View Full Version : Ticks and lymes disease

the hopper
03-13-2014, 08:27 PM
That moose salvage thread got me thinking,
heres some info on lymes and tick removal cheers,



please just don't don't yank ticks out any more, it's 2014 after all.

the hopper
03-13-2014, 08:37 PM
I noticed in that info in the moose thread, the gov pamphlet was talking about ticks injecting a glue like cement? This it not true, the are held in place by a barbs on their sucker which they can open and close. Often when pulling on a tick the nose will break off just under the skin, and the pressure of tweezers can cause the little ****ers to inject more saliva and potentially spirochetes same with using a lighter or any other method that causes them stress on they're bodies. Those too methods in the videos are ideal, show your doctor on your phone when you go to get one taken out if you have to, don't let him just start pulling on it.
hope that helps some peeps

03-13-2014, 08:53 PM
I found a tick on my dog last year.
I did have him vaccinated for lyme when he was a pup.
So far he is ok, thank goodness.

03-13-2014, 09:07 PM
Thanks for that. Very interesting.

03-14-2014, 02:12 PM
Go on you tube and look up Titans of the North a Nat. Geo Production This will give you a very good oversight as to what happens with wildlife and Tick populations.

03-14-2014, 02:13 PM
Ticks are out now. Pulled one off a Bobcat last day of season.

03-14-2014, 02:14 PM
Lymes disease in humans is a serious thing. Not diagnosed or treated for in Canada, I have a good friend that lost his mother to what they suspect was lymes disease...she deteriorated away, was very sad. Canadian medical system failed them, and by the time they got her down south the the US it was simply too late.

the hopper
03-14-2014, 04:06 PM
Yeah i don't understand it myself, the failure of the doctors to work together to find a solution..
makes a no sense to me.
and then also the governments complete failure of testing and application of equations to positive tests to create false positives, it's ridiculous considering the effectiveness at which the disease can be treated in early stages.
Best to be educated.

300000 positive cases in the states
312 in canada.

All the ticks with lymes must stop
at the border lol.

03-14-2014, 04:11 PM
Maybe one of the experienced dog folks on here can comment but I don't worry too much about ticks on the dogs. In spring and early summer I remove at least one per week using just tweezers. Sometimes they come out cleanly, other times not so much. One had a tick dead centre on the top of her head and she lost a bit of hair after I removed it. She's a bit special so sometimes I wonder if it was a brain sucking tick.

03-14-2014, 04:48 PM
This is another good read on ticks!



03-14-2014, 05:19 PM
Not only lymes there is Rocky Mountain and Q fever. I was in hospital 1989 followed by 11 years of hell diagnosed in 2001 after exploratory abdo surgery treated with high doses of antibiotics. Most recently had to have abalasion for a fib and svt. So they do diagnose lymes in Canada it just is easier in the USA

03-14-2014, 06:58 PM
This is another good read on ticks!



After reading this thread it is obvious why North American hunters don't carry game on their backs like us Kiwi hunters.
Our feral pigs all carry lice and our cattle have ticks but neither are infected by pathogens.
Ain't we lucky.:-D

03-14-2014, 07:29 PM
I noticed in that info in the moose thread, the gov pamphlet was talking about ticks injecting a glue like cement? This it not true, the are held in place by a barbs on their sucker which they can open and close.

Some species do use a cement to help stay attached.

The barbs make it hard for the tick to be removed; certain tick species lock themselves in place even more effectively by squirting out liquid cement, which forms a hardened cone around its mouthpart. Once a tick has had its fill, it dissolves its cement cone, pulls its mouthpart out of its host, and falls to the ground.

the hopper
03-14-2014, 07:49 PM
That makes them extra evil then, never heard it talked about but I believe you.

03-14-2014, 11:36 PM
My dog got a tick right on the end of one of his eyelids last year, so that the legs sticking out of the skin looked like little eyelashes. I was grooming him after a day's scouting trip when I noticed that his eyelid was a bit pink and inflamed, which led to my finding the tick. Pretty gnarly. You can imagine how stoked he was about getting it removed via my expert tweezer hand after a couple of beers.
I also took one out of my cousin's upper back, after a hike in Sooke. We were back at his place, and he asks me if it's a bad sign if a mole starts to itch, like if that means it might be cancerous or not. He's in the bathroom, yelling out to me in the livingroom about how he can feel a mole he's never noticed before, and it's itchy. Then he says he can feel hairs growing out of it, and asks if cancerous moles ever have hairs growing out of them. He yells at me to come have a look at it and see what I think. So I finally get up off the couch to have a look at what I'm thinking is going to be some gross hairy mole, and as you might imagine at this point, it was worse than I could have thought. I'm like, "Dude, that's not a mole, and those are not hairs! It's a tick, and they're legs!"
I'm not sure who was less impressed with the discovery, or the extraction; my dog or my cousin.

03-15-2014, 09:51 AM
I used this method last spring on my dog and it works fast and great!

I used tweezers before but the finger twirling way works better and the whole tick just let's go with nothing left behind. Then we put it under my daughters mini microscope and got grossed out big time!