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View Full Version : How many hunters n BC for 2013?

Rob Chipman
08-07-2014, 09:05 PM
Does anyone know current hunter population in BC, or at least the most recent figure?

The last figure I saw was for 2012 in an April 2013 Vancouver Sun story (97,000).

A Georgia Straight article on grizzly hunting claims that hunter numbers are now half what they were a decade ago (the writer also informs us that nobody hunts black bears to eat because the meat is virtually inedible, so all you bruin hunters should probably get your taste buds examined).

Here's the article: http://www.straight.com/news/700531/can-grizzly-bear-watchers-end-bcs-trophy-hunt

There are some intersting numbers in it, but don't read it if you don't like opposition to bear hunting. You'll end up spitting all over your keyboard (you've been warned! :-) )

Seriously, though, any BCWF guys know how many BC hunters there were for 2013? Thanks!

08-07-2014, 09:07 PM
Black bear is one of my favs. I eat anything I kill.

Rob Chipman
08-07-2014, 09:10 PM
I know! Reading thta made me laugh, and reminded me of the Steve Rinella story about eating coyote!

08-07-2014, 09:46 PM
Haha, lol, the author is SO biased and uneducated. This gave me quite a good laugh! As for the amount of hunters, a simple google search should answer your quesiton.

08-08-2014, 06:45 AM
101,000 was a figure I saw. PM GoatGuy, he will have it.

08-08-2014, 07:09 AM
101,000 was a figure I saw. PM GoatGuy, he will have it.

Sounds like it's comin up, good to see....

08-08-2014, 07:13 AM
It's the Georgia Strait. What do we expect. With the circulation contained mostly to a population that is anything but straight.

08-08-2014, 08:05 AM
I got through almost two paragraphs of that "article" before I had to stop because I was becoming to pissed off to continue after reading the bullshit spouted by that biased moron. I wouldn't even waste time posting a comment on that page trying to state your point of view, you're just going to get jumped on by a bunch of granola bars hiding behind a keyboard.

08-08-2014, 08:06 AM
That guy is educated and accurate like all other anti-hunting journalists. All hearsay and banter

I'd respect a fair and unbaised look at any hunting procedures if it was clear unbiased, but after all that's the hardest part of journalism.

These guys just like talking, not informing.

08-08-2014, 08:19 AM
Maybe this clown should save his ink and report on something he is knowledgeable about. Pride week and Robson street yuppy cafe's!!

08-08-2014, 11:52 AM
I got through almost two paragraphs of that "article" before I had to stop because I was becoming to pissed off to continue after reading the bullshit spouted by that biased moron. I wouldn't even waste time posting a comment on that page trying to state your point of view, you're just going to get jumped on by a bunch of granola bars hiding behind a keyboard.

I think that would be letting granola types prevail with their extreme views and let the non-hunting population be mislead with propaganda. I believe it is because of the hunters tendency to be vocal that we still have as much opportunity as we do today.

08-08-2014, 02:30 PM
Question: I started hunting black bears last year and enjoy eating them (sausage and pepperoni is delish!) but was wondering if there is any one out there that has hunted grizzlies and eats them (as thats is one of the big points of the article)? Looking to eventually do a grizzly hunt sometime down the road myself so I no issues with hunting them.

fowl language
08-08-2014, 04:44 PM
in response to the question asked about hunter in bc,I know 10377 went through the core program last year and just under that number the year before so FD is close in his numbers.he could perhaps be even a little shy . now if they were all bcwf members we could really get the govt,s attention could we not....fowl

.30-06 camsavbc
08-08-2014, 11:15 PM
Rob was right but I have calmed down now. I have read articles from the Raincoast Conservation Foundation before and have found conflicting statements about where they were doing their research and false numbers they used in areas that they were not researching. This website is all about donations from lonely bleeding hearts, see the big "red button" I think was on the top right on their website. Their estimates on Grizzly populations are extremely low and they make it sound like Grizzlies live forever and the same bear will come to the rivers edge for you to see year after year. They do not mention the fact that a trophy bear is almost a dead bear way past it's prime and may not be breeding any more. Management is the key just like trees, they all will eventually die and fall as well and the saplings will grow again just like grizzlies will procreate, the old die and the young continue on. I used to be against the "trophy hunt" but now looking at it from a different perspective I think it is a great idea. This article actually makes me want to go on a grizzly hunt now. I don't think the "granola" types really think things out before they start typing. Just my opinion!
I have had black bear meat as burger on the bbq and they were delicious! I will be hunting black bear here this fall along with blacktail and I will hunt black bear in the spring as well and I will be eating the meat! Happy hunting!

08-09-2014, 07:05 AM
Lots of info , though slightly dated . http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/StatisticsBySubject/BusinessIndustry/FisheriesAquacultureHuntingTrapping.aspx
License sales have been rising in the last 5 years

Proportionately , hunters numbers are also lower in a growing population

08-10-2014, 06:05 PM
Ridiculous, and obviously uneducated (or purposefully untruthful to try and paint a bad picture of hunters is more like it) Bear meat is awesome, by far one of my favorites.

As for current hunter numbers, I have no idea.

08-10-2014, 10:10 PM
The writer and the paper put an anti trophy hunting article once a year:
Their argument goes out the window if the meat of the grizzlies is used because every year the same old story is that
no grizzly meat is kept or used:

I have eaten grizzly bear ham and although not my favourite wild game it is far from inedible! Any chefs care to comment?