View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. 280 Rem
  2. 300g barnes triple shock 45/70
  3. P14 what to build
  4. accubond or bear claw
  5. When to get new brass??
  6. Need advice on .338 ultra or 340 Weatherby
  7. What Forms do I need?
  8. wich one?
  9. help finding a rifle
  10. anyone shoot a browning .325
  11. looking for marlin 45/70 xlr stainless
  12. sako 75 shoots poorly .338 win mag
  13. Can you buy Kimber rifles in Canada
  14. Weatherby Vanguard Series Bolt Action Rifles
  15. mossberg atr
  16. .338 ultra anyone shoot one ?
  17. Rookie reloader looking for dies....
  18. Where for reloading equip?
  19. Which Dies?
  20. 6.5 x 55 129 or 120 grain
  21. barns good and bad
  22. Scope for .338 ultra help ???
  23. Boyds Stocks
  24. Newbi reloading questions
  25. Talley rings and mounts ?
  26. To size ro not to size?!!
  27. 17 Hmr?
  28. good gun smith
  29. brand new rifle, what do you do ???
  30. Opinions
  31. anyone shoot a remington 700-problem ???
  32. CanadianGunNuz down??
  33. 9.3X62 Barrel Length
  34. Glass or Pillar
  35. Hornady Bullets
  36. shotgun shells?
  37. gun show
  38. Cooey #39
  39. Trigger set on a Remington 700 ??
  40. Primer set in backwards
  41. Balistic silver tip
  42. Merkel Firearms Dealer
  43. Federal bullets with a red tip?
  44. brenneke slugs
  45. The Mighty 375 Ruger
  46. Nosler E-Tip
  47. Pachmyr for Marlin ?
  48. Leaning gun against wall
  49. barrel channel
  50. Flintlock Muzzle Loaders
  51. 338 Federal
  52. My first Lever gun
  53. Which Gunsmith for this....?
  54. Who uses open sights???
  55. Now what?
  56. Weatherby vanguard?
  57. 300 wsm
  58. 6MM Remington VLS Trigger
  59. What are your thoughts on this rifle?
  60. How many rounds?
  61. 303 need help pls
  62. Yildiz or Verona Shotguns
  63. Reloading powder costs
  64. 180GR TSXbt compared to h-interlock 180rgbtsp ??
  65. Tikka-losing accuracy....
  66. The MIGHTY 375 Ruger, 300RUM, 300WS
  67. How to get rid of old ammo?
  68. Paint your own rifle 101
  69. Fly aways....HOW?
  70. Reloading for 338 Federal
  71. T3 Customization
  72. .204
  73. 375 Wsm
  74. Adjusting trigger pull
  75. pal came today
  76. reloading blunder
  77. 30 06 handload
  78. 308 Blr
  79. Rifle repairs
  80. Thoughts on 9.3 x 62, 64, 74R
  81. muzzle break removal
  82. Range frustrations with my .338 ultra-HELP !!!
  83. Just a Question?
  84. inconsistent cartridge lengths from press...
  85. Reloading
  86. Trying something new...
  87. Please discuss!!!
  88. CFO Review...Again?
  89. Need help with a cartridge adapter
  90. Help Choosing Rifle!!
  91. Centering Sako dovetail mounts
  92. Bought another 260
  93. Fusion Ammunition?
  94. 264 win mag
  95. Loading manuals.
  96. Duplicating a stock
  97. trigger adjustment on Marlin 925
  98. What gun is that??
  99. Need help-finding Speer Boattail Bullets!!
  100. barnesbullets site
  101. Female Hunter Needs some advice on a Gun - I know you guys can help me out on this
  102. How Often
  103. 165 Grain NBT Coyote Load.
  104. Single shot 22
  105. Winchester Model 1866
  106. Swift A-Frame Bullets
  107. Speer Boat Tail Bullets
  108. Rossi .410
  109. Lija bore scope video
  110. .410/ why the high price?
  111. new toys
  112. eBay restrictions - no more gun parts
  113. best tikka .300 wsm factory shell
  114. Another 30-30
  115. Surrey Cell
  116. Fire forming.
  117. anyone here have a .380?
  118. reloading 300 ulta mag
  119. brass for 338-06
  120. Weatherby sas slug gun
  121. powder scale
  122. Powder Dippers!
  123. Barnes next big hit? I think so!
  124. Remington Model 770
  125. Bits of Pieces
  126. How to work up 7mm WSM load?
  127. Gunsmith refinishing a stock
  128. RCBS Scales.
  129. 7mm for moose
  130. 270 Win with a 150 Barnes X
  131. Reviews on the 325wsm, Looking to buy
  132. Is the Tikka T3 a good rifle
  133. Opinions please
  134. The times they are a changin...
  135. 45/70 500gr bonded
  136. powder order
  137. Remington 700 Mountain LSS
  138. Attn. LML Reloaders
  139. 308 Norma Mag reloading
  140. marlin 45/70 for bear...
  141. 300RUM Loads.
  142. Show me your reloading bench
  143. Custom Titanium finally here
  144. neck bulge
  145. Sierra Gameking
  146. .45-70 Speer 400FN grain load?
  147. 270 wsm
  148. Does anyone on hbc reload 270 win
  149. 270 wsm 140gr accubond recipe??
  150. LF. 7-08 AI. recipes
  151. What slugs to use for bear protection
  152. Bi pods ???
  153. Bullet drop
  154. 338win mag 180gr ballistic tips
  155. buying shells
  156. Brass ???
  157. brass brands?
  158. The Right Ammo Sako 300 Win Mag
  159. Fitting a rifle?
  160. rcbs 750 scale
  161. Neck sizing
  162. Problem sighting in.
  163. Just in Time for the coming season.....
  164. 243
  165. buying bullets
  166. rust or "deposit" in barrel?
  167. Anybody got any .358" bullets they don't need?
  168. 325 wsm reloads
  169. dented case shoulders
  170. Anyone been mauled by a Grizzly lately!?
  171. Thoughts on the 700 SPS
  172. patternmaster choke tubes
  173. sighting in question?
  174. 22-250 1-8" twist reloading info
  175. Best brass
  176. Gun Safety Questions
  177. Anyone who likes to reload want extra $$$
  178. Weatherby Vanguard 30-06
  179. Browning Lever Rifle info
  180. Quick Question!
  181. T3 lite in 300 win short mag ejection trouble
  182. Sure Shot .22
  183. looking for gun help
  184. Opinions on CZ rifles
  185. Crack in 300 win mag bullet seater
  186. Ejecting live primers
  187. Marlin 1895GS Help!
  188. question bout which license is needed
  189. reloading
  190. buddies rifle sucks....
  191. Best damn bullet for 338 win mag
  192. New Toy .17 hmr mach 2
  193. 450 marlin
  194. Kimber dealer?
  195. need some advice on 450 marlin issue
  196. New life iin a old rifle
  197. 168TSX and the .300WSM
  198. At par comparison
  199. Reloading data for weatherby 30/378mag.
  200. New Rifle
  201. barrnes mrx -anybody use
  202. Sako m995 300 Weatherby MAG. F/S
  203. Barns "Q"
  204. Laufstahl 3
  205. 300rsaum loads ??
  206. *Check your ammo*
  207. Rem 700 Question
  208. Start or Max!?!!
  209. Damascus barrels
  210. first shot gun advise
  211. Never did get "full circle"
  212. Are you a synthetic stock stainless barrel hunter
  213. Gov't 45/70
  214. Rubber Guns
  215. Nosler vs Barnes
  216. 7x64
  217. Can you reuse the silver casings??
  218. Looking for 7.62x54r Ammo
  219. gun lenth
  220. mod 70 trigger adjustment
  221. Bipods
  222. Steel Shot OK in my shotgun?
  223. 22 diameter bullets for deer.
  224. T3 tikka or weatherby vanguard
  225. Who shoots a 280?
  226. 338Win Mag to 308Norma Mag
  227. What old "outdated" cartridge or rifle??
  228. Savage now making Bows
  229. Ruger and Remington
  230. Cheap bullet + high speed = separation
  231. questions about sako guns
  232. 220 grain in a 308 Winchester
  233. Great 308 Winchester Practice Load
  234. Compact .22 rifles
  235. Need B.O.S.S sweet spot settings for Win model 70 7mm mag
  236. Tikka 300 win mag info needed
  237. What do you suggest????
  238. interested in becoming a reloader
  239. Manufacturers Cartridges
  240. 243 Winchester
  241. Remington 700 titanium
  242. Gun Repair shop in the Fraser Valley?
  243. Lee Collet Dies!
  244. Bedding a Rifle Anyone with experience..??
  245. McMillan Stock Finally Arrived!
  246. 6.8mm rem. spc.
  247. Which dies?
  248. Shooting up/ down hill
  249. A Story With A Moral.
  250. Anyone bought a gun from USA?