View Full Version : Immy Tactics?

11-07-2013, 08:07 PM
Hey guys! Heading back out tomorrow to a spot in the OK where we were lucky enough to see 5 moose 2 weeks ago. 2 bulls with small blades, a cow/calf and another cow (I assumed anyhow by the size and age and lack of antlers). All were within a shot but I am on a GOS spike fork. Going to head back to the vicinity and the sites we spotted them, and hope to see one of their Spike buddies!

I'm curious if anyone has any hints on how to attract, or perhaps to find the Immys in particular. I know doing a bull grunt will scare these boys.

I'm hoping this snow will dull their sense a bit and let us track them, we are taking quads & snowshoes, and my plan is to check out the blocks, perhaps snowshoe into where we expect they were drinking and have a look - maybe some long cow calls ?

Just curious fi there is something to do other than to look, move slowly at down at dusk and perhaps look for big vantages to see some in the large cutblocks?

Hope everyone has a productive weekend.. have deer tags in the ready too but after eating some Moose Chilli I cooked from a friends kill I am cravin some more :mrgreen:


11-07-2013, 08:25 PM
What is an immy? Moose still open down there? Are you in fact referring to a spike fork bull moose? A moose with 2 or less points or tines on one antler?

Sofa King
11-07-2013, 08:30 PM
that's what I hate about a spiker season.
it's hard enough just to find a moose, it's pretty much just horseshoes up the ass to find a spiker.
I was out today and found where a lot of moose activity, there were several in the area where I was.
and all the tracks were today, as it was snowing while I was out.
but only one of the bunch looked small enough to be a legitimate spiker.
but even with tracks that seem too big, you can always get lucky and find one with a crazy rack.
I never bothered getting on these ones as I was after a particular whitetail, plus, they had gone into some thick shit.

I know I've sat before glassing a draw down below.
I lit a scent stick and put it over a ways from me.
in no time at all, I heard noise in the bush on the other side of the draw.
it stayed in the thick for some time, just grunting and making noise.
then it had enough, and had located where the smell was coming from.
it came out and was across the draw and coming up the hill where I was in what seemed like a second.
I almost shit because at first it seemed like it was coming right at me, but I was smart to not sit on the scent, because it straightlined right to that spot, over it and kept going.
I, too, am hesitant to grunt for spikers as they're just as likely to be intimidated.

11-07-2013, 09:12 PM
Hi Moosin -- yes the Spike Fork season is open until November the 15th where I am heading.. and yes I have a tag too, but. And yes sorry I wasn't clear, by Immy I meant a moose with no more than 2 points on one antler. I have always heard guys refer to Spike Forks as Immy :) All the male moose I saw had blades so they were safe, but really cool to be so close to even without being able to take shot.

What is an immy? Moose still open down there? Are you in fact referring to a spike fork bull moose? A moose with 2 or less points or tines on one antler?

11-07-2013, 09:14 PM
Thanks Duallie, I didn't think about picking up a scent stick this time of year but makes sense, remember the brand they seemed to enjoy ?

that's what I hate about a spiker season.
it's hard enough just to find a moose, it's pretty much just horseshoes up the ass to find a spiker.
I was out today and found where a lot of moose activity, there were several in the area where I was.
and all the tracks were today, as it was snowing while I was out.
but only one of the bunch looked small enough to be a legitimate spiker.
but even with tracks that seem too big, you can always get lucky and find one with a crazy rack.
I never bothered getting on these ones as I was after a particular whitetail, plus, they had gone into some thick shit.

I know I've sat before glassing a draw down below.
I lit a scent stick and put it over a ways from me.
in no time at all, I heard noise in the bush on the other side of the draw.
it stayed in the thick for some time, just grunting and making noise.
then it had enough, and had located where the smell was coming from.
it came out and was across the draw and coming up the hill where I was in what seemed like a second.
I almost shit because at first it seemed like it was coming right at me, but I was smart to not sit on the scent, because it straightlined right to that spot, over it and kept going.
I, too, am hesitant to grunt for spikers as they're just as likely to be intimidated.

11-07-2013, 10:01 PM
Bucket, hit the thick spots, where there is thermal cover, and food, alder swales, along timber edges, and watch for the dark spots in the snow. The moose will bunch up in my experience, and the little bulls will hang around the cows and this years calves. Watch the smaller moose closely, spike forks are tough to see. Good hunting!

Sofa King
11-07-2013, 10:07 PM
deer sense is the brand I always buy.
 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIASYAQgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAABBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAMEBQcCAf/EAEMQAAIBAwMBBQUDCgMHBQAAAAECAwAEEQUSITEGEyJBURRhc YGRBzKhFSMzQlJyscHC0SRTkhY0YnOCovAlNWPh8v/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEAAIFAQb/xAAuEQACAgEDAQUIAgMAAAAAAAAAAQIRAwQSITEFEyIzURQyNE FhgaGxI5FScfD/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ANYjOQpPpToPFRoT4V+Aqn1PtTb6dcTxSWsziDG91ZAOfTJHrV ZSUVbLQhKbqIQjeSdqMR7hmnY45GYDaR6kjFUOk9sba6uYbUwP F32RC7MrK5GSRlScHA86Ihdsf1B9akZRlymdnjlB1JHrxlegyP cK528fdb/Sa79oJ8hS9obHkKsUGq9C0sHJzXaDJqEOhCMfdpU8BxSqEKGIg ICSAAOSfhQVbMms9pFkl2i23m5ct07tOEHwJ8XyorvLNb/TmtXYqsigEgA+nrQpr3ZyOyS3mFxvaRxExeJcBcEgD5jjPrS+f cqfyXI3pdvMb8T4RB1y5tbzUGFqEVbq6VoyBgMqYLP89pGfePW qZ7mffcJ7R3ffxs0KShwUyPzZDA8lvIcU5p0MqyRXNz7Q73Exj ldVVyqDJKDI4I9B161dW40FY0a3uL/uUfhY7aMgN0GeM5B4pSMXbbf5NCUoKKil0+llVdXElpeRlrgxR LtRu8Vyku377ZB8OM88eXnSa4uY0tF7wd4iGe55cnuy3AC55wP n0q8a00Bo7gG4vkkmbbJCsCLJJuz546HnJzXSXHZ/2diZNSMwUTibuQGVFBHA/Z5boPfXe7dLn8lHlXL2v+ugW9jJhcaIkgm7wF2KgvuKKTkAn4Y ohiHNB2ja9pWnxi1j9teSQ95l4xlwehAHGOPKi6wuI7u2juIc9 3IMrkYNPY5LalZmZoyUm2iTSrylRARQw/o0Pu/lQb2tvLgX7W1zLKLTKHuURcsnmynrkH0PGKMof0afAfwrt0idf zyoyjnxgHFUnFyVXQTFNQlbVmU72LvcxzoCIRujWRRmcjBYc9Q px1/hTUFtFF3y+z2jpMgVc4EoAPDbVyC7Zxx0rWC8EcyQJGhdhkgKA EX1NPx+zsR3ZhJBz4cUvHTej/A7PW7usf8AvUy7WdKl0428NxMxuY1DxkKTt7wEMAPNUOT7sCoI su+thazvCZIH7iGYuB3lucZ6HyGOvmK2RHgdgweNmGcEEE++vI 1tjnuhCSf2cc1JaVXaZWOtdeKNmUyrD7Z7XLDFJDA4J343bVPC xlTnLDOc+vxrWdAvLa906OWyjaOAZVEIxgCuLWSCcIRGgYoG5U Zx0qxhUKuFAA9AKLix7OgDPm7zqj2lSpUYXKKEExpgZ4FUDa9Y axeNY2lwvdW9wVuDnl9ilsD3ZB/0miCH9GnwFAF92Hu9H1iXVuzcm5Jw4mtJDnAf72PUfiPf0qk7o JjrdyHGmZuoZrmZMe0cKP8AgHA/HNR7DTxbyKEjcJnaRt4Ocj1qNpnaCxtbW3tdRf2WZEVCJM4Jxj r/AHAqxubpJr3ToIHVllkMpKEEFVXPX4kVWMkol5Kak+Bqw09bae OJQyr4sAr1HnzmndP09rWeMxoyhSSRt4PzzUjU7hLU2ckrYUXA U8eoIqc8scYzJIiDy3nFXtW0Ublwwds7trTtSdOxhcPIB6rIQR 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FoZ4y6NwVKjH8aqG0bTN2Q94B6Bl/mKVKhyxQye8rGMebJj4g6PPyNpv+be/VP7VISCFFCrfamAPISr/AGpUqr3GOPRFpanNKrkd+zxsv+/6lj/mr/ao35F04895eZ6/eX+1KlUlgxvqiR1OaPuyo7XRtOyPzl51/aX+1W9i9raQrFBGyoPx+PNe0q7jxQg7ijk8+TJxOVlmJAQMA15 SpUQDR//Z

but they have moose and bear sticks as well.

Sofa King
11-07-2013, 10:08 PM
that doesn't look like the pic I copied.

11-07-2013, 10:09 PM

8-1 to *8-15, 8-21 to 8-26

Spike-fork Bulls

Oct 15 - Nov 15 1


Granby Park (MU 8-15 )and Gladstone Park (MU 8-15, 4-14) are closed to moose hunting. See special area maps J17 and J18

See Definitions section: Moose. Antlers must accompany the species licence.


[QUOTE=bucket;1411724]Hi Moosin -- yes the Spike Fork season is open until November the 15th where I am heading.. and yes I have a tag too, but. And yes sorry I wasn't clear, by Immy I meant a moose with no more than 2 points on one antler. I have always heard guys refer to Spike Forks as Immy :) All the male moose I saw had blades so they were safe, but really cool to be so close to even without being able to take shotMOOSE IMMATURE BULLS REGION 4 ;Spike-fork Bulls MANAGEMENT UNIT IN REGION 4 4-1, 4-2, 4-5, 4-6, 4-19 to 4-26, 4-34, 4-35 ★Spike-fork Bulls Oct 15 - Oct 31