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View Full Version : Question about June bear hunting

06-05-2014, 08:32 AM
I am planning to go hunting up east Harrison past Silver River this Saturday. So my question is: how does this hotter weather affect my hunting for bear? Are they even more likely to come out closer to evening or early morning? Higher or lower with everything greening up? is there ever a time where it is too hot period? Thanks in advance for your tips. Trying for my second bear again this year. Been trying to apply the things I'm reading on hbc to find bears but no luck yet.

06-05-2014, 02:01 PM
I find the evening hunts for the blackies the best time, especially when it's hot, and ya mornings before it get toasty should be more productive than mid-day..

itsy bitsy xj
06-05-2014, 02:31 PM
Most blackies I have seen are as the temp starts to drop a little. Although I still haven't managed to shoot one

06-05-2014, 06:09 PM
when it starts getting hot, the trick (at least for me) is to 1- get higher... constant winds and subalpine temps hold high concentration of bears AS LONG AS THERE IS GREEN FEED 2- get low in River bottoms that have heavy canopy but not to thick on the ground. 45-70 guide guns are awesome for this.

06-05-2014, 06:09 PM
I welcome the veterans to criticize my opinion since Im of limited experience, with the rut showing up they will be out at all hours I don't think they give a hoot about the weather temp, if you were horny would you care about the heat/cold? when I have been out and about I have seen bears at all hours of the day. I shot my first bear at 11:30am. I have seen them out at 7am,11am mid afternoon and 6pm lol so take your pic. Just be out there in the morning and stay out till sunset. Just because most guys say they see bears in the mid afternoon doesn't mean that's the only time they are out. Some will argue that's its a waste of time to be out there in the morning but I like to be out in the bush so it don't matter to mean much if I don't see anything. If you don't bag anything by June 15 pack your bags and head for 100 Mile House Im pretty sure the season lasts till the 30th there.

06-05-2014, 06:23 PM
I saw a big boar at noon today. So they can be out at any time. Also if you spot small bear, watch herr close. There will most likely be a boar close behind!

06-05-2014, 06:45 PM
There not big fans of heat though you might find one snoozing in the open. They don't seem to like rain either, but there are no rules. More likely to be rubbed and when you do shoot one, hello flies.

06-05-2014, 09:07 PM
Ya I think it comes down to just being in the bush whenever you can, never a bad time