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10-18-2013, 10:56 AM
Reading some threads on wolves, I thought this may be handy for those who have never encountered wolves.


10-18-2013, 11:11 AM
How to Survive a Wolf Attack (http://www.wikihow.com/Survive-a-Wolf-Attack) Edited by Cristinamarina, Maluniu, Aroraadit, Jack Herrick and 14 others
Wolves will attack almost anything in a pack including humans, even if it's not necessary for food as they are known for surplus killing. Here are some steps to ensure your survival in case you are unlucky enough to encounter them.
Edit (http://www.wikihow.com/index.php?title=Survive-a-Wolf-Attack&action=edit&section=1) Steps

1. If you see the wolf before it sees you, walk away silently. You don't want the wolf to see you.
2. Remember, where there's one wolf, there are usually 2 or 3 more around.
3. If the wolf sees you, back away slowly. Avoid eye contact! The wolf sees eye contact as a challenge.
4. If the wolf chases you, don't run. Wolves are faster than you.
5. If you choose to attempt to escape, keep the wolves in front of you not at your back for this will cause predatory instincts to kick in.
6. If the wolf attacks, curl up in a fetal position with your arms blocking your neck so they don't get a hold of any extremities.
7. To defend yourself, pepper spray, a Taser, or a sharp object are good means of self defense. If you lack these items a wolf's snout and nose are very sensitive and can be badly damaged if you hit hard enough.
8. If in a group, make sure to keep all children and badly injured in the center of the group for they will be the ones targeted most if wolves are attempting to hunt you. Also do not break the group up for that is what the wolves are hoping for.
9. If you are hiking with your dog in wolf territory, keep them in your sight, pick up their poop, keep them quiet and encourage them NOT to pee. All of these will attract wolves and they will view you and your dog as intruders, causing them to attack.
10. Don't treat the wolf as if it were a dog. Rottweilers have a bite force of 328 lbs. per square inch. Wolves have a bite force of 406 lbs. per square

Edit (http://www.wikihow.com/index.php?title=Survive-a-Wolf-Attack&action=edit&section=2)Tips

They will rarely attempt to attack you head on when alone and will avoid you altogether if you're tall enough.
Wolves can be easily distracted by food. Throw some if the wolf chases you.
When defending yourself aim for their face.
Never, EVER under any circumstances be friendly with them - they are vicious predators.
Tell the authorities if you see threatening wolf activity in your area.
Wolves are powerful predators, think of them as very large powerful dogs. Dogs can be subdued by a large human relatively easily via kicking or trauma to the facial area. Same with wolves. A single, large human verses a single average sized wolf will almost always lead to the wolf fleeing. Packs are what you need to avoid, this is relatively easy by increasing your size and shouting loudly. Never run, ever. It won't end well. Hold your ground in a group and keep children in the middle. Use anything and throw objects to break up the cohesian of an aggressive pack. Very few confrontations with wolves will lead to death as it is easy to discourage them....
If wolves are trying to attack you, don't run! Wolves WANT their prey to run because they know that you can't fight back while your running. They will try to scare you into running, but don't do it.

10-18-2013, 11:11 AM

You can't outrun a Wolf let alone a pack, so don't try it.
Never feel sympathetic when you have no choice but to defend yourself, this is your life and the life of others with you you're protecting, not theirs.
In groups they are a force to be reckoned with, don't be a hero.
Never hide from them, as their sense of smell allows them to track your scent.
Avoid them at all costs.

10-18-2013, 11:14 AM
I have thrown rocks at a pack of wolves and they took off. Also yelled at a couple, and they also took off.

10-18-2013, 11:27 AM
Wolf attacks are inredibly rare. Though I think we are approaching the top of the predator cycle, and I suspect there might be some starving/desperate ones in a couple of years, so it is a good time to think about it. You never know what a rabid or sick one might do. Though I think in Alaska and Canada combined, there have only been 39 cases of wolves "acting aggressively" towards humans. Seems they would rather starve than eat us... kind of offended.

cariboo hunter
10-18-2013, 11:28 AM
Or just go on about your business because you have a way better chance of getting struck by lightning then attacked by wolves.

10-18-2013, 11:40 AM
Kill them with your bare hands if you have to. Go Cro-Magnon on them! ;)

(if it ever happens, that is :) )

10-18-2013, 12:10 PM
And of course, slinging as much lead at them, as fast as possible, also works well in discouraging wolves! It also saves the lives of the animals we hunt...

10-18-2013, 12:14 PM
Wolf attacks are inredibly rare. Though I think we are approaching the top of the predator cycle, and I suspect there might be some starving/desperate ones in a couple of years, so it is a good time to think about it. You never know what a rabid or sick one might do. Though I think in Alaska and Canada combined, there have only been 39 cases of wolves "acting aggressively" towards humans. Seems they would rather starve than eat us... kind of offended.

From a report circulated yesterday:

Close Call - Wolf Pack Encounter Location: Near Merritt BC, Lower Michael Road, BCTS ChartDate of Incident: 15/10/2013
Details of Incident: Forest Worker had just started a road traverse and was approximately 100m from truck when at least 5 aggressive wolves came within 3m of her. She called her dogs and reached for her bear spray. One of her dogs stayed with her while the other barked and started fighting with the wolves. She went to the truck with the one dog and called for help on the local radio channel on her handheld radio. When she got to the truck she called the dog that had been defending her and it came. It had sustained major injuries and had to be put down. The worker was not physically injured.
Recommended Preventative Actions:
 Raise your arms and wave them in the air to make yourself appear large, use a loud firm voice and try to convince the animals you are a threat, not prey.
 Back away slowly and do not turn your back on the wolves.
 Make noise, throw sticks and rocks at the wolves.
 Use your bear mace if they come close enough.
 Call for help on the radio and let someone know where you are.
 Do up an incident report and discuss with crew

10-18-2013, 12:31 PM
Hot lead is the solution to a wolf attack.

10-18-2013, 12:37 PM
The best defence is a good offence!!

10-18-2013, 12:47 PM
Raise your arms and wave them in the air to make yourself appear large, use a loud firm voice and try to convince the animals you are a threat, not prey.

I don't think this can be overstated. If you can convince any predator that you are a wild, ferocious animal just like them, they are much more likely to f*ck off. Having anything in your hand(s) to swing at them just makes it that much more convincing.

Another thing that would be useful would be to study canine anatomy. Well-placed kicks and punches in the areas not protected by bone can be a significant deterrent for any dog.

I have read that another tactic that has proven useful in dog attacks is to wait till they attempt to bite your hand and then drive your hand down their throat as hard as you can, which may buy you time to deliver a powerful blow to areas of soft tissue, or drive a knife into their chest, or ...whatever it takes...

10-18-2013, 12:49 PM
Hot lead is the solution to a wolf attack.

For us hunters, it sure is. What about the scenario where someone is unarmed, or only has a knife?

10-18-2013, 01:36 PM
Funny I don't see the option of climbing a tree in there anywhere... Last I heard dogs don't climb trees...

10-18-2013, 01:43 PM
When they open the mouth to bite you grab the tongue lol. They don't wanna bite that...and if you happen to rip it, they will be less inclined to use it.

Sofa King
10-18-2013, 01:59 PM
And of course, slinging as much lead at them, as fast as possible, also works well in discouraging wolves! It also saves the lives of the animals we hunt...

save it to kill it another day.
funny how it's awesome for us to kill deer but how dare a wolf.
man hates competition.

Big Lew
10-18-2013, 02:01 PM
Have a defensive plan/strategies in place for a possible dangerous encounter with a predatorial species, and practice with it. Apply the principles of good situational awareness, and enjoy your day. The guidelines look like they were drawn up in a grade school classroom.

Have to agree, especially "drawn up in a grade school classroom"
Anyone taking dogs along into the woods where there are likely to be predators has to be aware that their dog(s) will be the most likely target. If you're going to allow your dog to run off ahead of you etc, you had better be able to command it to go away from you because most dogs will run straight back to you if they get in trouble, bringing that trouble with them. There have been many such incidents, and even with range cattle.

Johnny G1
10-18-2013, 04:39 PM
Taking my dog for a walk and tell him not to have a piss, good luck on that????

10-18-2013, 06:39 PM
if you do your best to side step a wolf and walk away and the fight is on anyway , FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! your odds of survival are tiny but not impossible . if a wolf attack is a real concern you have , make sure you carry a fixed blade knife 4-6" blade. maybe even 2 . knives are a last resort obviously.

10-18-2013, 06:50 PM
I like number 6 - curl up in a fetal position... :roll:

Then number 7 would be, now let them eat you...

10-18-2013, 06:51 PM
I was attacked once by an Alpha male wolf, I waited and waited while it stared at me only five feet away, then as it came forward snarling, baring it's huge line of canine teeth as quick as a lightening flash the jaws opened wide. That's when I reached down deep in it's mouth, grabbed it's tail and turned it inside out.
Jel .. that's how I did it .....

10-18-2013, 06:58 PM
I was attacked once by an Alpha male wolf, I waited and waited while it stared at me only five feet away, then as it came forward snarling, baring it's huge line of canine teeth as quick as a lightening flash the jaws opened wide. That's when I reached down deep in it's mouth, grabbed it's tail and turned it inside out.
Jel .. that's how I did it ..... love it , what would we do without jelly :)

10-18-2013, 10:54 PM
And of course, slinging as much lead at them, as fast as possible, also works well in discouraging wolves! It also saves the lives of the animals we hunt...that would be my first

10-18-2013, 11:10 PM
The short mag never leave home without it.

Call of the Wild
10-19-2013, 12:27 AM
First make some wolf calls to bring them in very close, that will provide you an dose of adrenaline then get active with your rifle. I prefer a 7mm caliber from experience!!!!

10-19-2013, 06:32 AM
I was attacked once by an Alpha male wolf, I waited and waited while it stared at me only five feet away, then as it came forward snarling, baring it's huge line of canine teeth as quick as a lightening flash the jaws opened wide. That's when I reached down deep in it's mouth, grabbed it's tail and turned it inside out.
Jel .. that's how I did it .....

LOLOL! Very funny, I can see a Robert Service style poem coming out of that...

10-19-2013, 08:08 AM
jel should write a book

10-19-2013, 10:25 AM
Purple nurple, snake bite, noogie, boston crab, charlie horse, wet willy, flying drop kick. These are the self defense moves we should all be familiar with to deal with wolf attack

10-19-2013, 11:06 AM
How about making it a personal rule that you should never venture into the woods or backcountry without at least a can of bear spray or bear bangers? you can get bear bangers that resemble a pen and all you do is pull back the pin and release, both are easy to carry and use. Me personally I would always have at least my maverick 88 or sks if I think wolves might present a problem, AT LEAST BEAR SPRAY

10-19-2013, 11:10 AM
sks is the perfect wolf killing machine

10-19-2013, 11:19 AM
Wiggle your index and middle fingers and say "wise guy eh" then pokem in the eyes, 3 stooges style.

Big Lew
10-19-2013, 02:17 PM
Maybe have a chat with "Crocodile Dundee" to learn how he calms big vicious canines and water buffalo by aiming his fingers.

10-19-2013, 04:22 PM
Maybe have a chat with "Crocodile Dundee" to learn how he calms big vicious canines and water buffalo by aiming his fingers.

I hypnotised a chicken that way once.Good thing it worked,I would not want to be curled in a ball and attacked by peckers.

10-19-2013, 04:36 PM
I hypnotised a chicken that way once.Good thing it worked,I would not want to be curled in a ball and attacked by peckers.

LOL, yeah, but I'm sure there is a segment of the population that would look forward to that scenario! To each their own.

Big Lew
10-19-2013, 04:53 PM
I hypnotised a chicken that way once.Good thing it worked,I would not want to be curled in a ball and attacked by peckers.
Chickens are easy to hypnotize...my Dad used to show us as youngsters all the time, and 'attacked by peckers,' tee hee hee!

10-29-2013, 02:08 AM
I always smell of Hoppes #9 which seems to be a wolf repellent as I never see them.