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View Full Version : What do I need to pick up someone else's meat for them at the butcher?

10-12-2013, 05:57 PM
I am a bit confused at the wording in the regs. It says when transporting you must have a record of receipt which can be found on page 77 (except that page 77 is all ads), but then at the end it says that picking up from the butcher requires a receipt with most of the information it talks about. Do I need anything from my buddy or will the butcher receipt suffice? I am sorry, but I couldn't find this discussion through the search function. Thanks.

10-12-2013, 06:06 PM
You'll need to pay for it first of all.
Prolly a note signed by yer buddy giving you permission to take it.

10-12-2013, 06:32 PM
Cash, once it leaves the cutter it's just meat. It's taking the game to the cutter when you need the letter of permission that you find in the regs.

10-12-2013, 09:46 PM
We comply with information found on page 22 of the Synopsis.
It's worked for us for the times we've been checked and were transporting other hunters cut, wrapped and frozen meat.

Anyone having wildlife butchered and
packaged is required to obtain from the butcher a receipt which indicates:
the Hunter Number,
the species licence number, and
the species, and sex of the animal taken.