View Full Version : Tripods

04-07-2014, 09:08 AM
Anyone on here who takes a camera with them / does wildlife photography as a hobby?

Looking for suggestions on a tripod to strap to the backpack. Something that will hold up to the odd smack, but also has a firm base.

I've seen some nice ones, but they're $250ish which is a lot more than I wanted to spend. Anyone have any suggestions?

If it matters I'm using a Nikon 1 with an adapter to FF glass so am shooting through the equivalent of up to 800mm.


04-07-2014, 09:31 AM
I use a Velbon Sherpa 220R for my chronograph. Well built and solid, and a Primos trigger stick (tall) for the bush. Check out the tripod trigger stick. Tough to beat and rugged. Amazon has Velbon's at a good price. Hope this helps you..

04-07-2014, 10:03 AM
eBay is your friend :)
I found a lightly used Cullman Magic 1 tripod for $90 ... added a new Slik 1100 pistol grip head for another $90. For $180 I have an excellent lightweight (under 3 lbs) set up that tucks away nicely in any pack and is good for up to 10 lbs. mounted weight.

04-08-2014, 10:12 AM
http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/manfrotto-manfrotto-ball-head-tripod-mk394-pq-mk394-pq/10251441.aspx?path=5dfd2c55ff8648e53a87c0d8544a102 7en02

Picked the above up for $119 at FS. It is a made in China Manfrotto, but is very stoutly built and the ball head and lock-up screw are the best I've used. Every other tripod I've owned always moved my camera/spotter position as I locked it in position, but not the Manfrotto.

04-08-2014, 03:53 PM
I have the trigger stick full height tripod...great for spotter, camera and also shooting off of. Also works as a walking stick. Highly recommend it for its multipurpose applications.

04-08-2014, 04:22 PM
i find the light and cheaper tripods just don't do the job, esp. when it's windy which it always is in the mountains and you need your photo sharp.
lightweight might be ok for still scenery, but not if you are also planning to take photos of plants, close ups like butterflies and moving animals. also depends on the weight and size of your camera and esp. the lens, i would not get anything light for a telescopic lens.