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View Full Version : Skulls

11-20-2013, 10:50 PM
Dunno where to post this, but here goes. As some already know, my sister is an artist(tattoo, painter etc), she is trying to "tattoo" wild animal skulls(Deer, bear etc). However it is a learning process and she needs to start somewhere. So I am looking for donations or cheap skulls(deer, yotes etc) for her to practice on before she moves up to the bigger and BETTER stuff.

Id appreciate any donations some people got around the Kelowna area, but if you got an extra bison/grizz/wolf skull/sheep/goat/cougar(horns/antlers/jaws are needed) I will pay ya for that for a fair price. And once she starts pumping these out, I will post pics for all to see. Thanks for your time


11-21-2013, 02:39 PM
Still looking for skulls

11-21-2013, 04:25 PM
I think that you better start shed hunting in the spring......take her along with you.
People are not that generous when it comes to parting with their bone and horn.

rides bike to work
11-21-2013, 04:32 PM
There's some cheap stuff on eBay that's probably the way to go. Or call around to the game cutters a lot of people leave the skulls behind. I know Johnson's in chilliwack had a few two and three point heads in the cooler a few weeks back