View Full Version : Black Bear - tough as stink!

05-21-2014, 11:37 PM
Interesting turn of events that really proved how much jam a bear on adrenalin has.

Before the long weekend, I randomly decided to buy a black bear tag. I didn't plan on getting any hunting done this spring, but figured I'd buy one just in case an absolute cranker presented itself to me.

The weekend started as a group of 12 of us (aged 24-30) going to the cabin for a shindig. This cabin is available for public use and was regularly used by snowmobilers throughout the winter (one of whom thought it would be funny to shoot out a window from the inside, but that's a different story). Being right up against the rockies, there was plenty of garbage revealing itself everywhere as the snow melted.

Naturally, early the next morning, despite our garbage collection, a black bear decided to come to camp and see if it could still get a snack. It managed to find something that we had missed, and was hunkered down and enjoying what it could. 12 people and 2 dogs in camp, and this bugger couldn't care less about our presence. Nor did it care about our token attempts to scare it off. Knowing that the next users who booked the cabin were summer students and that families would be using it later, I decided I might as well cut my tag.


I had brought a .458 Lott to play with as a novelty, but knew it shot straight - so I loaded a Hornady DGX (500gr, advertised ~ 2400fps) and pulled the trigger. It was a clean "anchoring" shot - through one front shoulder and both lungs. It knocked him on his side, but you wouldn't have been able to tell by how quickly he recovered and started running / tripoding. He managed to get about 100 yards into a large swath of blowdown before hunkering down and realizing he was dead. It amazed me - with one shoulder missing and sheer destruction through the chest cavity...

When I first saw him, I figured he might be 3-4 years old. I'm by no means a professional when it comes to this sort of thing, but after skinning and butchering, I'm thinking possibly a few years older. He likely just very recently came out of hibernation, and he had some healthy sized paws and bone structure.

The funny thing is one of the others (a teacher) posted the above picture on facebook. Within the day, there was probably two dozen comments from people telling us how horrible we were for shooting the bear and how everything about us was bad karma.

I'm sure they'll be happy to continue buying their meat at Safeway where it's made in packaged form.

Papa Sasquatch
05-21-2014, 11:53 PM
Well this is not fb. You are with family now. Sit back and relax, you deserve it. I would have taken the shot too.

05-22-2014, 03:43 AM
Thats kool! Those leaf -lickers can stay in the big city drinking whatever city folk drink these days.We'll just keep reloading!!

05-22-2014, 05:23 AM
Good bear to snuff out. Bears that have no respect for humans are just time bombs for disaster.

05-22-2014, 05:54 AM
You did the right thing and got some meat out of the deal.

05-22-2014, 06:01 AM
You might have saved a lot of hurt on the next people to use the cabin,looks like you brought enough gun. a 458 Lott that is a lott of gun for a novelty, lots of people would just bring a 22 for fun LOL I lke your style

05-22-2014, 06:10 AM
Well done sir!

05-22-2014, 06:19 AM
the gun looks like a single shot, how fast are you getting another round in there?

.330 Dakota
05-22-2014, 06:55 AM
I would love to take a bunch of those effin eco terroists on a tour of a slaughter house and see if they will eat beef after seeing it killed. Hunting is one of the most humane ways to kill an animal,,milliseconds and its over. Cattle wait and watch all day for "their" turn. If the citidiots still ate beef after seeing that then theyre hypoctrites,,if they didnt they have some ethics to stand by their words. Most of them are just big mouths that talk tough behind a computer. You did the right thing dispatching that bear,,he would have turned preditory at some point,,probably when he was a lot larger.

Big Lew
05-22-2014, 07:02 AM
Good bear to snuff out. Bears that have no respect for humans are just time bombs for disaster.

I agree, you just might have saved some future cabin users a lot of hurt.

.330 Dakota
05-22-2014, 07:13 AM
Hey what brand of double rifle is that

05-22-2014, 07:16 AM
Congrats on the bear. Kinda funny my daughter shot hers with my .300 Blackout. 110vmax. Sounds like the same shot and went maybe 25 yards.:-D

05-22-2014, 07:37 AM
Good on you. Point the leaf lickers in the direction of Dr. Stephen Herrero's work (U of A). This bear's behaviour meets his criteria for a future problem bear (and he has spent 40 years studying them, so he would know). You most likely saved some folks a lot of heartache this summer.

05-22-2014, 07:57 AM
That bear had the dinner bell from previous renters or visitors before, he had lost fear of man, a bear with no fear should be a dead bear in my opinion. Blasting out the window sounds more scary than the bear getting shot,

Did you cape it? if yes how much is it costing for a rug?

05-22-2014, 08:01 AM
Good on you. You did the right thing.

itsy bitsy xj
05-22-2014, 08:13 AM
You have some good karma for saving some future cabin users from having to deal with a predatory bear.

05-22-2014, 08:52 AM
No fear of humans + it knows theirs food there + there will be kids playing there shortly = you did the right thing, not only did you get meat in the freezer you potentially saved a kid a bad run in with a bear. Good job

Stone Sheep Steve
05-22-2014, 09:17 AM
Good decision on your part. Make sure you pick up another tag in case that gronk decides to show up next time you're out.

Cool pic BTW!


05-22-2014, 09:45 AM
Great job, it is an all around smart decision! It might not have been the cranker u were looking for , but u put others first and got yourself some meat and a lot of good karma. Well done!

05-22-2014, 09:55 AM
Sounds like an awesome weekend to me. Well played, good for you.

05-22-2014, 10:03 AM
lol 458 Lott to play with.... i like you style!
good call.... screw face book

05-22-2014, 10:11 AM
Just think what a problem that bear would have been through the summer, especially with a bunch of bunny huggers to intimidate. My bet is that someone was bound to get hurt. Or worse. You did what needed to be done and don't let anybody tell you different.

rides bike to work
05-22-2014, 01:22 PM
Nice bear. Cool pic. Good story to. I like it.

05-22-2014, 08:04 PM
the gun looks like a single shot, how fast are you getting another round in there?

Yeah, she's a Ruger #1. You can't see from the picture, but I have a follow up bullet in my right hand. Not quite as quick as with a bolt, but had the second round in the pipe before he bounced back up. It wasn't a perfect / ideal scenario, but we had time for the two people in tents to get into the cabin at least.

Glad to be reading comments from my own kind!

05-22-2014, 09:24 PM
Great job Matt!!!

Cool picture as well!!!

Sucks about the window and all the garbage!!!



05-23-2014, 07:53 AM
Sounds like a great weekend. Nice shooting!

.330 Dakota
05-23-2014, 08:29 AM
Scrolled up and stared at the pic for a minute,,,yes I can see its a Ruger....lol,,still a nice thumper

05-23-2014, 08:43 AM
The funny thing is one of the others (a teacher) posted the above picture on facebook. Within the day, there was probably two dozen comments from people telling us how horrible we were for shooting the bear and how everything about us was bad karma.

I'm sure they'll be happy to continue buying their meat at Safeway where it's made in packaged form.It's easy for the leaf-lickers to criticize because they think of that bear as Yogi. They never leave the inner confines of the city to experience the outdoors and they think we should not either.
I think you done just fine taking that bear down. Looking over your shoulder in that photo, that bear looked like nothing but trouble. You did someone else a great favor.
If a black bear ain't running away from you, he is sizing you up for dinner.