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View Full Version : mcbride griz hunt

03-10-2014, 09:47 PM
Well with two Griz tags to fill this year it is going to be a busy spring. My tag is easy been there many times and know it pretty well . The other tag is my daughters , in the McBride area have spent time in there but 20 years ago . I will only have 5 to 7 days to hunt with her on her bear .So if anyone has any info on the area that may help we sure would appreciate it .And in return a great story and pics of the trip for everyone on HBC

03-11-2014, 12:03 AM
I've had luck in the past up the Holmes (beaver), lots of slides and good areas. Need an ATV and good spotter to look across the valley.

Nice Rec site at the start of the road, but the better hunting is up 30 km or so, so we always set up a camp further up.

Haven't been there in a few years now, not sure if the bush is getting too high now or not.

03-11-2014, 12:09 AM
X2 on the Holmes!

03-11-2014, 06:30 AM
X 3 on the Holmes, glass the hills heading up the Holmes, just past the old trappers place if remembering right,about 25 km or so, there is a fork in the road, left will take you to the backside of the sledding country Renshaw, not sure how far you will be able to make if you go to early in may. We have sledded back there at the end of may. Have never been to the right very far. The old trappers name is Grego, if he is still in that country. Have a couple beers with him but stay away from the hard stuff. Crossing the Holmes might be a little chilly in may to get up to the slides, bring the proper gear for that. Rec site like stated earlier is only a few km of highway 16 and is awesome, right along the Holmes river. Have a great time.:-D

03-16-2014, 04:12 PM
thanks guys she is really getting excited was at the range yesterday and she is doing great . At 200 yards the group is around 1 1/2 inches using my 300 WM ,She is only 12 and 90 pounds so 8 or 9 shots and she is done for the day.Please any other info is great

03-16-2014, 04:46 PM
PM sent glenn.

03-16-2014, 05:28 PM
thanks Andy how are the pups doing

03-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Greggo.... a legend

We should chip in and get him a laptop and satellite intraweb so he can join us here on HBC :D good luck on the two hunts Glenn!

03-17-2014, 05:32 PM
thanks guys she is really getting excited was at the range yesterday and she is doing great . At 200 yards the group is around 1 1/2 inches using my 300 WM ,She is only 12 and 90 pounds so 8 or 9 shots and she is done for the day.Please any other info is great

Sounds like you have a great hunting partner coming up, keep us posted when your hunt takes place, there will be some help from your friends in PG if need be, the friends you haven't met yet.

03-17-2014, 05:34 PM
Greggo.... a legend

We should chip in and get him a laptop and satellite intraweb so he can join us here on HBC :D good luck on the two hunts Glenn!

I would pitch in for getting Greggo on HBC, when there's a will there's a way!!

03-17-2014, 09:17 PM
I was up the Holmes in October with a Grizz tag in hand. Got skunked. Dont rely on the images that google earth has to offer, they are old and outdated. All the cuts slides and roads that you see on google earth are waaaaay overgrown now. I studied the crap out of the enrtire valley before we left for our hunt and felt good about the area and the amount of visible slides and cuts. In reality , once we were there the newest clearcut was probably 20 years old and very grown up. side roads that were clearly visible online were difficult to walk down, let alone get a quad into. It was a tough hunt with steep hills and difficult visibility.
That being said, we started to figure out the area better by the time we left. And the big boy left 2 huge craps right in the middle of the main road 1/2 a klick from our camp. He must have been watching us pack up the trailers and getting ready to leave So this was his way of giving us the middle finger before we were gone.
IMO you wont want to camp at that campsite 2 k in. The hunting sucks right there and you'll be driving that crap road for an hour every morning and evening. Better off to go up past the old trapper at the 17 k mark. We stayed at a great spot just past there. there's a fork in the road around 22k. Take that fork to the right and about 500 yds in you'll see where they removed the old bridge years ago. Nice and flat with lots of water. good camp spot.

03-17-2014, 09:27 PM
I'd love to get Greggo shitpiled enough to let me dump the hounds on his 34523542 stray cats living in his shacks. He's something else... filled out his LEH and took them into town for him. **** he's funny. Gonna have to visit him again this spring lol
He nearly fell off the table when we told him where we went to get our bear, loves his chew... swallows it too.

Summer home

http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y305/TaylenJames/DSC00747_zpsb51c36de.jpg (http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/TaylenJames/media/DSC00747_zpsb51c36de.jpg.html)

http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y305/TaylenJames/DSC00740_zpsf4f2dc53.jpg (http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/TaylenJames/media/DSC00740_zpsf4f2dc53.jpg.html)

http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y305/TaylenJames/DSC00742_zps9c9205ac.jpg (http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/TaylenJames/media/DSC00742_zps9c9205ac.jpg.html)

His winter home lolol

http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y305/TaylenJames/DSC00744_zps7393e876.jpg (http://s1024.photobucket.com/user/TaylenJames/media/DSC00744_zps7393e876.jpg.html)

03-17-2014, 11:19 PM

03-18-2014, 01:09 AM
I will make a point of going in to see Greggo this spring, it has been quite a few years since I have been up that valley, He may not remember my face but he will remember his dog taking a chuck out of my sled seat way up the valley, a meeting that went from bad to good. Don't take us mentioning Greggo as a side track but an experience about to happen. The guy has lots of stories to tell.

Aaron Evans
03-18-2014, 11:35 AM
I take it your tags in 7-3. PM me.

05-28-2014, 09:55 PM
Well I think we are going up on saterday for 9 days for my daughters griz in 7-03 ,we were at Valemont last week and the green was just starting seemed 2 week earlier than last year .Saw a sow and cubs and one nice boar but nothing on the ground yet .So it will be saje's chance to show up her old dad .the teacher gave her ,her home work assignment ,to do a video,pictures and journal of the hunt . Should be fun .Any other info on anything would be great

05-28-2014, 10:10 PM
I would pitch in for getting Greggo on HBC, when there's a will there's a way!!

You can count me in as well but I doubt he's got reception out there. My Bud Ditmar Fath (gone missing/and never found a few years ago near upper Fraser some say a Griz got him) introduced me to Grego some 30 years ago and I endet up buying a Shotgun of him and sealed the deal with my Amphora tobacky while he was used to some other more questionable Stuff LOL.


05-28-2014, 10:22 PM
Good LUCK trapman ! :-D RJ

05-29-2014, 05:27 AM
I was up the Holmes in October with a Grizz tag in hand. Got skunked. Dont rely on the images that google earth has to offer, they are old and outdated. All the cuts slides and roads that you see on google earth are waaaaay overgrown now. I studied the crap out of the enrtire valley before we left for our hunt and felt good about the area and the amount of visible slides and cuts. In reality , once we were there the newest clearcut was probably 20 years old and very grown up. side roads that were clearly visible online were difficult to walk down, let alone get a quad into. It was a tough hunt with steep hills and difficult visibility.<br>
That being said, we started to figure out the area better by the time we left. And the big boy left 2 huge craps right in the middle of the main road 1/2 a klick from our camp. He must have been watching us pack up the trailers and getting ready to leave So this was his way of giving us the middle finger before we were gone.<br>
IMO you wont want to camp at that campsite 2 k in. The hunting sucks right there and you'll be driving that crap road for an hour every morning and evening. Better off to go up past the old trapper at the 17 k mark. We stayed at a great spot just past there. there's a fork in the road around 22k. Take that fork to the right and about 500 yds in you'll see where they removed the old bridge years ago. Nice and flat with lots of water. good camp spot.<br>
<br><br>That looks like a beauty spot to camp and looks like some good hunting on the other side of the river too. Good Luck to you and your little girl!!!

05-30-2014, 08:43 AM
Good luck, be safe and straight shooting