline.
This comment, paired with the statement that my son would not be able to learn to hunt like I did, was very bothersome.
I may not be First Nations but we have traditions, too. I grew up hunting to fill our freezer for the winter and am a better person, wildlife and nature conservationist because of it.
I appreciate where I live and where my food comes from. I wish to pass these ethics and respects for nature on to my son.
Hunting has been around for centuries. Records dating back tens of thousands of years depicting humans in the act of hunting. Hunting is not only important in the native traditions and history, it played a large part in the survival of the early Europeans in North America and critical to the survival of the early settlers.
To this day hunting continues to provide families with a significant portion of food requirements. My family is one of these.
A few statistics. Tahltans, are you aware that only approximately 50 per cent of the hunters that arrive in Region 6 during ,oose season are actually successful?
Records indicate from hunter samples and compulsory inspection data in MU 6-21 and 6-22 indicate that between 2010 and 2012 out of 417 hunters only 150 moose were shot.
However, every one of these hunters purchases a licence, tags, paid thousands to be here not including the equipment they require to hunt such as guns, trucks, quads or boats and the gear to camp with. They pay taxes on every piece of this. Not to mention the funds we pay into our licences and tags go back into wildlife conservation programs.
I'd like to quote the words of writer Gary Mauser.
"Hunters in Canada pay to the government, on average, almost $70 million per year in hunting licences and fees. This equates to what the provinces spend to manage their wildlife populations.
For most of this century, hunters in Canada have funded provincial wildlife management programs.
In 1998/99, due to years of government cutbacks, revenue from hunting licence fees was more than 110 per cent of BC’s wildlife management programs.
The contribution of Canadian hunters to wildlife does not end with the fees they pay for their hunting licences. Expenditures on hunting trips inject badly needed cash into the Canadian economy and particularly into the economy of small rural communities.
In addition, and possibly most importantly, Canadian hunters and anglers volunteer their time and donate their own money to conserve vital wildlife habitat, to raise and release salmon and other fish species into our rivers and to conduct vital wildlife research. Resident hunters spend another $1 billion on trips to view wildlife outside of hunting season and contributions to habitat restoration. While government has continually cut back on programs and services, hunters and anglers continue to pick up the slack.”
So what am I trying to say? “Us people” – the resident hunters – are the ones that are helping manage the wildlife for my generations and yours to enjoy. Yes, we hunt wildlife, but we also protect and conserve them.
I would ask the Tahltan Nation where are their statistics? How many moose are harvested by the Tahltan in a year and what efforts are they making to ensure programs are in place to sustain our wildlife populations?
Instead of blocking accesses and denying us the traditions we wish to carry on, become part of the solution.
Sabrina Larsen,
Dease Lake, B.C.

08-23-2014, 07:47 PM
and that pretty much sums it up.

08-23-2014, 08:35 PM
Wow,well written and well said,,good for you !!

08-24-2014, 01:38 AM
Great letter :-)

Vladimir Poutine
08-24-2014, 08:27 AM
Super letter. Stuck to the facts and not the hyperbole. She puts the ball squarely in the band's court in asking for data to support their claims. Getting a response re her request for the data won't be happening any time soon as it requires effort.

08-24-2014, 09:17 AM
Well said Sabrina!

08-24-2014, 10:34 AM
Excellent letter Sabrina.

Now the ball has started to roll. the rest of us have to jump in here and keep it going.

Sabrina where did you send your letter? When? I would like to give it a short time to reach it's destination and then follow it up with an inquiry quoting your letter. To leave it as is will mean it will be disregarded and thrown in the trash.

There needs to be action and support as a whole not one person. Strength in numbers.

08-24-2014, 11:26 AM
If this is not stopped soon I am afraid of what the landscape will look like in 20-30 years, will half the province be off limits to non natives?? This has a loooong history already, there is a good book on the events of the late 1800's in the Chilcotin called "the Chilcotin war". Basically the chilcotins tried to stop the white government roadbuilders from the area by killing as many as they could, that time it didn't end so well for the natives though with most of the culprits hanging from a rope around their necks. Yes there was a good 100 years of more or less peace after that but that seemed to come to an end with events like oka in quebec and gustafsen lake west of 100mile, more recently with blockades in reg 5 and the latest taltan. I worry that as they keep this up "unchallenged " their confidence will grow and we will see more and more blockades as we go. So far it has not affected my hunting areas too badly but I worry that it is just a matter of time until it does. We can write all the letters we want but I don't really think it will do much good. Will it take a confrontation with guns coming out at one of the blockades before the gov takes it seriously?? I am not condoning violence but it could see it happening.

on a side note, I am curious if they (taltan)are also blocking the guide outfitter for this area from conducting his pre paid fall hunts? That would suck for him.

08-24-2014, 12:33 PM
Very good letter

08-24-2014, 12:43 PM
good letter butt, waaaay too long for an average person to read.
Need to summarize and bring it into a smaller paragraph instead of a story
Newspaper would maybe take parts out of it out of context and make you sound like another person.
You live there so think about that b4 going to the local paper imho.
Hunters might read it thru but the average Joe or Joan wouldn't.
Your preaching to the choir on here.
Only 1 % or less of the people in BC hunt. 99% couldn't be bothered.
Most don't have a clue and don't think they really need to know.
Jel -- some would think your just another anti-native kook -- imho

08-24-2014, 12:45 PM
Good letter. Don't change a word.

08-24-2014, 12:49 PM
How the hell do you get away with putting a road block up on a provincial highway with no consequences? Has our government even acknowledged that they should be doing something about this? If you phone 911 and tell them that someone is unlawfully blocking your hunt, threatening you and using force to deny you access along a provincial highway do they not have to do something about it? This drives me crazy.

08-24-2014, 12:56 PM
Maybe read it over and correct some spelling and missed letters too.
If it were me writing it and sending it in to a paper, I'd go for the Province paper with the revised and shortened one.
I wouldn't go local paper up there in that lil place until you've revised some of the language about we and they type of stuff.
oose hunting should be corrected to moose hunting etc.
Jel -- Good luck with your endeavors. It's all my own opinion.

08-24-2014, 01:16 PM
That can't possibly be Jelvis. I understood it on the first read through. He's been hacked!

08-24-2014, 01:20 PM
Great letter DeadDog, would you mind if I forwarded a copy to my MP ?

Vladimir Poutine
08-24-2014, 01:36 PM
Really Jelvis? You should take your own advice about responses being waaaay too long.

08-24-2014, 01:41 PM
Hey Pootin. I ain't writing for any paper. Really? Hahaha
Take your own advice French fries with gravy and all cheesy. lol and quit telling me what to do and how to do it.
Jel -- Vlad your sooooo never mind lol.

08-24-2014, 01:41 PM
Great letter DeadDog, would you mind if I forwarded a copy to my MP ?

HI the letter was written by a bcwf member in Dease Lk, I have spoken to her and she is fine with it being forwarded it on in whatever fashion people choose.

08-24-2014, 02:08 PM
good letter butt, waaaay too long for an average person to read.
Need to summarize and bring it into a smaller paragraph instead of a story
Newspaper would maybe take parts out of it out of context and make you sound like another person.
You live there so think about that b4 going to the local paper imho.
Hunters might read it thru but the average Joe or Joan wouldn't.
Your preaching to the choir on here.
Only 1 % or less of the people in BC hunt. 99% couldn't be bothered.
Most don't have a clue and don't think they really need to know.
Jel -- some would think your just another anti-native kook -- imho

maybe if you read at a grade 2 level...takes a whopping 2 minutes to read that tops...its not too long, but I guess your a newspaper editor now with a ton of experience writing to the editor...and besides, your not in the choir, you've been singing for the other team for a long time now

08-24-2014, 03:09 PM
Cant believe Jelvis response. Another example of why people wont or dont post on here. I think the letter is a fine expression of the concerns local and non local residents have about the blockade. Well done.

08-24-2014, 03:20 PM
If I were the BCWF higher ups, I would think anything written by others in the name of, should have a personal disclaimer that says this is my own opinion and not necessarily that of the BCWF in general.
Using the personal names of band members in letters, especially a Chief to the public better be written well with no perception of slander.
You could paint yourself into a corner real qweeek.
Jel -- ( In my humblest O pin yon ) Jus sayin, this is all my own personal
I may be wrong -- but you ain't right. Kiiiiiiiiid Rock.

08-24-2014, 04:49 PM
You live there so think about that b4 going to the local paper imho.

Sounds like a threat of violence. Do you speak for all Indians?

08-24-2014, 04:57 PM
I don't live up there and neither do you dude so what yah sayin?
You know what town I live in. Hahaha
I'll ask you do you speak for all he/she's lol

Jel -- Detroit is a bunch of pansies with pads on - and their loser fans --
fisher dude likes me oh boy he wants to talk with me again.
Why all of a sudden dude?

08-24-2014, 04:57 PM
Umm...well...let's see...o'crap...Ive just got nothing on this topic that's not going to get me banned...

Rob Chipman
08-24-2014, 05:08 PM
Perception of slander isn't the same as slander, and there's nothing in that letter that remotely approaches slander. A chief is a public figure, this chief in particular has made public statements, and using her name is fair game. If she can't take the heat she can always get out of the kitchen.

I know you love authority Jelly, but she wrote the letter over her own name, correct? What do the "higher ups" at the BCWF have to do with it?

And as far as painting yourself into a corner or risking the perception of slander, um, how bad, exactly, are either of those things compared with setting up a blockade on a public highway? If you've got free advice on how to behave to hand out perhaps you should send it to the blockaders. Just sayin... :-)

08-24-2014, 05:11 PM
Rob what's with the chip man. On your shoulder lol. Are you a lawyer holy.
You sound like a defence lawyer.
You got your hackles bunched up like a strutting prairie chicken in heat lol.
It's not a matter of life and death for goodness sake.
Jel -- Let's not get Browned off --

08-24-2014, 05:56 PM
According to your threats of physical violence against that lady, perhaps it is a matter of life and death.

What are the rules about uttering threats and being allowed to own firearms?

08-24-2014, 05:59 PM
HI the letter was written by a bcwf member in Dease Lk, I have spoken to her and she is fine with it being forwarded it on in whatever fashion people choose.

It's a great letter...the people who said we need to start taking a stand are right...should we start this with our local sportsman's clubs do you folks think?? I would think that would be a little more persuasive wouldn't you??

08-24-2014, 06:01 PM
Cant believe Jelvis response. Another example of why people wont or dont post on here. I think the letter is a fine expression of the concerns local and non local residents have about the blockade. Well done.

Your right, people gotta start voicing their opinion and know that they are entitled to it, so who cares what others think...I know I've said alot of stupid things lol, who cares, their just my stupid opinions..

08-24-2014, 06:40 PM
Once again, Jelvis deflects or changes the topic.....but he is right in one thing, it is too long, way too long......for those who chose to sit back and demand that society change for them while they sit on road blocks stopping law abiding, tax paying citizens from doing what they do every year.

Great letter, we should all be writing these type of letters to our MLA's, MP's, newpapers and social media.



08-24-2014, 06:44 PM
Once again, Jelvis deflects or changes the topic.....but he is right in one thing, it is too long, way too long......for those who chose to sit back and demand that society change for them while they sit on road blocks stopping law abiding, tax paying citizens from doing what they do every year.

Great letter, we should all be writing these type of letters to our MLA's, MP's, newpapers and social media.



Already did two weeks ago

08-25-2014, 11:37 AM
As a resident and a local who is directly impacted. My response has caused quite a stir...


08-25-2014, 11:44 AM
Nice write up Gal. Lets hope it opens a few eyes.

08-25-2014, 11:47 AM
Excellent letter Sabrina.

Now the ball has started to roll. the rest of us have to jump in here and keep it going.

Sabrina where did you send your letter? When? I would like to give it a short time to reach it's destination and then follow it up with an inquiry quoting your letter. To leave it as is will mean it will be disregarded and thrown in the trash.

There needs to be action and support as a whole not one person. Strength in numbers.

I sent it to the Terrace Standard, Vancouver Sun and the Province. The Terrace standard is the only one to print. Please definitely follow up with an inquiry, backing by others is greatly appreciated. We need to come together on this and not let it go to rest.

08-25-2014, 11:51 AM
Maybe read it over and correct some spelling and missed letters too.
If it were me writing it and sending it in to a paper, I'd go for the Province paper with the revised and shortened one.
I wouldn't go local paper up there in that lil place until you've revised some of the language about we and they type of stuff.
oose hunting should be corrected to moose hunting etc.
Jel -- Good luck with your endeavors. It's all my own opinion.

The spelling and grammar are from their end at the paper. The paper did revise a couple of the words ( we/they) but 99% of the write up is the original. Yes I am aware of the consequences as I live here. However I am tired of speaking behind a closed door. We need to stand up for our rights too.

08-25-2014, 12:03 PM
A very thoughtfull and positive letter giving truth and insight to a situation largely overrun with racism and cloudy issues.Koodoos to the writer for her clean and non bias outlook in speaking on this situation that impacts soo many - not just the natives.All for one- and one for all= A strong Canada....Good Huntin - BULLNUTTS

08-25-2014, 12:21 PM
Guys, you may think I'm crazy but the days of writing letters are over.
But I will tell you every politician has a Twitter account and it's a very easy way to reach out and touch them and voice your opinion/concerns, pleasure/displeasure.
I'm sure younger guys already know this.
Your most likely chance to get a reply from a politician and to get noticed is on Twitter or from a direct phone call.
You won't get a reply every time, but I can almost guarantee you that they read what you are posting to them.
It took me a while to figure this out and to get myself using it.

08-25-2014, 12:35 PM
^^^^^ 100% correct letters get tossed out twitter is based on trends the more ppl using the same ### hashtag the more its noticed start using twitter guys its the way it is now

08-25-2014, 12:42 PM
As a resident and a local who is directly impacted. My response has caused quite a stir...


Great letter!. Don't worry about Jelvis, he's 10% native and the rest?. :wink:

08-25-2014, 12:43 PM
Guys, you may think I'm crazy but the days of writing letters are over.
But I will tell you every politician has a Twitter account and it's a very easy way to reach out and touch them and voice your opinion/concerns, pleasure/displeasure.
I'm sure younger guys already know this.
Your most likely chance to get a reply from a politician and to get noticed is on Twitter or from a direct phone call.
You won't get a reply every time, but I can almost guarantee you that they read what you are posting to them.
It took me a while to figure this out and to get myself using it.

so your saying I have to bite the bullet and get on twitter? Fack, ok!

08-25-2014, 12:49 PM
so your saying I have to bite the bullet and get on twitter? Fack, ok!

It doesn't have to be complicated. You don't have to become a nerd. Just connect with people you are interested in and keep on top of them.
Twitter has become my new way of getting news and bashing politicians. I've definitely made some "interesting friends" on Twitter.

08-25-2014, 01:35 PM
Great letter. You dont have to become a twithead to get your point across. There are still people who read newspapers. It may not have the same effect as the new communication routes but nonetheless it has got your message out. A lot of people are thinking the same things you are saying in your letter. It may be old fashioned but it still works.

08-25-2014, 01:47 PM
Great letter there gal, as for being a twitter or facebook, don't do it never will, letter writing suits me just fine.

08-25-2014, 02:11 PM

Keep up the good work, and keep us posted on whats going on up there, I plan on coming though there around the 15th of sept. heading towards the Yukon border.

08-25-2014, 02:28 PM
What's up? Are they still blockading?

08-25-2014, 02:40 PM

Keep up the good work, and keep us posted on whats going on up there, I plan on coming though there around the 15th of sept. heading towards the Yukon border.
Thanks and will do. You should be fine heading towards the border as they are on the Telegraph Creek Road, not Hwy 37.

08-25-2014, 03:14 PM
Maybe some of us old retired folks with time on our hands should go up there and set up a blockade right opposite theirs. I think it would be fun to see the reaction when we tell them they can't go to Dease Lake!

This might get the major media and the politicians off their butt and start sticking up for our rights too.

08-25-2014, 04:07 PM
Maybe some of us old retired folks with time on our hands should go up there and set up a blockade right opposite theirs. I think it would be fun to see the reaction when we tell them they can't go to Dease Lake!

This might get the major media and the politicians off their butt and start sticking up for our rights too.

You speak the truth.

08-25-2014, 04:15 PM
Maybe the white man should set up blockades at the beer stores and welfare offices !!!!

08-26-2014, 07:36 AM
So, let me get this straight. Say I'm heading down beautiful hwy 51 scouting for some new hunting spots, maybe I have my .17 with me for grouse. I roll up on a roadblock, they motion to me to stop, which I do, they ask me what I am doing out there and I say "minding my own business, I suggest you do the same". They see the .17 on the seat beside me and inform me that I can't pass. Can I not just simply drive around it? If I decide that I really can't get around the blockade, do I head back to Dease and talk to the RCMP? Now I'm pretty sure they will just say " go hunt elsewhere" , I inform them that I have a cabin just off Sawmill lake and I expect to be able to get there, do they help me, or tell me to pound sand?

08-26-2014, 08:03 AM
Anyone who has time to write a message in here, has time to write to their politicians stating their position. Coffee shop talk ain't gonna cut it on this one.

08-26-2014, 08:21 AM
So, let me get this straight. Say I'm heading down beautiful hwy 51 scouting for some new hunting spots, maybe I have my .17 with me for grouse. I roll up on a roadblock, they motion to me to stop, which I do, they ask me what I am doing out there and I say "minding my own business, I suggest you do the same". They see the .17 on the seat beside me and inform me that I can't pass. Can I not just simply drive around it? If I decide that I really can't get around the blockade, do I head back to Dease and talk to the RCMP? Now I'm pretty sure they will just say " go hunt elsewhere" , I inform them that I have a cabin just off Sawmill lake and I expect to be able to get there, do they help me, or tell me to pound sand?

I personally would go around, they say they're worried about the moose population, tell them you're after deer....

08-26-2014, 08:31 AM
Anyone who has time to write a message in here, has time to write to their politicians stating their position. Coffee shotp talk ain't gonna cut it on this one.
You hit the nail on the head....he won't write though,just complain on the net,go to bed and go to work in the morning

08-26-2014, 11:32 AM
You hit the nail on the head....he won't write though,just complain on the net,go to bed and go to work in the morning

Don't be silly, I'm already at work.:)

Now if I were to throw off the shackles of apathy, who would you suggest I contact, it just might be worth it.

08-26-2014, 11:40 AM
How about we pm each other and get a hold of one of the mods on this site and thrn maybe I can contact a mod on another site,start a petition asking for equal rights for hunters and dirt bikers and BC 4x4 association and then start sending copies of the petition to premiere,if the petition gains momentum we call the news and tell them about it and hopefully they feature it for a minute.

08-26-2014, 11:47 AM
How about we pm each other and get a hold of one of the mods on this site and thrn maybe I can contact a mod on another site,start a petition asking for equal rights for hunters and dirt bikers and BC 4x4 association and then start sending copies of the petition to premiere,if the petition gains momentum we call the news and tell them about it and hopefully they feature it for a minute.

big game chaser
08-27-2014, 09:18 AM
We should Start road blocking the roads comming out of the res when stoping natives tell them there not aloud to come to town anymore! Stay on the res! No more bingo!

08-27-2014, 09:29 AM
We should Start road blocking the roads comming out of the res when stoping natives tell them there not aloud to come to town anymore! Stay on the res! No more bingo!

That's what's going to happen

08-27-2014, 10:07 AM
Hmmmm am currently reading the Williams Lake paper before going bunny hugging...er hunting..lol..and noticed a few job openings for Tsilcotin National Government ....

No comment..

08-27-2014, 11:33 AM
I just wrote my local MLA Todd Stone. Sent him a Facebook PM. He also happens to be the Minister Of Transportation. He surely must intimately know about the blockade on the BC Hiway up north. I challenged him to learn about our concerns as hunters. I told him we need a voice to represent us. Sure, when you compare 100,000 hunters to the entire population of BC, we are a minority. However take out the lower mainland and the percentage of hunters in interior BC communities is certainly higher. I also asked him for suggestions on how BC hunters can be heard. I doubt he'll give me any ideas, but any response at all will be appreciated.

What about us here getting a little more organized? Can we not set up some sort of peaceful demonstrations in our communities? What about a new FB page for BC hunters to get organized and start planning some sort of actions. The teachers do it. The Natives do it. Whining on here does nothing but breed hatred. We are a quiet minority and we are being trampled on by BC Natives. Maybe BCWF is the place to start? Open to ideas and suggestions. For the love of hunting, we need to get organized, get out there, be heard and paid attention to!

08-27-2014, 03:30 PM
I just wrote my local MLA Todd Stone. Sent him a Facebook PM. He also happens to be the Minister Of Transportation. He surely must intimately know about the blockade on the BC Hiway up north. I challenged him to learn about our concerns as hunters. I told him we need a voice to represent us. Sure, when you compare 100,000 hunters to the entire population of BC, we are a minority. However take out the lower mainland and the percentage of hunters in interior BC communities is certainly higher. I also asked him for suggestions on how BC hunters can be heard. I doubt he'll give me any ideas, but any response at all will be appreciated.

What about us here getting a little more organized? Can we not set up some sort of peaceful demonstrations in our communities? What about a new FB page for BC hunters to get organized and start planning some sort of actions. The teachers do it. The Natives do it. Whining on here does nothing but breed hatred. We are a quiet minority and we are being trampled on by BC Natives. Maybe BCWF is the place to start? Open to ideas and suggestions. For the love of hunting, we need to get organized, get out there, be heard and paid attention to!

I agree, we need to stop complaining behind closed doors and start making it more public. I've voiced my opinion up north and it's not being taken kindly by the Tahltans. But I (we) have rights too and we need to stand together. I believe the BCWF is trying to contact the band with no to limited response. I get the history but change for better needs to happen.

08-27-2014, 03:42 PM
What about us here getting a little more organized? Can we not set up some sort of peaceful demonstrations in our communities?

This is what needs to happen.

08-27-2014, 05:38 PM
Whether it's blockades opposed to mines with existing permits or road blockades in response to hunting by non-aborginals, I still feel the fault rests with gov't for a total failure for not dealing with this simmering issue for years.

I've been in the northwest since 1987' and have seen this sort of thing time and time again and totally agree it's time to resolve it.

Industry has approved permits, residents have legal hunting licence, local bands have no treaty and feel it is "their land" and take matters into their own hands "with no ramifications' from RCMP or CO's..... a shitty deal all the way around.

Bugle M In
08-27-2014, 06:13 PM
like many here, I was born here, this is my land to......so when do I get my status card!
Cant get the kids to school due to funding.
Cant get proper health care in a reasonable amount of time due to funding.
Sooner hopefully, rather than later!...the pendulum has got to start swinging in the other direction again.
For now, all I can do is vote, but it doesn't seem to be working.

The Hermit
08-27-2014, 08:22 PM
Time for hunters to organize a demonstration, protest rally at this meeting! If I was around I'd go and hold a sign, maybe chant, and sing folk songs! LOL

09-14-2014, 07:38 AM
Just wanted to post the latest.....while speaking with the Klabbona Keepers two weeks ago and was assured there would be no blockage this year for the resident hunters...things have apparently changed as I see on my Facebook page the following post:

Because of yesterday's incident, a residential hunting blockade is being set up right now on the Ealue Lake Road!!!
(Entrance to the Sacred Headwaters)

"Over hunting has always been an issue in our community, after what happened yesterday to us and Beyond Boarding (https://www.facebook.com/beyondboarding) members, we will not let our nation be bullied around by the police and government. This is our land"
-Spokesperson of the Klabona Keepers-

The blockade is being put in place with help from the Wildlife Defence League (https://www.facebook.com/WildlifeDefenceLeague)!!!

Posting this for an fyi for the hunters who have not left yet......

09-14-2014, 10:12 AM
I called the Dease Lake RCMP number but it was forwarded back here to PG and of course they don't know anything. I'm trying to decide whether to send out a notification about this. Does anyone have any more details on this new roadblock?

09-14-2014, 10:37 AM
thanks for update Tina. people I know are leaving tonight, if anyone has any other updates please post asap!

09-14-2014, 12:03 PM
Too bad they have to take their frustration with the corporate owned RCMP out on hunters.

09-14-2014, 12:56 PM
Eviction notice being served to hunters on Ealue lake Road;

Klabona Keeper Wildlife Management Notice

Attention: Resident Hunter


This week, armed RCMP surrounded a group of unarmed, peaceful members of Klabona Keepers. The group was occupying a drill site on the mountain behind this blockade, because they were drilling without consultation or consent. All that was requested was a meeting between the company and the elders before releasing the drill. The company and government disrespected that request and flew in on helicopters to remove the drill. They came unannounced and heavily armed. Thereafter, the RCMP informed the group that if they communicated with anyone on their radio, which had been used to assure elders and family in Iskut of their safety throughout the week, they would be arrested.

This last minute resident hunter blockade was erected in response to this incident and the continued mismanagement of wildlife in the Klappan Area. For thousands of years Klabona Keeper Elders have protected their homelands and way of life in the Klappan area, and in particular over the last decade, from gas fracking, coal mining development, and wildlife mismanagement issues. Government and companies have failed time and time again to properly consult the Klabona Keepers and respect a long-term responsibility to these lands.

The Tahltan have never relinquished or signed treaties to the title and rights to the lands and resources within this territory. Therefore the Klabona Keepers have an inherent right to govern themselves and their territory according to their laws, customs, and traditions yet the government continues to dishonour this sovereignty and impose their illegitimate authority upon us.

On behalf of the Klabona Keepers we are putting you on notice of Klappan road and adjacent area closure. This is to ensure wildlife populations are sustained for the subsistence and cultural needs of the Tahltan people. Non-native resident hunters will benefit from this localized management of the area.

Since 2008, the Klabona Keepers have witnessed declines in moose and caribou populations; their concerns have gone unheard by provincial regulators. With Todagin Mountain now at lost because of Red Chris mining activities and the intense exploration and drill activity throughout the territory, Klabona Keepers feel that management actions need to be taken.
Particular issues that need to be resolved;
• RCMP intimidation tactics threatening Klabona Keepers
• Unsustainable amount of LEH tags compared to wildlife numbers
• Lack of management on Todagin Mountain – More bow hunters than legal rams
• LEH moose & Caribou should be no longer than two week season with limited entry.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration regarding our concerns and actions

09-14-2014, 01:04 PM
Ha ha oh boy here we go. Any one else think it is funny that the rcmp will go out of their way to uphold the rights of industry but not those of resident hunters?

09-14-2014, 01:09 PM
What law would the be breaking using their radio?

09-14-2014, 01:13 PM
Hmmm calling in more shit disturbers..

09-14-2014, 03:29 PM
I'm working at red Chris mine today. I work with the natives they don't care if we hunt here. There must have been circumstances to the situation.

09-14-2014, 03:31 PM
They were armed, you can see rifles in their videos posted on Facebook. If I took over camp with a .22, i would have been shot i bet

09-14-2014, 05:19 PM
Dogs**t!!!!! This is where I was headed. We are leaving Wednesday. Any suggestions where to go now? please pm me!

09-14-2014, 06:09 PM
If the RCMP allow the blockade of hunters but not miners this needs to be brought before a judge. The government are apparently powerless to tell the rcmp what to do.

Anyone know a good lawyer up around Terrace? I'm happy to chip in big $ for this, it's total BS.

Papa Sasquatch
09-14-2014, 07:33 PM
Sounds like BS to me. Although the facts are not available to me (or anyone else)! For one thing RCMP always have a side arm so why would this be an issue. That means nothing.They had to be there if anyone called and felt threaten, whether its the mine, hunters, FN or trouble seekers. I don't buy into this "Lion Hill" victim statement. Your integrity rating just dropped two notch's with me.

09-14-2014, 07:37 PM
Hmmm and there lies the secret...the natives at Red Chris are working no time for shits snd giigles..

09-14-2014, 09:10 PM
I don't buy into this "Lion Hill" victim statement. Your integrity rating just dropped two notch's with me.

Just a cut and paste on my part. Should I have put quotes around the story as to not confuse?


09-15-2014, 08:15 AM
Hmmm and there lies the secret...the natives at Red Chris are working no time for shits snd giigles..

Agreed. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

09-15-2014, 09:29 AM
I don't buy into this "Lion Hill" victim statement. Your integrity rating just dropped two notch's with me.

As he mentions, it seems pretty clear he was just cutting and pasting something from somewhere else. No indication he is agreeing with the content. Unless of course posts have been deleted or modified indicating otherwise?