View Full Version : Interesting and thought provoking video

12-18-2013, 09:07 PM

12-18-2013, 09:55 PM
That is a great view , interestingly a similar video on bait and feeding stations probably would arrive at the same deductions .
Thanks for the post Coyote ....

12-19-2013, 08:40 AM
Thanks Coyote for that. That old saying of its not how far the shot is but how close you can get really is what its all about. Its just something when they can hear you breath or hear your heart beat.

12-26-2013, 09:19 AM
The trouble with this video is the disdain they show to other hunters. The hand-made traditional thinks everything else is to high tech, the store bought longbow user thinks the compound guy isn't a real hunter, the compound guys don't like crossbows and none of them thinks firearms users are hunters at all. Until we all show respect for all ethical and legal forms of hunting we just play into the anti's agenda. Personally I hunt with a compound bow, a number of different rifles, a shotgun and in the future possibly a recurve or maybe a crossbow. I admire anyone who can take game with their chosen form of hunting.

12-26-2013, 09:42 AM
Well Said , couldn't agree more.

The trouble with this video is the disdain they show to other hunters. The hand-made traditional thinks everything else is to high tech, the store bought longbow user thinks the compound guy isn't a real hunter, the compound guys don't like crossbows and none of them thinks firearms users are hunters at all. Until we all show respect for all ethical and legal forms of hunting we just play into the anti's agenda. Personally I hunt with a compound bow, a number of different rifles, a shotgun and in the future possibly a recurve or maybe a crossbow. I admire anyone who can take game with their chosen form of hunting.

12-26-2013, 10:38 AM
What a joke these guys are.....

They think that the only valid hunting is how they do it. One of them has a spiffy compound bow and he's blabbing on about how bow hunting gear needs to have limits.

Complete fools, they will only harm hunting in general and bowhunting specifically.

01-02-2014, 08:48 PM
Well after watching the video again I have to disagree with Papaken. I didn't see anything in there about one kind of bowhunter feeling their way was superior to another. All I heard was concern that technology MAY be starting to push the limits of what some consider bowhunting. Frankly I don't care if you hunt with a longbow, recurve, crossbow or frisbee for that matter. As long as you use it properly and ethically, fill your boots.

For instance there are those who can shoot accurately out to 100 yards as one guy said in the video. It's easier with a compound, sights and rangefinder but there are some recurve shooters that can do it too. (I'm not dumping on compounds, just stating what I see as a fact.). It's awesome shooting and I admire the skill of those that can do it. But should the shot be taken? How much can go wrong while the arrow is in flight? The animal can move, the wind can push the arrow off course. Now instead of a perfect shot you have a wounded animal. I see that as harming hunting and bowhunting.

Someone else has come up with a bullet that fits on the end of an arrow. Is that going too far? How about the hypo arrow that uses a drug to immobilize the animal. Is that going to far? The time to answer these questions is before these things are made legal, not after.

And I think the video was made to get us to ask these questions. The technology is already here, I thing the question we have to ask ourselves is how do we use it.


01-03-2014, 11:19 PM
I admire people who can understand the meanings held within this video..not spin doctors...