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View Full Version : Goat draw 4-16B Valhalla park

07-29-2014, 08:47 PM
Hi there everyone I'm brand new to the site just trying to get some info on reg 4-16b for a goat draw its in the valhalla provincial park just wondering if any one on here has been in that area at all recently I have been looking on google maps found some areas that look good plan on goin in there for a few hikes b4 the season then plan on actually goin in hunting them on the 5th of October for 4 days. it looks to me like there might be a few roads out of the park that can get you up the mtn with a bit less walking if there open to motor vehicle after the 1st of sept. I have talked to a couple others guys around who have had the draw b4 and they said there were goats in there and getting them wasn't even the hardest part it's getting them and not having some tree hugging ******* smash your windows or cut your tires becuase they think that they own the world any ways any info or confirmation of any info would be greatly appreciated thank you very much!
Ps I will not be in there solo one of my buddy's got the draw as well and my girl friend will also be comin in as another set of eyes and video camera operator

08-14-2014, 03:17 PM
I'll be going into the same area, Sept 30th for seven days. I'm pumped!

It is pretty rough country. There are some nice trails that reach the Alpine, the park website has a current trail report.

08-15-2014, 06:06 AM
best way into the Alpine is gimli ridge trail or the trail up to the new Denver glacier (requires a boat)
All the other trails don't break the treeline and the bush is ridiculously thick