View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. What firearms do you hunt with??
  2. WHo needs a magnum????
  3. 338 WSM
  4. Russell's gunpowder
  5. To full Length Resize or not, that is the question
  6. Hunting rifles over the years
  7. .338-06
  8. 303 sniper rifle???
  9. 303 bullets...
  10. What's your next cartridge gonna be??
  11. 7mm.wsm, Win. X-super
  12. HELP!!
  13. My "Frankenstein" arrived
  14. seeking info from a barnes manual
  15. 50 alaskan
  16. Tikka T3 lite 300 win mag review
  17. try the new era again :)
  18. Most Under rated cartridge/cal???
  19. Hodgdon Xperimental Packs
  20. Building a bolt .450 marlin
  21. every child has a dream!!
  22. need opinion on this guns value!
  23. tikka rifles...
  24. loading down .300 win mag
  25. 24 gauge
  26. .22 velocitors
  27. .30-06 with 165gr interbond
  28. Picked up some neat old firearms
  29. 22 inch or 24 inch barrel for 30-06 wich is better?
  30. Lee 45-70
  31. Hornady SST
  32. Nosler Accubond & Ballistic Silvertips
  33. ok so who has a name for there firearm or bow ?
  34. Wildcat forum
  35. 35-30
  36. 338-06
  37. Wildcats & Customs
  38. Caution!
  39. I've been thinking Again.................
  40. has anyone seen more info on the new H&H cartridges ?
  41. Sighting in a .270 win
  42. 3" shell shotgun barrel in a 2 3/4" reciever...
  43. Scopes, what do you use?
  44. Sheep
  45. Does anyone use Barnes Bullets?
  46. parker hale safari 30-06
  47. I need a web address for "access"
  48. Bulk powder order
  49. Accelerators
  50. Gunrunner newspaper
  51. Ramline stock damage
  52. How does you hunting rifle stack up?
  53. 25 Mag
  54. .243 in an H&R 24 inch bull barrel
  55. tika/sako recall?
  56. antique gun is what?
  57. comments on the 300 wsm
  58. model 88 win INFO
  59. Remington 11-87 failure!!
  60. help in handguns
  61. It just wont shoot
  62. Big Bore Entry/Exit Wounds....
  63. lee enfield conversions-options??
  64. ATTN: Casull !
  65. Has anyone shot the 7 WSM?
  66. .455 webley pistol
  67. L/F info on Ruger #1 in 45-70
  68. 35cal non Magnum mid bores
  69. 1894 38-55 winchester
  70. 300 Canadian Mag.
  71. SKS's
  72. PRO's /CON' with WSM cals
  74. Check out www.LOADDATA.com
  75. Jungle carbine date of manufacture
  76. Parker Hale info?
  77. Paralax
  78. Carved rifle stock
  79. Has anyone else seen the Hawk Cartridges?
  80. Wildcatting the WSM to Big Bores?
  81. Gun cleaning gear
  82. Takedown Rifle Gunsmithing
  83. Sako and Tikka rifles self-destructing
  84. single shot info required please
  85. Load programs?????
  86. Savage 111fcxp3 7mm rem mag combo
  87. gotta an itch for a new boom stick-wssms?
  88. .375 Chatfield-Taylor?
  89. .577 T-Rex...just kidding, it's a Snider
  90. Reloading Powder
  91. Small die's for 308 in mod 88?
  92. case triming
  93. new wildcatter (wannabe) aboard
  94. 22 BR Remington
  95. Gun show in Nanaimo
  96. Are there any gun shows in GVRD recentely?
  97. Any levergun guys out there???
  98. next gunshow Duncan or Victoria?
  99. A Good All-Round Bullet
  100. 338.06 loads
  101. Older Ruger rifles with "warnings"
  102. .243 loaded into 6mm brass ?
  103. Primers and Ball powder test
  104. Need some advice
  105. New Shootn Iron
  106. Remington Vssf
  107. B&L balvar 6-24x40 scope
  108. Ruger 10/22 bbl./accessories sources?
  109. Try this link you won't be sorry!
  110. Another Dumbass newbie reloading question
  111. belted and unbelted cartridges.
  112. what is the best type of stainless steel for a gun?
  113. 20 gauge for deer?
  114. 5mm mag ammo
  115. Reloading for 300wsm
  116. Federals New Fusion Ammo!
  117. Recall on Remington 710's
  118. .270 Win Adequate For Big Game?
  119. How many is enough?????
  120. Here is a good story, a must read
  121. Cartridge Oal
  122. removing live primer
  123. Hodgdon Retumbo
  124. 7 x 57
  125. minimum trim lenght
  126. Reloading 30-06 30-08
  127. Just have at er'?
  128. Who's made the best cartridges?
  129. where to buy NEF and H&R rifles
  130. I crushed a case!!!
  131. What reloading dies do you use?
  132. Powder trickler tip
  133. Good reloading info site
  134. Core Hunter Training
  135. muzzle breaks
  136. oops did I say gun?!
  137. breaking in a new gun
  138. lets see your favorite....
  139. Big Bore Attitude!
  140. savage package rifles
  141. 300mag vs 300 short mag
  142. Your Favorite Cartridge?
  143. 338 tikka
  144. .308 Norma Magnum
  145. Score!
  146. 45/70 marlin recoil
  147. 25-284 Winchester
  148. 410 slugs
  149. Load Development
  150. Accubond vs Interbond
  151. wildcat .25-378.
  152. Marlin 45-70 Opinion
  153. Forum guidlines
  154. Golden eagle bullet works
  155. Redding Reloading Equipment in BC
  156. In Theory
  157. Browning info ?
  158. Cooey model 60 and winchester model 250 .22's
  159. 300 Rum
  160. 270 Wsm
  161. 300H&H vs 300WBY difference?
  162. Load ideas for 6mm rem??
  163. Browning BLR in .450 Marlin Mag.
  164. New Rifle
  165. 7mmWSM vs 300RUM
  166. 6.5x55 SE or .270
  167. use of 9,3x62 for all game one gun
  168. Rimfire or Small Centerfire?
  169. 30.06 High Energy Rounds
  170. Standard bolt face measurements
  171. Favorite Elk Rifle
  172. Jack O'Connor VS Elmer Keith
  173. the one-shot gutshot
  174. IMR 4198 and 45/70
  175. Cratered Primers
  176. 7m.m. Nosler 150 grn.B.T.Solid Base
  177. Roy Weatherby vs Jack O'Connor
  178. Bore sighting
  179. Swift A-Frame
  180. Remington 7600 weathermaster 30-06
  181. Bill Leeper 300WSM
  182. combo Mk V weathetby 300 wea mag hornady 220 grains
  183. .270 hand loads
  184. Hornady SST bullets
  185. Cast bullet lube
  186. cheaper bullet for the 270?
  187. reduced recoil load for 270 win?
  188. winchester 94
  189. tikka t3 rifles.
  190. 338 Imperial Mag ??
  191. Sierra info for WSM?
  192. How Much Gun is Enough?
  193. Load Data Needed .270 Win
  194. Scope info?
  195. rem mod 700 question
  196. Nosler Partition is it all its cracked up to be?
  197. Win 7mm wsm Powders ?
  198. Cartridge Efficiency
  199. .270 win 150gr to 160 gr worth it?
  200. .260 Rem or 7mm-08?
  201. Saving Brass
  202. browning titanium rifles.
  203. Tape on Muzzle
  204. New/Used??
  205. Hard Choices
  206. 150 GR Hornady Interbond
  207. COL for .243?
  208. Copper fouling and cleaning
  209. sierra infinity suite....
  210. Wanted: Win. Mod. 70 stock
  211. 7x57 load help
  212. Keyholes
  213. 870 Express Barrels
  214. Scope rings
  215. nosler partition at slower speeds?
  216. What ammo to use?
  217. Wanted 7mm Rem. Mag. dies
  218. Ammo for a legal AK-47
  219. Registering question
  220. Scope mount
  221. thoughts on the Savage 111FCXP3
  222. advice on rifles.
  223. My gun choice....Opinions
  224. Mauser-style trouble!
  225. Beginnings of reloading
  226. found gun.
  227. Acu Trac, Redfield 3x - 9x
  228. Wondering about bullets
  229. Barnes DVD
  230. 300 WSM question
  231. Barnes Triple Shock
  232. Gun shop in the Tri-Cities?
  233. Model 700 Clip Assembly Installation
  234. Legal limit for shotguns
  235. Help....DM conversion for model 700 in 338 win mag?????
  236. Cheap Bullets.
  237. Problem with shells
  238. tracers?
  239. Sako 75 Syn. SS
  240. New style fluting, on Rem 700 Hart 7mmwsm
  241. 357 magnum carbines/35 rem as deer rounds
  242. 22-250 help please
  243. .22 vs Body armour
  244. Hinge action
  245. Rem 700 sps
  246. Savage .30-06
  247. Grouse blew-up
  248. Remington 700 SPS
  249. Light Deer Gun
  250. Stock refinnish