View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. The .450 Marlin
  2. 243 Bullet selection
  3. is the sw m&p15 rifle family legal in canada?
  4. Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf
  5. Sako 75 300 Win Mag Loads
  6. Trigger weight question
  7. 180 grain 30-06 loads for deer.
  8. Barnes bullet video
  9. Exsessive Pressure In Federal Factory Ammo!?!!
  10. Does anybody love the 300 RUM ???
  11. 325 wsm
  12. Good Starter gun
  13. Ammunition question?
  14. Improving marksmanship?
  15. 45-70 which rifle
  16. Which gun you regret not buying?
  17. New Scope Blues???
  18. reloading 308 cartridges
  19. Let's See Some Winter Gunsmithe Projects!
  20. Ruger #1 OR
  21. My new toy.
  22. .243 for Deer
  23. powder coat
  24. Blued vs. Stainless
  25. 7mm-08 VS 260
  26. Bullet selection help...
  27. beretta xtrema slug barrel
  28. Norinco M-14S 'GI Rifle' 7.62x51mm
  29. How far will you shoot at game ??
  30. Shotgun Barrels
  31. best of the 25s
  32. 375 H&H Loads
  33. Thompson Pro Hunter...opinions?
  34. How much it costs for marlin lever action 30A5
  35. .308 norma mag
  36. Berger Bullets
  37. Hunting stores in Richmond
  38. Best place to buy a rifle in Vancouver
  39. 25 cal articles... FYI
  40. 7 STW or 7mm RUM
  41. brass cleaning
  42. New Sako A7 rifle
  43. nosler accubonds like them or not?
  44. How often do you clean your dies???
  45. 7mm-08, 24" or 26" or 28" on Thompson Center?
  46. Bolt action rimfire
  47. ported barrel
  48. Help bedding screws
  49. new grizzly rifle arrived.....
  50. What scope for new gun moderate priced?
  51. Synthetic stock for Browning A Bolt
  52. SIR's Mosin Nagant M44's
  53. Steyr Mannlicher offers two new rifles.
  54. Browning A Bolt vs X Bolt
  55. Who shoots a Kimber Rifle?
  56. Benelli???
  57. Anyone have or shoot the new Marlin XL7
  58. Kamloops gunshow
  59. What's an all round great Rangefinder
  60. Whats it worth
  61. Do you name your guns?
  62. Pictures of firearms from five centuries
  63. What do you hunters think?
  64. 358 Sta
  65. 7mm-08 Ackley LVSF Project Done!
  66. Pressure points
  67. new stock for custom 260
  68. .303 bolt travel problems
  69. Is this a fair trade?
  70. Need good all round rifle.... recommendations?
  71. Steyr Mannlicher Pro Hunter
  72. yarrow gun works????????
  73. Difficult extraction?
  74. My new Grizz and Moose rifle
  75. How much freebore in YOUR 300 WM?
  76. Marlin 1895 GS Safety question
  77. zeroing a leupold scope
  78. 6.5-284 Norma
  79. Marlin 450
  80. TC Encore ProHunter....
  81. 300 wsm
  82. Which rings??
  83. Baikal or Zoli
  84. Swivel Mounted Bipod
  85. New Rifle
  86. Nosler Accubond VS Barnes MRX
  87. tikka 7mm rem mag for sale
  88. FN Seven
  89. So you think U know Hi velocity!
  90. Butler Creek 10/22 Folding Stock Weight???
  91. Laser Rangefinder Rifle Scopes
  92. parker hale
  93. Husqvarna Id Help
  94. World's smallest revolver
  95. Best gun under 600$
  96. reloading brass cartridges
  97. Barnes TSX
  98. Question for reloading guys
  99. New Scope
  100. 168 CT .300 Win max load
  101. Reloading for a revolver
  102. Shotgun for Girlfriend
  103. does anyone know pietro berettas??
  104. what is ackeley improved?
  105. E-Tip.
  106. Questions on some Muzzleloaders
  107. Bergers
  108. help
  109. Reloading for novices
  110. New Caliber
  111. opinions on magnetic bore sighters
  112. Crimping Rifle Bullets
  113. 165gr Accubond??
  114. anyone sell reloaded ammo in the lower mainland?
  115. The "Engagement Gun"
  116. 7 mm brass
  117. fixing question ?
  118. 375 brass
  119. Barnes TSX Copper fouling????
  120. black powder suppiles
  121. transfer ownership of a rifle ???
  122. ready to go
  123. Bullets from US
  124. .32 remmington
  125. for all you shotgun hunters
  126. So..Whats The Diff?
  127. .410 in 45/70 FINAL ANSWER!
  128. What is the best mid priced .22 semi auto?
  129. another hybrid!
  130. Sierra SBT or RN?
  131. first and second firearms since PAL
  132. 8mm Remington Mag.
  133. Bulk
  134. seasonshot
  135. Tumbling brass
  136. 25-35 cal.
  137. brass life with .45-70
  138. 6.5-284 Sheep rifle
  139. 30-06 ammo
  140. Enough Energy / Velocity?
  141. Bulk powder order - Anyone interested.
  142. Who's got guns they haven't fired yet?
  143. Skinner Sights Pics on my Marlin 336
  144. Deciding on a new gun
  145. Should I buy a lever gun?
  146. Q.R scope rings
  147. French made S x S
  148. Mag. or WSM
  149. 260 Remington
  150. rechambering
  151. 303 Savage
  152. 30-30 Winchester Short Magnum
  153. New recoil pad
  154. Ultralight 260
  155. No.4 Mark 1 Lee Enfield
  156. t/c encore barrels
  157. .17 HMR or .22 Mag
  158. Stock for a 99.
  159. Shotgun Autoloader or Pump
  160. Sako 75 Finnlight COAL
  161. Cast Bullets
  162. Breaking in a rifle Barrel????
  163. 300 Wby Mag
  164. .300 or .300 short mag - tikka
  165. mail order bullets??
  166. Seeking Shotgun Advice
  167. Barrel Harmonics and accuracy
  168. This is cool.
  169. Gun show dates
  170. My Tactical Grouse Gun
  171. Reduced Loads
  172. What Marlin 336 scope rings?
  173. Corlane / RR mtn Rifles ????
  174. Bullets ?
  175. chronograph
  176. McMillan Stocks
  177. carry permit for woods
  178. Tips for Breaking in
  179. 338 win mag loads
  180. hornady bullets
  181. scopes
  182. FN Seven
  183. Summerland Shoot
  184. Manual Load Differances!?
  185. info on 4200 4x16x50
  186. Stoeger opinions?
  187. Muzzle Brakes - some info
  188. 240wby
  189. Sierra......Who!?!!
  190. Speer Grand Slam
  191. PLugging Shotgun MAg
  192. .410 Slugs
  193. which press to buy?
  194. 338 bullets
  195. Victoria Gun show
  196. shipping in to canada form the us
  197. Leupold Scope problem (x2)
  198. Remington SPR18N
  199. I know what I want, but don't know what it is
  200. quick release mounts
  201. Advice on a rifle
  202. New toy
  203. Sako Finnbear
  204. Gunfitting and more
  205. Floor plate - loose screw
  206. Which one to buy??????
  207. Your Opinion on Saving 0.13 lb
  208. New To The Site
  209. the effects different bullets have on accuracy
  210. Parker Hale Rifle
  211. My Newest Grizz and Moose Rifle
  212. Surprising Find!!!
  213. Changing brass size?
  214. Which calibre for target shooting?
  215. Varmit Rifle Idea's
  216. ordered my new gun
  217. .338/378 Weatherby
  218. shallow primer pockets
  219. Bore cleaning
  220. .223 specs
  221. Rifle advise....
  222. Weekend Fun Shoot
  223. New to me coyote medicine
  224. A-Bolt.2 0r 3 screws in bottom?
  225. Who sells Bergers.
  226. who shoots leverevolution
  227. Great re-loading recipe for Tikka T3 Lite 300 wsm
  228. Looking for heavy .410 slugs
  229. .22 Lever Action
  230. .45-70 405gr Bullet Barn cast & Reloder 7
  231. 458 Lott big-bore good gopher gun
  232. Stevens 325b .30-30 Bolt Action
  233. Browning factory trigger weight?
  234. Is it possible to reduce the trigger weight on my Ruger 10/22?
  235. Lee reloading dies
  236. New to Reloading
  237. S.I.R. mail order firearms?
  238. Firearm Manuals online
  239. Reloder 7 users....
  240. I need help with reloading
  241. Barnes
  242. Look What Showed Up!
  243. Remington 700 CDL Deluxe .300 rum
  244. Knight KP1 ?
  245. 338 Federal
  246. Brno 300 series extra barrel sets
  247. First Batch of Reloads!
  248. Need advice on shortening barrel on 338 mag
  249. Clean burning 22 ammo?
  250. Reunion