View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Most accurate hunting Bullet - Powder combo for .300 wsm
  2. Rcbs rebate
  3. 50 bmg?
  4. .22 cal. shot?
  5. replacement stocks
  6. Elevation difference? Tempeture difference
  7. Thoughts on the Chiappa Double Badger?
  8. Dino-zombie Pack! (Marlin 1895 SBL!)
  9. Where to buy stainless steel tumbler media
  10. Low Light Level Scope?
  11. DIY $10 dollar wet or dry media tumbler
  12. Gaschecks wantet in 7mm, 9.3 & 458 also Molds and Lubesizer Dies
  13. Remington 700 280 Rem
  14. Al biesen
  15. Just wondering,,,to be or not ?
  16. Half grey/black Nosler Accubonds?
  17. Fine morning at Mission!
  18. Old reloaded cartridges, shells, powder, etc.
  19. 375 Ruger Dies
  20. Which .375 H&H Rifle?
  21. Quick detach ruger rings
  22. Temp and Humidity vs. Reloading ??
  23. Quick detach scope for marlin 1895 sbl
  24. .240 weatherby???
  25. .44 Special .44-40
  26. .308 Norma Mag. loads????
  27. Nosler E-Tip loading?
  28. 338 win mag 250 gr Berger?
  29. 25-06 brass out of 270 brass
  30. Choke Tube Installation for 12 gauge Shotgun.
  31. Lots of powder, where's the brass?
  32. stock options for model 7 build?
  33. Let's talk about bullet length and twist rates
  34. What secound rifle to buy?
  35. Reloading .358 Winchester with 225 gr NP's
  36. 30-30 Loads ?
  37. Chiappa Double Badger?
  38. 32 Special Dies
  39. Any reason for a 243 if I already have a 308?
  40. Crimping compressed loads!!
  41. Remington Mod. 7 Question
  42. 375 H&H Plinking Bullets?
  43. 300 win mag Barnes 180tsx powder grain question
  44. 257 wby pet loads?
  45. case cleaning
  46. 280 Ackley Build
  47. 9.3 Rifles
  48. Hot rod 6.5mm's
  49. Bullet weight retention Question.
  50. Fine day at Mission Range
  51. Changing an ejector plunger spring
  52. Vz 58 223
  53. Installing choke tube system for shotgun?
  54. Range Day Ridgedale Version.
  55. Inherent Accuracy
  56. Ballistics 375H&H?
  57. Pleasant surprise
  58. 338 ???
  59. Marlin 1895 Cowboy 45/70
  60. Tumbler Media Fluid ????
  61. New Marlins or Remlins....
  62. Cast Bullets
  63. Scope mounting option ?
  64. X-bolt vs Vanguard S2 in .223
  65. 300 rum reloading 200 gr barnes
  66. I made some 280 brass from virgin lapua 30-06
  67. leupold update
  68. Reloading Benches
  69. Threadlocker for scope and action screws
  70. Leupold VX3 vs Leupold VX3i
  71. 300gr 44 mag loads
  72. Best Electronic Powder Measure
  73. 257 Weatherby
  74. Rifle corrosion/damage from moisture or temperature ..
  75. Help me build my 404 Jeffrey
  76. .17hmr scope, what do you like ?
  77. Swarovski Habicht SL 10x50
  78. Lightweight Scopes
  79. Rifle - scope matching
  80. 243 deer load?
  81. Hunting bullet for 30-06?
  82. Sako 85 Kodiak .338 win mag or 375 h&h??
  83. Ring height question
  84. Is it necessary to full length size 44 mag
  85. Lightweights
  86. Wft
  87. Tikka T3 25-06
  88. Chamber ironing tool?
  89. Kimber 84L MOUNTAIN ASCENT .280 AI
  90. 325wsm
  91. 210 ABLR out of 300 wsm
  92. Preserving (and using) an older wood-stocked rifle.
  93. locktite thred locker
  94. Reloader fire in house
  95. Removing live primers
  96. Barrel heat & accuracy
  97. .300WM with 200 gr Bullet - Powder Recommendations...
  98. Some wisdom from Gale McMillan - the famous barrel manufacturer.
  99. Ballistic Coefficients
  100. 338-300 saum?!!
  101. Reloading 165 gr. GMX in a 300WM
  102. Pretty good deal on Wheeler scope mounting kit at Cabelas
  103. Knockoff 10/22
  104. Looking for help on fireforming brass
  105. Info Lieca 1600 b
  106. Rem 700 Extractor replacement
  107. Replacement trigger and safety for remmy 700
  108. Need Help with reloading
  109. CZ rimfires
  110. Outstanding !!!!!
  111. in market for new gun choices as follows
  112. Favourite Slugs
  113. RE-17 in 9.3x62????
  114. digital reloading scale
  115. Lee Collet Die not neck sizing????
  116. Muzzle Velocities with a chrony
  117. Longer Range load data for 7mm Rem Mag
  118. IMR4895 for Reduced 7-08 Loads
  119. Reticle Subtensions for ranging and aiming
  120. 235gr TSX 375 h&h
  121. Hodgedon reloading data
  122. Rifle sold as "never been fired."
  123. Scope mount / rings 10/22
  124. Finally pulled the trigger....Benelli M4.
  125. ELDX hornady
  126. A Star Re-Born
  127. Need help with determining COAL
  128. 25-06 for moose
  129. Nickel or Brass?
  130. 375H&H load data?
  131. Remmington 870 Magazine Spring follower replacement
  132. Remington 600 .222
  133. Owning both 7mm-08 and 308?
  134. 30-06 165gr Hornady SST load data
  135. Skinner Sights
  136. 30-06 and 165 gmx
  137. CZ 550 375H&H Boyd's laminate VX3 1.5-5X Slip on Limbsaver
  138. CIL 950c 30/06
  139. Weatherby vanguard 30-06 loose magazine
  140. 7-08 ttsx 140g and imr4350?
  141. 7mm Rem Mag - Necked up to .308 ???
  142. Looking for a new toy?
  143. Remington model 141 pump
  144. Troy PAR? Anyone handled, seen one?
  145. Challenger vs Brenneke?
  146. Ruger 10/22 bolt installation
  147. Looking for rl 25 powder
  148. Ideas for a Israeli 7.62 Mauser 98
  149. .225 TTSX bullets in .338WM
  150. Liberal gun prohibition starts now, with 10/22 Rugers
  151. bullet test 45-70
  152. A cpl new Weatherby Rifles !
  153. 300 gr Barnes tsx test 45-70
  154. 300 blackout question
  155. Thumbs Up For Leupold Warranty (Korth Group)
  156. Scope question
  157. Resizing die help-question.
  158. 180 and 190 Accubonds
  159. 7mm Rem Mag and 140 gr. Accubonds
  160. Federal Premium Trophy Copper?
  161. lightweight husqvarna rings
  162. Savage 99 rotary mag 300Savage w/Weaver 4K? mounted
  163. 10/22 is not the first .22 mag they have prohibited.
  164. Youth loads for .308 Win
  165. How .22 is made.
  166. 7x61 S&H Scultz and Larsen
  167. 17HMR- 100 yard ballistic gel test FMJ/VMAX/JSP/JHP
  168. Ruger FTW rifles
  169. 1968 Model 70 Win - 270 wm
  170. 73 grains of 4350 in a 300 Winchester Magnum?
  171. Just looking for second opinions about my ammo choice.
  172. Ranking factory ammunition
  173. Rings/bases for Sako 85 Finnlight
  174. Winchester Mod 52C Target Rifle
  175. Need help on first time reloading. Bullet depth
  176. First reloads a success!
  177. New lightweight hunting rifle
  178. Setting bullet depth, Factory Ammo
  179. Competition seating dies
  180. 50BMG fun!
  181. 7 mm Rem Mag
  182. Wet or Dry??
  183. Ultimate Sheep Hunting Rife
  184. Times have changed. - Don't have to pay a bundle for a great gun.
  185. 243 for elk & moose ?
  186. Which Tape?
  187. .280 Rem moose bullet
  188. Cube shaped shotgun slug defies all logic and shoots straight
  189. Nosler Ballistic tip
  190. Liberal gun prohibition continues with AR 15 ruling
  191. Taking handloads into the US??
  192. .303 Savage Brass
  193. Tikka t3 Longevity, reliability.
  194. .280 Rem. brass
  195. federal premium trophy bonded tip
  196. Hurray no more TC... and now onto the Sako!!
  197. 2 Loading questions..
  198. Ruger #1 What to with ??
  199. 300 weatherby loads
  200. New 9.3......
  201. .338 Federal?
  202. Barrel length effect on velocity and pressure
  203. Re-Barreling a model70
  204. wtb .338 win brass
  205. .270 WSM suggested recipe?
  206. chinchaga bullets
  207. C&H 444 press
  208. Begaro Rifles
  209. What To Do With Old Brass?
  210. Time for Another Scope
  211. 28 Nosler help
  212. Penetration Test
  213. Breaking in a Browning Barrel
  214. $$$ Saved From Reloading?
  215. Slip on Recoil Pad
  216. TIKKA T3 243cal. reloading question?
  217. 243 wssm????
  218. cost of changing reticle on Leupold scope
  219. 240 Weatherby Magnum
  220. Tactical gun stores
  221. Advice on How much to pay for an Enfield Jungle Carbine
  222. Stock Duplicating
  223. 30 Second Revolver Quiz
  224. Hornady ELDX 284
  225. Check out my paintjob.
  226. Speer grand slam data
  227. Brass- Lapua vs Remmington
  228. Barnes Quality Control
  229. Leupold CDS Dial srew size?
  230. How to obtain antique status?
  231. Kimber Mnt Ascent OR Sako 85 Finnlight in 300 WSM ?
  232. .223 with 70grn Barnes TSX
  233. Remington Model 14/35 remington
  234. Youth Loads- SST vs Ballistic Tip
  235. RL 17 in 250 Savage Bolt Action
  236. 338-06 Factory Ammo?
  237. LYMAN RELOADING DIES 22-250 two die set
  238. Reloader 19 and 300 WSM combinations
  239. Load data needed 3006 n 325wsm
  240. .444 marlin
  241. Reminder to remington rifle owners regarding settlement of lawsuit that alleges safet
  242. Finding 22-250 Brass...not easy is it?
  243. Remington !
  244. Value Please Schultz & Larsen 358 Norma & Brass
  245. Need help with importing a rifle
  246. Remington 760 game master reviews
  247. DIY Glass bedding
  248. "Scout" Rifle Recommendations ??
  249. Weatherby Northmark
  250. Looking for 308 win die