View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Where can I order a specific left handed Tikka T3x
  2. Custom 308 Norma Mag
  3. New hand loading set lol
  4. Reduced Load for Sporterized Rifle
  5. 7mmRM too picky
  6. Should I get an SKS?
  7. Quick Load Data - .270 win??
  8. Reloading 375H&H Ackley Imp in a Ruger #1??
  9. Barnes TTSX and fouling....Thoughts?
  10. Ruger#1 375 shooting 270gr Hornadys. Fouling?? #1 accuracy tips?
  11. Best loads for 45-70
  12. Wood Stock Rifle - value choice?
  13. New Sheep Hunting Rig
  14. 6.5 creedmoor 147gr ELD Match
  15. Surprise Surprise / No Surprise
  16. Who Shoots a 6.5-284 ?
  17. 6x48 Torx Scew source
  18. where to buy cheep .45-70 bullets for plinking?
  19. why these re loading tips ..no good
  20. Flying with Rifles Question
  21. Accubond vs partition!
  22. 6.5 creedmoor vs 243 win smackdown!
  23. Staying in Alberta but hunting in BC?
  24. Sako Finnwolf
  25. Looking for opinion on a multipurpose gun! Challenging criteria
  26. Ammo choices - new youth shooter
  27. Home or tenant insurance for reloaders
  28. 7mm-08 Load Data
  29. becoming less of a fan of RL17....
  30. #1 buckshot
  31. Sierra bullet test..........
  32. Definition of "secure locking device"
  33. Scope Damage
  34. 6.5mm 147gr eld-m performance on game
  35. Mossberg or Remington
  36. Swaro Z5 issue with Ballistic turret
  37. Neck sized or full lenth resized
  38. Sierra Gamechangers? Anyone try them yet
  39. Mod 700 BDL Stock Compatibility
  40. where tobuy cheep bullets for the .270 Win?
  41. Nosler Accubond LR - OAL inquiry
  42. Premium bullets vs cup and core.............
  43. Case shoulders are ribbed??
  44. trigger pull adjusting..light or not
  45. Sako Bolt Won’t Eject Shells
  46. Peep Sight for BLR - recommendations please
  47. 139 lrx performance on game
  48. Tikka CTR 6.5 Creed
  49. Brass
  50. Swift A-Frame Ammunition
  51. Ruger American Ranch
  52. Browning X-Bolt magazine fell out.
  53. What scope to buy
  54. 6.5x55 Swede
  55. 300 Win Mag loads for a elk hunt
  56. 338 Federal VS 358 Win
  57. Remove back sight
  58. My Maccabee Defense SLR
  59. Derya MK12
  60. Heym SR-21 300 Win Mag
  61. .30 RCBS decapping rod adapter nut
  62. What 6.5 ? Hawk Hill Barrel
  63. Hornady Precision Hunter New Loads
  64. Remington Primers
  65. Bushnell 6500 series??
  66. Browning Hells Canyon Long Range in .26 Nosler?
  67. Accuracy issues
  68. Sherman wildcat cartridges and my 338 SS
  69. Weatherby altitude
  70. Winchester clip conversion
  71. 450 Marlin Optics and Ammunition
  72. Hornadys New 300 PRC
  73. Remington trigger settlement.
  74. what is correct answer?
  75. 300 prc
  76. Best Powder for 280 Ackley
  77. Bolt Fluting service
  78. Reloader 26
  79. .338 win components
  80. 25 creedmore
  81. 270 wsm vs the 6.5 creedmore
  82. Lever action 410 questions???
  83. 200gn Barnes LRX
  84. 6.5 PRC Budget Build
  85. Trouble with new Redding die set/once fired brass
  86. Rethinking 280 AI build
  87. Talley ring height
  88. Am I crazy?
  89. 7mm-08 ANY GOOD ?
  90. If you had $2000 to spend on a hunting rifle
  91. What's your pick for the most sensible cartridge for hunting in BC
  92. 7mm-08 ... What rifles should i look for?
  93. Defiance Tenacity Action
  94. Oddball cartridges
  95. Is There a Lightweight, Left Hand 7mm-08 In My Future ??
  96. Buying a McMillan stock
  97. Chou Bros Precision
  98. 7mm Rem Mag 150gr Eld-X
  99. Sako A7 .300 Win Mag ring heigh
  100. Muzzle brake/ Flash suppresser
  101. Christensen Arms Mesa/Ridgeline
  102. HBN powder coating?
  103. A Nugget
  104. What's it worth
  105. Best Place To Purchase in LML
  106. International Barrels out of Chilliwack?
  107. Nosler - new for 2019
  108. Winchester Super X semi-auto and steel shot?
  109. 7mm08 or 6.5 creedmoor
  110. Bettinsoli Express Rifle 30-06
  111. Need some 6.5x55 reloading help
  112. New build
  113. RL26 in Canada?
  114. Custom Throating
  115. If you could have just TWO calibers for hunting all of BC, which would you choose?
  116. 6.5 Creedmoor Bullets
  117. Help with caliber
  118. Wtb Tempilaq 750
  119. .17HMR Shooting faster than advertised???
  120. 9 mm Target ammo
  121. Reminton 760 pump
  122. .280 Loads.
  123. Looking for a replacement Composit or synthetic stock
  124. COAL deviations?
  125. Rifle Anotomy
  126. 257 Roberts
  127. Marlin guide gun scope options
  128. Shot distance on game
  129. Optioock question for Tikka.
  130. Screwed up royally!!!
  131. new barrels speeding up?
  132. 280 AI Loads
  133. 6 x 47 remington trim length
  134. Top 10 Reloaded Cartridges 2016/17
  135. What's your holy grail...............
  136. puzzling 160 Matrix results today
  137. Barrel damage?
  138. .22 options?
  139. Guntech
  140. Gunsmith to install an adjustable comb
  141. Blaser K95
  142. What to do with 30 cal blank?
  143. CRF or Push Feed?
  144. 175gr LRX load for Sako A7 300 win mag.
  145. LRX loads: 6.5PRC vs. 7-08 vs. 280AI
  146. Thoughts on adjustable cheekpad on Tikka T3x Light
  147. How to clean tarnished bullets???
  148. where to buy brass for 280 remington?
  149. rebarrel vs rebore
  150. 6.5 06 or 6.5 300 wsm?
  151. Pivot scope mounts
  152. Skinner Express scope mount
  153. Recoil pad
  154. Reloading equipment- what brand etc?
  155. How do you like your model 70 coyote light?
  156. Gummy stock
  157. Gunsmith for shotgun
  158. 7mm 168 grain Accubond Long Range
  159. 338-06 Ackley Improved
  160. Brass prep
  161. Handgun Primers pack quite a Punch
  162. Hornady ELDX question
  163. Concentricity gauge etc.
  164. Rem 700 Stocks
  165. Bullet/Seating Tips and things to watch
  166. Bore guide for marlin 336
  167. Youth .22 rifle suggestions needed
  168. Predicting Accuracy Nodes
  169. 2019 WSS of BC Donation Rifle
  170. new target rifle.....cartridge input?
  171. Where to Buy SCORE shotgun slugs and 00 Buck in BC ???
  172. Who says SH*T like this !
  173. Safe Load Data for 300 Win Mag and Reloder 23
  174. Ordering Rifle Stocks from USA to Canada Update
  175. Nosler rdf bullets
  176. Best rifle setups for wolf hunting
  177. cool use for take off barrel!
  178. strange range results
  179. Vihtavuori powders
  180. Does anyone have any information or remembers Curry Bullets?
  181. Alright All You 6.5 Creedmoor Owners
  182. RemingtonJims Custom Model Seven
  183. Jury Barrels
  184. Browning .22
  185. Load development methods....a comparison!
  186. GrandDaddy's Gun
  187. Wild Cat rifles
  188. Christiansen rifles
  189. Barrels
  190. Montana Xtreme Ascent Rifle
  191. 33 Nosler
  192. Proudly Canadian- made right here in the Valley
  193. Value of antique S & W ?
  194. New rifle, What to get?
  195. 35 whelen AI neck sizing question
  196. Help with tikka 3006 and 130-150ttsx
  197. short barreled 45-70
  198. Long range hunting bullet for 338win mag
  199. Picatinny rail mounted vs. scope tube mounted?
  200. Short range hunting bullet for 2506
  201. RCBS Warranty
  202. Bullet design
  203. value of a Winchester 1890 22wrf?
  204. Reloading 16 g. Shotshells
  205. finnlight 2 vs finnlight
  206. Nikon Black X1000
  207. .22 rifle question
  208. Remington 870 Detach Mag Unboxing
  209. New Remington model 7 for 2019
  210. Temperature vs Velocity - Gunpowder
  211. U Tube Vid 6.5 CreedMoor
  212. 6.5-300 weatherby?
  213. The 22 Creedmoor
  214. Familiarity or Variety?
  215. 338 RCM Load Data
  216. You Tube
  217. Randy the GUNSMITH
  218. VLD Bullet Performance
  219. Military Markings...How to identify?
  220. Looking for data 270win 145 eldx h4350
  221. Sauer 100 Ceratech ,Aticama, Cherokee
  222. Brass
  223. 25-06 favorite loads
  224. 30-30 For Deer
  225. first range session 6.5-300 ultralight
  226. 6.5mm 129 ABLR
  227. RCBS chargemaster lite reviews?
  228. Reforming 30-06 brass to 25-06
  229. Anybody using LE Wilson Equipment?
  230. Ported turkey chokes
  231. 6.5mm 142 ABLR
  232. Need help
  233. Tikka T3X Lite vs T3X Hunter
  234. TriggerTech triggers...............
  235. The most efficient hunting cartridges
  236. 22-250 loads
  237. Advice please.
  238. .35 Whelen AI bullet choice for Grizz
  239. .204 Ruger loads
  240. Ruger no.1. What do I need to know?
  241. Fierce stocks
  242. Shotgun Choke Help
  243. Rusty Wood Trading Gunsmithing?
  244. Any experience with Rem model 7’s?
  245. Leupold rings
  246. .22 Long Loads
  247. Remington Versamax water fowler value
  248. Caught the bug, need a hand picking the right gear
  249. Barrel break in
  250. Norma 7x61 Super Brass