View Full Version : Wow what a day

11-09-2013, 11:48 PM
This morning at first light I headed off with 3 close friends to chase 4 points. I personally tagged out 2 days after i got back from guiding on a 2 point but was down to help some good friends(1 being a good friend). So we get to our spot and start the hike in and i immediately see a guarantted 3x3 but it looked like it had a sticker so i sent 2 of the hunters around the mountain to cut it off. Well the newest hunter decided he was going straight up and has alot of mountain climbing experience. 15 minute later i get a text saying he fell over 70 feet straight down and my heart sinks as i think in my head i lost a very close friend.

Well about 20 more minutes of aggony go by and the message comes in that he is alive but i am still not sure of the condition but i was 2-3 kms away so i start heading in the direction and immediately get in contact with coach who offers assistance and advice on what to do. We get our friend dealt with and i hunt my way back after hearing he will be ok and see a wolf on a ridge line at 1200 yds and can not get back to him so he walks. 3 4x4's later and me not being able to shoot i settle in with the spotting scope and take pictures of some animals before heading out for the day. We are all thankful our good friend sustained minor injuries and he is happy he had a 40 pound pack on to land on instead of breaking his spine.

I will post some pics later of a nice buck i saw and possibly of the injuries, be safe out there guys!

Sofa King
11-09-2013, 11:54 PM
holy shit.
what a downer, but very lucky by the sounds of it.
getting skunked and being alive is better than the other option.
good reminder for us to all think twice before doing things and be careful out there.
hope he's okay.

i'll be sitting put in a blind tomorrow, so most dangers should be negated.
maybe have to double-check any nearby trees.

11-09-2013, 11:54 PM

Good to hear Buddy is OK .

Safety never takes a holiday !


Sofa King
11-09-2013, 11:57 PM
in the blink of an eye, a great day out in the woods can take a 180.

11-10-2013, 12:03 AM
Crazy shit! So happy to hear your friend is going to be alright. Things could have turned out so much worse.

11-10-2013, 12:08 AM
Glad to hear that he is ok!

No Kidding on safety taking a holiday!!! Be Safe and think through your moves!

Today I sprained my ankle.... decided to keep going for a little bit longer because it wasn't "too bad" and lost my balance... side stepped and had a tree branch punch straight into my ear and punch a hole in my ear drum... And i never even saw a buck!

11-10-2013, 12:11 AM
Wow! Could have been really bad from the sounds of it. Glad your friend is ok. Best wishes!

11-10-2013, 07:44 AM
Shit can and does happen! You have to be ready for it, and hope for some luck. Glad your buddy is OK.