View Full Version : rut activity kamloops

11-08-2013, 06:09 PM
Anyone see rut activity happening around kamloops, been seeing deer all over the snow has them moving but haven't seen any really solid rut action this has been a great weekend for hunting for me in the past, gonna tag one this weekend

11-08-2013, 06:57 PM
I was out earlier this week in areas where I usually see lots of deer. I was surprised how quiet it was: no bucks and only a handful of does and fawns over three days. The same hunts on previous years would allow me to see a few bucks (mostly non-legal, but still...) and 15-20 does/fawns.

I don't get it! I would have thought the new moon would get them moving during the day more than that. I have a few more days ahead of me, hopefully things improve. Something else may be happening, as I don't think I have changed my noise level that much.

Good luck!

Bugle master
11-08-2013, 07:10 PM
I to have notice the lack of rut activity. I've been in the Merritt area and only seeing groups of does and the odd little buck here and there. I figured this was going to be a great week with the new moon and the fresh snow.
I've gotten some good tracking practice this week, now I just need that big boy to come out and play.

11-08-2013, 07:20 PM
Ya im going to head out this weekend do some rattling see if any bucks will respond if they dont ill try and head after them.... Atleast october is over and the hunter population has declined!

11-08-2013, 07:25 PM
Went out the past 2 days, sat at a watch for over 3 hours and called in two does. Heard some wolves and that's it. Going out in force tomorrow(4 of us) gonna try calling the high and low ground. And SEE WHAT HAPPENS. lots of muley rutting going on, but no wt yet. Will keep ya updated. Kelowna OUT!

280 77
11-08-2013, 08:15 PM
I've been out checkin on things quite a bit , seeing lots of does but haven't seen the bucks nosing around just yet . Doesn't mean they haven't been rutting at night though. Hopefully they get active soon.

11-08-2013, 09:01 PM
Awesome well good to hear what's happening heading out all three days this weekend and most likely all next week so will try and give some feedback on what I see

11-08-2013, 09:04 PM
Went out the past 2 days, sat at a watch for over 3 hours and called in two does. Heard some wolves and that's it. Going out in force tomorrow(4 of us) gonna try calling the high and low ground. And SEE WHAT HAPPENS. lots of muley rutting going on, but no wt yet. Will keep ya updated. Kelowna OUT!
You nailed it with the wolves . I know if a few people that have seen them up near mile high this past week . But where unable to connect

Sofa King
11-08-2013, 09:08 PM
I've seen sign of the mulies rubbing and shit for awhile now.
but the whiteys still don't seem to be getting going.
I've found no evidence at all of the whiteys starting to rut.
and the bucks I've seen haven't really been doing anything, just cruising.
they do seem to be seeking out the does, but I haven't seen a rub, any bucks with or near the does, or anything.

i'm thinking about getting out a little earlier tomorrow and maybe just setting up my blind and sitting and see what wanders by.

11-08-2013, 09:08 PM
Keep trying to connect kill those dogs

11-08-2013, 09:52 PM
Wolves eh, where might these wolves be in a general area. For sure looking to bag a wolf

11-08-2013, 10:43 PM
Not far from where you shot your moose

11-08-2013, 11:20 PM
On it in the am will report back guys

11-09-2013, 01:13 AM
My nephew us up there right now . And is in a spot where there is always deer . He has seen nothing in this spot but has found a few down lower . The spot he is in is not far from where you shot your moose

11-09-2013, 01:24 AM
will be covering lots of ground, we will find some deer

11-09-2013, 01:46 AM
He said he was walking knee deep in snow in some areas

11-09-2013, 11:29 AM
no rut activity yet here in Williams Lake area..was out yesterday all the does were lonley..


11-09-2013, 06:57 PM
We seen a few 2pointers and 2 doe's today but nothing else. We usually see a lot more in this area.

rides bike to work
11-09-2013, 08:27 PM
We were out from 6:30 am to 5:00 pm in the kamloops area and did not see a single deer all day kind of sucked. Barely any tracks but did see two gut piles on the side of the road within a few km of each other.

rides bike to work
11-09-2013, 08:30 PM
These guys let us get pretty close for some pics though http://i43.tinypic.com/2upfdwh.jpg

rides bike to work
11-09-2013, 08:33 PM

there was a bigger one not far off but he was chasing the lady's with his nose up there ---

11-09-2013, 08:40 PM
Where abouts is the snowline in the interior at the moment?

Sofa King
11-09-2013, 08:44 PM
it's trying to snow right now down in the murrt valley.
and here's the current conditions up the connector.

i'm loving the looks of this.
never went today, instead decided to make a day of it tomorrow and spend today getting everything prepared.
going to get up high for first light.
pack in my blind and chair and get set up, and wait them out.
going to tinkle the rattles a little, try some grunts, tip the deer can, burn some scent, I'll throw the kitchen sink at them and see what happens.
I know my guy is in the area, and the does are there, so something is going to happen.
now I just have to come up with enough ideas to keep myself from falling asleep.
if I can't keep distracted, there's no way i'll stay seated in the blind.
I really want to try to pull off a long sit this time.

saw a truck come through today with a wee moose in the back.

11-09-2013, 08:47 PM
Snow line in Kamloops is currently about 1/2 way up Inks hill on the Coq when heading South. I was quading and hiking through about a foot of snow around Lac La Jeune area. Saw 6 mulies. 3 were bux. Nothing down yet but hoping it'll happen soon. Bux I saw were with does.

4 point
11-09-2013, 09:00 PM
I took a nice 5X4 drop tine on Wednesday in 3-28 in 8 inches of snow. He was not stinky at all. Two 4es running together and my partner missed getting the other one.

the bear
11-09-2013, 09:05 PM
I took a nice 5X4 drop tine on Wednesday in 3-28 in 8 inches of snow. He was not stinky at all. Two 4es running together and my partner missed getting the other one.

BS, lets see pics!

4 point
11-09-2013, 09:07 PM
Trying to figure out how to post picture and a little story.

4 point
11-09-2013, 09:39 PM

Been hunting mid week days for many a week. Checking favourite haunts that have paid off in the past in both 3-29 and 3-28. Was in the area where I took this guy a week ago and doe activity, seen and sign was high. Into this area the past Wednesday morning early and after taking a tree off the road and some tough slugging in approx. 8 inches of snow we got to the area we wanted to walk. No sooner there than I spotted this guy at approx. 150 yards. and my partner had the better shot so I said take him. He fired and a clear miss. At that shot the second 4 which was traveling just behind (30') walked in the line of sight. The 5x4 walked away briskly heading out of sight of my partner but not me and I moved thru the bush to maintain eyesight on him as he trotted up a incline heading for the timber now at 200 yards. I knew he would stop and look back which he did and bang flop he was down. Not stinky at all and some nice meat for the winter. After gutting, skinning and having a bite to eat we went looking specifically for a imy moose as my partner was down and he loves moose meat. I took him to an area where I have seen moose several times in early November but not having a LEH tag it's tough. Low and behold we spot some fresh moose tracks in thick cover as we approach a good block. I advised him to be ready and as we creep out there are two guys on the road having told us they just shot an imy and wouldn't you know it they both had LEH tags for November. We offered help but they declined. If only we had been earlier or ? one never knows.

the bear
11-09-2013, 09:48 PM
nice buck! love the drop tine.

11-09-2013, 10:05 PM
Was out today and saw 4 does feeding but no buck in sight. The does were the only deer I saw all day. I sat, I walked, I rode and I drove some. Lots of sign but no warm bodies. Ghost tracks?

11-09-2013, 10:14 PM
Fourpoint - way to go.

I do have a question for you: Are you a huge human or is that deer very small in body? Although pictures can be misleading the deer looks smaller than most Blacktails.

Sofa King
11-09-2013, 10:14 PM

that's a great deer.
congrats, good shooting.

11-09-2013, 11:07 PM
I can tell ya guys that the rut is in full swing! It will vary a little ffrom place to place, but more specifically from doe to doe.
Most groups of does are towing bucks around, all bucks have big necks and are raking trees like crazy right now.
On wed, nov 06, i witnessed 2 nice 4 points doing serious battle for a solid 15 minutes, at the same time watched an even larger buck succesfully breed a doe.
All this because 1 doe came into heat. The bucks are running looking for theses early birds right now, if they dont already have their harems.
Intensity will grow in the coming days.

4 point
11-09-2013, 11:18 PM
Fourpoint - way to go.

I do have a question for you: Are you a huge human or is that deer very small in body? Although pictures can be misleading the deer looks smaller than most Blacktails.

Deer netted 145 pounds on the hook at the butchers so he was a good size. Probably positioning of the deer and the picture taker using a cell phone made it look that way but it was a good size deer for sure.

Sofa King
11-09-2013, 11:22 PM
Fourpoint - way to go.

I do have a question for you: Are you a huge human or is that deer very small in body? Although pictures can be misleading the deer looks smaller than most Blacktails.

you're just used to seeing pics with people sitting waay behind their animal to make their trophy look like a monster.

Sofa King
11-09-2013, 11:25 PM
it's trying to snow right now down in the murrt valley.
and here's the current conditions up the connector.

i'm loving the looks of this.
never went today, instead decided to make a day of it tomorrow and spend today getting everything prepared.
going to get up high for first light.
pack in my blind and chair and get set up, and wait them out.
going to tinkle the rattles a little, try some grunts, tip the deer can, burn some scent, I'll throw the kitchen sink at them and see what happens.
I know my guy is in the area, and the does are there, so something is going to happen.
now I just have to come up with enough ideas to keep myself from falling asleep.
if I can't keep distracted, there's no way i'll stay seated in the blind.
I really want to try to pull off a long sit this time.

saw a truck come through today with a wee moose in the back.

so cool.
that pic of the webcam keeps updating.
messed me up for a second.
I went and looked at the webcam again to see if the snow has changed, then looked back at this pic and they were identical.
and the time was the same also, even though my post was from way earlier.
pretty cool that it's a live copy.

11-10-2013, 07:23 AM
Well, as most hunters know already, the Deer here in Region 3-27 don't rut! So, this time of year, only a crazy man would spend time up here hunting! And, with no big bucks rutting, the Does around these parts "Adopt" if they want little fawn's running around! I heard that in Region 3-28 and Region 3-29 the Bucks are in full rut as we speak! A hunter can dam near pick and choose what sized buck he want's to take home! So, as you can see, ain't much use sett'in up a hunt'in camp up this way, be a waste of time when you get right down to it!!! Anyway's, I think I might saddle up the olde Quad in a few minutes, make a quick lunch and a thermos full of coffee, then go check out back of here to see what the snow levels look like, might take my Rifle, or a couple of them, not to hunt cuz there ain't no Bucks rutt'in up here, but maybe to do a bit of Plinking, or get a bead on a skinny olde coyote, there real thin here cuz there ain't no Bucks rutt'in up here, I just told you guys that! So, good luck in Region 3-28 or 29, hope you all get one of the Booner Bucks that Rut over there, and not here!!! Start'in to get day light out side, got to run!!!

11-10-2013, 04:19 PM
They are rutting. On the way home with a small 4x4. Saw another buck full on mounting a doe at 10-10:30 in the morning. Will post a pic and story later.

11-11-2013, 06:26 PM
Well, what the hell! Seems everyone knows the Rut's in full swing around here as we type! Had a guest drop by this afternoon from HBC, when I met him at the door, and my Dog quit sniffing the blood on his hunting pants, he showed me a Buck he'd gotten this morning, man is it heavy beamed! I won't say much else, but there's no use anyone else hunt'in up here, the Big ones long gone!!! Congrats on a real fine looking Buck!!!

11-11-2013, 07:24 PM
good weekend hunting for us but no deer taken yet, just a coyote, 3 rabbits, and a grouse, as for rut activity we found none, we did find fresh tracks everywhere and had an almost successful track we made it to within 100 yards of a buck but ran out of snow the track lasted a couple km and throughout the stalk we saw around 12 doe's, my brother saw one very large buck but didn't have a chance for a shot we also saw a couple 2 points spikes nothing legal except one 4 point which was very small so we passed.

from what we saw the doe's were very active in the mornings but things slowed during mid day, bucks were on the move during the mornings always seemed to be alone and as well we came across lots of decent sized tracks with a couple huge sets, tracking was hard today but yesterday was great, found some large cougar as we bobcat tracks, i know where ill be friday,

we think this week things will heat up found some fresh rubs and scrapes today hours old but who knows

11-11-2013, 10:56 PM
Wolves eh, where might these wolves be in a general area. For sure looking to bag a wolf
Spent the long weekend at tunkwa, hunted the powerlines and back in the bush for several days. That place is infested with wolves right now.
More wolf tracks than deer even. We spotted them on several occasions and I was lining up a shot on one of them, but it took off when I moved to quickly.

11-12-2013, 12:09 AM
The rut is in full swing as it would be every other year at this time. Where and when (day or night) things are going on will vary.

Not seeing big bucks on the tail of every group of doe you see is not a good indication that the rut is not going on. Take a walk and you'll see all the usual sign (rubs, etc) that happen this time of year and are clear indicators of rutting activity.

11-12-2013, 06:26 AM
Well, what the hell! Seems everyone knows the Rut's in full swing around here as we type! Had a guest drop by this afternoon from HBC, when I met him at the door, and my Dog quit sniffing the blood on his hunting pants, he showed me a Buck he'd gotten this morning, man is it heavy beamed! I won't say much else, but there's no use anyone else hunt'in up here, the Big ones long gone!!! Congrats on a real fine looking Buck!!!

rickys buck??

11-12-2013, 07:56 AM
The rut is in full swing as it would be every other year at this time. Where and when (day or night) things are going on will vary.

Not seeing big bucks on the tail of every group of doe you see is not a good indication that the rut is not going on. Take a walk and you'll see all the usual sign (rubs, etc) that happen this time of year and are clear indicators of rutting activity.

Yep. I took a hike yesterday and found an area with ridiculous amounts of rut sign. Scrapes, urine, rubs, etc. Found some bedding areas, too. Talk about a "hot" area. Huge buck tracks, among the others. Chains required to get up there, but very much worth it. At the right time of day, on the right day, there would be some huge bucks to be had up there. Too bad I already shot my Region 3 mulie.

11-12-2013, 08:04 AM
rickys buck?? Nope! (had to use 10 letters before it would post, so this jibby is them 10 letters)

11-12-2013, 09:08 AM
No bucks left in region 3

11-12-2013, 12:14 PM
Yep. I took a hike yesterday and found an area with ridiculous amounts of rut sign. Scrapes, urine, rubs, etc. Found some bedding areas, too. Talk about a "hot" area. Huge buck tracks, among the others. Chains required to get up there, but very much worth it. At the right time of day, on the right day, there would be some huge bucks to be had up there. Too bad I already shot my Region 3 mulie.

Yep we started to see much more sign on Monday ruts for sure on, back out tomorrow and probably mose afternoons this week, see if we can tag out, and yes one buck not on doe is not a good indicator agreed, from our area things seemed a little slow

11-12-2013, 08:07 PM
Been out 3 days and have only seen 6 does and two small guys and very few rubs and rutting activity. What kind of elevation are you guys finding the deer? 3 days left and still hoping to connect. Good luck to everyone else still looking

11-12-2013, 08:17 PM
I would say the bulk of the deer are in their winter range.....I seen more then that driving home from work.

11-12-2013, 09:58 PM
for sure the deer are lower down, but still deer at most elevations from what we have seen majority lower where we hunted though

Sofa King
11-12-2013, 10:07 PM
I would say the bulk of the deer are in their winter range.....I seen more then that driving home from work.

still lots up high on the connector.
there's deer everywhere.
lots of deer never leave the lower areas all summer, they don't all migrate.
funny though, i'm chasing whiteys around way up high in the deep snow, and muleys down where there's almost none.

11-12-2013, 10:10 PM
dually did you see 2-3 hundred.....cause I have last two weeks.

11-12-2013, 11:18 PM
I would say the bulk of the deer are in their winter range.....I seen more then that driving home from work.

so Im guessing that your buck you shot on skull was actually near a van, down by the river? Maybe you know the guy with the property that the gate is on? Am I right?

11-12-2013, 11:19 PM
I would say the bulk of the deer are in their winter range.....I seen more then that driving home from work.

so Im guessing that your buck you shot on skull was actually near a van, down by the river? Maybe you know the guy with the property that the gate is on? Am I right?
and seeing the same 50 deer doesn't make 200

11-12-2013, 11:27 PM
The Peterson-Betts road is what your saying Sith, the guy has a gate and has the ranch on the bottom, off of Westsyde Road. Peterson-Betts Road.

11-12-2013, 11:43 PM
so Im guessing that your buck you shot on skull was actually near a van, down by the river? Maybe you know the guy with the property that the gate is on? Am I right?
and seeing the same 50 deer doesn't make 200

you guys are funny.....

11-12-2013, 11:47 PM
horsh this guy or gal d/s Hahaha ithinkhasbeendrinkingtoomuchvino.lol.
I know you hunted hard and long for that nice buck horsh.
Your a hunter thru and thru.
Jel .. and you know what your saying ..

11-14-2013, 09:28 PM
Spent the long weekend at tunkwa, hunted the powerlines and back in the bush for several days. That place is infested with wolves right now.
More wolf tracks than deer even. We spotted them on several occasions and I was lining up a shot on one of them, but it took off when I moved to quickly.

FYI, the sled dogs are run on the powerlines above T Lake road near town. Is that where you saw them? May explain the tracks. Maybe you missed a shot at a coyote or.. a sled dog. It would have been hard to skin it with the sled dog lady punching you the whole time. :)

Infested may be stretching it a little. I spend lots of time at Tunkwa and I know hunters with with 42 years in LL and no wolf sightings. Are they there, probably! Infested? Not a chance.