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View Full Version : help for court case

01-10-2014, 03:09 PM
Not surewhereto post this but here it is

Help needed. In aid of an Ontario Court case where the crown is taking issue with the number of firearms held by an individual (over 50), I am in urgent need of photographs of Canadian gun rooms/collections. While it is helpful if the person(s) providing such photos was willing to identify him or herself, it is not strictly necessary. The defence wants to demonstrate to the court that it is not unusual for some firearms collectors to own large numbers of firearms. If you can take a few photos of your gun room/collection to aid in this effort, please send them directly to me at: Sheldon_Clare@shaw.ca Neither the owner nor the firearms need to be identified - the point is to demonstrate that there is widespread ownership of large numbers of firearms in Canada.

The time frame is urgent as this will be in court in by January 15.


Sheldon Clare,
Canada's National Firearms Association

01-10-2014, 08:58 PM
Wish I could help you. Just have the three though

01-10-2014, 09:04 PM
Sorry to say but good luck with that request.

01-10-2014, 09:07 PM
I only have 3 myself so can't help you there.

I would argue that the number of guns one owns is irrelevant. As long as they are legal owned and obtained.

01-10-2014, 09:47 PM
What is the charge or offense allegedly committed?

01-10-2014, 09:51 PM
What is the charge or offense allegedly committed?
That's what I was thinking...... Not sure about helping out in a case I know nothing about and why there are charges against someone.

01-10-2014, 10:14 PM
Sounds fishy, smells it too. There is no law on number of firearms only the weight of ammo one is allowed to possess.

The Dawg
01-10-2014, 10:21 PM
Its not fishy...its a completely legit case

It has been in some newspapers, but as it is before the Courts right now, not much can be disclosed.


This was posted by Canada's National Firearms Association (https://www.facebook.com/NFACANADA) on Facebook.

As with most cases, the details need to remain confidential, but suffice it to say one of the crown positions is that no one has a need to have large numbers of firearms

01-11-2014, 08:26 AM
go on alberta outdoorsmen forum, oil money buys a lot of guns

.330 Dakota
01-11-2014, 09:57 AM
The onus is on the crown to prove its case, and there is no case law or substantive law that restricts the number of legally owned firearms a person of Canada may possess. If the crown is using this line of prosecution then it has no case. Obviously there is a point here that the OP has not disclosed. Confidential or not, if anyone wants help they need to disclose the facts. My first thought was is this some "anti" trying to find out where the big collectors are via computer ID addresses..hmm, or maybe the RCMP with the same m/o. If the crown has a case against one of our fellow gun owners then they need to pursue that case on its legal merits, as the amount one owns has no legal bearing, and if this defendant has a lawyer I am sure he will take this case apart. I am sure by the sounds of it if there is a court case at all, then the crown has some pretty good charges against this fellow,,maybe even warranted,,who knows, I dont.
There never seemed to be a confidentiality issue when they were looking for support for Bruce Montegue.

.330 Dakota
01-11-2014, 10:06 AM
I just read the links provided and this case does seem to be real, however I think the defense is playing into their hands a bit here. If my gun collection was large enough to be deemed extordinary, and not ordinary, then I would be proud. What happened to the tolerance that these leaf lickers preach about. Just because they dont think we should have more than one gun doesnt mean a damned thing to me. They have NO LEGAL LEG TO STAND ON

01-11-2014, 10:28 AM
A large collection of fire arms AMONGST OTHER THINGS.
What other things?Kiddie porn?A grow op?Bald eagles in the freezer?
Inquiring minds want to know before laying out personal info about my rifles.

01-11-2014, 11:44 AM

Interesting that this case hearing is on the same day in Prince George.

01-11-2014, 12:08 PM
I dont' know why the suspicion? Sheldon Clare is the NFA president. He's not going to come to your house and steal your guns.

Whonnock Boy
01-11-2014, 12:14 PM

Interesting that this case hearing is on the same day in Prince George.

I seem to recall some firearms being intercepted at Canada Post on some Border Services TV show. Several packages containing prohibited weapon components. I wonder if it is related.

Iron Glove
01-11-2014, 01:59 PM
I dont' know why the suspicion? Sheldon Clare is the NFA president. He's not going to come to your house and steal your guns.

I don't think that anyone is questioning his integrity, it's more questioning who / what the accused is and what all the "other charges" or "collections" are about. As Sawmill alludes to, do we want to offer up any form of aid to someone who might be ( as Sawmill questions ) a child pornographer, regardless of what the firearms charges are?
Everyone has to make their own decision on that based on the whole story.
Just too many unanswered concerns.

01-11-2014, 10:33 PM
It's a simple question that needs a response if they want my help. What is the charge?

01-12-2014, 12:47 AM
I just wonder what is a big collection???

In all, I own 15 firearms or so. I think it's a lot but do they want a big collection in the order of... 40-50?

I'll need to read the case, but what is requested here. There is many guys on this site with 15 guns or more in their home.

01-12-2014, 12:53 AM
I just wonder what is a big collection???

In all, I own 15 firearms or so. I think it's a lot but do they want a big collection in the order of... 40-50?

I'll need to rest the case, but what is requested here. There is many guys on this site with 15 guns or more in their home.

Reply to myself:

Over 50 = the collector has over 50 guns. Not the collector is over 50 years of age.

It's late. And I just failed my English test there... I'm off to bed.

And I'm outgunned!

01-12-2014, 08:56 PM
Gun owners are often paranoid, by nature (myself included).

I wouldn't recomend posting pics online of anyones gun collection. Think about it. IP addy, home addy, work schedule?????

01-12-2014, 09:49 PM
Gun owners are often paranoid, by nature (myself included).

I wouldn't recomend posting pics online of anyones gun collection. Think about it. IP addy, home addy, work schedule?????

Lol you do realize how simple it is to block your IP address do you not? Heck you can make it show you live somewhere in Nigeria if you want.

Sorry I can't be of help, I only own five.

01-12-2014, 10:59 PM
Anybody that wanted to know more info emailed Sheldon yet?