View Full Version : Out hunting today

05-24-2014, 08:23 PM
Today went out bear hunting in the Skagit Valley. Lets first say there was a lot of bear scat I saw everywhere. I saw some that was still steaming but didnt see the bear to go with it. The only thing that was seen today was a grouse on the road wanted to so badly shoot it but it was closed season for it. I have a question to ask people here though, does a bear shred trees to eat the bark, we saw a tree that looked like it was freshly shredded from the ground to about 3 ft up the tree. I was not sure if it was a bear did that or something else. I was surprised to see only a few other hunters out there. There was also 2 campers left there and shot up like you wouldn't believe. I think I will try the same area again in a couple weeks just before the season ends to see if I can finally get my first bear.

05-24-2014, 08:33 PM
I think the trees are from antlers...

05-24-2014, 08:40 PM
Hard to say on this one because it was so close to the ground if it was deer it would have to be laying on stomach and it looked like claw marks in it, but maybe I dont know.

Rob Chipman
05-24-2014, 09:04 PM
Get a picture next time. That's the best way to tell. Somebody here will know.

05-24-2014, 09:13 PM
I will get a picture for sure next time

chilcotin hillbilly
05-24-2014, 09:14 PM
Bears peel trees to lick the sap. You would have probably seen multiple bears if you would have hunted this evening judging by the amount of scat you saw. .

05-26-2014, 09:46 PM
Bears will cambium feed on certain trees. They use their bottom teeth to pull bark up. I'm guessing your instinct is right and this is what you saw. Ungulates will cambium feed too.

05-27-2014, 12:07 AM
Could also be moose knawing the bark off in the winter, but yes a picture would help

05-27-2014, 02:53 PM
Bears peel trees to lick the sap. You would have probably seen multiple bears if you would have hunted this evening judging by the amount of scat you saw. .

Second vote for this! You know you are in bear country when we find that much scat and bear peels everywhere.

05-27-2014, 10:19 PM
I thought bears make scratch marks on trees to show other bears how big they are, am I thinking of grizz? or am I just full of shit and making that up in my head and have convinced myself I read that in a self help book?

itsy bitsy xj
05-27-2014, 10:24 PM
Today went out bear hunting in the Skagit Valley. Lets first say there was a lot of bear scat I saw everywhere. I saw some that was still steaming but didnt see the bear to go with it. The only thing that was seen today was a grouse on the road wanted to so badly shoot it but it was closed season for it. I have a question to ask people here though, does a bear shred trees to eat the bark, we saw a tree that looked like it was freshly shredded from the ground to about 3 ft up the tree. I was not sure if it was a bear did that or something else. I was surprised to see only a few other hunters out there. There was also 2 campers left there and shot up like you wouldn't believe. I think I will try the same area again in a couple weeks just before the season ends to see if I can finally get my first bear.

If you want some company... I'd like to head up there, I've never been up that area.