View Full Version : The One That Got Away

02-23-2007, 05:24 PM
Does anybody have a story about the big one that got away?:lol:

02-23-2007, 05:38 PM
Well I know this topic was a little dig toward me lol well few year back wsm and I were hunting and we seen to deer on a ridge little far for me to shoot and wsm already tagged out so I started the stock and well I got close enough for the shot and well at my angle I could only see a small 2 point so I l lied on the ground to get a rest bad idea as I luned later any ways put the deer in my gross hairs and boom and well as I said bad idea to lie down I had a muzzle break and I ended up eating dirt so I jumped up asked wsw if I hi t him he yelled yup he down but why did you take the 2 point and not the nice 4 point well I did not see him any ways who want to eat an old big buck young ones taste better

i am sure wsm can tell you the storie of the big 5x5 i missed at 1 in the after noon

02-23-2007, 05:38 PM
To many to tell.But the one that hurts the most happened this november.I had been hunting a certian area in region 5 that is know to hold a few good Bucks.After the first day with not seeing much,me ad my buddie head back to the Motel.At the Motel I realize my scope is screwed,luckily I had backup.The dirty 30 was brought into action.The next day I cut a fresh set of buck tracks,after a bit of a trek I jumped him he took of running.He was the biggest 4 point I have seen.Raised the rifle with open sights and couldnt see a thing.It is my White Whale as they say

02-23-2007, 06:08 PM
I followed a nice big bear around last year, on no less then 3 different ocassions and all 3 times i never got the shot i wanted.That was one smart bear he just never turned the right direction, or moved into thick bush with out a shot oppurtunity or atleast the one i was lookin for.

02-23-2007, 06:20 PM
I got a few stories about the big one that got away ,but i don't want to go there on this issue. hunter 1947.

.30 Rem Shooter
02-23-2007, 06:26 PM
Well my first one that got away that was a few years ago, I was on a road hunt I spotted the biggest muley I've seen in my life so I jump out to get a bead on him as he walks behind the truck by 2 metres and I can't pump a shell in. I couldn't believe it, it was all my fault because I forgot to push a button to open the action.

02-23-2007, 06:26 PM
that 5x5 being one of the largest deer i seen to date

02-23-2007, 06:57 PM
last year closeing day we jumped a nice 4x4.2 things went wrong that held me back.i only need to do 1 and i would have gotten it..1 just sat in the cut block well my bud walked down the path it ran down.he told me to find a seat.so i didnt then he called me to go with him..and 2 i should have brought my calls..he just stood there if i had them i might have been able to get him a bit closer.

02-23-2007, 07:09 PM
There has been a few, but if you spend a lot of time in the brush, it's going to happen.
Just this year I spotted a Mulie that was high wide and handsome, he was feeding his way towards 8 does... I'm unsure how many points he had as he was a long ways off...I didn't really care though, his frame was huge. I only had 40 minutes of light left in the day though. By the time I crept over the ridge that I figured I'd be shooting from he was with the ladies, with all the brush behind them and the poor light, I couldn't confirm which one he was, although his size made him stand out...the obvious decision was to not shoot, I figured I'd have another oppertunity later in the trip... Never seen him again :frown: .

The one that takes the cake though was here on the Island. I was hunting my favorite patch of old growth, in late November. 8 years previous I had taken my best blacktail to date in this same stand of timber. Anyways, there was a heavy snow and then warmed up and was rainning. The timber was very noisy as snow was crashing out of the trees from the weight of the water logged snow and the constant sound of dripping. I figured I may be wasting my time as nothing in it's right mind would be in here. The lack of sign confirmed my thoughts...but I kept sneaking along, and low and behold, there is an old gray face looking at me. I was up quickly, safety off, and figured by the time I settled the crosshairs he'd be gone, but no, he just looked at me for a few seconds and then looked downhill. All I could see was head, so I chanced moving uphill. He never looked back at me. When I firt spotted him I was slightly below him, but I managed to get about 60 yards directly behind and above him. Still I could only see his head and part of the neck. On 3 seperate occations I had the safety off and thinking squeeze, finally I moved further uphill, trying to see his body...nope branches in the way...I then moved back to where I had been, again was going to shoot...no...I don't want to split the rack...I made a move to get closer and thats when the doe that I never saw bolted down the hill...I figured I'd get him when he stood up (they were laying down) but this put him behind a large fir...dam! I picked an alley way that I could see a long ways in the direction of thier travel, but they never materialized...I stood there for a long time in disbelief that I screwed that up :confused: :mad: . He was nice even 4pt with brows that I figured would go about 115...:mad:

02-23-2007, 10:03 PM
A few years back I was in a spot of region 3. At that time of my hunting I usually just road around on a quad but for some reason, and to the disbelief of my hunting partner I decided to walk through a small patch of bush and maybe push an animal out to him on the other side. So off I go into the trees when all of a sudden I spook a deer that was bedded down in some small xmas trees. Man my heart was pounding, I started shaking and I was looking for any movement. Yes ! I spotted him, HUGE!!! I was leaning up against a tree, lifted my rifle, crosshairs just behind his right front shoulder as he stood broadside at about 100yrds. BANG!!!! In disbelief I watched him slowly trot away as I missed him totally. This was the worst case of buck fever I have had to date. When I think of this hunting trip I can see him looking at me,,,I can see him laughing at me as he walked away to live another day.

02-23-2007, 10:45 PM
Does anybody have a story about the big one that got away?:lol:

Wouldnt know where to begin, cant type that much, but if ya want to go camping and feed me beer, i could keep the stories going for a week or so! :|

02-23-2007, 11:27 PM
Wouldnt know where to begin, cant type that much, but if ya want to go camping and feed me beer, i could keep the stories going for a week or so! :|

I hear ya there! I'm definatly one of the guilty ones of spilling the beans over a few wobblies!:biggrin: :oops:

The Hermit
02-23-2007, 11:30 PM
A few years ago Franko and I were hunting up high in the penticton area. I had walked out into the middle of a large clear cut and sat down behind a brush pile and glassed the tree line. I saw a monster just inside the trees but didn't have a shot so crawled on my belly like a reptile further into the clear cut to about 100 yards. Peaked up and he was still there but quite alert, he knew something was up. As I very slowly got into position and just got the scope on him he took two steps into the trees and absofreakinlutely disappeard before my eyes.

It was getting to be the last few minutes of light and try as I might to make time across the last part of the clear cut and head him off there was no way... It was a memorable hunt for sure!

02-24-2007, 01:01 AM
This past season I was fortunate enough to get a LEH moose draw. I bought tags for everything just in case but had moose on the brain for a month. I had steaked out an area where there was good moose sign and would set up twice a day to make calls and wait. One morning I was hidden making some calls for a while and realized that I had left my moose scent back at my ATV. I decided to kreep back to get it. On my way back I went very carefully, looking for any moose that might have ambushed me from behind. I picked up a familiar shape behind some brush about 50 yards away and took another step. Then the light bulb went off and I realized I was looking right at a beautifull 4 pointer and he was looking right at me. I raised my gun and he was off running. I knew he was a heavy beast cause I could feel the ground pounding as he took off. He must have been watching me for awhile from behind that bush and I probably looked right at him but I had moose on my mind. I went back a few more times later in the season to wait him out with no luck. Next season I'll be taping pictures of animals to my gun so I don't forget what they look like.:) I think about that buck and my mistake almost every day. I'll get him next season.

02-24-2007, 01:44 AM
several years ago I won a LEH for coastal grizzly...I had been told of a HUGE old black colored G bear that from time to time was seen in a particular spot...I hunted the area for 5 days seeing numerous grizzlies but nothing huge..then on the morning of the 5th day I had gone down the trail and upon glassing the area by "the apple orchard" watched as a MONSTER grizzly almost black in color wandered into the feeding area....

I had perfect wind coming briskly towards me..so I started to close the 500 yards on the tidal flats..when I came to one of the numrous feeder "creeks" I kept my B&l BINOS AND .338 OUT OF THE WATER AS I SWAM ACCROSS...I had to cross three or four such creeks..trying to get to a large tree washed down by the spring floods,,,I reached the fallen tree and as I took off my binos the wind suddenly and completely unexpectadly turned 180 degrees and headed towards the large feeding grizzly..

Before I could get settled in for a shot the bear sniffed,partially lifted up and then he swapped ends and headed for the thick coastal cover plowing up water spray like a slalom water skier...no chance for a decent shot..

The size??I estimated his size at over 9 feet......
The color was amazing..so dark in color..he wasnt wet..just so dark "brown" he was almost black..and his head looked too big to fit in a 45 gallon drum!!!!

We had shot grizzlies there before and since but never before or after have I seen such a BIG BRUTE as that bad boy...and that goes for 30 years in the Bella Coola valley..this was one big old coastal brown bear..and I missed him because of the fickle wind and perhaps another 30 seconds ???who knows.......


02-24-2007, 08:20 AM
Never happened to me8-)

02-24-2007, 09:45 AM
Shotgun only area near our house. I have seen the same buck at least 2 or 3 times a year for the last 4 years. So has the hubby. NEVER close enough for a shot. We both watched him and 2 other smaller bucks in an old clearcut one day and dreamed about a rifle. I cannot judge but he is BIG and was a 4x5 last season.

So I am walking into the area that he hangs out in, never been closer than 200yds to him, come around the corner on the old road and he is 20 freakin feet away:eek: . Scared the crap right outta me and he was GONE in a second into the thick stuff and disappears. I turned around and left. :frown: Probably the one and only chance I will have at him.

02-24-2007, 10:05 AM
well.... i was getting a new sight on my bow...so i had to borrow my cousins crossbow...and he promised me that it shot straight.. so i was only in my stand for about 15 min when a doe and a nice 4 point came out into the gas line.....i was just about to pull the trigger when a monster 5x6 with a nice droptine stepped out... i ranged him at 30 yards and pulled the trigger.. CLEAN MISS!.. i couldnt believe it.... but he only ran about 5 yards... he didnt wanna leave that doe!...so i reloaded and shot again... ANOTHER MISS!... after all that i was soo pised that i walked over to my cousin stand and started chewing him a new asshole haha...he couldnt believe it!... so we went back to the farm and took a few shots....it ended up shooting a foot low at 20 yards:S........soo i learned never to borrow someones bow again!

02-24-2007, 02:46 PM
I got a few stories about the big one that got away ,but i don't want to go there on this issue. hunter 1947.

Me too! That's all I have to say.

02-24-2007, 08:09 PM
Four years ago, there was four of us up moose hunting. I was hunting with my buddies son, who drives a ford 250 thats jacked up a bit. This truck was just high enough to make it difficult to get my short a$$ed butt in and out of. Anyway, we are on our way back to camp after the morning hunt, driving down the logging road doing about 50 mph. shooter jams on the brakes and the truck goes into a full 4 wheel skid, as he yells moose and bales out of the drivers side door. After the truck actually stops, I jump out the passengers side. Unfortunately the truck is right on the edge of the road and the ditch is 3 feet deep. I jump out and land of the side of the ditch and roll to the bottom. So I'm laying in the ditch listening to shooter cuss a blue streak. Evidently when he pushed the round into his mag, the bolt wasn't back far enough, so when he closed the action, it didn't pick up the round, and when he sighted and shot, all he got was a click. Needless to say, he didn't get a second chance, and I was in the ditch covered in mud. What a way to end a morning hunt.:lol: :roll:

02-24-2007, 10:35 PM
I was out with my dad sister, and son. I just bought a new pair of bino's and was in awe of how clear they were. So when we seen two does come out on the road I naturally opened the door and peered at them in my new binos, not getting the rifle out first. Out popped a two bye three buck and I admired him for a couple seconds thinking wow these sure work good untill I realized I should have shot him, not peer at him.

02-24-2007, 11:12 PM
After hunitng for 19 days I had an opportunity at a california bighorn.

The shot was not easy, but it was certianly wihtin my capabilties- 400 yards at a steep angle.

Had I stopped and thought about it for a bit, I woudl have made the shot, but as it turned out, I shot over him, thought I had connected and shot over him again. Then he moved in wiht some other rams and ewes, offering no shot.

30 minutes later the season closed....I'm still pissed at myself for not taking the time to fully think out the shot.

02-24-2007, 11:35 PM
lots of good sports here . i bow hunt have for few years now and still haven't been lucky. couple years ago i was still hunting my way through the edge of a clear cut and came across a small buck, hes feeding doesn't know im there. the stalk begins i check wind direction, have to go all the way around to the other side of a hill without getting caught . finally i get there creep up the hill he's at the top of. he's right out in the middle wide open 100 yards so i get on my hands and knees and use the few 3ft saplings between us as cover moving every stick,branch, leaf out of my way so not to make any noise took a long time at about 60 yards CRACK i missed a twig he' looking right at me not comfortable at 60 so i opted for the picture. missed a big 5x as well on a different hunt. thought he 300 plus he looked so small from where i was big antlers small body so elevated high missed .http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/P18.JPG (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=4503&size=big&cat=500)

02-26-2007, 09:20 PM
Here is a picture to visualize some of your stories

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/Picture_600.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=4521&size=big&cat=recent&limit=recent)

02-27-2007, 02:43 PM
trip last year started out bad new area stalked a moose only to watch someone else i didnt even know was around shoot it out from under me, then 45 mins later missed likely the third biggest moose of my hunting career at about 80yrs head shot only through the trees and this was all opening morning region 6 it took till day 5 of seven day hunt to finally score I was getting pretty frustrated up until then but it all worked out in the end:lol: