View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Torque settings for wood stock
  2. Restricted Firearm Ownership
  3. Whelen options
  4. 280 Remington Reloading Data
  5. Benelli BE11
  6. Blacktail Rife
  7. Rifle build
  8. Fierce Firearms
  9. Rossi Ranch Hand Parts
  10. Remington 700 .270
  11. My first rifle
  12. Rifle for girlfriend
  13. Ruger 30-06 Ackley Improved Build
  14. New Girsan MC312 Choke issues
  15. 1945 303 Jungle Carbine range report...........
  16. 6.5 prc .
  17. Rem 700 Action Screws
  18. 375run
  19. Quick Load and N568
  20. Rough Use Rifle For Son - Part 2
  21. Shooting the new Tikka 308
  22. Marlins are back 2022
  23. Who’s loading for the 6.5 wby rpm?
  24. Good results with Winchester USA Ready Match Grade primers
  25. Looking for .277 140grain Barnes TSX
  26. New gun for Christmas....
  27. Tikka T3x lite primer strikes in cold weather fix?
  28. Reloading bench
  29. Why did Remington call their Cartridge the 7mm Rem Mag
  30. Scope mount for sporterized model 1917
  31. Custom Build 30-06
  32. Problem with my 7mm08
  33. Husqvarna 1900 for 280 ackley build
  34. Homogenous Copper Bullets slow kill.
  35. Split Necks
  36. Dies Too Tight?
  37. What cartridge chamber?
  38. Go to cartridge for the range
  39. 6.5 Creedmoor ammo pricing
  40. 308 Norma build
  41. Ammunition supply
  42. Short supply
  43. Chisel Machining Marlin stock
  44. Spectre Ballistics Ruger 10/22 Magazine Adapter
  45. Hydro Dipping Services
  46. Anyone seen any IMR 8133?
  47. 325 wsm
  48. Anyone ever change a stock on a Benelli supernova?
  49. DAA Turbo Case Feeder Plate
  50. New Tikka Ember
  51. Weatherby new 338 RPM
  52. I have fallen out of love….. sigh!!!
  53. Barrel porting
  54. 280 AI Barnes LRX
  55. How much Brass is Enough
  56. Old cartridges with new powder.
  57. How many times do you use your brass?
  58. bullet seating and other measurements for the basic reloader
  59. Melting sako Stock!
  60. 6.5 x 280ackley
  61. 6.5 PRC Reloading
  62. Primer shortage
  63. 416 Ruger reloading??'s
  64. Long Range Accubond and performance on game
  65. 43 Longbranch
  66. ISO 32 clibre
  67. Small Based Dies
  68. 303 Savage Relaods --> LEVERevolution
  69. 7mm PRC Talk
  70. 204 Ruger
  71. 300 WBY Best powder and bullet weight
  72. Remington stock
  73. 7 x 61 Sharpe & Hart
  74. Which cartridge next?
  75. CFE 223 in a 308?
  76. Shell Holders
  77. Harrington and Richardson Model 351 12 Gauge
  78. First Impression: Fierce CT Rival 300 PRC Leupold VX-5HD 3-15x44
  79. 257 Weatherby 110gr accubond
  80. Best bang for your buck rifle upgrades.
  81. How to sell or give away 7mm-08 brass casings?
  82. How Far are Shotguns Deadly? BirdShot, Slugs, and 00 Buckshot
  83. 300wm substitutes?
  84. Barnaul Ammo?
  85. Nosler Ballistic Tip Question
  86. CZ 527 Question
  87. Noob reloading questions
  88. Electronic scale suggestions?
  89. 300 Win Mag reloading Question
  90. Looking for a special Ruger 77/22
  91. Shallow primer pockets
  92. Tikka 3006 150 ttsx load data
  93. 300 prc reloading major issues
  94. First shots with the new 6.5 CM
  95. I might go down the rabbit hole of reloading?
  96. Scope advice
  97. 2 questions
  98. Noob reloading bench setup question
  99. 30 second primer channel fix
  100. 6.5 Creedmoor chrony results
  101. Huge Thanks To Guntech
  102. Shorter barrel and faster speeds?
  103. 7mm08 and Barnes 145 LRX
  104. IMR 4350 8 Lb local pick up only - Vancouver
  105. R26 280 ai question
  106. Reloading Reformed Brass
  107. Annealing nickel plated cases
  108. Forster Die Setup Help
  109. Seating Depth Trials
  110. Saving for Black Friday - Hunting "chassis"
  111. Buying Ammo in US
  112. 1 turn cds dial..
  113. 30-06 200gr Eldx recipes
  114. Looking for super accurate .22
  115. QuickLoad and Chamber Pressure?
  116. Pistols
  117. New magazine capacity rule
  118. Current BC handgun buy/sell procedure
  119. Alterntive Restricted Firearm Transfer Methods
  120. Marble’s Adapter
  121. reloads, buying and selling?
  122. What’s the name of the store banned from cgn?
  123. Whats your favorite bear bullet?
  124. First Day with the new BR rifle
  125. 300win TTSX 168gr vs 180gr
  126. Springfield 1911 in stock at RDSC
  127. Don't know nothing about shotguns
  128. Tool Head Question
  129. New mountain rifle?
  130. New taller bead sight for mossberg
  131. 24" weather proof case
  132. ISO Reloader 17 Powder
  133. Scope Suggestions for a Henry Single Shot
  134. If anyones still looking for a Sig M17
  135. Looking for…..
  136. Some powder available
  137. Good reloading set up
  138. If you were rebarrelling a 223 Remington…
  139. Accubond performance below 1800 fps
  140. Reloading book recommendation
  141. The old 06 still works ..........
  142. 7 MM PRC Cartridge
  143. Kimber??
  144. Good gunsmith in LML/Fraser Valley
  145. A Pistol you shoot from your shoulder
  146. Chat about custom hunting rifles
  147. Browning X Bolt Dura Touch
  148. Russian sniper rifle.
  149. Looking for W748
  150. Good place to buy ammo?
  151. Reload recipes for 30'06 and 180 partitions???
  152. Best Way To Setup Die For .001 Shoulder Bump
  153. 338federal bullet options.
  154. CDS Dial Elevation and Temperature?
  155. Glock 44s available.
  156. Colt 1911?
  157. Bullet for a 338 Win mag and what powder.
  158. Next gun for a south paw
  159. No stores have bullets No Hunting?
  160. Reloading Component Exchange
  161. What 45-70 lever gun to buy?
  162. Parker Hale 1200 C
  163. Annealing - What Are You Using
  164. Parker Hale 1200 C
  165. Shooting 40 sw thru a 10mm
  166. 7 mm Remington Magnum w/ Large Rifle Primers
  167. Rust spots on barrel - how to remove?
  168. scope adjustment
  169. Nosler Brass Quality
  170. Reloading for 30 Carbine
  171. Acceptable powder weight deviation
  172. I need help lever action lovers, me being one my self 😁
  173. Bear Bullets
  174. 6.5x55 Tikka T3 Reloding - specific information & guidance request
  175. New rifle caliber choice...
  176. Copper vs Lead
  177. Kimber Hunter vs Tikka T3x ?
  178. Bartell Junior
  179. Gun repairs
  180. 300 win mag reloading issues
  181. 270 Pressure Issues
  182. Primers
  183. John M Browning
  184. Scope issue?
  185. Model 70 in 6.8 Western anywhere?
  186. Newer Cartridges
  187. What would you build?
  188. 7mm whiizzum
  189. 270 whizzm
  190. Varget in stock.
  191. 6.5 creedmore load data
  192. PAL Renewal Wait Times?
  193. 7x65r loading data
  194. Bergara Rifles?
  195. Is $100/pound the new norm for powder?
  196. Free reloading stuff (3 boxes)
  197. Scope for BLR
  198. Discontinued Federal ammo for 2023
  199. Long term storage
  200. Thousands of hunting rifles proposed to be banned!!!
  201. Reloading equipment question and dialing in the recipe
  202. Various calibres discussion
  203. To use or not to use?
  204. 280 Ackley viable if not reloading?
  205. MDT HNT26 chassis
  206. Next step to the hunting rifle build
  207. Hornady CX (mono-metal) Seating Depth
  208. Who’s shooting a muzzle loader?
  209. FL sized vs. Neck sized
  210. Looking for H100V powder
  211. Looking for 458 Winchester Magnum cast loads
  212. 240 Weatherby Magnum
  213. Time to Upgrade Reloading Equipment
  214. Cadex seven stars in the mail today.
  215. Shooting With Glasses
  216. Frustration
  217. Leupold Canada --- KORTH
  218. Buckhorn sights sight picture
  219. Bullet Puller In PG
  220. 223 Rem barrel length velocity test - 12.5 inch vs 16.1 vs 20 inch
  221. 6mm arc
  222. Lightweight shotgun for defense
  223. New intermediate caliber rifle
  224. 6.5 PRC Data
  225. Shooting the 458 with cast bullets ..........
  226. The recovered bullet thread.
  227. Shortening a barrel?
  228. Marlin .25 RF Pump
  229. Forster 3-in-1 cutter head
  230. H380 for 300 Win Mag 190 gr. bullets
  231. Refinishing stock
  232. New reloader's shopping list
  233. Scope Recommendations for 300 Weatherby Mag
  234. Old Box
  235. Reloading slugs?
  236. Hornady ELD-X or SST
  237. Ammo ammo ammo scaricity.
  238. Tikka bottom metal for larger mag/COAL?
  239. 7mm-08 Varget Load?
  240. Sako/Tikka how its made video
  241. Wanting to rechamber my .300wsm to........?
  242. Sticky Sako Rifle Stock
  243. Spiral Flutting
  244. Any truth to trappers being able to buy pistols still?
  245. Case Trimming question
  246. Case Trimming question
  247. Ammo Online - Great Experience
  248. 6.5 prc
  249. Powder from USA
  250. #11 Percussion Caps