View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Sako Finnlight II opinions
  2. Lyman Gen 6 reviews?
  3. Nosler 180 gr Partition or Barnes 180 gr TSX for Black bear?
  4. 308 norma mag
  5. 6.5 Creed vs 270win
  6. 6.5 Creedmoor here to stay
  7. 6mm Creedmoor
  8. X-Bolt Pro worth the extra $$ over "regular" X-Bolt?
  9. 257 WBY Mag Handloads
  10. 30-06 loads
  11. Help with a stock
  12. 14 Reloading Presses Compared: the BIG Single-Stage Shootout
  13. 162 eldx
  14. 30 tc
  15. 7 MM IHMSA (International)
  16. Ruger ranch
  17. 30-06 180 grain Hornady reloads accuracy...............
  18. 280 AI reloading
  19. New Hornady A-Tip
  20. Henry Rifles adds a side-loading gate!
  21. Scope level
  22. Browning hells canyon vs stainless stalker??
  23. Ruger PC9 Carbine
  24. Do you use the same shot on bears as deer?
  25. H4350 load data from Barnes for 180 TSX bt
  26. Results from my first handloads
  27. Barrel life 6.5 Creedmoor
  28. Recommend Powder for 30-30 and 8x57.
  29. Nosler m48 long range?
  30. Tikka CTR 223
  31. Stock fitters ?
  32. Leupold freedom scope
  33. Old style Leeloader kit for 30-30?
  34. 6.5PRC or .280AI
  35. Boyd stocks in lowermainland??
  36. 7.62 x 39
  37. Reloading for 300 win
  38. Another Wildcat Cartridge
  39. 7-08 150 eldx load?
  40. Semi auto 22’s Best Lube/Oil
  41. Lightweight Blacktail rifle
  42. 300 WSM 165gr TSX H4350 load data
  43. Anyone know about old Norma ammo?
  44. 6.5 Creedmoor reload- Ring near rim
  45. Remington Autoloading Rifle
  46. Matrix contact info
  47. Hornady 30-30 Load Data
  48. best ballistics app????
  49. New Rifle Thoughts
  50. Most Powerful Lever Action?
  51. New Rifle & caliber thoughts or experience
  52. Handgun / Assault rifle ban poll
  53. Mountain goat rifle - 243 X-Bolt or 7mm-08 BLR
  54. Lapua Creedmoor brass
  55. 6.5 Grendel
  56. Scout scope on blr
  57. Stag 10 Non Restricted
  58. looking for advice
  59. Rebarrel or rebore
  60. Elmer Keith or Jack O'Connor
  61. Any shotgun history buffs here?
  62. Help me choose my next gun!!!
  63. Ammo...308 Hell's Canyon
  64. Barrett Fieldcraft???
  65. Vari-X III Elevation Dials
  66. 71/84 11 mm Mauser
  67. Not a Bad Start (6.5 PRC)
  68. On the fence about new rifle.
  69. Savage B 17 bolt failure
  70. Value On An Old Weatherby MarkV
  71. Trying to start reloading
  72. hornady sst bullets
  73. 300 Weatherby Mag Loads with Accubonds
  74. .308 exchange club in GVRD?
  75. Do you field strip your hunting rifle?
  76. Disappointing range day.
  77. Rem 700 action?
  78. Learning to Shoot “Opposite Hand”
  79. Remington Mountain Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor
  80. Custom Savage.
  81. Pushing Range and the quest for the next rifle
  82. Opinions needed please (which rifle)
  83. 150 ELD-X or 140 Accubond
  84. Boring cartridges?
  85. Low Velocity Results - Why?
  86. Hercules 2400
  87. Black Powder Rifle
  88. TC Prohunter Advice
  89. New to Reloading, How to Pick a Load
  90. Ross rifle parts, .22
  91. 338 RCM bullet/powder recipes??
  92. For You Lever Action Fans
  93. Best precision rifle builder in BC
  94. More fun with the 25-06
  95. New 8lb Jug of H4350
  96. Z3 or Vx 3i
  97. 280 remington
  98. Bench Technique
  99. Scope for Model 700 American Hunter 6.5 Creedmoor
  100. Suggestions for 270 WSM
  101. ADG Brass
  102. Marlin 1895 ring height
  103. shot shell reloading
  104. Hornady A-Tip Bullets
  105. After market component recommendations.
  106. Honestly would you buy a handgun now !
  107. Speer
  108. Cleaning Kit for 6.5 Creedmoor
  109. Remington 700 Classic in 30.06
  110. drop chart to carry on hunt
  111. High Velocity from low powder charge
  112. 270 Win - Grain question
  113. Searching my head? Again..
  114. Defiance actions?
  115. New Weatherby 6.5 RPM Cartridge
  116. 6.5x55 BJAI
  117. What factory ammo for Remington American Hunter 6.5 ?
  118. 270 PHC - Precision Hunter Cartridge
  119. Confused about my 270 Win Reloads
  120. Scope mounting video in time for hunting season
  121. Shotgun for Blacktail Deer
  122. After market rifle stocks, whats out there?
  123. How to quickly sight in your rifle video
  124. Rifle vise ?
  125. Hand gun- steps to obtaining
  126. Range and deer gun
  127. Hornady Load info 3006 Verification
  128. History for Winchester power point
  129. Round nose ammo loading question
  130. Rifle Slings
  131. New Silvercore Podcast
  132. Opinions on reloading equipment
  133. 300 rum
  134. Mark at Nechako outdoors
  135. What caliber for the wife?
  136. ABC Reports Colt Halting AR-15 Production For Civilians
  137. Gifted Rifles need some advice
  138. 45-70 Henry vs Jm 1895, school me plz
  139. split cases in Lee Enfield 303
  140. Federal Fusion ammo?
  141. Benelli Super Nova Ghost Sights
  142. First Shotgun - Dumb Question
  143. neck sizing
  144. Ruger Stainless Mark II .338 Win Mag. VALUE?
  145. There's a lot of talk about the good bullets... but what about the bad ones?
  146. Sauer 303
  147. 6.5 creedmor VS 308 Winchester
  148. Martini provenance inquiry
  149. 6.5 slr
  150. Marlin Guide Gun
  151. I picked up a Tikka T3X SS in 30-06 as my first rifle.
  152. accuracy and bullet run-out
  153. 204 ruger. The good the bad?
  154. Tikka barrel cost
  155. FMJ for barrel break-In?
  156. Sig Sauer BDX riflescopes
  157. ADG brass
  158. Magnum primer vs. large rifle primers
  159. Powder order
  160. Suggestions for a lightweight sheep rig?
  161. New Tikka CTR McMillan stock
  162. Takedown/compact full size rifle
  163. Gun selection
  164. Vx-3i CDS or other
  165. New Youth Rifle
  166. Lehigh "Xtreme Penetrator" solid copper bullets—legal?
  167. I shot my new stainless Savage 114 30-06
  168. C-I-L Model 950 rifle - looking for clip conversion advice
  169. Rem 700 bottom metal
  170. Gun values, need a little help...
  171. Subsonic .22
  172. 45/70 loads
  173. What can I rechamber a 708 to??
  174. Labradar ordered, Quickload next?
  175. KS Barrels?
  176. GEF your inbox is full!
  177. 6.5 CM vs 270 Win
  178. Help diagnosing cause of fired case sticking in the chamber
  179. Mikhail Kalashnikov, Creator of AK-47, Dies at 94
  180. Neck sizing for lever guns
  181. 6.5 oryx,mega? Advice
  182. Sako M78 .22 lr 24 3/4" heavy barrel questions
  183. Fur friendly 22-250 factory shells
  184. 6.5 wby rpm
  185. Th Smell of your Gun
  186. 300 Win Mag, 210 LRAB
  187. Gotta give a nod to Italian Sporting Goods
  188. New-to-me Savage 30-06...now what
  189. 375 H&H for deer.............
  190. 6BR vs EVERYTING
  191. 35 Remington
  192. Shootin' the boomer
  193. .300prc????
  194. Bad news!!!!!
  195. Gunwerks in Smithers.....references?
  196. Throat Geometry
  197. Tikka tx3 vs Browning x bolt
  198. why use cerecote/guncoat?
  199. 300 WSM brass?
  200. Chambering Chatter
  201. Winchester 1200 12G
  202. Winchester StaBALL 6.5 powder
  203. 300 wsm fire forming
  204. .300 RUM loads
  205. 358 Norma Magnum
  206. I shortened the boomer...........
  207. Thoughts on Weatherby Mark V Weathermark?
  208. One round to hunt the world? 375 Ruger!
  209. Firearms Question
  210. Reloading Questions/Experience/Products
  211. 401wsl
  212. Chou Brothers
  213. Ruger 10/22 Trigger
  214. Recommend me a spot to get my rifle coated in the Fraser Valley
  215. Looking for some .444 help in the Fraser valley. Anyone have a dummy round?
  216. 280 ackley
  217. New Savage rifle????
  218. Any 8mm Mauser Hunters/Reloaders
  219. Muzzle Breaks
  220. New Defiance anTI action
  221. Family Rifle 7mm-08 vs. 6.5 creedmoor
  222. 348 wcf
  223. 280AI - RL26 and Barnes lrx 145
  224. Kimber Open Range Pro Carbon
  225. Rifles to buy and build
  226. Weatherby Vanguard 2
  227. CZ 457 varmint - thoughts/experience?
  228. Skinner peep and the new BLR takedown? Anyone with experience?
  229. Hogdon powder IMR 4007 recall
  230. Cerakote and electrical tape
  231. Intermediate/Advanced Reloading Courses?
  232. Duck hunting shotguns
  233. Target sand Precision rifles
  234. Custom stock for Tikka - Recommendations???
  235. Savage Liteweight Storm
  236. LF .223 load recipes
  237. Bushnell Forge
  238. 6.5 PRC 160gr Matrix (Help)
  239. Sticker Shock
  240. 280 ackley improved
  241. Family Rifle Update
  242. Apex Flat Face trigger for M&P
  243. Rebarrel a Rem Mtn Rifle?
  244. Sightron S-Tac vs Viper HS
  245. QuickLoad Start Pressure determination
  246. Tikka weight loss program
  247. 300 wsm 178 eldx h4831 load data?
  248. Kimber Montana 280AI
  249. Sako A7 synthetic SS
  250. 300 rem saum