View Full Version : MU 2-19 Black Bear?

04-29-2014, 10:49 PM

I'm mostly reading posts and trying to soak up the information on this board,
unfortunately I have very limited time I can spend hunting,
therefore I'm still green behind the ears when it comes to hunting, especially bears.
I would like to go and try to hunt black bear this Friday.
Would anyone be willing to share some info about going to MU 2-19?
Is 2-19 a good choice for a novice?
Is it accessible by truck only or can I take a smaller suv?

I don't have any experienced friends or family that hunts bears (or anything)
and could show me the "ropes" so I'm just trying to get out and get some experience.

Is there a better MU I should be looking at?

Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you.

04-29-2014, 11:30 PM
It might be worth a look but it does get busy around that way on weekends, I personally would go farther east.

04-29-2014, 11:39 PM
It might be worth a look but it does get busy around that way on weekends, I personally would go farther east.

How far east would you suggest?


04-29-2014, 11:54 PM
Try up near Merritt. There's lots of places to go and it's much easier on the truck and boots than Harrison. I used to hunt Harrison hard but haven't been in quite some time once I started getting consistent success up the Coq