View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Just getting started in hunting.
  2. Lyman Spar-T press - any out there?
  3. Whats the best deer hunting rifle for the money?
  4. New to... Pistol?
  5. Good to reload
  6. 270 and the 130 TSX
  7. Shooting in Squamish
  8. RS 4759 Powder
  9. marlin model 56 Info(Pictures Added)
  10. Bushnell scopechief...Anyone use one? Any good?
  11. Marlin 32-20
  12. Question about Federal 303 Ammo
  13. Beretta s56e....European Model
  14. .303 Savage
  15. Marlin XLR 444
  16. .257 Weatherby or .25.06 ????
  17. .243 for deer
  18. Looking for info
  19. Federal Premium Vital-Shok 180gr Barnes MRX performance
  20. Savage foresight info
  21. First Reloading Manual
  22. New 300RUM Ammo!
  23. Brush gun
  24. Model 1892 .44 cal
  25. Why I love Hornady bullets
  26. Private Firearms Sales
  27. 250 gr ''swift'' 9.3 bullets?
  28. Rem. 870 or Moss. 5oo?
  29. Savage Combo 30/30 12 Gua.
  30. Gettin a new rifle
  31. so whats the best bullet ?
  32. Painting synthetic stocks.
  33. sako 85 ????
  34. Why do so few gun manufactures offer the etachable magazine?
  35. What is the largest calibre rifle you have ever shot?
  36. A-Bolt Mountain Ti
  37. 270 or 270 wsm
  38. Too close for comfort
  39. Powder
  40. Bell and Carlson stocks
  41. anyone shoot a 25-06
  42. Remington Rebate?
  43. Mkii All-weather Ultra Light Ruger In 270
  44. HS Precision
  45. Case tumbler!
  46. storing powder and primers
  47. Remington Model 700
  48. Krylon Fusion vs Stevens 200!!
  49. Scope color
  50. 33mm scopes
  51. *NEW* Remington 798
  52. Remington 700 Action
  53. How many?
  54. 243 or 270????
  55. Barnes "X" .308 165gr
  56. Savage Stevens 820B 12 gauge
  57. Accubond.
  58. chinese SKS
  59. Bullet for hunting
  60. Winchester 94 issues
  61. Case length and velocity
  62. pet loads for 7mm/08
  63. what I need for components
  64. Looking for value of: 30-30 Model 94
  65. Ever heard of a Zenison scope???
  66. Gun/Bullet Match
  67. 219 Donaldson Wasp reload info
  68. Marlin XLR, reviews, good, bad, indifferent??
  69. Pet load for 30/06?
  70. Thanks
  71. looking for .22
  72. 4350 powder
  73. Sightron straight 6 power
  74. Remington Mod 7 XCR ?
  75. Parker Hale Trigger
  76. Advise Please on 300 Win Short Mag
  77. Thots and experience with 270 WSM?
  78. Pellet guns
  79. 7mm Rem. Mag. Vs. 338 Win. Mag.
  80. Hornady Quality ????????
  81. Info On Charles Daly Scope
  82. Ackley improved
  83. Rimfire -22lr+scopes
  84. Interesting penetration article!
  85. Is Your Gun Too Noisy?
  86. 223 rossi?
  87. Ruger M77 clip kit?
  88. Ruger or Tikka?
  89. Lapping scope rings necessary?
  90. 300WSM rem700
  91. 280 Ackley Improved
  92. 10/22 aftermarket mag
  93. Remy 700 Trigger / Smith Question
  94. Gun Question
  95. 6mm- 85 gr Barnes TSX for deer
  96. Remington buying Marlin
  97. What Should I Buy??
  98. 6.5x55 On Yotes
  99. Weatherproofing My Rifle
  100. Whats Ruger up to?
  101. sks cleaning question
  102. 250 Savage
  103. Gun decision?????
  104. 338 win mag grain?
  105. Stainless vs Blued..
  106. Quick LOT# "Q"
  107. Scope mounting ?'s
  108. 45-70 loaded ammo?
  109. Gun/Calibre choice?
  110. Building a Reloading Bench
  111. Ruger Announces 2 new chamberings
  112. bolt action reloading
  113. Calipers!
  114. suggestions?
  115. What is the best recoil pad??
  116. Ruger 10/22 Custom Stocks?
  117. worth waiting for?
  118. New! .303 Barnes 150gr TSX
  119. Remington 700
  120. my barrel size!
  121. value?
  122. What have you killed with your 300WSM
  123. The 4 rifle battery
  124. 308 win rounds
  125. 45-60 reloading
  126. need some advice transfering a firearm (rifle)
  127. Scope for Remington 700
  128. Do you currently own a handgun?
  129. Winchester XP2-XP3
  130. Shotgun Plugs
  131. Looking for help pricing this shotgun (please)
  132. OMA bullets
  133. 300&338 loads
  134. Bustin Brush
  135. Ar-15+6.5 Grendel
  136. Swedish M96 Sporter question
  137. gun prices in canada
  138. Rust pitting
  139. Cooey 600 refinish
  140. Butler Creek Scope Covers-Yes or No
  141. Nosler Info!
  142. over/under shotguns?
  143. bullet concentricity in a loaded cartridge
  144. OK...Before....Handloading.....Truthfully!!!
  145. protection in grizz country 45-70 or 12ga slugs?
  146. Advice on 20 guage shotgun please
  147. how old is my huqvarna
  148. 7mm-08
  149. Sako L61R Finnbear info
  150. Mountain Rifles
  151. .222 rem questions
  152. Quick Neck Sizing Adjustment.
  153. Mountain Rifle Advice
  154. Weatherby Mark V ultralight question
  155. J. C. Higgins Model 50 (safety and scope?)
  156. 38-55 winchester
  157. Winchester 94 Trapper model years of manufacture
  158. Quality manufacturer rifles
  159. The winds of change blew through my gun cabinet today!
  160. Winchester Ranger Questions
  161. 140 Gr. Hornady Light Mags for a 270 WIN?
  162. Black powder question???
  163. After market ruger 10/22 parts
  164. Century Edition Gold Ring Leupold Scopes
  165. What does yours weigh in at?
  166. Winchester Model 100 Semi Auto .308...Need help!
  167. Stoopid Queston... SSG
  168. Remington 700BDL
  169. Action Weight
  170. Need A Caliper?
  171. Remington 700, Sako L61R, Savage?
  172. .308 Load Quest.
  173. How does a guy order gun parts?
  174. 358 or 308
  175. rifle question
  176. New rifle alert....
  177. Big-Bore Ahollics Only!
  178. WSM's - whaddya all like?
  179. Guide Gun mounts and rings...
  180. .243 55 gr. Nosler Ballistic tips
  181. Shorty shotgun for Bear defense and grouse
  182. Shorty Shottie for Grouse and Smokie.
  183. Whos' Handloading the 300WSM?
  184. HELP!!!! 7mmSAUM or 308WIN ?
  185. couple guns
  186. Gunsmithing
  187. model 12 help!!!
  188. If You Reload You Gotta Read This
  189. Powder for 300 Win Mag
  190. 30-06 Powder
  191. Remington 721 270 ??????
  192. looking for a .17
  193. .410 in marlin 1895 45-70
  194. Help on rings/bases and stuck die
  195. Varmint / plinking gun??
  196. Shot through rifled Bore ?
  197. Chamber Empty or Loaded?
  198. Cold range shooting.
  199. Awsome duck gun
  200. Ammo Warning!
  201. how do you store your guns?
  202. My new deer gun
  203. .223 vs. buckshot!
  204. Gun Rejects Hand Loads!
  205. New Gun For Franko!
  206. Help with Talley Rings
  207. Painting stocks?
  208. MidwayUSA
  209. Sako Rings?
  210. Garrett and Hammerhead Cartridges
  211. .50 Bmg
  212. 5lbs 10oz scoped
  213. Auction Winner Ruttinbuck's stock
  214. new airgun
  215. Suggestions about 7 mm Thompson center?
  216. Rem 700
  217. Hunting Caliber?
  218. opening choke?
  219. Scope Suggestion!
  220. .300 Savage Reloading
  221. Hows that 338 Federal coming?
  222. Paint for synthetic stocks
  223. comparable rifles to the r700
  224. Hornady Sst Interlocks ????
  225. Mountain Caliber
  226. Remington SPS Stock Weight?
  227. The right .375..... Remy 798?
  228. Adventures with Handloading
  229. Black powder hunting
  230. Browning and BOSS
  231. advice on gunsmith needed
  232. Marlin mounts
  233. Bell and Carlson Stocks
  234. which is the more powerful cartridge...
  235. The Marlin .444
  236. Sight removal
  237. Carbon Fiber or Paint
  238. Reloading 300 Win Mag
  239. Scope?
  240. What 22
  241. New rifle is complete...243 Ackley Improved
  242. Handloading and Rifle magazines
  243. Remmington fans
  244. Whats YOUR stock?
  245. Best rifle cleaning set-up?
  246. stock help
  247. Buying a scope from the states
  248. Bore Snake
  249. Keeping It In The Family!!!
  250. CAUTION- 410 in 45/70 don't use paper hulled 410's