View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Case Head Annealling
  2. Where To Start?
  3. Gun Care in the rain/snow
  4. Savage Extractor issue
  5. New Break in period for a rifle?
  6. Bullet suggestion please
  7. New big bore
  8. 270 Winchester Loads???
  9. Reloading
  10. Lml gunsmith
  11. New addition to the family
  12. Looking for your favorite (safe) loads
  13. advice, suggestions? new rifle problems
  14. Yahoo!!!!
  15. New Rifle
  16. what factory cartridge do you use?
  17. Best Factory Ammo?
  18. Remington Power Level Ammuntion
  19. Getting a divorce
  20. Value of this rifle?
  21. How accurate is your shot
  22. New Rifle
  23. Ladies Rifle.
  24. magnum
  25. firing an old rifle.
  26. 300 wsm ammo
  27. Reloading supplies in Chilliwack...
  28. Best Rifle
  29. Ruger vs Sako vs Mountain Ti
  30. Bullet doing it job?
  31. Help with Mossberg Model 146B .22
  32. Scope Mounting
  33. 175gr. Trophy Bonded Bear Claws
  34. sizing decelerator pad
  35. Grizz Guns
  36. Thumbhole stocks
  37. crimping the 375...
  38. Wanted: old 444 brass
  39. TSX bullet seating?
  40. Factory ammo for a 700 Ti
  41. Emerging US Export Restrictions
  42. wsm's
  43. Bases and Rings...ultralight.
  44. Looking for that illusive Leupold...
  45. cleaning me gun?
  46. working up a .300 wm load
  47. Stainless wood
  48. Mossberg
  49. .444 marlin
  50. Hornady 7mm 154gn interbond
  51. Test Fire
  52. 220 Grain 308 Pills?
  53. Sighting in for real
  54. ruger 10/22
  55. Preparing New Brass
  56. What to buy??
  57. British Columbia 3 gun battery complete!!
  58. Need help with my Win. Mdl 70 featherlight
  59. 30-06 Lee Reloading Hand Tool
  60. 30-06 Nosler E-tips
  61. Gunsmith
  62. Stoeger 2000 vs Mosberg 930 vs. Remmington 11-87
  63. Reloading for Dummies ;-)
  64. Falcon scopes
  65. Figured out a 300RUM load.
  66. Getting a reloading scale from the states?
  67. Have a defective Redfield Scope?
  68. Ballistics Software
  69. Cast bullets
  70. Firing Rifled slugs out of a rifled barrel?
  71. Bullet Seating Depth
  72. Exceeding Max OAL
  73. Disposing Primed Cases?
  74. Load development process?
  75. how tall of scope mounts?
  76. Reloading Advice Needed
  77. Tikka T3 wm muzzle break or not ?
  78. swedish rifle?
  79. Magnum shells in a 535 mossberg?
  80. glass bedding results
  81. Chrony F-1 Master
  82. Hangfire..?
  83. Flinter Black Powder
  84. Hornady data
  85. 7 mm vs 300 wsm
  86. WINCHESTER MODEL 100 semi auto .308
  87. Looking For 270 Win Brass
  88. 303 Savage
  89. .300rum
  90. Hornady 180gr SP Load 30/06
  91. need parker hale stock
  92. 243 winchester
  93. Browning X-Bolt!!
  94. 8mm
  95. Remington 700 SPS...
  96. To crimp, or not to crimp...
  97. Black Powder supplier in lower mainland
  98. Barnes POI
  99. An obvious question..
  100. Project 6.5x55 Swedish Rifle
  101. russian sks
  102. pidgeon problem! .22cal shorts ?
  103. 7mm WSM
  104. 270 Win loading for Whitetail
  105. Crown Wear
  106. Barnes TSX & MRX Loads from Manual
  107. Exit Holes - Good and Bad
  108. Specialized Rifles
  109. Transporting a Muzzleloader Between Hunting Sites
  110. 270 WSM - opinions
  111. reloading oops, but great accuracy!
  112. browning 300 win mag
  113. Gun not ejecting properly.
  114. 243 Blow Up
  115. Reloading Equipment Choices
  116. sugestions for a shot gun
  117. white tale around kelowna
  118. Reloading Manuals
  119. Any truth?
  120. Barnes TSX bullets don't expand!!
  121. Stevens 200
  122. So I am zeroed in
  123. Browning Kaboom caught on video!
  124. Gun smith Chilliwack Area
  125. The Lowly Hornady Interlock
  126. Dropped my gun!
  127. 6.5mm/ 264 win mag ?
  128. advice
  129. reseating a barrel on a stock?
  130. peep sight on a lever action
  131. nosler accubond
  132. Help with Parker Hales
  133. TC or KP1
  134. Some bullet performance pics.
  135. Browning x bolt or Ruger hawkeye
  136. browning extractors
  137. remington 700 caliber
  138. For all the Leverevolution shooters out there
  139. Question
  140. Varmit Grenades
  141. Bullet grain size still applicable?
  142. Best production bolt action rifle under a grand
  143. Gun review idea?
  144. Taping the Muzzle?
  145. muzzle brake does it reduce performance
  146. 45-70
  147. RCBS Scale & Charger ????
  148. My new deer rifle
  149. where to buy Acraglass kit !
  150. Ruger M77 Mark I vs. Mark II
  151. small/bigbore lever action
  152. trigger adjustment on a accumark
  153. looking for a gunsmith
  154. Gunsmith who specializes in Puma levers?
  155. Champion?
  156. Hornady 180 Interlock
  157. looking at a new rifle
  158. Wanted-43 Mauser Cartridges or Casings
  159. .338 Marlin Express
  160. What's the difference between A-Bolt and A-Bolt2 ?
  161. .358 dies and brass
  162. 375Fed/375HH/338winmag/375Ruger
  163. Federal Fusion
  164. Tikka T3 vs Savage 16FLHSS
  165. 243 winchester 100 grain
  166. t3 300wsm tika
  167. Husqvarna Sporter - your opinion please
  168. 165 gr Hornady Interbonds for 300 win mag
  169. Restricted rifle
  170. Brno o/u advice pls
  171. Buckshot penetration?
  172. Barrel / Chrono question
  173. What scope would you buy and why !!
  174. Info Needed 6.5-06
  175. good bullet for a dogger
  176. requirements to sell a firearm
  177. Reloading for a 308
  178. Anyone cast their own bullets?
  179. Rem 700 youth?
  180. New Gun Time!!!!
  181. ORDER from NATCHEZ ????
  182. Restricteds
  183. 22/30 Sabots Canadian Supplier
  184. Talley Rings
  185. reloading for a newbie
  186. Keep it or sell it?
  187. What's your Favorite "Mid Bore"
  188. Vamint guns and barrel lenghts??
  189. 80 gr ttsx
  190. Bullet Education
  191. Were can i buy a left handed bolt action gun in canada
  192. New Ninja Bear Defense shotty!!
  193. Cost estimate
  194. 351 win
  195. 303 loads
  196. Change a 223 to 308 in a Rem 700
  197. Deer rifle advice?
  198. replacing barrel
  199. Sako A7
  200. keeping moisture out of gun safe
  201. Reloading Question
  202. 700 Titanium
  203. where to get 303 surplus ammo??
  204. What's it mean???
  205. Anyone using a limbsaver on a T3 lite(pros or cons)
  206. 45 colt loads
  207. Shooting round ball loads in 12 ga.
  208. Another new gun
  209. Your dream rifle
  210. 204 Ruger
  211. Load Development Questions
  212. case neck failures
  213. Help customizing my .270 Husqvarna
  214. Lee enfield question?
  215. recoil question
  216. 325 Wsm
  217. in line muzzle loader
  218. Cerakote
  219. 303 ammo?
  220. 62 grn bergers
  221. Dlask 870
  222. Lever Arms Pick Up
  223. New Sako A7
  224. Bullet suggestions for reloading 45/70
  225. Given a Mossberg 500A
  226. Powder differences?
  227. Semi Auto rifle help
  228. New To The Game, Need Help
  229. The Bunny Tests.
  230. Traditional bear defense
  231. shotgun question
  232. muzzle loading supplies ?
  233. Mid bore caliber, model 70 winchester
  234. New rifle wanted, info needed!
  235. guncote
  236. Made my own rifle/shotgun slings and ammo pouches
  237. Ruger or Remington
  238. .444 Marlin....."soft loads"
  239. rifle stock?
  240. 25 rimfire ammo made any more?
  241. Shotgun Values anyone ????
  242. black or wood??
  243. Barrel break in
  244. Barrel refinishing
  245. shot gun question
  246. 338 bullets
  247. Thoughts on Mini 14
  248. Perfect upland game BBL length and Gauge?
  249. Stevens SxS Wood Stock Replacement
  250. Tumbling 101.....