View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Nosler 2018 new products
  2. First Gun Recomendations
  3. Remington 783 in .270 Opinions
  4. tipton best vs lyman revolution gun vise
  5. neck turning clarification please!!
  6. 338 rum long range which bullet
  7. 280 Ackley
  8. very odd....opinions needed please!
  9. 6.5wsm
  10. From the bench of GEF, a LH 9.3x62
  11. Reading Primers
  12. Kimber Subalpine question
  13. Christenson Mesa
  14. loads for .303 Enfield(?)
  15. 168 accubond long range 7mm
  16. .284 Winchester Savage 99
  17. Winchester factory accubond LR
  18. Noted local gun collector passes
  19. I got Wood for Xmas!!
  20. .223 and 5.56 brass interchangeable?
  21. Help with understanding bullet stability
  22. Bcl 102
  23. Barnes TTSX minimum impact velocity
  24. Favourite Rifle Stock Colour
  25. Looking for someone to mould some bullets.
  26. Remington Factory Sheep Rifle
  27. Talley height question
  28. Savage Model 11
  29. Rings and bases for FN action
  30. Question: Exposed Primers
  31. Looking for a lightweight stock for Soviet SKS. Any recommendations?
  32. New Tikka Rimfire
  33. 208 grain hornady match bullet in 3006?
  34. Best case trimmer
  35. From the Bench of GEF Part 2: a LH 6.5x55
  36. SD9VE question
  37. Browning X-bolt replacement trigger spring
  38. Savage tupperware stock weight?
  39. Gunsmith wanted to build up a Load
  40. Sticky Stock on Maxus
  41. .22 LR hunting ammo?
  42. Free Partitions
  43. Scope ideas for .264 Win Mag
  44. Primer substitutions
  45. Muzzle threading recommendations
  46. Opinions on Garmin Montana 680 vs 680t ?
  47. ammo storage on the rifle
  48. Nosler ABLR BC's
  49. Aught six load
  50. RemingtonJim's 280AI Build....Finally !
  51. Sako finnlight 2
  52. First Custom Rifle Questions
  53. WSS of BC Donation Rifle
  54. Tikka & Sako rifles in 6.5 Creedmoor new for 2018
  55. Mrs Gunner needs a new deer rifle...
  56. 7mm-08 Barnes bullet
  57. Ruger 96 22win mag
  58. new shotgun...is that ok..?
  59. Marlin has some new guns out
  60. Need a scope for a savage bmag
  61. Anyone own a canuck shotgun
  62. Why I Choose Accubonds
  63. 243 winchester
  64. Unknown Reloads
  65. what are once-fired brass worth?
  66. Franchi Shotgun help
  67. Cheapest 12g pistol grip?
  68. 257 Weatherby load
  69. Alternative to sling screws?
  70. win model 70
  71. Hornady concentricity gauge
  72. BCL102 accuracy report
  73. Optimal Charge Weight
  74. Talley Rings
  75. 11mm Dovetail...Which rings to use?
  76. Remington outdoorcompany may file for bankruptcy
  77. Rechamber 6.5-284 to 264 win mag?
  78. Rifle Barrels
  79. Transporting and leaving non-restricted firearms in vehicle
  80. Hornady 6.5 PRC
  81. Doesn't anyone shoot big bore rifles anymore ?
  82. 6.5 creedmor vs 7mm-08
  83. Eld x
  84. Lightweight bottom metal for Commercial Mauser
  85. School me on - “AR15 Style” Non-Restricted Firearms
  86. Resurrecting an old family gun!
  87. Educate me on Labradar use!!
  88. 243 ackley?
  89. Practical scope for a 6.5x55
  90. For fun- .300 weatherby vs .340 weatherby-- Brown bear
  91. Brass preferences
  92. Holy Grail of hunting bullets......maybe!
  93. Minimum caliber black bear
  94. 338-06 A Square Weatherby
  95. New rifle!
  96. 6.5x55 swede or 25/06
  97. Tell me about 7 SAUM. Please!
  98. Paralyx in a Leopold Scope
  99. Gunsmith for barrel fluting
  100. Project Rifle: DIY Lightweight Mountain Rifle
  101. First try at powder coating.
  102. Kimber 8400 Superamerica .338 Win Mag
  103. Weatherby Vanguard 2 modifications
  104. What semi auto shotgun do I want or don’t ?
  105. Anyone else going to the Chilliwack gun show this weekend?
  106. Bullets for 257WB
  107. Turret System Comparison Zwaro vs Leupold
  108. No Brass On This Rock
  109. Barnes minimum impact velocities
  110. Anything interesting to build on WSM action?
  111. Durablue/Duracoat Thought?
  112. Gunsmithing / Custom Rifle question
  113. Win Model 70 bolt question
  114. Custom Build Commercial Actions
  115. Reloading 25-06
  116. Breaking it in
  117. Muzzle brake in the lower mainland
  118. What other 22's match up to the Ruger 10-22
  119. inherited 40 years of reloading supplies
  120. Buying a used 30-30
  121. Remy 700 300 wsm fuctioning.
  122. looking for RP"CASES
  123. Free Shotgun Giveaway at GunPost
  124. Winchester 1894... older than dirt
  125. Kimber problems a thing of the past??
  126. First choice hand gun
  127. Concentricity gauge
  128. Brno 602 375 H & H
  129. Making 257 WB brass
  130. 6.5 Creedmoor & Reloder 26 powder
  131. 'THE' .284 Win thread
  132. Anyone have quick load?
  133. H4350 or H4831 for 338Win 210g
  134. Hornady FTX in .308
  135. 300wby and retumbo
  136. 9.3 x 62 bullet suggestions?
  137. WIN vs W.W super headstamps
  138. Recommended Coyote Riffle - $1000
  139. Lee loader for 308
  140. Ruger American Compact Rifle in 5.56 NATO
  141. Which powder for 7mm-08?
  142. Quick detacthable scope mount for model 700
  143. 270 WSM Thread
  144. New to reloading 6.5x284 headspace question
  145. Pillar bed vs glass bedding Tikka T3
  146. Shot shell reloading
  147. Tung Oil or tru oil?
  148. Hells canyon long range x bolt
  149. Parker Hale Magnum magazine
  150. .300 wm m70 ew ss
  151. Tikka m658 rh
  152. Pressure question
  153. Hornady ELDX?
  154. Camp Gun
  155. Barnes vor-tx inconsistencies question
  156. .223 Remington Loads
  157. Wet Tumbler build.
  158. 25-06 bullets
  159. Ruger Scout rifle surprise!?!?
  160. Best old 30-30 lever??
  161. 45/70 and factory ammunition
  162. 6.5 160gr Woodleigh PP data for 6.5x55 and .264 Win Mag
  163. Tell me about the 338 Federal
  164. This one has me puzzled????
  165. So WHAT's the BETTER Cartridge ?
  166. OAL for .308
  167. Knocking a Scope out of Zero
  168. bolt problem...
  169. 9.3 Range workout :-)
  170. Best websites to order reloading components
  171. Tikka Arctic, who owns one?
  172. Winchester Wildcat 22
  173. Two 6’s and a 6.5
  174. Savage Gun Part
  175. Proof research barrels
  176. Mrs Gunners Custom 243
  177. 6.5x55AI
  178. Removing Browning Dura-Touch
  179. If You Had a Choice of Ogive on a 303 British Bullet
  180. .303 Loads for Small Game?
  181. .444 Marlin - looking for specific input
  182. 7mm wsm
  183. Quick question//thoughts?
  184. 35x300rum
  185. Painting rifles
  186. Shotgun Chamber Adapter Insert
  187. 6mm Creedmoor Custom Rifle
  188. Propellant laws
  189. 6.5 Creedmoor youth loads
  190. Best Ammo for Hells Canyon Speed in 30-06
  191. Any 325 WSM reloaders?
  192. Savage MKii FSS
  193. Barrel chop on a 303 British
  194. Value of 243 brass?
  195. Adjusting 700 remington trigger
  196. Montana Rifle Company
  197. .300 h&h online
  198. Marlin 1895 Trapper SBL
  199. new rifle ideas
  200. Norma brass 7mm rem mag
  201. Stevens 325 s x s
  202. Reloading the 357 magnum
  203. Accuracy improvement
  204. muzzle brake..accuracy
  205. 350 yard Moose/Elk Capable 14" Barreled T/C Contender Carbine in 338JDJ #2
  206. Looking For Gunsmith in Fraser Valley Area
  207. Marlin 1895 Trapper SBL
  208. New Zastava or used Husqvarna
  209. Clever Mirage Palla Solengo 12 gauge 2 3/4 Slug
  210. Savage 99 gunsmith
  211. 6.5 CM Long Range Rifle Build
  212. Speer reloading for old sytyle Grand Slams
  213. Cooey model 710 replacement stock
  214. Scope Covers?
  215. who here hunts with the 6.5 Grendel?
  216. 10/22 Takedown vs Henry AR-7
  217. New bullet : 125gr .308 AB IDEAS
  218. More shorty barreled Remington 700 30-06 accuracy......
  219. new hunting rifle for deer. .sheep..
  220. 10/22 ruger carbine custom stock options
  221. Lets Talk 6mm Creedmoor !
  222. New Scope!!! Need ring advice.
  223. H&R .308 Price
  224. Changing a full size stock to a youth stock
  225. Remington 721
  226. Anyone own a henry big boy steel carbine
  227. BAYARD Single shot 22
  228. Mauser M18 vs Sauer 100
  229. what's your favorite .45-70 load?
  230. Beretta cx4 or jr carbine 9mm
  231. porint vs. muzzle break - pros and cons?
  232. 6.5 Creedmoor vs 7mm08 rifle for deer using factory ammo?
  233. tikka t3 light ss shooting weird?
  234. anyone here shoot the .375 Winchester?
  235. 444 Marlin Load Data
  236. 458 help needed
  237. Anyone hunt with full military rifles.......
  238. Testing out the old 30-06 Mauser
  239. Warranty Service at Grech Outdoors?
  240. Barnes 70 gr TSX 223/556
  241. 223 for hunting
  242. The 7x57R Mauser
  243. 30-06 load for elk
  244. Stainless advice
  245. what's your favorite 7mm-08 load?
  246. .338 WM ammo
  247. Gun cleaning policy
  248. Well, it finally happened............
  249. best gun sling options?
  250. Gunsmith References