View Full Version : New to HuntingBC, owning crossbow & hunting

10-20-2013, 11:34 AM
Hello everyone,

First, I would like to compliment whomever created this site, what a great idea, simple, slick and easy to use. I am glad i came across it as fast as I did. Second, I am a newbie looking for some guidance when it comes to crossbows, target shooting, and hunting. I have some questions regarding discharging a crossbow in the lower mainland too.

I recently acquired an Excalibur matrix 380 crossbow for my birthday in August of this year from Canmore BC. Not knowing much about crossbows, I thought I would fire my first bolt into a thick tree while camping at Castle Falls in Alberta. Dumb idea, bolt ruined, could not dig out without breaking, lesson learned. So I bought a target. Now my issue is, I have no idea where to shoot this thing to practice. I am super excited and I have been driving around the pit lake area in Pit Meadows looking for somewhere close to where I live. After viewing some by laws I learned that pretty much all of Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam has a ban on discharging crossbows. I haven't checked the other cities but have been told by strangers I have met along the way to go out to Mission or Stave lake area where "everyone shoots guns etc". Anyone know where I can practice daily with this new weapon of mine? I want to be as safe as possible and follow all the rules properly which is why I thought the best idea was to join a community like this one to start gaining as much knowledge as I can, to prepare myself for hunting--something I have always wanted to pursue. Hopefully I can also meet some great people to possibly sponge info/ learn from too. Any help , ideas, guidance would be great, I have a tonne of questions, but I will save them for anyone who responds. Thank you very much for taking the time to read/respond if you do, appreciate it.

10-20-2013, 11:56 AM
Try this site as well for you questions

10-20-2013, 02:59 PM
PDF] Fraser Valley Special Area Hunting Licence - Ministry of Environment (http://www.huntingbc.ca/url?q=http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlife/hunting/regulations/docs/FVSAH2012.pdf&sa=U&ei=wFFkUtfONujayAGRgYG4CQ&ved=0CBoQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNEQK0eeKKdkCg7q41miJEm32rDXJQ)www.env.gov .bc.ca/fw/wildlife/hunting/.../docs/FVSAH2012.pdf - Cached (http://www.huntingbc.ca/url?q=http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search%3Fhl%3Den-CA%26q%3Dcache:mVDJSx77XZgJ:http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlife/hunting/regulations/docs/FVSAH2012.pdf%252Bfraser%2Bvalley%2Bspecial%2Bhunt ing%2Barea%2Bmap%26gbv%3D2%26safe%3Dimages%26ct%3D clnk&sa=U&ei=wFFkUtfONujayAGRgYG4CQ&ved=0CBsQIDAA&usg=AFQjCNEQIM0gienp2hBSmue6b5_RTzoJjQ) - Similar (http://www.huntingbc.ca/search?hl=en-CA&gbv=2&q=related:www.env.gov.bc.ca/fw/wildlife/hunting/regulations/docs/FVSAH2012.pdf+fraser+valley+special+hunting+area+m ap&tbo=1&sa=X&ei=wFFkUtfONujayAGRgYG4CQ&ved=0CBwQHzAA)
in the Fraser Valley Special Hunting Area. The maps also show some areas
where the FVSAH licence is not required. Portions of the Fraser Valley Regional

not sure if I did that right.... anyway look this up. It'll show you where you can shoot, hunt , and discharge firearms in the fraser valley.

10-20-2013, 03:21 PM
... I recently acquired an Excalibur matrix 380 crossbow for my birthday in August of this year from Canmore BC.

Congratulations on acquiring the new "Flagship" bow from Excalibur!
I have owned one since February, and am LOVING it! Third Excalibur for me, and this one suits what I do VERY Well!
One word of advice: Do NOT shoot at the same bullseye twice, regardless of range! Those bolts can get damn expensive in a hell of a hurry! :wink:

Can't help with areas for you to shoot as I live a rather long ways away...

Loads of mods and customizations available for the Matrix though, so feel free to ask if / when you get interested...


10-20-2013, 07:21 PM
thank you very much

10-20-2013, 07:26 PM
thanks, oh i am interested. I ordered a laser sight and I don't even have it sighted yet. Thank you very much for your reply. I watched a 300 yard balloon shot on youTube. Wow.

10-20-2013, 07:27 PM
Thanks so much for all your replies. Even more excited now. You guys are awesome.

10-21-2013, 08:48 AM
What or where is Canmore BC ???

Call the Burnaby archery club , I am not certain if they allow crossbows or not ... but it can never hurt to ask. if they do , Join the club and you now have a range of 100 yards+.

I dont have any contact info but the sign on Kensington and Sakic way should tell you ... its like 60 bucks/year or something insanely cheap like that

Failing that your looking out in the Valley ... Abby/Mission areas

11-01-2013, 08:49 PM
awesome thanks, going to check out the hunting club in port coquitlam tomorrow morning. Will also call burnaby club and ask if they allow cross bows---would be perfect as I am moving to Burnaby from Pitt Meadows. Thanks guys!