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View Full Version : Full body decoys, which ones?

Dutch Ppoacher
07-12-2014, 01:38 PM
I am looking at the GHG harvester pack of full body motion stick decoys,
whats the difference btwn the pro grade mallard & the pro grade january mallard
slight colouring differance?

any comments and suggestions appreciated!


07-12-2014, 04:09 PM
The grey on their sides and backs are just whiter.

We have 5dz normal ones but I don't think either will hurt your odds. Both will work

Dutch Ppoacher
12-21-2014, 07:39 PM
Well i ended up cancelled my GHG order from the east coast cause i found avian x fulls at cabelas. After running the numbers for decoys, slotted bag and shipping the avian x where cheeper.
1st day out pulled my limit in 1.5hrs in the afternoon!
Looking forward to hunts to come!