View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Savage MKII .22 - Anything I should know?
  2. school me on a glock
  3. Tikka t3 300 win mag magazine issue
  4. CZ BRNO verifying factory date, todays values?
  5. Mounting a scope on a Sako A7
  6. Thinking about a new rifle bit not sure what to get.
  7. Sako 85 hunter/grey wolf/finnlite.. what one...
  8. Lee load all conversion kit?
  9. Need data for H4831 in British .303
  10. My 'new' used 270 Winchester
  11. Need input: CCI 22lr hp subsonic
  12. handload misfires...WTF?
  13. reloading newbee question
  14. Long range shooting questions
  15. Questions for the "223 Guys"
  16. Gun show in Chilliwack Dec 6
  17. proof of PAL
  18. help me pimp my tikka ultralite 3006
  19. Two Brownings or one Sako?
  20. Cheap .22 recommendations?
  21. 25 35 wcf
  22. Can anyone put this brass to use
  23. Browning BLR gunsmith
  24. Hornady "precision hunter" ammo
  25. Question about making a good hunting handload for my Sako A7 .308
  26. muzzle brake ..
  27. What shot should I start in my previously loved shotgun?
  28. Liquid venom hydro dipping
  29. 348 Winchester Brass
  30. Best Cleaner For Copper Fouling
  31. Rebarrel - 338 Federal or 358 Winchester
  32. Wheeler Engineering professional scope leveling system
  33. ..22 lr FTF
  34. 6mm Remington Ackley
  35. 127 Barnes LRX loads ?
  36. Imperial Magnums ???
  37. one gun 12 gauge?
  38. gun blueing
  39. grind to fit recoil pads
  40. Tikka T3 3006 owners shell preferences
  41. Vortex Ranger 1000
  42. 7mm 08 heavy bullets experiences
  43. left handed 303 enfield or parker hale.
  44. chronograph questions
  45. 270 wsm browning A bolt
  46. New to reloading
  47. protection rifle
  48. Savage Weather Warrior Question.
  49. B&C Medalist Stock
  50. Looking For High Quality Gun Blueing
  51. 350 Remington Magnum Brass
  52. On hunting rifles: hinged floor-plates vs. Detachable mags - What do you prefer?
  53. bushnell 6500 2.5-16 scopes
  54. Should Have Been More Popular!
  55. Buying gun parts from US?
  56. Mountain Rifle Cartridges ?
  57. handgun ammo
  58. Hodgdon "Hybrid 100 V" Powder
  59. Pioneer Airbow sends arrow 450fps
  60. Savage Model 1899 250-3000
  61. making a sawed off shotgun
  62. Vanderhoof Called....
  63. Vortex Razor HD LH scopes
  64. Norinco 1911 renovation project
  65. What to do/know when selling a firearm and ammunition???
  66. FS Lyman bullet molds
  67. FS - Lyman 38-357 dies
  68. RWS LR Primers
  69. Alliant RL26
  70. Ruger 77/17 Hornet on it's way.
  71. Its Arrived !
  72. Chilliwack Gun show Jan 10
  73. Where to buy Williams peep sight
  74. Glass bedding stock around kelowna
  75. 223 or 5.56x45 Ammo
  76. Looking for a replacement stock for my Husqvarna 1600
  77. .22LR reloader
  78. Now the Big 30 Nolser !
  79. recent winchester model 70 's
  80. WTB - 300 WIN MAG Brass.
  81. winchester 225 brass
  82. 12 gauge slug reloading
  83. 300 wsm 190 accubond LR's with a 24 inch 1-13 twist
  84. New rifle dilemma
  85. Barrel Fluting
  86. 45-70 bullets wanted. 7mm and 270++++ more to trade
  87. 350 Rem Mag loads
  88. Owners of Tikka T3/Sako A7/Sako 85
  89. HW Cooey Machine& Arms Co.
  90. Looking for a smith with 22 Hornet reamer
  91. Powder for 222
  92. Found Powder
  93. Reloading Brass for .338 Lapua- Head Space concerns
  94. Reloading Brass for .338 Lapua- Head Space concerns
  95. BL22 parts
  96. Lee or rcbs dies
  97. 300wsm 165gr bullets with h4350
  98. Finally ordered my "first" hunting rifle!
  99. Handloads-280AI?
  100. Bolt-Action 7.62x39
  101. FFP focus messed up
  102. Remington Bicentennial
  103. .308 cal 125 gr Nosler BT - reduced recoil hunting and range load for the kids
  104. New Savage Logo
  105. Cerekote
  106. Which bullet for the 7x57
  107. colt 1888 .41 where can i buy
  108. M&P 9mm sights
  109. Leupold VX-R Patrol 3-9x40 opinions?
  110. The RCBS Trim Pro 2
  111. The rifle you never thought you'd own.
  112. Hammond Game getter
  113. loading gmx bullets
  114. Mossberg Patriot?
  115. XP3's ??? and a Husqua Gustaff 270
  116. Venting - WSS bull***t website pricing!
  117. Muzzle loading supplies
  118. hornady interbonds...
  119. Need Advise On Rifle Brands
  120. Weatherby ammo
  121. Norinco M4
  122. CZ 452 LUX on the way
  123. How many duds is reasonable?
  124. 3006 165gr ttsx 3150fps?
  125. Another question
  126. Need 300WSM recipes
  127. Henry Survival .22
  128. Finishing Oil for gun stock
  129. Kimber accent
  130. A WTF gun question....
  131. Accubond's gone, moving to Trophy Bonded Tip
  132. SCI - Corbett's .275 Rigby
  133. re loading mishap
  134. barnes seating depth for their data??
  135. Boyd's stock question
  136. buying a sks in lower mainland.
  137. Remington Model Seven SS Returns
  138. Neck turning using RCBS tools
  139. Lights on the range
  140. some blueing
  141. help me understand pricing
  142. Choosing Leupold Scopes & Reticles
  143. 308/30-06
  144. Victoria area reloading
  145. Right COAL for my tikka t3 270 win..and 270win SM
  146. Tikka M695 weaver style base options?
  147. Factory ammo speed : the reality
  148. Powder purchase
  149. Ruger Mini14
  150. Tumblers
  151. Reloder 19 recipes
  152. marlin 1895 SBL 45/70 price?
  153. Weatherby Vanguard Camilla for Lady Hunters
  154. 6.5 Creedmoor Rifles ?
  155. Which Scope?? 4 - 16ish 40+mm AO (or side focus) for CZ 452 .22LR
  156. Got my first reloads downrange.
  157. New Rifle Recommendations
  158. Help, 1 piece of 6mm Ackley brass
  159. New gun in the family.....again
  160. Gunsmithing
  161. One powder, what would it be?
  162. 300 Win Mag vs the 300 WSM vs 300 WBee Mag vs 300 Rum vs 308 Norma Mag
  163. Remington improvments
  164. What are your favourite cartridges?
  165. Short vs long barrel
  166. 7mm Rem Mag Loads
  167. WTH: New rifle...and something completely different for me...
  168. Looking for 7mm 162 a-amax
  169. Beware Berger quality control
  170. Any bulk powder buys happening? (lower mainland)
  171. Used kimber mnt ascent 280ai
  172. I need advice on reloading
  173. load for .260 rem. ruger compact 16.5" barrel
  174. British .303
  175. Weatherby ULTRALIGHT
  176. Reloading cost/savings
  177. 338 Brass
  178. Understanding Zeiss adjustment turrets
  179. Hornady ELD-X
  180. Ultra LIGHT Rifles
  181. Nosler reloading guide # 8
  182. Brno 21h 7x57
  183. restricted license and ATT
  184. RPAL/PAL Photos
  185. 300 Win Mag Recipes
  186. New 7mm-08
  187. 260 Remington
  188. What is your dream gun?
  189. The New Tikka T3x
  190. 8mm mauser- .323 236 grains
  191. comparing the T3
  192. looking for Gary Flach
  193. Berger loads for 7mm rsaum.
  194. Skeletonized action weigh?
  195. Case wall thickness at web
  196. 375 Ruger favorite/best powder and bullets?
  197. Progressive presses
  198. rcbs press
  199. re-boring a blr takedown??
  200. Tikka talk, rather Sako A7
  201. Grizzly draw!
  202. 300 wsm grizzly round
  203. Remington 870 vs Mossberg 500
  204. importing gun parts
  205. Rem 700 , jam
  206. load data 300 win mag
  207. What lube for Ruger 10/22 ?
  208. Serial number question for browning .22 lever action
  209. value of pacific coast militia model 94 30-30?
  210. Dillon Precision customer service
  211. 7mm rem mag
  212. Resizing primed cases after pulling bullets?
  213. 270wsm performance
  214. special thanks to .264winmag
  215. 204 Ruger
  216. Hacs gun show
  217. Advantage ammo
  218. 338 wm tikka t3 review
  219. MEC 9000G problems
  220. 223 heavy bullets
  221. need help on this one
  222. Help me decide which gun to use.
  223. 204 ruger
  224. Tikka T3 X new for 2016/17
  225. thinking of getting into reloading
  226. Barnes TSX Too much for deer?
  227. Federal Premium Trophy Bonded ammo
  228. 25wssm
  229. .338WM and RL 17
  230. Factory 30-06 ammo in an FN98 Husky - Questions
  231. 130gr for large game
  232. thinking 7mm-08 or not
  233. Barrel fouling and monolithic bullets!
  234. Coach Gun for Bear defense
  235. New rifle from ATRS...the cartridge might qualify as a magnum!
  236. Nosler E Tip pressure problems
  237. 260 Remington in Rem Model Seven
  238. Guns stolen at Hinton Lodge, AB
  239. 6.5-300 Wby Reloading
  240. Next gun to buy? Bear thumper!
  241. Restricted transport?
  242. is it possible to get a prohibited licence
  243. H4895 for reduced loads
  244. Savage Mark II FXP Bolt-Action Rifle
  245. deciding what brass to purchuse for reloading
  246. Shooting a 30-378
  247. Powder order
  248. LINO type lead
  249. tikka t3 aftermarket stocks or dealer stock
  250. Schultz and Larsen 7x61?