View Full Version : what's your scope recommendation?

02-17-2014, 02:48 PM
Simple question. Mounting on a 7mm rem mag. Dad wants a new scope. Under $1000. For BC big game. Thanks.

02-17-2014, 03:19 PM
Either the Vortex Viper (4-16x44), Zeiss (3-15x42) Conquest HD5 or the Swaro (3-10x42) Z3.

02-17-2014, 03:23 PM
Zeiss Conquest series :mrgreen:.

02-17-2014, 03:28 PM
Zeiss Conquest series :mrgreen:.

X2 love mine!

02-17-2014, 03:32 PM
For a pure hunting rifle I like a 6x42 Leupold. Most all my big game has been shot at 6X even with the variables. Its a no fuss no muss scope, great field of view and excellent low light performance, and very good for older eyes, especially with the heavy duplex reticle.

02-17-2014, 04:41 PM
For a pure hunting rifle I like a 6x42 Leupold. Most all my big game has been shot at 6X even with the variables. Its a no fuss no muss scope, great field of view and excellent low light performance, and very good for older eyes, especially with the heavy duplex reticle.

I have to agree. I have been researching a lot of scopes this year and want to get a 4.5-14x40 leupold or the 3.5-18x44 swaro but I keep going back to the fx 6x42. I'm still on the fence weather or not I will get a new scope but I think my preferred hunting scope will always be the 6x42 leupold. the only difference with mine is its the fine duplex, so I can still shoot long ranges at smaller targets. I know with the fixed scope ill never make the mistake of hunting in the timber with the scope cranked and miss out on a critter.

02-17-2014, 05:11 PM
VX-3 4.5-14x40 leupold
or as others have stated
Zeiss Conquest

02-17-2014, 05:30 PM
Tough to beat the leos... 4.5-14 x 40 for the open stuff and 3-9 X40 for the tight stuff. Im putting a Minox thru the trials on my 338. Its doing very well. Think Ill throw it in the river a few more times and bash it against the jet boat this fall and see how it fairs...

02-17-2014, 06:45 PM
I have to agree. I have been researching a lot of scopes this year and want to get a 4.5-14x40 leupold or the 3.5-18x44 swaro but I keep going back to the fx 6x42. I'm still on the fence weather or not I will get a new scope but I think my preferred hunting scope will always be the 6x42 leupold. the only difference with mine is its the fine duplex, so I can still shoot long ranges at smaller targets. I know with the fixed scope ill never make the mistake of hunting in the timber with the scope cranked and miss out on a critter.

The heavy duplex is on a 9.3 Sako, I have a LR reticle 6x42 coming for my 30-06, I think the fine part of the heavy duplex subtends to an 1" at 100yds. I have variables on my target rifles . But for hunting good and simple is better, 6X is good from 300-600yds depending on who is talking, I shot game at 50feet with a 6X as well.

02-17-2014, 06:47 PM
VX-3 4.5-14x40 leupold



Weatherby Fan
02-17-2014, 07:11 PM
I would look at a Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40, for the money I don't think you can buy a better scope for all round hunting purposes.

02-17-2014, 08:08 PM
I would suggest the Zeiss Conquest in a 3-9x40 or a Meopta 3-9x42.

I'm finding less fascination with higher magnification on a hunting rig; in fact the last 4 scopes I've bought have been VX2 2-7, VX3 2.5-8, Zeiss Conquest 3-9, and Zeiss Conquest 3-9. Seems to be better bang for the buck on 3-9's over 2.5/3.5-10's in Zeiss or Leupold.

BC Brad, I'm thinking of a fixed 2.5 or 4 for my next scope, I was thinking that 6x might be too much. Any issues with target acquisition at close range?

02-17-2014, 08:18 PM
Thanks for your input folks. Every bit helps and who better to ask than you guys who use them!

02-17-2014, 08:29 PM
I would suggest the Zeiss Conquest in a 3-9x40 or a Meopta 3-9x42.

I'm finding less fascination with higher magnification on a hunting rig; in fact the last 4 scopes I've bought have been VX2 2-7, VX3 2.5-8, Zeiss Conquest 3-9, and Zeiss Conquest 3-9. Seems to be better bang for the buck on 3-9's over 2.5/3.5-10's in Zeiss or Leupold.

BC Brad, I'm thinking of a fixed 2.5 or 4 for my next scope, I was thinking that 6x might be too much. Any issues with target acquisition at close range?

I don't have a problem but I put thousands of rounds downrange a year, plus i have used this rig since i started hunting so its about as comfortable as you can get. most of the shooting i do is a pellet gun, but if you spend enough time behind the scope you become fast.

Sofa King
02-17-2014, 08:57 PM
could save a lot more money and go with iron sights and a pair of these.
http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxQTEhUUExQWFRQUFxcXFBYYFxcVGhcaFRQWFxgXFB gYHCggGBolHBcYITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGiwmHyQsLCwtLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCw0LCwsNC w0LCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAKAAzAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQIDBAYABwj/xABAEAABAwICBgcFBwIFBQAAAAABAAIRAyEEMQUSQVFhcQYigZ GhscETMlLR8CNCYnKy4fEVgjNDkqLCBxQWJNL/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAwACBAUG/8QALhEAAgIBAwMDAQcFAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSITEEQfAFUWFxEyI ykaGx0RRCgcHx/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDW6YHXZy SiapdLmajeSYxqCKsTanlNOaciADabN wrH1jda3Thv8A2lZCqbqjLBHBOim4nIT5ICQGmdt4EzqjO34jt PFWsRiSGag5n08kOqPz5HyA9Vz ozuT0R47nqvSPT1jiuoyLd8fC9/q/wBESe1v2 iaAfBo8ZTY27tb0FlIDft/S1ZOD0K35FDv1E9wSsm3IlR6/wCnxJhK50TwAH13oUMUl558Dw0270rZtz vNRl/gPEpWuuOAQoKaHFxg8Suc7O 7whNY73RPFdMi 0qUG/PPqPcc Q9FzznyHomH73MAeq6oc QHDtKlAb28 RzoM7iRn IIx0Q6Vv0c6Hg1cFUP2tI9Y0i43fSB8W7eeYSb9rOKQHhsP64T cc3B7GDrukx9TBxlzvT9je9IdGspllWi8VMPXGvSeMoN9WRnA5 eCEKn0M0mKbjgqx/9XFO 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6/heY0nFjo2zIWo0TpKc1ScB PJ2N9gzPbmi7XgN7LLI6Pxv1KL/8Afy35rO4bmuMyR2Kh0i6ndiABaZjkguJrkGZAnMnu7VXGLZGq XkDIkZX3BFwGLIGK2OAEbdu6Tcx2KDDMkl4N8rW8EPZUYTkXNy Bjwz oRKhXaAYEZ2HJJlGty2uxj96ip1y0m9tihxNSXGN9xwKp1sXE/UIJWUcgnicf9Sg Kxk3OSqYjGZybIPjdJCLJscbEyypFjHY2L3MZAXnkhWFouu9wM uM3tmm0MUBcm 70nYkqaRk/vAWhQrgyZMmova0RaSHNtlebBa12kh8Lu5YXD450ggwQQZGcjI hbDRGmm1Ya G1O4O5bjwRoWTVdKZQ13GykGlWce5XdVIWDcpRCn/Uqe89ycNIM LwVn2Y3BN9i3cFKIYHE5IfU2BEMQh7xdMQCCkJcfBSsrEG6hog 6xUrhImL/JEhbq4pzmtgnWYNUSZ6guG3vA2bpIVGpOZzTo2iZ2KWm6RfPYI zQ4CVwZEHs4fLmpMLXLTxHikq0tw7FG4E75G/1 ShDUYHHyAidLSJCxmGrEb IhGcJi96o4jozYdGkA73hKdRxE55bARlwQ5lVu5SGpAtn3KgxS YZoPYLAx2prsWxklpk5LN1q5uqdbFxmUHGw66NFjtLANnaVm8Z ptxMN7/kEPr4guPlmotT6yV4Y1ETPK3wOrVXu95xKiDZMd5SOAGVykP8/JMFFvCMpueA4ltOQCRnJyPETstzGaTSlNrKr2scx7WmA5nuu4j eqsHj3LokZKECOHbMEK77K0qvgmw0FWmFLZApojT7mw2pLm79r f8A6C07HBwBaZBuCMlgAwgx3K1g9IVKJlmWZYcj8jxUIbZIqWj 9KMrC3Vdtac zeOKuKEP/2Q== (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=plnv71L5O3EhPM&tbnid=jtjuUpddcv6EKM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftwintravelling.blogspot.com%2F201 2%2F10%2Fnow-sicilian-residents.html&ei=-NkCU7PnCtHboAT-rYHICg&bvm=bv.61535280,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNG7zdPYHNoZ3u2SeAvKrqM5z7McVg&ust=1392782191280643)

Sofa King
02-17-2014, 08:58 PM
http://www.pbase.com/daverilstone/image/151738669.jpg (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=KzdOvzmf5eC49M&tbnid=6KqMFaQARg2HsM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftheairtacticalassaultgroup.com%2F forum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D5170&ei=V9oCU8vPA5beoASLqIC4DQ&bvm=bv.61535280,d.cGU&psig=AFQjCNG7zdPYHNoZ3u2SeAvKrqM5z7McVg&ust=1392782191280643)

02-17-2014, 09:03 PM
And the chicks will dig ya too!!!!

02-17-2014, 09:16 PM
I would suggest the Zeiss Conquest in a 3-9x40 or a Meopta 3-9x42.

I'm finding less fascination with higher magnification on a hunting rig; in fact the last 4 scopes I've bought have been VX2 2-7, VX3 2.5-8, Zeiss Conquest 3-9, and Zeiss Conquest 3-9. Seems to be better bang for the buck on 3-9's over 2.5/3.5-10's in Zeiss or Leupold.

BC Brad, I'm thinking of a fixed 2.5 or 4 for my next scope, I was thinking that 6x might be too much. Any issues with target acquisition at close range?

I don't find it so, big clear image when I shoulder the rifle, scope always seems to be on target, very generous eye box sure helps as well.

02-17-2014, 10:14 PM
I have to agree. I have been researching a lot of scopes this year and want to get a 4.5-14x40 leupold or the 3.5-18x44 swaro but I keep going back to the fx 6x42. I'm still on the fence weather or not I will get a new scope but I think my preferred hunting scope will always be the 6x42 leupold. the only difference with mine is its the fine duplex, so I can still shoot long ranges at smaller targets. I know with the fixed scope ill never make the mistake of hunting in the timber with the scope cranked and miss out on a critter.
I'm 100 % on board with fixed power scopes; I've two 6X42 Leupold scopes that get the job done on my hunting rifles. In fact, my No.1 wears a 4x33 Leupold that works just fine too.

02-17-2014, 11:12 PM
If you ever come across the now discontinued zeiss 3.5-10x44 for a good price I would snatch that up in a heartbeat, assuming you're not looking for a lightweight scsope. I like it because it still fits on med rings and the larger objective offers a larger sight picture, not field of view just a bigger picture, when compared to my leupold 3.4-10x40, when you have them side by side it's quite noticable, eveything just looks bigger looking throught the zeiss. It almost like having a 12 power, which I like because I like punching paper as much as I can at 200. Other than that I think everything suggested is a good choice

02-18-2014, 09:01 AM
I would look at a Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40, for the money I don't think you can buy a better scope for all round hunting purposes.


02-18-2014, 09:06 AM
If you ever come across the now discontinued zeiss 3.5-10x44 for a good price I would snatch that up in a heartbeat, assuming you're not looking for a lightweight scsope. I like it because it still fits on med rings and the larger objective offers a larger sight picture, not field of view just a bigger picture, when compared to my leupold 3.4-10x40, when you have them side by side it's quite noticable, eveything just looks bigger looking throught the zeiss. It almost like having a 12 power, which I like because I like punching paper as much as I can at 200. Other than that I think everything suggested is a good choice
I agree have one on my Tikka 270 wsm and it has been great ,3 whitey bucks in the last 2 years very happy,,,,

Moose Guide
02-18-2014, 09:24 PM
1 more vote for Leupold. My choice would be 3-9x40!

02-18-2014, 09:26 PM
hunter1993ap & BCBrad,

Thanks for the info.

02-18-2014, 10:08 PM
Does the image get "crisper" with a smaller objective lens? Ie: 40 mm vs 50 mm

02-18-2014, 11:17 PM
I have the VX3 4.5-14x40 with Boone and Crocket reticle on my 7mm Rem Mag and have been extremely happy with it.

02-18-2014, 11:45 PM
I had the leupold vx3 3.5-10x40 b & c on my 7mm rem mag. Then I swapped it for a vx3 4.5-14x40 cds

.330 Dakota
02-18-2014, 11:56 PM
I would look at a Leupold VX3 3.5-10x40, for the money I don't think you can buy a better scope for all round hunting purposes.

I just bought one of these for an A-Bolt in 375 H&H and it is really nice,,especially for $700

02-19-2014, 06:53 AM
I have a vx6 2-12x42 illuminated for my 7mm rem mag nosler 48
Elite 6500 2.5-16x50 for my savage longrange hunter in 6.5 creedmoor
Nightforce nxs 5.5-22x56 for my savage lrpv 6mm br

02-19-2014, 03:26 PM
Does the image get "crisper" with a smaller objective lens? Ie: 40 mm vs 50 mm

My understanding, albeit incomplete, is that the diameter of the bell has more to do with the transmission of light rather than clarity. That is, how long the scope can be seen through as darkness falls. Generally speaking the larger the bell the more light that is transmitted, ergo the earlier/later you can use the scope.

In most areas of life everything comes at a cost and the extra light transmission is no exception. The larger diameter lenses require the rifle to be mounted higher up from the action creating potential cheek weld and/or parallax issues.

More importantly the larger lenses are much harder to make at a higher quality level so the clarity and sharpness of your image may actually degrade with lower quality large diameter objective bells even though more light is transmitted.

With all things being equal there should be no difference in clarity between a 40mm and 50mm objective but this ain't Oz and unless you pay you will not get the same clarity.

So it is a trade off. For me 40mm is a nice compromise between light transmission and glass quality. Hope that helps...


This link has a menu that covers rifle scope 101, not bad explanations. Light transmission is part 4.

1/2 slam
02-19-2014, 03:57 PM
Go with the Swarovski. The others mentioned here are good but I find the Swarovski better.

02-19-2014, 04:34 PM
My understanding, albeit incomplete, is that the diameter of the bell has more to do with the transmission of light rather than clarity. That is, how long the scope can be seen through as darkness falls. Generally speaking the larger the bell the more light that is transmitted, ergo the earlier/later you can use the scope.

In most areas of life everything comes at a cost and the extra light transmission is no exception. The larger diameter lenses require the rifle to be mounted higher up from the action creating potential cheek weld and/or parallax issues.

More importantly the larger lenses are much harder to make at a higher quality level so the clarity and sharpness of your image may actually degrade with lower quality large diameter objective bells even though more light is transmitted.

With all things being equal there should be no difference in clarity between a 40mm and 50mm objective but this ain't Oz and unless you pay you will not get the same clarity.

So it is a trade off. For me 40mm is a nice compromise between light transmission and glass quality. Hope that helps...


This link has a menu that covers rifle scope 101, not bad explanations. Light transmission is part 4.

Agreed, but there are other things to consider. EG: a 6x42 scope will give an exit pupil of 7mm, that's the max for a young eye. If your in your 40's think about 5mm being average exit pupil, the older you get the worse it gets, varies amongst individuals of course. What ever imperfections the glass has will be magnified as the power goes up. So , clarity is a combination of glass quality and power. A S&B 6x42 has great quality glass and superb clarity but compared to a Leupold at quarter the price you won't see much difference in the two as the power level in the Leupold is not enough to show the imperfections of the optic. Its when you get into 12X and beyond were it starts to show. So an average quality optic may need 12X to get the definition you need will looking into dark timber were a high quality optic may only need 6X. Also, even though the exit pupil is larger than your eye can use the scope just looks brighter, bigger and much easier to align your eye to the target. I think the 6x42 Leupold does all of this even considering the quality of the glass, seems all good points of an optic cross paths with this scope. YMMV

02-19-2014, 06:09 PM
Interesting. Thanks for the info.

02-19-2014, 07:13 PM
Just to add to the topic of the larger 50ml objectives, I briefly owned a vx2 3-9x50 thinking I was going to get night time vision and after a couple of evenings testing it in my backyard at last light there was honestly very very little difference between that and a vx1 4-12x40, nikon prostaff 2-7x33, and a vortex diamondback 4-12x40. So back to the store it went to trade for a zeiss conquest 3-9x40, same money but better optics in my opinion without a big honkin bell on it. Much better to use that extra money spent on the larger objective and put it toward a more higher quality scope in 40ml range. Over on the optics talk forum or whatever it's called the whole 50ml objective thing is quite controversial it seems. Some say you need 30ml tube to see the benefits, others say you need very high quality glass to start with for the larger objective to do anything, some say it's just a big selling gimmick by the scope companies

02-19-2014, 07:47 PM
Agreed, but there are other things to consider. EG: a 6x42 scope will give an exit pupil of 7mm, that's the max for a young eye. If your in your 40's think about 5mm being average exit pupil, the older you get the worse it gets, varies amongst individuals of course. What ever imperfections the glass has will be magnified as the power goes up. So , clarity is a combination of glass quality and power. A S&B 6x42 has great quality glass and superb clarity but compared to a Leupold at quarter the price you won't see much difference in the two as the power level in the Leupold is not enough to show the imperfections of the optic. Its when you get into 12X and beyond were it starts to show. So an average quality optic may need 12X to get the definition you need will looking into dark timber were a high quality optic may only need 6X. Also, even though the exit pupil is larger than your eye can use the scope just looks brighter, bigger and much easier to align your eye to the target. I think the 6x42 Leupold does all of this even considering the quality of the glass, seems all good points of an optic cross paths with this scope. YMMV

Good additional points.

I'm going to have to look through a new Leupold fixed power, to be fair both of my fixed 4x's are M8's which dates them some and their glass when compared to new glass is kind of yellowy (I'm not sure if that's a word).