View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. My first handloads - any tips?
  2. 223 Remington
  3. Backup gun - 270 or 30-06? (or 243?)
  4. Rl 19, rl 22, rl 25
  5. Cleaning a Browning BLR
  6. Vortex Strike Eagle for a T3 30.06
  7. Mossberg predator MVP 223
  8. 45 grain TSX and 22-250
  9. Looking to get Into Reloading
  10. Zeiss scope....which way is up?
  11. Thinking of buying RCBS Chargemaster Combo
  12. anyone using 6.5 Creedmoor?
  13. Orange streak inside barrel near crown
  14. How does one go about selling powder?
  15. Wby vanguard series 2 .240wby
  16. What Talley Rings For Savage Axis Stainless non Accutrigger
  17. Savage Shotguns
  18. Savage lightweight Hunter
  19. 40 S & W favourite hand loads?
  20. Engraving required
  21. Favourite Shooting Technique Books
  22. durability of painted stocks
  23. 338 Win Mag 210 Nosler Part advice
  24. Scope For An Axis
  25. 33 Nosler
  26. Leupold vx6
  27. It’s coming: Non-restricted acr dmr!
  28. .223 yote/wolf/cat round to reload
  29. Savage 99F in 300 Savage
  30. T3x lite vs Xbolt
  31. Reloading Mistake - What Did I Do Here?
  32. reloading nickle plated brass
  33. More eld-x offerings
  34. Model 12 Gunsmith
  35. Nosler Brass
  36. Scope advice
  37. Winchester Model 70 XTR Feather Weight
  38. Sako 85S in 338 Federal
  39. WINCHESTER M70 extreme weather VS tikka t3
  40. Ballistic chart
  41. Really dumb question
  42. Rem 783, Axis, American, Patriot etc?
  43. can you supply a 6.5 creedmoor reamer
  44. Smith & Wesson Changing Its Name
  45. Mullet boy wants a new rifle ~ 280 Ackley
  46. Core-Lokt?
  47. Barrel Contour
  48. Any husky h5000 experts ?
  49. POI jumping six inches left?
  50. Scope for 375hh
  51. 80 grn gmx 6mm Rem?
  52. .30 06 powder
  53. New Rifle
  54. Pre 64 model 70 build questions
  55. Hells canyon speed
  56. 1967 12 gauge Franchi Identification and parts help
  57. Savage lightweight hunter 16/116
  58. Lee Case Trimmers......for the 270
  59. Ok Browning. Where's the laminate stock?
  60. The m14/305 rifle
  61. Scope cover.......what to use
  62. 45-70
  63. 303 savage
  64. Close Range Deer Rifle opinions sought
  65. Weatherby Backcountry vs Win M70 Featherweight
  66. 6.5x284 Norma loads
  67. Winchester Model 70 custom rifle
  68. Painting woodgrain on a gun stock. - pictures
  69. 270 wsm, sako vs tikka
  70. A moment of idiocy - have I done any lasting damage?
  71. In the market for a semi auto 12 ga.
  72. 300wsm brass
  73. Kimber mountain Ascent owners - stock peeling??
  74. Upgrading rifles
  75. An Unexpected Suggestion...
  76. Federal 165gr Sierra game kings
  77. Worth of ffv husqvarna 25-06
  78. 280 Rem reloading only cartridge?
  79. 223 American eagle brass???
  80. Synthetic/stainless/detachable mag/CRF...
  81. Bullet for 375 H&H
  82. What is your opinion on the flattest shooting caliber?
  83. No I am not getting out of reloading
  84. Where to start looking for a stock?
  85. OAL Reloading. Help
  86. Ammo storage ideas
  87. Looking for a recipe
  88. Its a Boy!
  89. Help me choose a scope
  90. Requesting advice on a muzzle loader
  91. Long range bullet shootout
  92. New rifle
  93. Long range 7mmsaum
  94. Experience with newer model mini14
  95. WHY do I do this----new 9.3 abuildin'
  96. LabRadar
  97. Ithaca Model 72 .22LR saddle gun
  98. Hydro-Dipping
  99. Decapping and resizing / Reloading efficiency
  100. X-bolt model questions
  101. Reduced loads
  102. Cross bolt installation on a magnum.
  103. Semi-auto 22LR's????
  104. 270 Win vs 270 WSM
  105. Ford or Chevy? Kind of....
  106. Best way to use my brass??
  107. PT&G in Canada?
  108. Hornady ELDX 178 grain 30 Cal
  109. 280 Rem Vs 280 Rem AI
  110. BL-22 sling
  111. Tikka m65 338 win mag new acquisition - chime in please
  112. Oops I did it again
  113. Rem 6.8 SPC
  114. Rem 700 Warranty
  115. remington 700 tactical 308 with 16.5" barrel -have you hunted with it?
  116. slow speeds in my 7mm?
  117. Best bullet for big game elk and moose
  118. Wood Stock Maintenance
  119. T3x Superlite
  120. Federal Premium Nosler Paritiions vs Trophy Copper in 180 grain
  121. 6.5-06 A Square
  122. Hornady OAL Tool
  123. Looking to buy Lead hardness tester and Lead Thermostad
  124. Model seven custom colors give me some ideas
  125. Barrels heavy vs light
  126. How many Lefties are on here?
  127. Stock for Savage Axis
  128. Anybody hunted with 150 gr. TSX/TTSX in their .308?
  129. Forbes Rifle Company
  130. Barnes #3 load data
  131. Guess I get to test Browning Warranty
  132. Prepping your gun for extreme cold weather
  133. Need advise on Sako 85 kodiak qd rings
  134. Buying a new shotgun.
  135. Who has a weatherby PA 459?
  136. .338-06 loads
  137. 175 gr. eld x bullets in 7mm. rem mag
  138. Hornady 9th Editition load data seems on the conservative side.
  139. New Alberta Tactical lower for my DA 50BMG
  140. Finnlight edge stock
  141. .177 Vs. .22 pellet pistol
  142. carbon barrel
  143. Weatherby Warranty
  144. Weighing brass
  145. 250-3000
  146. Kimber 280 ackley improved fire forming
  147. Remington 700 manufacture dates?
  148. Looking for gunsmith Surrey/Langley
  149. Browning BLR .308 ammo question
  150. 7mm-08 vs 270 pros and cons
  151. Transfer of ownership of firearms
  152. WTB Bulk Ammo
  153. Gas Checks
  154. New guns lets see em !
  155. Opinion - Best Brand/Caliber for Moose (yet lightweight)
  156. .308 Winchester Handloads vs. Factory
  157. savage model 110 L ?
  158. Reloading $ savings
  159. Builing new hunting and target rifle
  160. Remington 870 problem
  161. RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Deluxe Reloading Kit
  162. 240 Weatherby thoughts..
  163. Marlin 336 and new sights
  164. Bullet weight question -
  165. Choke Help
  166. Cost to rebarrel
  167. Peep site for model 94 30 30
  168. Back from the gunsmith!
  169. 6.5 prc
  170. Shooting redused load..270win
  171. .325 wsm
  172. Nikko Golden Eagle 7000
  173. BLR- whats up
  174. Swift Bullets
  175. Sheep rifle
  176. ruger
  177. browning a5 (the new one)
  178. .22/410 semi auto combo???
  179. Wanted------16Ga Stuff
  180. Electronic Scale Recommendations ???
  181. 12 gauge for grouse. Steel shot?
  182. TTSX and high velocity
  183. 12 GA reloading help
  184. bullet seating depth
  185. Load recipes for .270 win
  186. Barret field craft ultralight
  187. Nosler ballistic tip for b bear
  188. B.C. elk rifle choice
  189. You have a heart pacemaker and shoot?
  190. Info on blaser over under combo?
  191. savage 16, talley lightweight rings mounting issue
  192. 7mm 175 grain ELD X recipes?
  193. Vortex vs leopold
  194. Marlin, old and true versus new and crappy?
  195. huberconcepts.com
  196. Mag Primers in my .270 win
  197. Accubond long range seating
  198. 26 Nosler load help
  199. Left hand Wildcat stocks?
  200. Husqvarna 1600
  201. Just 1 rifle
  202. Old vs New
  203. vortex problem
  204. Bergara 6.5 Creedmoor
  205. Cerakote
  206. .223 loads?
  207. Leupold LTO Tracker
  208. 10 mm reloading die question
  209. 338 Federal and or 338RCM
  210. What can i do with old rem.
  211. The beat to death new gun 3006 or 300mag question
  212. Kimber hunter?
  213. Weighing Brass
  214. T3 and 175 Partition
  215. 338 win mag loads
  216. Chrony help please
  217. Strange drilling question
  218. The next for Me ?
  219. judging the angles??
  220. The Perfect Blacktail Rifle......
  221. NEW Savage LW Rifle
  222. Buying rifles online from person with no feedback?
  223. Dragon Mountain Machine gunsmith
  224. My 375 is finished
  225. LEH Grizzly Bear
  226. Help me decide
  227. RCBS Rebates
  228. Re-barrel Savage 114 American Classic 30-06 to 6.5-06
  229. Browning FN Safari
  230. 375 ruger performance
  231. I want one, really bad.
  232. What is everyone's outlook on Savage Rifles?
  233. how far back are your 6.5 creedmoor?
  234. 30-06 Ammo/Bullet Selection
  235. 7mm wsm 150ttsx
  236. Savage axis ejection problem
  237. .22 Long Rifle for Coyote Control on a farm in Matsqui?
  238. Bergara rifles
  239. Which pump shotgun?
  240. which 6.5 hunting round??
  241. New gun purchase
  242. Best way to appraise old guns?
  243. 6.5 creedmoor finishing reamer go/no go gauges
  244. How to free float?
  245. Old Single Shots (CIL, Cooey, etc)
  246. New semi auto shotgun question
  247. Silver coloured alloy scope mounts?
  248. .33 Nosler
  249. Another Masterpiece from Garys Bench
  250. H.a.c.s. 2 day gun show