View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. wear and tear from removing shotgun butt stock
  2. Tikka 270
  3. Harris Bipod ????
  4. Parker Hale Rifle
  5. New varmint rifle
  6. ruger no1 help
  7. border and firearms
  8. Your thoughts on a Rem 700 7mm-08
  9. Found my load
  10. "switch barrel rifles"
  11. 416 Taylor
  12. bullet wt & safety
  13. Help!! New Rifle - poor accuracy
  14. cast 458 bullets
  15. Some gun pr0n
  16. .44 Rem Mag and .45/70 as a big game gun
  17. Reload tips for .338 Rem Mag
  18. Which Slug?
  19. 300 Wsm And Nosler Failsafe Bullets
  20. Microlon Gun Juice
  21. A-Bolt Recoil Pad
  22. XSSights
  23. changing rifle Stock
  24. Rifle Basix Triggers
  25. RCBS master kit price check
  26. 762x39--->303 british
  27. Best Air Gun?
  28. shotgun sights
  29. 458 Lott vs 458 Win mag Experince?
  30. Barrel for Remmington 7600
  31. Three guns to choose from...
  32. NOSLER 165 Grain ????
  33. 270 C.O.L Question
  34. Outdoor Life Gun Tests
  35. 7mm-08 loads
  36. Q: 300wsm,H4831SC,180 gr TSX
  37. .308 favourite load
  38. New Gun Advice
  39. beginner reloading
  40. Powder?
  41. The new "Winchester" Model 70
  42. My Collection at its largest.
  43. Ball and cap revolvers
  44. Mossberg 464?
  45. New loads
  46. winchester 1892
  47. Rem 700 VTR
  48. Limbsaver for rifle
  49. After market trigger - A-Bolt
  50. Most accurate out-of-the-box rifle for under $1,000
  51. 375 Chey tach or other long range rifle
  52. Single Shot Rifle Hunting
  53. Ass-u-me!!!
  54. Reloading
  55. Christmas in Juneuary!!
  56. "Truing" a 700 action
  57. Speciality dies
  58. 130gr TTSX
  59. Advice on Husqvarna 243
  60. Just bought a Wby 7mm Rem Mag - pet loads?
  61. 300 Rem Ultra Mag
  62. Reloading supplier in or near the West Kootenays
  63. LR Reticle
  64. D.C.Co .38 Spl headstamp identification.
  65. Looking at a new shotgun
  66. 243 for caribou
  67. Got the scope need the gun.
  68. Need to Know Shotguns?
  69. WTB collet for RCBS press style puller
  70. WC-735 in a 308 Winchester - Range Report
  71. .222 Rem
  72. Husqvarna 1600 - 6.5x55 Range report
  73. varmint rifle caliber
  74. Anyone with pics of Swede M96's or K98's in original glory
  75. Browning 7mm Retailer
  76. shotgun shooting (really) high
  77. 45 70 Marlin
  78. Bullet Recommendations
  79. Info on Tikka?
  80. Got my M88
  81. Need load info for Barnes
  82. New Custom Rifle idea's
  83. Leupold Boone & Crockett aiming system
  84. gunsmith?
  85. SAko .22 Hornet
  86. Spray-on lubricants...
  87. Barrel Length + Rate of Twist = ? Powder + ? Bullet Weight
  88. Chamfering/Deburing?
  89. shipping ammunition
  90. 22K Hornet
  91. 45/70 Lever gun lovers
  92. Develop a load
  93. Shot Maker
  94. shotguns
  95. Hoppe's No.9
  96. bullet seating
  97. 308 bthp for hunting
  98. hunting loads for your favorite rifle
  99. Rookie reloader question....
  100. Barnes TTSX BC
  101. Help!!! Can anyone tell me what a 6mm Scott is?
  102. Just Got A .257 Roberts
  103. Does anyone know how to?
  104. Any imput on new setup?
  105. Bad news about Brownell's Inc.
  106. browning a bolt vs x bolt
  107. reloader22 info?
  108. Iron sight for Marlin 450
  109. Kimber 8400 Montana Rifles?
  110. what kind of factory bullet?
  111. Looking for an -06 and 338 W/M Only accurate rifles need apply
  112. Ruger Hawkeye
  113. T/C Classic .22 lr
  114. Home gunsmithing
  115. SAKO Finnlight or Winchester M70
  116. Reload Demo ?????
  117. Youth Rifle for Deer ?
  118. Tip for belted mag reloaders
  119. Hornady 223 60 gr. vmax
  120. Ruger compact rifle
  121. Shotgun Ammo
  122. New Gopher Rifle
  123. 35 Whelen, hot factory load
  124. Mossberg 535 VS Remington 870
  125. Another Cool Hunting Round!
  126. .270 round for moose
  127. Gibbs Wildcats Any experince?
  128. What new caliber for The Wife(tm) - please vote!
  129. possible pressure issues
  130. Cleaning bolt action rifles
  131. Good first rifle for deer?
  132. HIVIZ Shooting Systems
  133. Reloading pulled brass
  134. Replace Wood Blued?
  135. hornady bullets for moose
  136. 270-08
  137. Parts for a Model 30 J.C. Higgins .22 LR
  138. My idea of the perfect rifle
  139. crushed brass - safe to shoot?
  140. Accuracy VS Quality
  141. Found a great load for 223
  142. .308 Reloading and need help
  143. .338 WM, one more time!
  144. Load Development
  145. Die ?
  146. What is your go to rifle?
  147. Entry level .30-06 Choice
  148. 270 win vs. 270 WSM
  149. First Day with New Toy
  150. .338 win mag and H4895
  151. 7mm rem mag or 30.06
  152. Moving to B.C. wondering about some of the regulations?
  153. Cooey 840 2 3/4 or 3"
  154. savage 340a bolt action cal. 30/30
  155. 110 TTSX and the 270 Win
  156. Purchasing Firearms Through SIR Mailorder
  157. Ruger Hawkeye
  158. Velocity, energy, ballistics coefficient comparison
  159. look out deer..
  160. Online Firearms Purchase
  161. New to me Remington Model 6 in 6mm
  162. What's the most popular?
  163. Why the inconsistencies in load data?
  164. rifle brass
  165. new shotgun!
  166. "Cost to Handload" Calculator
  167. Advice on Husqvarna 243
  168. Using 3006 brass for .270?
  169. Husquvarna small ring Mauser action
  170. 45/70 0r....?
  171. Mixing different brass?
  172. remington 700sps
  173. Holy Smokes!!!
  174. To Weigh or Throw Powder
  175. The resurrection
  176. 7X61 Reloading info wanted
  177. extractor probs, HELP!!
  178. Skb Xl 900
  179. 300 WSM Custom Rifle.
  180. Does anyone shoot a .270wsm need advice
  181. Nosler E-tip
  182. Does anyone know who sells Styre manlicher rifles
  183. 1 mile shot
  184. Scope alignment problem
  185. Shooting uphill/downhill
  186. Reloading group..Lower Mainland?
  187. upgrade my 870 rem
  188. Radar Questions
  189. 1 mile shot facts
  190. Browning T bolt .22
  191. Nitro Paradox Pics.
  192. Barnes bullets.
  193. I80 gr. Nosle Partition
  194. 300 savage
  195. New Ruger Hawkeye
  196. Just finished the gun...well kinda (pics)
  198. Ammo for Tikka T3
  199. Discontiued Remington caliber
  200. long range shooting.
  201. Rem 700 Trigger
  202. buying online
  203. Bullet Seating?
  204. Old powder & primers
  205. .375x.338
  206. Hornady 105 gr. Amax in 243
  207. Reloader Kits
  208. .223 V. .22WMR for varmints ?
  209. Questions about resizing.
  210. magnum primers???
  211. reticle advice
  212. Model 64 30-30 help ageing
  213. Maybe, just maybe....
  214. Anyone shoot a CZ
  215. pre-hunt fouling.
  216. Going custom?
  217. Timney Custom Trigger
  218. Reloading 7mm wsm advice
  219. 1st new rifle
  220. 375 Scovill
  221. do it yourself gunsmithing
  222. Great Book!
  223. Saga of the gifted Husky 243...
  224. Black powder experiences?
  225. IMR Powder Rifle Loading Data
  226. Winchester Model 88 firing pin
  227. Recoil Myths
  228. Local Gunsmith
  229. looking for a new cz 550 .300 win, who sells them ??
  230. Husqvarna 1600 Series or BSA P-17
  231. Time to get STUFFED
  232. gun wont group at all
  233. 270 wsm
  234. Alpine Mauser bolt action rifle
  235. Bushnell 3200 "RAIN GUARD" ?
  236. Finally got it!!!
  237. disassembling rifle
  238. new Browning x-bolt any feed back
  239. Older Zeiss scope - how to adjust?
  240. Parker Hale 30-06 trigger
  241. Hornadt SST??
  242. max loads
  243. Re-barrel/Live with it... or new gun?
  244. Reloading help with stripped rim
  245. Corlane Sporting Goods
  246. Hornady .277 A-MAX bullet
  247. reloading supplies ?
  248. Sako. Where to get one/
  249. CFSC: to challenge or not to challenge
  250. Savage combo any good ?