View Full Version : match the hatch

04-27-2014, 03:59 PM
hello can anybody tell me where i can get a good hatch chart for the bc area for flyfishing thankyou:-D

05-04-2014, 01:48 PM
www.princegeorgeflyfisher.com (http://www.princegeorgeflyfisher.com)

hello can anybody tell me where i can get a good hatch chart for the bc area for flyfishing thankyou:-D

05-05-2014, 09:59 AM
Thats a tall order....
if you find a specific chart like the above link... post it!

05-05-2014, 03:34 PM
I second this request! Would be nice to see... Must be something out there.

05-05-2014, 04:01 PM
that sort of resource would be massive to build. Every lake and river is different,,, and some rivers are different from pool to pool. I have found a few Fly Shops have links like that PG river lake link. But the information is so generic.
Weather plays a huge part in a hatch as well,,, of course having an idea whay your fly selection should look like before going is good,, but that is why i like to google the river before i go. And if i find nothing about it, i just go with everything i got...

Another thing, if you are going to a river, ALWAYS stop at the local shop and drop a big dime on flys,, even if you tie,, Ask the guy what is working and buy a bunch,,, then when you find what is REALLY working you can build it in the camper.
But because some guy says BWO's work great in the Elk dont buy them in Chillawack,,, go to Fernie and buy a bunch they will be the right ones...... This way your learning curve is way shorter.. like i said even if you tie,,, i tie and i still drop 300$ on flys when i go on a trip,,,, pop a Lucky in the camper and build more in the evening.

Caddis in Fernie wont be the same time of year as Caddis on the Stellako