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View Full Version : Black bear following joggers; what would you do?

06-30-2014, 12:12 AM
I am not sure if you have seen the video of a black bear following two joggers over Fort McMurray. This was in the news a couple of weeks ago. If not seen it, have a look here:


Here is the direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ifkzAdplwI

Now, here is my dilemma with this video. The bear does not seem to be overly aggressive; no huffing and puffing or other signs. To me, it looks like a young bear that is too curious (it does not mean it is harmless). The fact that at the end it climbed up a tree makes me more inclined towards thinking the bear was just young and inexperienced. However, it could still cause real harm as it did try to go around the joggers (even if there were two of them) and who knows what its intentions could be.

I am a new hunter and hunt solo (not by choice; I have not been able to find a buddy over the past 3 years). I have seen bears in the woods from afar and they (at least the two I have seen) take off once they see you. I am always worried about what might happen if I am attacked by some animal in the woods (personal injury is my other worry). Now here is my question to the experienced hunters out there: What are your thoughts on this bear's behavior? In my opinion, this is a bear that would go away with pepper spray, but I hate to be wrong. I also very much hate to wound a bear that would be "harmless" otherwise and all of a sudden is on a mission to get back at me. What do you think the right course of action is?

06-30-2014, 12:36 AM
Wow. Bear seemed more curious and unsure of them than anything.

I know I wouldn't let one get that close to me.

06-30-2014, 04:13 AM
I would give him a good dose of spray or a few large rocks to the head to get the point across - Stay away from humans! - Even a shot into the ground with the 12 gauge. Possibly even a call to the CO after to inform them of a over zealous bear in the area that's not afraid of humans.

They seemed gravely unprepared for the situation.

06-30-2014, 04:36 AM
If that happened to me and I had pepper spray with me then I would have definitely been using it. As soon as I got to the truck a call would have been going in to the local CO as the outcome could have been much different and the next jogger(s) may not be so lucky.

If that happened to me when I was out for a walk with my rifle then there would have been no need for a call to the local CO as that bear would not have been a problem for anyone in the future.

06-30-2014, 04:42 AM
always carry a tag in season. Otherwise, i'd be safe to guess that bear gets destroyed. They should only confront with cubs, aside from that all the bears ive ran across go their own way in a hurry. Since this one wasnt afraid of humans as much as it should be, Id say this is his one and only chance. As a side I wouldnt mind seeing it relocated, if AB does that.

06-30-2014, 06:58 AM
Warning shot if I was carrying, or aggressively yelled at and no ground given otherwise.

06-30-2014, 07:00 AM
Looks like a very young / small bear. Maybe a yearling or two year old? Mom just gave it the boot or something happened to her... trying to figure out what territory is all about?

More likely I'd guess the bear was fed. Even if mom didn't teach it, fear of humans should still be hard wired. Something changed that. The bear didn't seem like it was defending anything and it certainly isn't capable of taking down anything bigger than a beaver. It had a motive and I am guessing it was trying to get food.

Lots of blackbear encounters, but never had one be all upity like that. Mostly they take off. Bigger ones sometimes get closer for a sniff but still respect your space of at least 15 feet and don't dash around... just either run or be chill.

Never read the full story but saw the video a couple weeks ago. Guessing that bear won't live to grow very old.

06-30-2014, 09:27 AM
That bear was stocking without a doubt, thinking he had an easy meal, if it was one guy and he fell backwards he would have been jumped on. I would have been purely looking for weapons of any sort, sharp stick to jab in his eye socket and rocks for sure. I would have been prepared for war with whatever i could get my hands on. I wouldnt be jogging without spray in bear country

06-30-2014, 10:24 AM
Whenever I see a bear doing something cheeky (like stealing an apple from under a tree) they usually approach and the most around-about la-de-da-I'm-so-innocent-just-minding-my-business-slowly-not-looking-at-what-i-want-zig-zaggin-circling-toward-the-general-direction-but-im-not-looking-at-what-i-want-so-you-dont-know-what-i-want--slowly-gettin-closer-tryin-not-to-lick-my-lips-or-drool-but-i-cant-help-it type of way. For the most part, this bear was direct and making very little effort to pretend otherwise, like it doesn't have to worry about scaring prey... that food will magically appear from these humans.

I figure they are probably carrying snacks loaded with carbs and this bear wants in on their snacks, rather than the joggers themselves. I don't think that bear could be more than 90-110lbs. When I first saw the video linked from the province, I could have swore there were a couple frames that showed the bear was about knee-high compared to the jogger with the cam. Could be part of the stalking act, but it was pretty timid... bold for claiming a snack but a bit scared because the joggers aren't reacting as expected... no food appearing, getting scolded, gets scared and keeps climbing up trees. If I had a way to prove it and someone to take the bet, I'd throw down $1000 on it being fed before.

I probably would have sprayed it and reported it to the CO. Maybe a face full of spice would permanently adjust the behavior, but I highly doubt out. Outcome is likely that bear will become a dead bear by fall or next spring.

06-30-2014, 10:36 AM
Young bear, they should have charged him together.

06-30-2014, 04:55 PM
That video is really strange. It almost makes me think they were taunting the bear wit food. He is way to persistent I've seen lots of bears and been really close to them but never seen one so willing to hang out with people. At a few points they could hav kicked it. I'm probably wrong but. Very strange. And that will be a dead bear for sure

06-30-2014, 06:29 PM
woa definatly predatory behavior. I see a lot of people here saying they would have pepper sprayed it or fired a warning shot... well of course you would if you had spray or a gun with you.. I am assuming these guys had nothing on them but their ipods so I would say they did the right thing by staying together, facing it and walking away, not running. I would say if they would have ran, it most likely would have taken down the slower guy, I guess that's why they say always go hiking in bear country with someone slower than you haha. I bet they both go into town and pick up some bear spray now though.( and clean underwear)

06-30-2014, 07:30 PM
A rock to the head and that bear would have been running for the nearest tree. I have thrown rocks at plenty bears on the Nitnat river, they get the message real quick.

06-30-2014, 10:06 PM
I agree with mpotzold...That bear is tiny its young and its probably had food from humans before.

06-30-2014, 10:34 PM
Thanks! It is good to have a quote from a problem animal expert.

06-30-2014, 10:39 PM
Problem Wildlife Specialist?

I dunno about expert, but for sure the spokesperson for AB wildlife problems.

Who's the BC guy for this, I want to apply?

06-30-2014, 10:51 PM
so they go running in an area known for bears, and they take a video camera, but no pepper spray.
Glad I watched the video though, Ive never seen a bear do that before.

07-01-2014, 06:47 AM
I don,t care what age that bear is,boom.

07-01-2014, 08:15 AM
The bear looks young, likely it's an two year old and just separated with the mom. As other said, inexperienced and looking for an easy meal
Easy freezer filler for any hunter

07-01-2014, 12:53 PM
Though that was a small bear and not much of a threat to an adult, I think we can all learn from it in the event we see a bigger one act the same way. We're mostly just taught to look out for predatory or defensive behavior, but I think "fed bear behavior" should be added to the list.

I could see how things could transition from "hey got food?" to "I'm gonna shake you down and check" to "nevermind you seem all scared like prey" to "mmmmm salty human, have you any ketchup?"

07-01-2014, 03:04 PM
That video proves the value of obsessive cardio. The slow guy is the only one with a problem.....
Actually, the poster that said throw rocks/branches is probably right. I have and would do the same again.

07-01-2014, 04:59 PM
I agree with Quadrakid. Grease the sucker.

My kids don't need to be playing in the bush with a bear around that has that little fear of humans. Small bears eventually get bigger and a problem bear will always be a problem bear IMHO.

Plus, the smaller ones taste better!:-D

North Star
07-01-2014, 11:44 PM
That bear was sizing them up. I woulda hammered it by one min of the vid.

Here's the original, much better 720p.


Shawn Smith
07-02-2014, 09:49 PM
I have to agree that the bear was definitely sizing them up and looking for a way to separate them it was wise that they stayed together at least til they were able to run. I've thrown rocks at bear in the past and hitting it in the head did absolutely nothing it just looked around like there was a fly in the air. I then hit the bear in the ass and it jumped 5 feet up a tree. It's hard to know what to do in those situations but I think being aggressive towards the animal was the best approach they both had rocks in their hands they should have used them to let the bear know it was in for a fight.

If your going in the bush especially up north always carry a knife and bear spray common sense people common sense. You will go 100 times and see nothing but the one time you do you will be glad you were prepared.

yamadirt 426
07-02-2014, 10:09 PM
I too think the bear was sizing them up. The fight would have been on from the start until one of us was finished. But thats why i have a dog

walks with deer
07-02-2014, 10:09 PM
That bear should die.

07-02-2014, 10:14 PM
Even if it is off season I usually carry a rifle when scouting, something light like a .357 magnum carbine.

I would have made him into a rug for coming that close.

07-03-2014, 01:39 AM
had a sow get curious an stalk in behind me while i was sitting glassing, i turned around an realized she was sitting 10 yards behind me her cubs short distance behind her. sighted in on her and safety off right away then gave her a yell. Luckily for us all she was took off running at the first yell. i very rarely venture into the bush without something that goes bang have a bear that behaves like the one in the video i would've dropped it

07-03-2014, 07:09 AM
this video begs the question in my head "what on earth were these 2 doing in predator country without some sort of defensive tool ie:bear spray,knife,one of them short little lever guns?" i realize not everyone is keen on the idea of jogging with a 6 pound gun flopping around but come on people have something. On a sidenote, this is a perfect example of why the govt. should relax handgun laws for people that work certain occupations or likely to frequent high risk areas. Mr. 44 could have come in handy here if things were to go sideways.

07-03-2014, 09:43 AM
On a sidenote, this is a perfect example of why the govt. should relax handgun laws for people that work certain occupations or likely to frequent high risk areas. Mr. 44 could have come in handy here if things were to go sideways.

exactly, packing a 12 gauge defender around can get annoying an if its a frequented area it can really turn heads where as a pistol on your hip or under your shoulder would be much less noticeable.

07-03-2014, 10:45 AM
Bear spray gives me reasonable confidence during the off season. That stuff is potent and I can't see how a bear--with poor eyesight and a nose 10x more acute than a bloodhound or 2100x better than a human--could function at all after receiving a dose.

One thing I noticed with bear spray though is that if the canister has ever been used, even after a thorough cleaning it will attract bears. I carried a used canister and it was like I was carrying around leftover spaghetti and meatballs. Took me a while to figure out why all these bears would come around and then walk away disappointed.

07-03-2014, 11:15 AM
Excellent chance to practise your fighting skills....lol lol

07-04-2014, 07:28 AM
this is a perfect example of why the govt. should relax handgun laws
The nanny state is out of control.

07-04-2014, 07:47 AM
The nanny state is out of control.

As much as think olympia is a heckler, that is the truth.
Until someone actually sues the government for preventing them from protecting themselves nothing will change.

Wild one
07-04-2014, 08:07 AM
Looks like a young bear that someone has been feeding to me

I don't think it was doing anymore than begging for food but that bear is a future problem waiting to happen. Only a matter of time before it decides it is big enough to take the food by force instead of begging for it.

07-04-2014, 11:05 AM
We have bear spray handy when hunting or camping or hiking in areas where guns are prohibited. I’m convinced that spray will work against a curious & non aggressive bear (grizz or black) But a charging bear whether protecting its young or being predatory is a totally different scenario. Bear spray more effective than guns is nothing more than anti-gun liberal propaganda. They say that many of the success stories of bear spray working were nothing more than bluff charges to begin with. The evidence was anecdotal & we all know what that means. Exaggerations & outright lies!

Good info mpotzold. It is amazing that some of these bears will still function after multiple doses of spray. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that they did actually hit it on the eyes/nose/mouth. My over-estimate on the effectiveness was based solely on being exposed to a small dose--which was painful and incapacitating to all senses--and considering how painful it would be on the snout on a bear and incapacitating towards its already limited vision.

Most of my 1-on-1 encounters with bears have been while I'm in the river flyfishing. It might make sense for scouting around or checking trail cams, but I can't imagine wading around in river with a the Dominion Grizzly or Mares Leg strapped to me.

I figure the odds of being attacked by a bear are slim enough. Couple that with the odds of the attack continuing after spray is deployed. Sure I have had stranger things happen, though you're probably more likely to get killed by a falling branch or a rock slide.

I stand by my statement that bear spray gives me reasonable confidence when all variables and odds are considered. Is it more effective than a firearm? Doubt it, since they're still alive 100% of the time. That said, neither is a guarantee. If I had a choice between carrying a large caliber handgun at my hip versus a can of spice I'd certainly choose the handgun for greater confidence, but I wouldn't consider bear-spray to be ineffective for all predatory/defensive attacks or that bear spray only serves as a tool for for antis.

07-04-2014, 11:32 AM
I think that bear has been the recipient of too many food hand outs by people. It looked like it was expecting a treat to be dropped or tossed to it.

Having been on the receiving end of attention from a predatory black bear... this bear's behavior was waayyy different than the bear I encountered.